How to clean a copper pot well at home

Using dirty dishes is unhygienic and sometimes life-threatening. Microbes that can cause infection or intoxication can live on the surface and inside the Turks. Some housewives are afraid of damaging the coating of the dishes, so they prefer not to use products. In fact, cleaning a copper Turk is not difficult, you just need to choose the right method.

Choose wisely

Turka or cezve is a special vessel in which you can prepare natural aromatic coffee. Its peculiarity is a wide bottom and a narrow neck. This shape helps preserve the aroma of the coffee beans, and the thicker contents settle to the bottom faster.

Professionals recommend buying cookware made of copper, as it ensures uniform heating of the liquid and complete extraction of coffee oils.

Additional selection criteria:

  • the diameter of the neck is 2-3 times smaller than the bottom;
  • wall thickness – 1.5 mm;
  • the handle is long, located at an angle;
  • volume - 100-150 ml.

Find out more in the article “How to choose the right copper Turk”.

Cleaning Copper Coins

Coins made of copper are no longer issued in our time, and many such products in the hands of the population are of antique value. That is why the question of how to effectively and at the same time carefully clean such coins is quite relevant.

You can restore the former attractiveness of copper coins using several methods. The choice of each of them depends on the nature and degree of contamination. So, depending on what color the plaque has formed on the surface of the old copper coin, you can clean it using one of the methods listed below.

  • If there is a yellowish coating on the surface of the coin (this indicates that it has been in contact with a lead product), then it should be cleaned with a 9% vinegar solution.
  • Clearly green plaque is cleaned with a 10% citric acid solution.
  • Coins made from copper may also have a reddish coating. Such a coin is cleaned by dipping it in a 5% ammonia solution or ammonium carbonate.

Calculate the use of chemicals depending on the degree of contamination

Old coins made from copper may have a layer of patina, which gives them a more noble and aged appearance. If there is no such plaque, you can create it yourself, even at home. To do this, use a solution consisting of a liter of distilled water, 50 grams of copper sulfate and 5 grams of potassium permanganate. The resulting solution is heated over low heat, without bringing it to a boil, and then coins are placed in it, which must be covered with a layer of patina. They are periodically turned over, and when the color of their surface acquires the desired shade, they are removed. To consolidate the effect obtained, the surface of completely dried coins can be treated with benzene and alcohol mixed in equal proportions.


Rules for caring for copper cookware

Take care of your cezve regularly to maintain its presentable appearance and extend its service life.

Rules of care:

  1. The Turk should be washed immediately after use and separately from other dishes.
  2. Use water for washing and rinsing at the same temperature.
  3. Always wipe the coffee pot dry.
  4. Periodically polish the top surface with a woolen cloth.
  5. Store the cezve in a dry place; at a humidity of 50% or higher, copper oxidizes.

Do you follow all the rules of care?

Not really

Terms of use

Every coffee connoisseur will confirm that if the drink boils, it loses all its value - its exquisite aroma and taste. For this reason, coffee should be brewed rather than boiled. It happens like this:

  • you should pour ground coffee into the container;
  • add sugar to taste;
  • fill with cold water;
  • place the Turk on a stove or sand and wait for the liquid to heat up;
  • mix thoroughly until foam forms;
  • When the first bubbles appear and the foam darkens, the Turk should be removed from the stove or sand.

You cannot place a copper pot on a glass-ceramic stove. Be sure to use an adapter that will prevent direct contact between the copper and the surface of the plate.

List and features of cleaning products

It is important

To return your dishes to their original appearance, read the recommendations on how to clean a copper pot so as not to damage it. Not all products are suitable for this procedure.

You can remove dirt with special detergents for copper: Starwax, Gipfel, Magic Power, Stellar kitchen.

Traditional methods are also suitable, the characteristics of which are given below.

Before the procedure, determine the reaction of copper to the selected component. Treat a small area of ​​the surface of the Turka. If nothing happens after 15-20 minutes, use the product without fear.

Citric acid or lemon juice

To remove stains from the outer surface of the cezve, you can use both components.

Prepare a working solution of citric acid in the following proportion: 2 tsp. products for 250 ml of water. Apply evenly to darkened areas.

Cut the lemon in half, sprinkle the halves with fine salt and clean the problem areas.

Expert opinion

Vadim Kudryavtsev

Coffee expert, professional barista and simply in love with this aromatic drink.

Ask the barista a question

The method will help remove dark areas, but if copper comes into contact with acid or juice for a long time, it will have the opposite effect. Therefore, after the procedure, thoroughly rinse off any remaining substances.

Vinegar and table salt

You cannot use vinegar in its pure form - this will lead to oxidation of the metal. Therefore, to clean the cezve, prepare a dough based on this component.

Combine 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour and 50 ml of 9-15% vinegar. The consistency of the dough should be uniform. To avoid burning your hands, wear rubber gloves.

Use finely ground salt to remove stains. Large particles will scratch the metal. For severe stains, combine this component with vinegar in a 3:1 ratio.

Baking soda

To return the copper surface to a presentable appearance and get rid of coffee residues if it is burnt, boil the coffee pot in a soda solution.

To do this, dissolve 30 g of the cleaning component in 1 liter of water. Pour the solution into a deep container so that it covers the cezve and place on fire. Boil for 1.5 hours. The method is long, but removes dirt well.

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When working with ammonia, follow safety precautions - wear rubber gloves and a mask. Otherwise, you will be burned by the liquid or inhale it.

Ammonia removes old and stubborn stains. Before cleaning, prepare a solution: dilute ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:2.

After the procedure, wash off the alcohol from the surface of the cezve with warm soapy water. Otherwise it will bind oxide and contaminants. This will make further cleaning more difficult.

Vegetable brine and tomato paste

100 g of tomatoes contain 25 mg of ascorbic acid. It will help quickly remove plaque from the copper surface. You can use fresh tomatoes or ketchup based on them.

Apply the paste to problem areas and rub. Cheap ketchup, even expired ones, will do the job better.

Cabbage or cucumber pickle is suitable for removing dark spots. If there is only a little liquid, soak a cloth in it and wipe the copper surface. If there is enough brine, immerse the cezve in it and wait 7-10 minutes.

Milk serum

25% lactic acid, which is found in dairy products, helps clean the internal and external surfaces of the cezve.

Take a deep container, pour the whey into it and heat it to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Immerse the coffee pot in the liquid for half an hour. During this time, the dark spots will disappear.

Toothpaste and powder

If you use toothpaste, choose a brand that does not contain large abrasive particles: REMBRANDT, PRESIDENT Activ, SPLAT Extreme White, Bionics, Forest Balm.

Abrasives scratch the surface of the Turk and spoil the appearance. To remove stains, apply the component to the brush and wipe the problem areas.

Using tooth powder is a dry cleaning method. Apply the component to a napkin and clean the surface with intense circular movements. Then rinse and wipe the bowl dry.

A similar procedure can be carried out with chalk and flour.

Useful tips

  • If the bottom of the cezve is not clean enough, use a fine powder (chalk, tooth powder, fine salt or soda).
  • Do not forget that metal does not tolerate sharp temperature contrasts. You cannot immediately immerse a hot Turk into cold water, and vice versa.
  • Store the product so that its surface does not come into contact with other dishes.
  • Try to wash the vessel thoroughly immediately after each preparation of coffee. Then plaque will not form quickly.
  • Do not use harsh household chemicals, especially chlorine-based ones, to clean copper.
  • For long-term storage, the container is wrapped in paper or cotton cloth.

Now you know how to clean your copper pot yourself using simple means and without damaging its surface. With proper care, such cezves last for many years and can be passed on from generation to generation.

What not to use

We found out how to clean a copper Turk outside and inside. Now let's talk about what you should not use to clean copper.

It is prohibited to use hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. When reacting with oxygen and acids, copper begins to dissolve. Therefore, avoid products that contain these components.

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When using the dry cleaning method, do not use powders that contain large abrasive particles. They scratch the surface of the Turks.

Basic Precautions

It is not recommended to use abrasive particles to clean the internal surface. The latter is less resistant to damage. Scratches and cracks on the inner walls often become places for bacteria to accumulate. Natural dyes easily penetrate into such areas, which aggravates the problem.

The use of steel wool and abrasive sponges should be avoided. They are capable of leaving scratches on the surface of the Turk.

To prevent the appearance of plaque, it is not recommended to boil dishes until dry. Plastic and wooden spoons should be used to prepare coffee. Metal cutlery damages copper. Turkey cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

How to clean a Turk

How to prepare dishes

There is no need to specially prepare the Turk for cleaning. Simply rinse off the coffee residue, rinse the dishes and wipe dry. Take the appropriate product and start cleaning.

Remember the safety precautions when using vinegar and ammonia, which are described above.

Cleaning from the inside

When making a cezve, the inside is coated with a special layer to prevent copper particles from getting into the drink. Tin is most often used for this. Clean the Turk carefully so as not to disturb the protective layer.

Algorithm of actions for the wet cleaning method:

  1. Prepare a deep container to immerse the Turk in it.
  2. Fill it with a solution of vinegar, baking soda, table salt, citric acid, brine, and whey.
  3. Immerse the copper bowl in the liquid.
  4. Boil for 1.5 hours, add solution as it evaporates.
  5. Remove the container from the heat and cool.
  6. Take a brush that fits through the narrow neck of the cezve and wipe the inside surface.
  7. Remove the coffee pot from the container, rinse with warm water, and wipe with a dry soft cloth until it shines.

For the dry method, apply the powder to a soft-bristled brush and wipe the inside of the Turk. Do this until the plaque disappears. Wipe with a paper towel.

Using ketchup

Tomato sauce contains citric acid, so ketchup perfectly cleans dark spots on the Turk. Experts say that you can use the cheapest or even expired ketchup, which is no longer suitable for consumption. Dirt and darkening will quickly disappear, and the Turk will acquire a bright copper color.

The method of application will be as follows:

  • Ketchup is applied to a dry, darkened surface.
  • Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm running water.
  • The procedure can be repeated until the Turk becomes absolutely clean.

Tomato ketchup or paste is also a good way to clean copper products. They can be used for Turks, coins and other cutlery.

The cezve is placed in a plastic container. Pour in ketchup or paste. The product must be completely covered with the product.

After 10 minutes, the Turk is removed from the ketchup and thoroughly washed with warm water. For a better effect, you can clean the item with a brush.

Finally, the cezve is rubbed with a soft cloth.


Today you can find several varieties of copper Turks on sale. It is worth considering their features in more detail.

Made from thin copper. This option can be considered as a simple “tin can”. It is suitable as a souvenir because it is usually decorated with a stylish design. The wall thickness is quite thin, and the edges of the dishes are usually untreated.

Today the concept of a “whole” Turk is often encountered. Of course, it’s difficult to imagine anything else, but thanks to poor quality manufacturers, it is recommended to buy one-piece models. Some manufacturers make the Turk in two parts, with a visible weld that runs vertically. It is customary to hide it with the help of decorative elements.

Usually, uneven notches imitating scales are used for this purpose. Be careful to avoid such options, because the seam may oxidize or leak. If it falls, such a Turk can break into 2 parts.

The Turk must be solid-rolled, that is, made from one piece, there should be no seams. Of course, all models are presented with handles for ease of use, so the only possible attachment to the Turk is the handles to the container. The most popular option is a 100 ml Turk, since it allows you to make coffee for two, but few people buy large containers (500 ml).

The handles are made of wood. Some models are presented with a removable handle, which makes storage more comfortable.

Why does food burn in pans while cooking?

Even in expensive pans, food can burn. A common cause is considered to be insufficient liquid added during the cooking process. Therefore, cooks recommend monitoring the presence of water, broth, oil, and sauce in the container.

A multicooker is also no exception - careful care of the inner surface of the bowl does not prevent water from boiling away if there is not enough water and food sticking to the bottom.

Before cleaning a product from burning, you should determine what material it is made of. Each coating will react differently to the cleaning composition. It is not recommended to clean stainless steel surfaces with salt; enamel bases are “afraid” of acid; aluminum alloys are afraid of soda.


The product has a pungent odor that can stop breathing and is a strong alkali, so use a mask, gloves and work in a ventilated area:

Ammonia has an unpleasant, pungent odor

  • dilute the purchased product with water at a ratio of 1:2;
  • soak a cloth in the solution;
  • wrap it around the Turk;
  • after 15 minutes, remove the wrapper and rinse the copper ladle;
  • polish.

Rub heavy stains with a swab soaked in undiluted ammonia.

Household chemicals

If desired, cleaning products for copper surfaces can be found in stores. The modern chemical industry presents many special products that should be applied to the outer surface of the Turk, rubbed and washed off. After this, the Turk will shine like new. Among other products, “Bagi Metal Cleaner” and “Reynex” should be highlighted. How to apply them correctly on the product is described in detail in the instructions. It is important to know that when using chemicals, you need to use personal protective equipment.

Dried puree, jam, burnt caramel and chocolate

A hard-to-remove crust almost always forms when cooking caramel, jam, or puree. It is problematic to clean it the first time, so it is recommended to proceed in several stages. Initially, the container where the jam or compote was prepared is soaked and left for 2-3 hours. Remove loose burnt flakes with a wooden spatula, without applying excessive pressure to the surface.

To clean pans after making jam, it is better to use citric acid.

Citric acid can deal with difficult-to-remove residues (the method is not suitable for enameled products):

  • Water is poured into the bottom (the protrusion line should be slightly higher than the soot line), citric acid is added, which is taken at the rate of: a liter of water - a teaspoon of granules;
  • Cover the container with a lid and bring to a boil. Leave on fire for at least 8-10 minutes.

The remnants of jam stuck to the bottom in an enamel container are dealt with using a water-soda mixture. The method is fast and does not require long waiting times. Half a glass of soda is poured with a liter of water. The dishes are placed on the fire and brought to a boil. As a result, the composition loosens the sweet and sour crust and peels it off.

Cooking sugar syrup to make caramel is always a complex, painstaking process. The sugar-water mixture may stick without constant stirring. Burnt sugar forms a dense crystalline layer that cannot be removed quickly. The burnt part should be immediately filled with hot water with the addition of 2-3 tablespoons of soda.

Instead of soda, you can clean the pan from burning with salt - it also copes with any type of soot.

Apple peel, due to the acid it contains, helps break down fructose and sugar particles.

One effective home remedy for cleaning pots is apple peel.

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