Training NAKS - Certification of welders and welding production specialists at NAKS

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offers its assistance in training and certification of welders and welding production specialists at NAKS.

The presence of NAKS certificates for welding production is required for welders and specialists in order to perform work at hazardous production facilities, in accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor.

Bagro Olga Olegovna
Expert in advanced training and certification

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Why do you get a NAKS certificate?

A state-level organization, NAKS, conducts certification of workers, issues relevant documents and controls the qualifications of employees of enterprises related to welding production.
The NAKS certification certificate gives the right to carry out the job descriptions of a welder in hazardous industries, in accordance with the regulations of the inspection bodies and Rostechnadzor.

In the field of hazardous production activities, a specialist will be able to work with various technical devices:

  • Gas, boiler, metallurgical equipment.
  • Oil and gas production installations.
  • Equipment for transporting dangerous goods of different hazard classes.
  • Lifting and transport units and building structures.
  • Devices of the petrochemical, chemical, oil refining industries, fire and explosion hazardous industries.

Certification of welding equipment

Based on the requirements of RD 03-614-03 “Procedure for the use of welding equipment in the manufacture, installation, repair and reconstruction of technical devices for hazardous production facilities”, certification of welding equipment used in the manufacture, installation, repair and reconstruction of technical devices for hazardous production facilities , is mandatory.

The main purpose of welding equipment certification is to independently verify its ability to produce high-quality welds.

How to obtain a NAKS certificate for welding equipment

Organizations that manufacture, repair or install devices for hazardous production facilities can apply for certification.

Before submitting an application to participate in the tests, you should collect the necessary package of documents. It includes:

  • company card and bank details
  • passport of the organization that manufactured the equipment that is planned to be used
  • original certificate of conformity of the Russian Federation and two copies certified according to GOST R 7.0.97-2016
  • data on operating conditions
  • technological maps for welded joints that will be performed
  • Welding equipment logbook, which contains all data on repairs, inspections and movements
  • copies of documents of certified welders of the company staff
  • certificates for the welding materials used
  • photocopies of documents of a specialist monitoring the welding process at the enterprise
  • certificate of certification of laboratory non-destructive testing
  • if there is a certificate for the type of welding equipment in the industry, then it must also be provided

Licensing of welding equipment is carried out by comparing the actual technological characteristics with those indicated in the passport of the manufacturer. The ability of the equipment to provide the specified welding quality when working at hazardous production facilities is also assessed.

The certification process consists of two parts: special and practical tests.

Special tests:

  • Initially, documents for welding equipment are subject to control for compliance with GOST standards
  • Next, the technical characteristics of the welding equipment are checked for compliance with the parameters stated in the passport data

Practical tests:

The essence of the tests is to evaluate the welding properties of equipment according to GOST according to the declared welding method and type of equipment. Welding of control welded joints is carried out, which correspond to the declared scope of licensing.

If the test is successfully passed, the customer company receives a certification certificate for welding equipment.

And this is what the NAKS certificate for welding electrodes UONI-13/55 looks like.

Why do you get a NAKS certificate?

A state-level organization, NAKS, conducts certification of workers, issues relevant documents and controls the qualifications of employees of enterprises related to welding production.

The NAKS certification certificate gives the right to carry out the job descriptions of a welder in hazardous industries, in accordance with the regulations of the inspection bodies and Rostekhnadzor.

In the field of hazardous production activities, a specialist will be able to work with various technical devices:

  • Gas, boiler, metallurgical equipment.
  • Oil and gas production installations.
  • Equipment for transporting dangerous goods of different hazard classes.
  • Lifting and transport units and building structures.
  • Devices of the petrochemical, chemical, oil refining industries, fire and explosion hazardous industries.

NAKS certification involves monitoring the skills of specialists and welders in several methods of surfacing and welding: from automatic argon-arc, gas and high-frequency to mechanized and manual.

When the registry does not provide data

We have already described in detail instructions on how to quickly check NAKS by last name, but sometimes annoying misunderstandings occur when the system does not provide information on correctly entered data about a person who has recently completed advanced training courses at the certification center.
The following reasons may occur here: firstly, the occurrence of failures or errors in the operation of the system cannot be ruled out, but such an incident occurs extremely rarely; secondly, users often enter data incorrectly, using capital letters, forgetting to change the case; thirdly, a random error may occur when entering the digits of the ID number.

If any of the listed errors are present, the computer system will not provide the requested data, so carefully check the entry of the last name and numbers; if it does not work, then repeat the request again . A negative result may occur due to the fact that two weeks have not yet passed since the end of the course and the register has not received data about the requested person. Such delays are allowed within a month from the date of certification.

If the permissible deadlines have passed, and this welder and certificate are not in the register, this means that the certificate of completion of the courses is fake.

Such a welder must undergo repeated training at the NAKS center, but at personal expense, in order to officially receive certification.

About the validity period of the certificate

The validity period of the document directly depends on the level obtained after certification:

  • The first level is primary certification, valid for 2 years from the date of obtaining the qualification “NAKS welder”.
  • The second level awards the qualification “master welder”, which gives the specialist the right to exercise control, monitor the welding process and issue orders for certain operations of the work process. The second level certificate is valid for three years.
  • The third level – confirms the qualification of “technologist”; this specialist exercises full control over welding work in the organization. You will have to undergo NAKS certification again after 3 years, since the validity period will expire.
  • The fourth level is engineers belonging to the management team of welding services. Their powers include: regulation of welding processes, approval and verification of documentation.

Search for certified welders

Finding yourself in NAKS in order to check the validity of the certificate issued during certification is quite simple - a link is inserted in the Google or Yandex search engine and the official website opens. The search is carried out by last name or personal mark; complete filling out of the form is not required.

After entering the above data, a window opens where the system requires you to confirm that the login was not carried out by a robot - complete the task of selecting the presented pictures and click the window that says “I am not a robot.” Then press the Filter button, after which the system will open all the registry data. If you have a common surname, then enter the full first and middle name, not just the initials, the address of the certificate issuing center and the dates of the exams. There are no restrictions on displaying any data in the NAKS catalogue.

The key labeled “More details” opens a list of permissions that the holder of the certificate has , for example, to oil production or operation of equipment for boiler houses. Therefore, it is quite simple to find yourself in the NAKS by personal mark or surname in the register, and information about the validity period of the issued certificate, the rank received and the position held becomes available.

It is impossible to independently change the information available in the registry or add false information.

Types of welding

Certification is carried out taking into account the welding methods that must be used for specific equipment. The certificate of an employee who has access to hazardous production facilities must indicate what type of welding the specialist must carry out. Here is a breakdown of the most common abbreviations.

  • RAD – argon arc welding, carried out manually with a tungsten electrode.
  • AMA is argon arc welding, carried out automatically with a refractory electrode.
  • AADP is argon arc welding using a consumable electrode, which must be carried out automatically.
  • APG is argon arc welding using a consumable electrode, which is carried out in an environment of active gases.
  • API – flux-cored wire welding, which occurs in an inert gas environment. You must select automatic mode.
  • APS – welding with self-shielding flux-cored wire, which also occurs automatically.
  • AF – automatic welding, which uses flux.
  • G – gas welding.
  • RD – manual welding with an electric arc, which is carried out using coated electrodes.
  • KTS – resistance spot welding.
  • MAWP is mechanized welding in an argon environment, which is carried out using a consumable electrode.
  • MP – mechanized welding, which occurs in an environment of active gases using a consumable electrode.
  • MPS – mechanized welding using self-shielding flux-cored wire.
  • ES – electroslag welding.


The competitiveness of a welder with a NAKS certificate is much higher. When choosing from two candidates for a similar position, the employer is more likely to give preference to a specialist with NAKS certification. Since a welder with a certificate has a significant prerogative. Certification by the National Welding Control Agency is practical proof that a specialist has the professional skills and knowledge to perform welding work provided for by the NAKS system.

NAKS certified welding equipment also has a number of advantages. Firstly, the presence of a certificate is a contribution to the reputation of the manufacturer. Secondly, the NAKS certificate provides a competitive advantage when participating in tenders for welding work. And finally, the NAKS certificate is a guarantee that this welding equipment is capable of providing high-quality welded joints, and its operation is safe for workers.

More information can be found on the official website of NAKS.

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