Aluminium, steel or titanium? Choosing the material for camping utensils

What properties distinguish titanium from aluminum and steel?

Compared to steel and aluminum alloys, titanium has several distinctive advantages.
Specialists from MTK MAZPROM briefly outlined the essence of these features. Thus, the difference between these materials is manifested in the following physical and mechanical parameters.

  • Melting temperature. For titanium it is three times higher than for aluminum, and approximately 120–150 ˚С higher than for steel.
  • Weight. Titanium alloy is heavier than aluminum, but lighter than steel.
  • Strength. According to this indicator, titanium is superior to both steel and aluminum.
  • Thermal conductivity. In this respect, titanium differs only slightly from austenitic chromium-nickel steel.
  • Electrical resistance. It all depends on the chemical composition and temperature. Pure titanium alloy has approximately the same electrical resistivity as chromium-nickel austenitic steel. Another thing is technical titanium. At a temperature of +800 ˚С its electrical resistivity is 1.5 times higher than that of steel. At a temperature of +20˚С - 1.5 times less.
  • Elasticity. To bend a titanium sheet, it needs to be heated to 400–500˚C. Working with aluminum is easier.
  • Corrosion resistance. The surface of rolled titanium is covered with a protective film of titanium oxides and nitrides. At temperatures below +600 ˚С the material does not oxidize. The combination of alloying additives makes it even more resistant to corrosion. This is one of the key differences from steel.

You can view all the physical and mechanical properties of titanium right now in the “Directory” section of the website.


Pure mathematics

In this approach, metal identification is done by weight. The disadvantage of the method occurs when only one type of metal is available . To determine in your hands that it cannot be made heavier, you have to resort to mathematical calculations. This is facilitated by significant differences in the density of metals:

  • titanium – 4.5;
  • iron – 7.8;
  • aluminum and duralumin – 2.7.

To use this method for determining titanium in your household, you need to have accurate scales.

Parameter values ​​are given in g/cc. It remains to add that the density of steel depends on the specific grade of metal. However, in absolute terms these differences are insignificant. Therefore, the density of steel can be safely taken as the value of a similar characteristic of iron.

All that remains is to clarify the volume and weight of the part or piece of metal. Further, simple calculations will show whether it is aluminum, steel or the desired metal – titanium. How to determine the volume of a part with a complex shape? The best option here is Archimedes' law. The mass of the ejected liquid, when immersing a metal structure, allows you to determine its volume. The situation is simplified by the density of water, equivalent to 1 kg/cubic dm. Accordingly, each gram of ejected liquid is equal to one cubic centimeter of volume.

Main Difference – Titanium vs Stainless Steel

Metals and metal alloys are very important substances in industry and construction. Titanium is a well-known metal for its applications in the space industry. Steel is a metal alloy. It consists of iron and some other elements. Steel is widely used all over the world for several reasons such as low cost, ease of production, strength, etc. There are different grades of steel depending on their properties. Stainless steel is this type of steel. The main difference between titanium and stainless steel is that titanium is a metal, while stainless steel is a metal alloy.

Keya Areas Covered

1. What is Titanium - Definition, Properties, Uses 2. What is Stainless Steel - Definition, Different Types, Chemical Composition 3. What is the Difference Between Titanium and Stainless Steel - Comparison of Main Differences

Key Terms: Austenitic Stainless Steel, Biocompatibility, Corrosion, Duplex Stainless Steel, Ferritic Stainless Steel, Martensitic Stainless Steel, Metal, Metal Alloy, Precipitate Hardening Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel, Steel, Titanium


As you can see, even at home, it is quite possible to distinguish titanium from aluminum and steel. The most practical options are spark and glass . For the first case, any abrasive surface is sufficient, even asphalt or hardened concrete. The bright sparkle of titanium is successfully used by bikers by installing horseshoes made of this metal on their shoes. The mark on the glass is beneficial because the metal is not damaged. A relative disadvantage is that some titanium alloys do not leave a pattern. But for pure metal this is the best option.

What is titanium

Titanium is a chemical element designated by the symbol "Ti". The atomic number of Titan is 22. This means that one Titan atom has 22 protons in its nucleus. It is a silver-gray metal. The atomic weight of this metal is 47.87. This indicates that one mole of titanium has a weight of 47 g. Therefore, the molar mass of titanium is 47.87 g/mol.

Titanium is a d-block element on the periodic table of elements. Since its atomic number is 22, the electron configuration of titanium is [Ar]3d. 2 4s 2 , At room temperature and pressure, titanium is in the solid phase. The melting point of this metal is about 1668°C. The boiling point is about 3287°C.

Titanium has a high strength-to-weight ratio. This means that this metal has high strength compared to its weight. It also has excellent corrosion resistance and high heat transfer efficiency. These specific properties make titanium an excellent metal for construction purposes.

Figure 1: Titanium is used to make spacecraft engines and airframes.

One of the main uses of titanium metal is in the aerospace industry. Since it is a lightweight metal with high strength, titanium is used to produce spacecraft parts such as engines, airframes, etc. Titanium is also used to produce pipes for transporting chemicals due to its resistance to corrosion.

According to recent research, titanium is highly biocompatible. This means that it is ignored by the human immune system. Therefore, titanium can be used to replace damaged hip or knee bones. The property of corrosion resistance is also useful in this application.

What is stainless steel

Stainless steel is a metal alloy consisting of iron and chromium, as well as some other elements such as nickel, molybdenum, titanium and copper. Stainless steel is a type of steel. The chromium content in stainless steel is about 10-30%.

The most desirable property of stainless steel is its corrosion resistance. Unlike ordinary steel, it does not corrode; therefore there is no rust. This property makes it useful in kitchen and medical products as it can be safely used in humid environments. Stainless steel can withstand high temperatures. Therefore, stainless steel is used to make kitchen items. Unlike regular steel, stainless steel has a shiny appearance that is very attractive.

Figure 2: Stainless steel is used to make kitchen items.

There are five types of stainless steel. They are;

  • austenitic
  • ferritic
  • martensitic
  • duplex
  • Curing of sediments

Austenitic stainless steel is the most weldable stainless steel. This contributes to the majority of stainless steel in the steel market. Ferritic stainless steel consists of trace amounts of nickel, chromium and carbon. This steel has good ductility and ductility. Martensitic stainless steel is another type of stainless steel that contains about 20% chromium. Duplex stainless steel is primarily used in piping applications. Precipitation hardening chromium-nickel stainless steel This alloy allows stainless steel to be strengthened by solutions and aging heat treatments.

Anodizing test

It is known that as a result of natural oxidation in air, a layer of TiO2 oxide is formed on the surface of titanium. By electrochemical method it is possible to obtain an oxide layer with a coloring effect. To carry out the experiment, you need a 12-volt car battery or several Krona batteries. The titanium sample is connected with a wire to the “+” electrode. Any iron rod wrapped in a piece of cloth soaked in saline solution or any other conductive liquid (vinegar, cola) is connected to the “-” electrode. If you run this cloth over a titanium surface, it will instantly become colored, which will never happen with stainless and aluminum products.

There are a number of other testing methods that allow us to distinguish real titanium from other metals that surround us in everyday life. For example, titanium objects seem warmer upon tactile contact. If you heat one part of the part, the other will remain cold, which indicates its low thermal conductivity. Cutting titanium is much more difficult than other metals. Material particles stick to the blade, making cutting unstable and unsafe. To accurately determine titanium, it is recommended to carry out not one, but several methods.

Difference between titanium and stainless steel


Titanium: Titanium is a metal designated by the symbol “Ti”.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a metal alloy consisting of iron and chromium, as well as some other elements.


Titanium: Titanium is biocompatible.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is not biocompatible.

Titanium: Titanium is light in weight compared to its strength.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is heavy.


Titanium: Titanium is denser than stainless steel.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is less dense than titanium.


Titanium: Titanium is used in the aerospace industry and is used for hip and knee replacements.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is used to make kitchen and medical products.


Titanium is a well-known metallic substance due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. It has many uses in the aerospace industry. Stainless steel is known for its corrosion resistance, which is not found in other types of steel. The main difference between titanium and stainless steel is that titanium is a metal, while stainless steel is a metal alloy.

Determination by mass

The lightest of these three metals is aluminum, the heaviest is steel. For example, a titanium plate will be one and a half times heavier than an aluminum one and two times lighter than a steel one. If there is nothing to compare the sample with, then you will have to use a mathematical method. The density of the metals in question is known to us and is:

  • for titanium – 4.5 g/cm³
  • for aluminum – 2.7 g/cm³
  • for stainless steel 7.8 g/cm³

This is the mass per unit volume. All that remains is to weigh the product on precise scales and determine its volume. If the product has a complex shape, then it is easier to find out the volume using the Archimedean method. Dip the sample into a container of water and determine the required value by the volume of water displaced. All that remains is to calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume, and then check whether it corresponds to the density of titanium.

Strength of titanium compared to steel

Many people are interested in the slightly mysterious and not fully studied titanium - a metal whose properties are somewhat ambiguous. Metal is both the strongest and most fragile.

It was discovered by two scientists with a difference of 6 years - the Englishman W. Gregor and the German M. Klaproth. The name titan is associated, on the one hand, with the mythical titans, supernatural and fearless, and on the other hand, with Titania, the queen of fairies. This is one of the most common materials in nature, but the process of obtaining pure metal is particularly complex.

Drawings on glass

This is the most accessible method of how to distinguish titanium at home, but you need to master it and have experience working with titanium. Metal leaves characteristic indelible marks on glass and tiles . It is enough to run the sharpened edge of the metal along one of the specified materials. These are marks, not scratches. Windows of public transport are often painted in a similar way. You can wash titanium graphics on tiles with a solution of hydrofluoric acid; you should handle it with extreme caution.

This method is simple and effective. Titanium, contrary to popular belief, leaves a mark even on dirty glass. So there is no need to degrease its surface. On the contrary, any grade of steel and aluminum can barely scratch the glass. This is an excellent method to identify titanium.

Properties of titanium

22 chemical element of D. Mendeleev's table Titanium (Ti) belongs to group 4 of period 4.

The color of titanium is silver-white with a pronounced shine. Its glare shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

This is one of the refractory metals. It melts at a temperature of +1660 °C (±20°). Titanium is paramagnetic: it is not magnetized in a magnetic field and is not pushed out of it. The metal is characterized by low density and high strength. But the peculiarity of this material is that even minimal impurities of other chemical elements radically change its properties. In the presence of an insignificant proportion of other metals, titanium loses its heat resistance, and the minimum of non-metallic substances in its composition makes the alloy brittle. This feature determines the presence of 2 types of material: pure and technical.

  1. Pure titanium is used where a very light substance that can withstand heavy loads and ultra-high temperature ranges is required.
  2. The technical material is used where parameters such as lightness, strength and corrosion resistance are valued.

The substance has the property of anisotropy. This means that the metal can change its physical characteristics based on the force applied. You should pay attention to this feature when planning the use of the material.

Studies of the properties of titanium under normal conditions confirm its inertness. The substance does not react to elements in the surrounding atmosphere. Parameter changes begin when the temperature rises to +400°C and above. Titanium reacts with oxygen, can ignite in nitrogen, and absorbs gases. These properties make it difficult to obtain a pure substance and its alloys. Titanium production is based on the use of expensive vacuum equipment.

Titanium and competition with other metals

This metal is constantly compared to aluminum and iron alloys. Many chemical properties of titanium are significantly better than those of competitors:

  1. In terms of mechanical strength, titanium is 2 times greater than iron, and aluminum 6 times. Its strength increases with decreasing temperature, which is not observed among competitors. The anti-corrosion characteristics of titanium significantly exceed those of other metals.
  2. At ambient temperatures the metal is completely inert. But when the temperature rises above +200°C, the substance begins to absorb hydrogen, changing its characteristics.
  3. At higher temperatures, titanium reacts with other chemical elements. It has a high specific strength, which is 2 times higher than the properties of the best iron alloys.
  4. The anti-corrosion properties of titanium significantly exceed those of aluminum and stainless steel.
  5. The substance does not conduct electricity well. Titanium has an electrical resistivity 5 times higher than that of iron, 20 times higher than that of aluminum, and 10 times higher than magnesium.
  6. Titanium is characterized by low thermal conductivity, this is due to its low coefficient of thermal expansion. It is 3 times less than that of iron, and 12 times less than that of aluminum.

Identification by mark on glass

This method is the easiest and is based on the ability of titanium to stick to glass during friction, that is, you can draw with it. The same effect is observed when running a sharp edge over a smooth tile, which is due to the high coefficient of friction of pure titanium. If stainless steel scratches a glass surface, then, to your great surprise, this hard metal does not damage the glass, but leaves a characteristic metallic mark on it, which can only be washed off with very strong hydrofluoric acid. Aluminum cannot damage glass or paint on it. It should also be noted that some titanium alloys also do not leave a pattern.

How is titanium obtained?

The material ranks 10th in distribution in nature. There are about 70 minerals containing titanium in the form of titanic acid or titanium dioxide. The most common of them and containing a high percentage of metal derivatives are:

The main deposits of titanium ores are located in the USA, Great Britain, Japan, large deposits have been discovered in Russia, Ukraine, Canada, France, Spain, and Belgium.

Extracting metal from them is very expensive. Scientists have developed 4 methods for producing titanium, each of which is functional and effectively used in industry:

  1. Magnesium-thermal method. The extracted raw materials containing titanium impurities are processed and titanium dioxide is obtained. This substance is subjected to chlorination in mine or salt chlorinators at elevated temperatures. The process is very slow and is carried out in the presence of a carbon catalyst. In this case, solid dioxide is converted into a gaseous substance - titanium tetrachloride. The resulting material is reduced with magnesium or sodium. The alloy formed during the reaction is heated in a vacuum unit to ultra-high temperatures. As a result of the reaction, magnesium and its compounds with chlorine evaporate. At the end of the process, a sponge-like material is obtained. It is melted and high quality titanium is obtained.
  2. Calcium hydride method. The ore is subjected to a chemical reaction to produce titanium hydride. The next stage is the separation of the substance into its components. Titanium and hydrogen are released during heating in vacuum units. At the end of the process, calcium oxide is obtained, which is washed with weak acids. The first two methods relate to industrial production. They make it possible to obtain pure titanium in the shortest possible time at relatively low costs.
  3. Electrolysis method. Titanium compounds are exposed to high current. Depending on the feedstock, compounds are divided into components: chlorine, oxygen and titanium.
  4. Iodide method or refining. Titanium dioxide obtained from minerals is doused with iodine vapor. As a result of the reaction, titanium iodide is formed, which is heated to a high temperature - +1300 ... + 1400 ° C and is exposed to electric current. In this case, the following components are isolated from the source material: iodine and titanium. The metal obtained by this method has no impurities or additives.

Abrasive wheel

An ideal way to distinguish titanium from stainless steel for owners of a sharpening machine (which, in fact, is not at all necessary). However, almost any abrasive surface will do, even asphalt. The contact of titanium with an abrasive is accompanied by a scattering of rich white sparks. The interaction of steel with an abrasive surface is characterized by a yellow or red tint. There are significantly fewer sparks.

Stainless steel grades are fireproof. Processing of certain brands of stainless steel occurs without sparks at all. This property is used in fire hazardous industries. Only stainless steel tools are allowed there. A similar technique is used in the question of how to distinguish titanium from aluminum. Grinding of the latter on an abrasive wheel also occurs practically without sparks.

This method of determining titanium can be called the most effective - the color of the spark will indeed be different from other metals. In general, the spark test is one of the most popular and correct for determining and recognizing different metals.

Video - how to distinguish titanium from magnesium and aluminum:

Areas of use

The use of titanium depends on the degree of its purification from impurities. The presence of even a small amount of other chemical elements in the composition of a titanium alloy radically changes its physical and mechanical characteristics.

Titanium with a certain amount of impurities is called technical titanium. It has high corrosion resistance, it is a lightweight and very durable material. Its use depends on these and other indicators.

  • In the chemical industry, heat exchangers, pipes of various diameters, fittings, housings and parts for pumps for various purposes are made from titanium and its alloys. The substance is indispensable in places where high strength and resistance to acids are required.
  • In transport, titanium is used for the manufacture of parts and assemblies for bicycles, cars, railway cars and trains. The use of the material reduces the weight of rolling stock and cars, and gives lightness and strength to bicycle parts.
  • Titanium is of great importance in the naval department. Parts and hull elements for submarines, propellers for boats and helicopters are made from it.
  • The construction industry uses zinc-titanium alloy. It is used as a finishing material for facades and roofs. This very durable alloy has an important property: it can be used to make architectural parts of the most fantastic configuration. It can take any form.
  • In the last decade, titanium has been widely used in the oil industry. Its alloys are used in the manufacture of equipment for ultra-deep drilling. The material is used to manufacture equipment for offshore oil and gas production.
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