We imitate rust using shellac varnish, talc and stain

How to make brown?

The easiest way to get brown is to mix yellow, red and blue paints. That is, from primary colors. First, red and yellow are combined (to make orange), and then blue is added. All paints are taken in equal proportions.

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Rusting technique

Natural rust

Please note that first of all you should make sure that the metal that is to be rusted is susceptible to corrosion. Metals that contain iron are susceptible to rust. But many materials are resistant to rust, for example, chrome alloys or stainless steel. Cast iron and wrought iron will corrode well.

Copper acid solution

The instructions are:

  1. Pour 60 ml of hydrochloric acid (also called hydrochloric acid) into a container. Be sure to use safety glasses and gloves during the process.

  2. Dissolve just a little copper in acid (use coins or copper wire for this). The container should not be closed very tightly, since gases will form inside as a result of the reaction. Thus, after about a week we will obtain a solution that will provoke corrosive processes.
  3. Remove any remaining copper from the acid. Dilute the copper-acid solution with water in this proportion - for 1 measure of acid, add 50 measures of water.
  4. Strip the metal that you will rust from the paint and varnish material, and then wash the surface with a soapy solution.
  5. Apply a thin layer of acid to the metal surface. This can be done with a spray bottle or brush. Allow the material to dry in fresh air. At the same time, as before, one should not forget about safety measures (goggles and gloves), as well as good ventilation of the room.
  6. After an hour, noticeable rust will begin to appear on the metal surface. It is not so important to wash off the solution, because it will gradually evaporate naturally. If the resulting rust is not sufficient, the surface can be treated again.

Let's consider another method.

Vinegar solution and bleach

This method is best suited for metals based on tin or iron. A prerequisite is that the surface should not be primed or even coated with sealants.

The instructions are:

  • Mix one measure of vinegar and two measures of bleach in a container.
  • Stir the metal in the container so that it is completely damaged. Wait about ½ hour, and after this period, rust will begin to appear on the surface.
  • Wipe the material with a rag.
  • Until the item is completely dry, you should avoid direct contact with it to avoid damaging your skin with chlorine.
  • Fix the rust with primer. The easiest way is to use a primer in an aerosol can.

What other ways are there?

Other methods

In addition to paint with a rust effect on metal, there are other very popular methods for accelerating corrosion processes. But there are other methods. Rusting with hydrogen peroxide + salt:

  1. Pour the peroxide into a container - it is advisable to use a spray bottle, because this method will be the easiest to apply the liquid to the surface of the material.
  2. Spray metals well.
  3. Sprinkle the wet surface with salt. The metal will begin to rust almost immediately, and the intensity of the rusting will depend on the amount of salt.
  4. Let the metal dry in the fresh air. The surface cannot be wiped until it dries, as rusting will be very uneven. You can wipe the surface only after it has completely dried.

Another rusting method using vinegar and hydrogen peroxide:

  • Clean the surface (if necessary).
  • Spray peroxide over the surface from a spray bottle.
  • Spray vinegar over the surface of the metal.
  • Wait a few hours for rust to begin to appear.

Rusting with salt and lemon juice:

  • Mix four measures of lemon juice and one measure of table salt.
  • Treat the cleaned surface with the solution, and soon traces of rust will begin to appear.

Now a little about artificial methods.

Imitation rust

In order to achieve the rust effect, the material must be damaged. You can imitate rust, and at the same time you can give a rusty look to metal and other types of material, in particular wood.

Rust paint

A rusty tint will appear when yellow, red and brown pigments are mixed. You can also add a little blue color - this will give the coating depth and brightness. There is a natural pigment that, without mixing different colors, will make it possible to obtain a rusty tint. This pigment is called ocher (another name would be red lead), which is a mixture of iron oxide hydrate and clay. Natural ocher will not be an independent type of paint, and it is only a component that is added in varying quantities to paints and varnishes (enamels and paints) and primers.

In addition to this component, paints also contain other substances. The pigment has the following characteristics:

  • The coverage rate is 60-80 grams per square meter.
  • The oil capacity will be 25-35 grams per 0.1 kg of substance.
  • The pH of the water extract is from 7 to 8.

Ocher has excellent resistance to aggressive chemical substances (acids, organic solvents and alkalis), as well as resistance to moisture and light.

Imitation film

It is not necessary to buy paint with a rust effect if you can give the metal a rusty look using a special film. Below are instructions for use:

  1. degrease the surface with alcohol.

  2. Try the film elements onto the treatment surface.
  3. Moisten the metal with a special spray bottle, and the film should be glued to the wet surface better.
  4. Tear off the film from the backing.
  5. First glue the middle part of the canvas, and then smooth the edges over the surface.
  6. Dry the glued film with a hairdryer.

There is one more interesting method left.

Description of materials

Many compounds that can be used to treat corroded metal are included in the group of water-dispersed (water-diluted) primers and primer paints. The latter include phosphoric acid, which is known to bind corrosion. Painting with these solutions allows you to create a polymer film on the structure - an excellent barrier from the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Method of obtaining the effect artificially

There are those who recognize exclusively natural rust on their car, but a considerable number of car enthusiasts decide to turn to professional airbrushes for help, who, through well-chosen color shades, are able to create an attractive rust effect. From a distance, such effects look quite natural, but upon closer inspection, you can understand that this is not natural corrosion, but simple paint.

Due to the fact that the demand for painting a car with this method is only increasing, many different methods for this solution are being developed and offered. There is a fairly cost-effective and time-saving method for creating rust without simultaneously stripping the metal and without damaging the paintwork. For this purpose, it is enough to simply purchase a “rust effect” film of the appropriate color.

Work algorithm

Before painting a rusty metal structure, it must be prepared. The entire cycle of work operations can be arranged in the form of separate stages:

  1. Manipulations aimed at mechanical cleaning of the surface. Before painting a corrosive surface, it must be cleaned, otherwise the durability of the applied paintwork will be very low. A metal brush or a special drill attachment is suitable for the job;
  2. Smoothing the cleaned base with a sandblasting machine or any grinding device. Automation of the process speeds it up; manually grinding a structure is a tedious and time-consuming task;
  3. Rust can be removed with chemical compounds that dissolve it. These are many types of strong acids and alkalis.

Important: when working with chemical reagents, the master must follow safety precautions.

  1. Another option is to transform rust into a durable film. For this purpose, chemical converters are used, produced in the form of suspensions and emulsions. The drugs in this series have a significant disadvantage - the ability to change the color of the metal finish;
  2. After cleaning the surface, it should be degreased. If this step is omitted, the adhesion of the metal base will be low. It is good to wash rust with detergents containing citrus extracts. Sometimes wet cleaning causes rust stains that can be easily removed with a regular solvent;
  3. Priming a metal product. For this purpose, an inhibitor primer with iron oxide or zinc chromate is used. The product is applied strictly according to the instructions that come with the bottle. Advice: many users do not recommend using a sprayer for these purposes; manual application guarantees 100% filling of the metal pores;
  4. Final painting. Matte or glossy paint is applied in two layers. A roller or wide brush is used. Manual painting is of higher quality, since all areas are guaranteed to be covered with a protective composition.

As can be seen from the procedure described above, even a non-professional craftsman can paint rusty metal. Consistent implementation of key steps will inevitably lead to the desired result - the metal structure will be reliably protected from corrosion for some time.

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Before starting work, you should carefully prepare for the process. Before you paint over rust on your car yourself, inspect the entire car, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.

Based on the results of the inspection, an assessment is made of the extent of damage to the vehicle and a method is determined for how the corrosion will be eliminated.

It is also necessary to acquire everything necessary for carrying out repair work:

  • degreaser;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • paint;
  • grinder;
  • special varnish for the car;
  • anti-corrosion converter;
  • masking tape.


Don't forget to have a clean cloth ready. With its help, the body is pre-cleaned from dirt and dust particles.

Corrosion of metal

In this part of the article we will tell you how to make rust by accelerating the corrosion processes. This can be done through a chemical reaction, which will provoke rapid rusting of the material.

It must be taken into account that corrosion develops only in those metals that contain iron. However, even in this case, not all iron-containing metals can rust easily. For example, you should not mess with chrome alloys or stainless steel. But ordinary steel and cast iron rust very quickly.

To carry out a chemical reaction, you will need to prepare a copper-acid solution. A mixture of bleach and vinegar is also effective.

Copper acid solution

We prepare the chemical solution as follows:

Note! There is no need to rinse off the hydrochloric acid solution, as it will evaporate after some time in any case.

Bleach and vinegar mixture

This method is best used for rusting materials with the addition of tin. There is an important clarification: the metal cannot be primed or sealed before applying the solution.

Other rusting options

You can provoke corrosion using hydrogen peroxide and salt as follows:

Another way to create a rusty color on metal is to treat the metal with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide:

And finally, the metal can be rusted with a lemon-salt solution:

Rust effect on wood furniture

Imitation of rust can be done not just on metal, but even on wood. You will need two types of paint, table salt, sandpaper and varnish composition. One of the paints should be in the color that is most similar to rust. The second paint will act as the main paint, and it should match the furniture and other accessories inside the room. Before applying rust-colored paint, you should clean the surface of the wood from any types of flaws.

You can also varnish the wood. Next, paint the furniture with rust paint and wait until the surface dries a little. Apply a layer of table salt to the surface that is not completely dry. When the surface on which there is salt dries, apply the base paint. Wait for the surface to dry, and then remove the salt using fine-grained sandpaper. If you don't remove all the salt, it will create a slightly roughened effect that will enhance the rusty color. The last step is to treat the wood with a protective layer of varnish. The rust effect will give any product a completely unique and unique appearance.

Moreover, you can do all this even with your own hands. The main thing in the process of work will be to comply with the technological process and adhere to protective measures, since in most cases it will be necessary to work with chemicals that are unsafe for health.

Correcting a problematic situation using chemicals

After a thorough inspection and identification of problem areas, specialized chemicals are applied to the surface. It promotes the application of rust and prevents its spread. As a result, the metal is not damaged.

In order not to harm the material, it is necessary to carefully apply the substance to the problem area. It should be kept for a certain period of time, after which the product is wiped off or washed off.

If the surface is severely damaged, subsequent puttying, sanding and painting are carried out. Remove stains by applying the following chemicals:

  1. Car enthusiasts often use phosphoric acid. It quickly eats away rust. A pure substance is usually applied to the surface. But phosphoric acid can be used together with other chemicals. Before application, the chemical is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Using a special Neutralizer will help you easily cope with corrosion. As a result of applying the substance, rust turns into a dark-colored mass.
  3. To remove rust, the use of zinc will help. Subsequently, the metal should be galvanized.
  4. Anti-Rust paste removes visible traces of rust. The substance cannot cope with the source of the problem.

A little history

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The direction of “imitation rust” is a special tuning technique that gained popularity in Russia about 10 years ago. It is worth noting that its roots come from America, so painting a Japanese car “red onion” is not entirely correct.

The key feature of this style is the presence of a rusty body or its high-quality styling to match it. A similar effect can be achieved by using one of such methods as highlighting the paint layer, stripping to the ground or even to the metal, through corrosion.

Despite the fact that the body is given an aged look, these cars are equipped with rather expensive wheels, which also emphasize the antiquity. In this case, the rubber rim must be painted white. Elements such as the suspension, engine and underbody are brought to perfect condition through certain cleaning and grinding procedures. As for the interior, it is decorated solely at the request of the owner.

Helpful information

Tips for painting a car:

  1. The composition should not be applied to a loose layer of rust; it must be cleaned off.
  2. If the paint contains a primer, then it is used as a mono product. The number of layers must be at least 3.
  3. The coating can only be applied to a dry surface.
  4. When painting a large area, the paint is applied in stripes. In this case, each line must overlap the previous one.

You can learn a lot of important and useful information about the methods and methods of removing rust from a car here.

Painting nuances

How to paint over rust on a car is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are many options. For painting, use a special metal paint of the appropriate tone. Otherwise, it threatens with a large fine from the traffic police.

Paint the entire surface. This can be done manually with a brush. To prevent problem areas from being visible, the vehicle is painted in two or three layers. Experts recommend applying a colorless varnish over the paint.

Weathering of prefabricated models (salt technique)

The pristine appearance of combat vehicles and aircraft when they come out of the factory doesn't last very long in real life. Even in peacetime, military equipment receives rough treatment as it is subjected to exercises simulating military combat. As a result, the top layers of paint often wear off, revealing the underlying layers due to wear, corrosion, or accidents. If you don't intend to make your models new, then you will have to deal with the problem of modeling wear, damage and dirt - commonly known as weathering. The vehicle weathering portion models areas where the top coat of paint has been removed in some places to reveal previous layers of paint, primer and even metal and rust.

Imitating paint chipping can be done in several ways: – painting with a thin brush or thin stick; – dry cleaning; – using metal pencils or graphite around the edges; – scraping or cracking of the top layer. These methods can be very labor intensive and require a lot of skill. Chips in paint that have been painted on often appear to have been painted on. Using the following salt weathering method is quite quick and easy. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that every model looks more realistic with lots of weathering and paint chips. Some cars are in good condition and are regularly painted. In some military conflicts, vehicles and aircraft were destroyed before they showed any wear and tear. If you decide that your model should have weathering, you need to plan where it should be. In what place, what kind of wear and what is it caused by? For this, reference photographs prove invaluable. Make sure you know what the base surface should look like. A chipped airplane paint will likely reveal a shiny metal surface. The tank may show primer or previous coats of paint of a different color. For example, many combat vehicles from the Gulf War were sand-colored, hastily repainted in three NATO camouflage colors. In areas of impact, uniform wear will show both shiny metal and rusty parts. Knowing your subject matter also helps - many modern combat vehicles have aluminum bodies that don't rust. Also note that the realism of the model will be greater if you avoid identical paint chips placed evenly throughout the model. Step by Step Guide 1.Gather Tools and Materials The tools and materials needed are very simple and easily accessible. You will need some table salt, a small vessel with water and a brush or two (different ones). While this method isn't very harsh on the brushes, it's best to use old ones so you can clean them up a bit eventually. In this case I used regular salt, for larger scales or where you want more paint chips, rock salt is recommended. Add a little dishwashing liquid to the water, this will help the salt spread evenly and avoid lumps.

2. Preparing the model Another important component is, of course, the model. For this demonstration I'm using my "double" tank, an older model that I keep specifically for experimenting with new techniques. The front of the tank was sprayed with Vallejo's "Rust" which is a good base color. This color can represent both rust and primer, but it is not suitable for cars made of aluminum as they will not rust.

Protect your new paint

Your newly refinished metal object will need a touch up or repainting from time to time. To extend the life of outdoor furniture and equipment, use protective covers and store them indoors during the off-season.

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If you want to try the Rat Look style on your car, but do not want to spoil the body with natural rust, then there is a film with a corrosion effect especially for you. It is important to understand that the development of a sticker must be carried out individually for your car in order to repeat all the indentations and bends of the body.

The question of how to paint over rust on a car with your own hands is easy to solve. In the article you can see how to do this correctly at home. And step-by-step photos will help you do the job better.

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