Gas-cylinder equipment belongs to the high-risk class. When performing work using such devices, you need to know the rules
Working with various materials requires the use of high-quality cutting tools. Most of the required types have standard
How is the steel grade determined? During the production cycle, everything is simple and clear - metal
In the production of rolled metal, two methods for producing steel sheets are widely used - hot and cold.
Operating principle Automatic darkening of the chameleon mask is ensured by the presence of light filters made on the basis of liquid crystals.
In fact, gas-dynamic cold spray technology is a more advanced version of the long-proven
Chemical composition of 35L structural steel. The consumer properties of 35L steel are determined by the percentage of carbon and
What are the alloys? At the moment there are many alloys that are used in all industries
Various machine tools can be used to process metal sheets and parts. One of the most
This video lesson from the OchumeletsTV channel is about how to cast plastic at home.