How much do welders earn in Russia and other countries?

salary reviews

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What we thought

. Average and median salaries are calculated based on recent vacancies found with the stated salary offer. Thus, calculated wages characterize to a greater extent the supply of the labor market (based on vacancies), and NOT the actual wages that workers receive. Calculated salaries are approximate values.

106538.0 rub.

average salary
for a 'welder' (Russia).

average salary

for 'welder', calculated on the basis of vacancies, shows the arithmetic average of salaries from the vacancies found (the number of such vacancies for 'welder' is 8344).

103000.0 rub.

median salary
for 'welder' (Russia).

Median salary

for 'welder', calculated on the basis of vacancies, shows that half (~4172) of the 8344 vacancies found for 'welder' (with a specified salary) correspond to a salary below the median (

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The concept of 'welder' is considered as a general concept, therefore, when calculating salaries for 'welder', vacancies for the following specializations are also taken into account: 'welder (semi-automatic)', 'argon welder', 'welder (argon)', 'welder-installer', 'welder assistant', 'welding engineer' and so on.

Specializations are listed in the "Salary statistics for some professions and specializations" section: perhaps salary surveys for the specified specializations will be more useful.

Salary levels that most often correspond to vacancies from the sample under consideration for 'welder' (Russia): RUB 119,000.0.

Such a salary is also called
a modal salary

Salary overview as of 02/24/2022. Vacancies with the specified salary for 'welder' (Russia) found: 8344. Total vacancies for 'welder' (Russia): 9031.

What vacancies were considered when calculating salaries: search for vacancies by the presence of the words 'WELDER' (or their synonyms) inside the vacancy title. Job search area (location): 'RUSSIA'.

Thus, the salary analysis was carried out on the basis of 8344 vacancies. with the specified salary, which is ~92% of the total number of vacancies (=9031) for 'welder' (Russia).

Salary statistics for some professions and specializations

A large share of vacancies falls on the following professions and specialties: welder (semi-automatic), argon welder, welder (argon), welder-installer, welder's assistant.
Overview of salaries for some professions and specializations

Profession, positionAverage salary, rub.Median salary, many vacancies with salaries were taken into account // total vacancies // date of calculation of salaries
welder (semi-automatic)112983.0115000.01678 vac. (with salary) 1700 vac. 02/16/2022
argon welder111209.0119000.0268 vac. (with salary) 292 vac. 02/05/2022
welder (argon)120393.0119000.0135 vac. (with salary) 144 vac. 02/05/2022
welder-installer94600.0103000.0120 vac. (with salary) 126 vac. 02/11/2022
welder's assistant72895.071000.019 vac. (with salary) 21 vac. 03/01/2022
welding engineer67000.055000.011 vac. (with salary) 16 vac. 02/10/2022

How much does a welder of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 categories earn?

So, let's figure out how much they pay a first-class welder, and how much they pay a sixth-class welder. I’ll say right away that the cost of labor is approximate and depends on many factors. With the same approach, different welders can obtain different results, taking into account all the above nuances.

  • 1st category welder - does not meet the minimum requirements, needs to improve his qualifications. Such welders are not hired.
  • Welder 2nd category - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • 3rd category welder - around 30 thousand rubles.
  • Welder 4th category - from 30 to 40 thousand rubles.
  • 5th category welder - about 40-50 thousand rubles.
  • Welder 6th category - more than 50 thousand rubles.

By the way, a welder of the sixth category can do everything that welders of previous categories can do. However, a 6th grade welder has higher experience and skills. Even in the absence of specific instructions on the drawing, a welder of the sixth category must be able to independently decide how best to perform a particular weld.

As you can see, being a welder is quite a promising job, and most importantly interesting. In addition, if you constantly gain experience and improve your rank, you can receive a good salary in the future. In addition, welders retire earlier. But perhaps the most important thing is that a good welder can always find a part-time job.

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Salary statistics for 'welder' by city

Leaders in the number of vacancies for 'welder': St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ufa, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk.

Leaders in terms of average salary for 'welder': Syktyvkar, Yakutsk, Sterlitamak, Nizhny Tagil, Irkutsk.
Overview of salaries for 'welder' by city

LocalityAverage salary, rub.Median salary, many vacancies with salaries were taken into account // total vacancies // date of calculation of salaries
Saint Petersburg100393.091000.0321 vac. (with salary) 355 vac. 03/04/2022
Moscow98312.091000.0295 vac. (with salary) 334 vac. 01/22/2022
Ufa131541.0131000.0195 vac. (with salary) 221 vac. 01/23/2022
Omsk115354.0119000.0182 vac. (with salary) 197 vac. 01/24/2022
Krasnoyarsk109595.0113000.0168 vac. (with salary) 191 vac. 01/23/2022
Chelyabinsk110287.0107000.0174 vac. (with salary) 187 vac. 01/23/2022
Novosibirsk108764.099000.0161 vac. (with salary) 186 vac. 01/22/2022
Nizhny Novgorod88863.075000.0161 vac. (with salary) 171 vac. 01/23/2022
Ekaterinburg120192.0119000.0151 vac. (with salary) 166 vac. 01/22/2022
Krasnodar109015.0111000.0137 vac. (with salary) 150 vac. 01/23/2022
Permian108488.099000.0129 vac. (with salary) 140 vac. 01/23/2022
Tyumen131423.0131000.0124 vac. (with salary) 131 vac. 01/23/2022
Samara111812.0111000.0109 vac. (with salary) 120 vac. 01/23/2022
Rostov-on-Don107526.099000.0114 vac. (with salary) 118 vac. 01/23/2022
Kazan107468.0103000.0111 vac. (with salary) 114 vac. 01/23/2022
Irkutsk137291.0143000.0103 vac. (with salary) 113 vac. 01/23/2022
Volgograd129034.0131000.0103 vac. (with salary) 108 vac. 01/23/2022
Izhevsk108628.0101000.086 vac. (with salary) 92 vac. 01/23/2022
Voronezh101955.0105000.088 vac. (with salary) 91 vac. 01/23/2022
Barnaul100220.093000.082 vac. (with salary) 90 vac. 01/23/2022
Orenburg134520.0135000.075 vac. (with salary) 80 vac. 01/23/2022
Naberezhnye Chelny96813.087000.075 vac. (with salary) 80 vac. 01/24/2022
Yaroslavl85849.067000.073 vac. (with salary) 78 vac. 01/23/2022
Saratov108373.0111000.067 vac. (with salary) 73 vac. 01/23/2022
Tolyatti85847.071000.059 vac. (with salary) 70 vac. 01/23/2022
Tula94403.099000.067 vac. (with salary) 70 vac. 01/25/2022
Novokuznetsk75062.059000.065 vac. (with salary) 69 vac. 01/24/2022
Kemerovo101175.0103000.057 vac. (with salary) 65 vac. 01/23/2022
Tomsk115240.0119000.050 vac. (with salary) 59 vac. 01/23/2022
Khabarovsk120120.0119000.050 vac. (with salary) 58 vac. 01/23/2022
Lipetsk97196.095000.051 vac. (with salary) 58 vac. 01/24/2022
Belgorod100556.0101000.054 vac. (with salary) 57 vac. 01/25/2022
Ulyanovsk109148.0109000.054 vac. (with salary) 56 vac. 01/23/2022
Penza95816.095000.049 vac. (with salary) 56 vac. 01/24/2022
Kirov (Kirov region)100887.091000.053 vac. (with salary) 56 vac. 01/24/2022
Cheboksary91231.077000.052 vac. (with salary) 55 vac. 01/25/2022
Kaluga97468.0107000.047 vac. (with salary) 55 vac. 01/25/2022
Mound116923.0101000.052 vac. (with salary) 54 vac. 01/26/2022
Tver98137.095000.051 vac. (with salary) 53 vac. 01/25/2022
Magnitogorsk113970.0113000.050 vac. (with salary) 53 vac. 01/25/2022
Vladimir94081.099000.043 vac. (with salary) 44 vac. 01/25/2022
Ryazan97500.099000.040 vac. (with salary) 42 vac. 01/24/2022
Sterlitamak141556.0131000.036 vac. (with salary) 37 vac. 01/30/2022
Biysk97235.0119000.034 vac. (with salary) 36 vac. 12/28/2021
Bryansk112600.0119000.035 vac. (with salary) 35 vac. 01/25/2022
Smolensk112257.0123000.035 vac. (with salary) 35 vac. 01/25/2022
Chita121323.0127000.031 vac. (with salary) 34 vac. 01/25/2022
Blagoveshchensk (Amur region)123857.0119000.028 vac. (with salary) 34 vac. 01/31/2022
Ulan-Ude112500.0119000.032 vac. (with salary) 33 vac. 01/25/2022
Surgut124290.0119000.031 vac. (with salary) 33 vac. 01/25/2022
Velikiy Novgorod109267.0113000.030 vac. (with salary) 33 vac. 01/31/2022
Ivanovo (Ivanovo region)100333.099000.030 vac. (with salary) 32 vac. 01/25/2022
Arkhangelsk123966.0119000.029 vac. (with salary) 32 vac. 01/25/2022
Astrakhan136714.0131000.028 vac. (with salary) 29 vac. 01/24/2022
Kaliningrad108500.0109000.024 vac. (with salary) 29 vac. 01/25/2022
Kursk109759.0119000.029 vac. (with salary) 29 vac. 01/25/2022
Saransk100931.099000.029 vac. (with salary) 29 vac. 01/25/2022
Yoshkar-Ola95414.095000.029 vac. (with salary) 29 vac. 01/30/2022
Tambov106704.0111000.027 vac. (with salary) 28 vac. 01/26/2022
Nizhnevartovsk125600.0125000.020 vac. (with salary) 28 vac. 01/30/2022
Norilsk123000.0119000.027 vac. (with salary) 28 vac. 02/02/2022
Cherepovets105261.099000.023 vac. (with salary) 26 vac. 01/25/2022
Murmansk123000.0127000.022 vac. (with salary) 26 vac. 01/26/2022
Abakan115727.0121000.022 vac. (with salary) 25 vac. 02/01/2022
Vladivostok132600.0121000.020 vac. (with salary) 24 vac. 01/23/2022
Eagle101167.0103000.024 vac. (with salary) 24 vac. 01/26/2022
Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region)77000.067000.022 vac. (with salary) 23 vac. 01/25/2022
Kostroma96895.0111000.019 vac. (with salary) 22 vac. 01/30/2022
Podolsk (Moscow region)92000.095000.020 vac. (with salary) 21 vac. 01/26/2022
Nizhnekamsk116263.0111000.019 vac. (with salary) 21 vac. 01/31/2022
Taganrog89000.093000.020 vac. (with salary) 20 vac. 01/31/2022
Nizhny Tagil140111.0121000.018 vac. (with salary) 19 vac. 01/25/2022
Vologda107000.0103000.017 vac. (with salary) 19 vac. 01/26/2022
Sochi83471.071000.017 vac. (with salary) 18 vac. 02/01/2022
Petrozavodsk83500.069000.016 vac. (with salary) 18 vac. 01/26/2022
Novorossiysk86500.0101000.016 vac. (with salary) 18 vac. 02/01/2022
Volzhsky (Volgograd region)95706.0111000.017 vac. (with salary) 17 vac. 03/04/2022
Mines95941.099000.017 vac. (with salary) 17 vac. 03/03/2022
Almetyevsk85400.079000.015 vac. (with salary) 17 vac. 01/06/2022
Orsk128231.0131000.013 vac. (with salary) 16 vac. 02/16/2022
Pskov113857.0123000.014 vac. (with salary) 16 vac. 02/01/2022
Bratsk135000.0143000.014 vac. (with salary) 14 vac. 01/31/2022
Volgodonsk125462.099000.013 vac. (with salary) 14 vac. 01/05/2022
Novocherkassk82143.081000.014 vac. (with salary) 14 vac. 01/05/2022
Angarsk75615.059000.013 vac. (with salary) 13 vac. 01/19/2022
Lyubertsy76846.071000.013 vac. (with salary) 13 vac. 02/01/2022
Yakutsk143800.0157000.010 vac. (with salary) 12 vac. 01/25/2022
Engels83364.071000.011 vac. (with salary) 12 vac. 01/31/2022
Stary Oskol77182.071000.011 vac. (with salary) 12 vac. 01/19/2022
Prokopyevsk69333.061000.012 vac. (with salary) 12 vac. 01/25/2022
Kamensk-Uralsky90200.097000.010 vac. (with salary) 12 vac. 01/06/2022
Syktyvkar153400.0149000.010 vac. (with salary) 11 vac. 01/31/2022
Sizran106636.0111000.011 vac. (with salary) 11 vac. 01/06/2022
Zlatoust110111.0103000.09 vac. (with salary) 11 vac. 01/06/2022
Khimki87000.093000.010 vac. (with salary) 10 vac. 01/18/2022
Komsomolsk-on-Amur98111.095000.09 vac. (with salary) 9 vac. 01/31/2022
Elektrostal78333.081000.06 vac. (with salary) 8 vac. 01/07/2022
Balashikha77857.083000.07 vac. (with salary) 7 vac. 01/24/2022
Balakovo83000.081000.06 vac. (with salary) 7 vac. 01/25/2022
Rybinsk88714.067000.07 vac. (with salary) 7 vac. 01/28/2022
Severodvinsk86200.067000.05 vac. (with salary) 7 vac. 03/01/2022
Mytishchi103667.093000.06 vac. (with salary) 6 vac. 01/23/2022
Korolev71800.067000.05 vac. (with salary) 5 vac. 05/06/2021
Krasnogorsk75800.071000.05 vac. (with salary) 5 vac. 01/05/2022

How does the change of ranks occur?

For example, if a welder with the 3rd category, working in a large organization, wants to receive the next category, he should contact the qualification commission with an application, and then a date for the corresponding tests will be set. You must pass the exam and receive the required document indicating the assignment of the rank.

In small enterprises, there is no other way to increase the grades of their employees other than sending them to a training center for advanced training courses . In this case, you need to look for a center that deals specifically with assigning a rank, and not issuing a certificate of listening to the course material. The received certificate is provided to the personnel department and accounting department at the place of work. Increasing the rank guarantees that the employee receives a higher salary.

job descriptions
: Technical service “I approve” ___________________________________ __________ _______________________ (organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position name of the organization, manager or other official) of the person authorized to approve the job description) “__” ___________________ 20__ year M.P. Job description of an electric and gas welder of the 6th category _______________________________________________________________________ (full name of the organization, enterprise indicating the organizational and legal form) This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. General provisions 1.1. An electric gas welder of the 6th category belongs to the category of workers. 1.2. An electric and gas welder of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of _________________________________________ upon (position of the head of the enterprise, organization) on the recommendation of __________________________________________________________. (head of a structural unit, other official) 1.3. A person with special professional education and work experience in the specialty of at least ________ years is appointed to the position of electric and gas welder of the 6th category. 1.4. An electric gas welder of the 6th category is guided in his work by: - ​​regulations, as well as instructions and methodological recommendations regulating activities in the field of welding work; — the charter of the enterprise; — internal labor regulations; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions and fire protection during welding work; — orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor; - this job description. 1.5. An electric gas welder of the 6th category must know: - electrical circuits and designs of various welding machines, automatic, semi-automatic and power supplies; — technological properties of welded metals, including high-alloy steels, as well as deposited metal and metal being planed; — design and principle of operation of serviced electric welding machines and devices for arc welding of alternating and direct current, gas welding and gas cutting equipment, gas generators, electric welding automatic and semi-automatic machines, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; — rules for using the burners, reducers, and cylinders used; — methods and basic techniques of tack welding; — forms of cutting a seam for welding; — types of welded joints and types of seams; — rules for ensuring protection when welding in shielding gas; — selection of technological sequence for applying welds; — rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; — types of grooves and designation of welds on the drawings; — basic properties of electrodes, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids used in welding; — permissible residual gas pressure in cylinders; — purpose and brands of fluxes used in welding; — purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; — causes of defects during welding and ways to prevent them; - characteristics of the gas flame; scrap dimensions according to the state standard; — requirements for the weld seam and surfaces after air planing; — methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades; - properties and importance of electrode coatings; — structure of the weld; — methods of testing them and types of control; — rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and welding; — rules for selecting a metal heating mode depending on the grade of metal and its thickness; — causes of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them; — basic technological techniques for welding and surfacing parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys; — cutting mode and gas consumption for oxygen and gas-electric cutting; — methods for producing and storing the most common gases: acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, propane-butane, used in gas welding; — process of gas cutting of alloy steel; — the influence of heat treatment on the properties of the weld, rules for cutting metals under water; — a variety of titanium alloys, their welding and mechanical properties; — kinematic diagrams of automatic and semi-automatic machines, basic design of electronic control circuits; — rules for training robots and rules for working with robotic systems; — types of corrosion and factors causing it; — methods of special testing of welded products and the purpose of each of them; — main types of heat treatment of welded joints; — basics of weld metallography; — varieties of titanium alloys, their welding and mechanical properties; — kinematic diagrams of automatic and semi-automatic machines, basic design of electronic control circuits; — rules for training robots and rules for working with robotic systems; — types of corrosion and factors causing it; — methods of special testing of welded products and the purpose of each of them; — main types of heat treatment of welded joints; — basics of weld metallography; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection. 1.6. An electric gas welder of the 6th category reports directly to ______ _______________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position of the head of the structural unit) 1.7. During the absence of an electric gas welder of the 6th category (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance. 2. Functions 2.1. An electric gas welder of the 6th category is assigned the following functions: - manual arc, plasma and gas welding of particularly complex apparatus, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high blood pressure; — manual arc and gas-electric welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration; — automatic welding of various structures from alloyed special steels, titanium and other alloys on specially designed machines, multi-arc, multi-electrode machines and machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, on automatic manipulators (robots); — mechanized welding of devices, components, pipeline structures, building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, when performing welds in the ceiling position and on a vertical plane; — welding of experimental structures made of metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as titanium and titanium alloys; — welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld. 3. Job responsibilities 3.1. To perform the functions assigned to him, an electric gas welder of the 6th category is required to perform the following types of work: - welding of beams of overhead bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and above; beams of working platforms of open-hearth shops, structures of bunkers and unloading platforms of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for heavy-duty cranes, booms of walking excavators; boiler drums with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm); — welding of parts from non-ferrous metals of air separation units of oxygen shops; — welding during the installation of gas tanks and tanks for petroleum products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m or more; — welding during the installation of main gas and oil product pipelines; — welding of parts and assemblies made of non-ferrous metals operating under pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm); spherical and drop-shaped containers and coatings; containers, caps, spheres and vacuum pipelines; — double seam welding of drill pipe joints and couplings; — welding of blades and wheel blades of working gas turbine compressors, steam turbines, powerful blowers; — welding of ammonia synthesis columns; structures made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys; — welding during installation of structures of radio masts, television towers and power line supports; — welding of structures made of low-magnetic steels; — welding and fusing of shells of steam turbine boxes; — welding of stator housings of large turbogenerators with hydrogen and hydrogen-water cooling; housings of heavy laser engines and presses; — straightening of bottoms, welding of critical components with a one-sided butt weld of steam boilers; — welding of feet and rustles of drill bits, drilling steam conduits; — soldering of rotor blades and turbine stators; — welding when eliminating ruptures in oil and gas pipelines; — welding of pipeline piping for oil and gas wells and boundary filling wells; wiring of pulse turbines and boilers; tanks and structures made of double-layer steel and other bimetals; reinforcement bars for reinforced concrete structures of split forms; structures of span metal and reinforced concrete bridges; tubular elements of steam boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm); pressure pipelines, spiral chambers and impeller chambers of hydroelectric turbines; — welding during installation of pipelines for external gas supply networks of medium and high pressure; — welding of technological pipelines of categories I and II (groups), as well as steam and water pipelines of categories I and II. 4. Rights 4.1. An electric and gas welder of the 6th category has the right to: - all social guarantees provided for by law; — demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their official duties and the exercise of rights; — demand the creation of conditions for the performance of official duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory; — get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities; — submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration; — request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor the documents necessary to perform their official duties; - improve your professional qualifications. 5. Responsibility 5.1. An electric and gas welder of the 6th category is responsible: - for failure to perform or improper performance of his job duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The job description has been developed in accordance with __________________. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit _________________________ (initials, surname) (signature) “__” ________________ 20__ Approved by: Head of the Legal Department _____________________________ (initials, surname) (signature) “__” ________________ 20__ With instructions familiarized with: _________________________ (initials, surname) (signature) “__” ________________ 20__

What education and experience should you have?

Electric welders of the 6th category must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • available technologies for melting metal, physics and chemistry, electrical engineering (at the level of a qualified electrician);
  • properties of various gases used for protection against oxidation (for gas welders);
  • knowledge of the principles of operation of the equipment and devices used, have experience in their use;
  • mastering instructions for safe work performance;
  • have excellent vision and physical fitness;
  • dexterity and flexibility;
  • perseverance;
  • hard work.

Compliance with industrial sanitation and labor protection requirements also plays a huge role.

Comparison with other countries

Welders in Europe have the highest incomes, while salaries in the CIS countries are considered the lowest. Specialists in Belgium, the USA and Finland earn much more (about 3000-3500 euros) and a little less in Germany and the Czech Republic (from 1000 to 3000).

An Estonian welder can earn up to 1,400 euros, while in Belarus and Ukraine wages are minimal regardless of qualifications. The maximum payment amount in these countries does not exceed 600 euros at the official rate.

If we compare how much a welder earns in post-Soviet countries, earnings are higher in Russia, and lower in Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Belarus. Among the European countries, the leaders are Finland, Germany and Belgium. Welders in the USA and Australia earn good income. Specialists from the Russian Federation are in the middle of the salary ranking.

What are the professional responsibilities?

You can get a welding profession at a college or school, but upon graduation, only the 3rd category is assigned, although there are 6 in total. High-class specialists receive the 6th category, but for this they must have not only theoretical knowledge, but also professional skills and specific skills.

Responsibilities of an electric gas welder:

  • performing welding of any complexity;
  • argon arc, gas, plasma welding;
  • preparation and cleaning of material;
  • work with any metals;
  • cutting straight and oblique holes;
  • elimination of defects in parts and equipment using a welding machine;
  • welding parts in hard-to-reach places.

An experienced welder must read the drawings, know the operating principle and internal structure of welding machines. Knowledge of the properties of metals, competent selection and use of necessary consumables is required.

A qualified worker understands the principles of weld construction, types and types of connections. While working, it is important to follow fire safety precautions and your own safety.

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