How to wash off flux after soldering - purchased and homemade washes

Soldering is a simple job that many craftsmen and radio amateurs face. The process always uses flux, a reagent that helps the solder distribute better. After soldering, it is better to remove the remaining flux - this will protect the solder area, and the work itself will look neater.

Deciding how to wash off the flux after soldering is quite simple. To do this, use special cleaning products, alcohol or products with acetone. You will have to act carefully so as not to touch the diodes.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Clean the board after soldering. How to quickly and easily wash off flux.

To clean the boards from flux, you will need:
alcohol or special removers, a toothbrush and a microfiber cloth.
You can clean the board from flux residues as follows:
using a brush, apply alcohol or a special remover to the board and remove the remaining flux. Using microfiber, you can easily remove flux that has dissolved in alcohol. In this case, you do not need to rub the board (as when using a regular rag), clinging to the terminals of the components. Simply applying microfiber to the board is enough. It will perfectly absorb all the “excess”.

More details with pictures:

Why remove flux from the board after soldering:

Fluxes are different: especially active ones can damage the board over time, and some fluxes are completely conductive. Therefore, even a properly sealed board filled with flux may easily not work or stop working after a while.

But even if the flux does not require washing (for example, SKF), the cleaned board looks much more beautiful and neat.

Acetone and other similar solvents are quite aggressive.
Do not forget that some of the components are in plastic cases. Board cleaning process:
Let's take a freshly soldered Gamma headphone amplifier as an experimental board:


How to wash off flux

Good afternoon, community!

After reviewing various fluxes on YouTube, I realized that my TT from Keller, which is declared as indelible, may very well come across as slightly fake and give a residual from 10 kOhm to several hundred kOhm. If anyone uses this, they know that it is washed off with alcohol rather lousily, so the question is, I have a GUNK contact cleaner, can it remove flux, or is it better to buy the same FLUX OFF or something similar?

No duplicates found

Galoshes, isopropyl alcohol

nail polish remover, cheap, cleans well

Toothbrush and isopropyl alcohol.

Flux Off or isopropanol

the second is a brush and a stream of water (TT base is Vaseline)

third - try “Mr. Muscle”, and also rub it with a brush

I have wood alcohol - it cleans well.

ummm wood alcohol is also methanol, a very dangerous substance.

I would have answered you if I had not gone blind from drinking methanol.

You can wash the board in water, or use Mr. Muscle or gasoline.

I gave a choice of 4.

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