Do-it-yourself elevator in a private house: what you need to know and how to do it yourself

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Arranging your own home and the surrounding area is an important and responsible task. One of the indispensable attributes of any private home is a basement or cellar. This is a great place to store food. During its construction, the owner will be faced with the problem of arranging a convenient entrance. This is due to the fact that the stairs will take up too much space for a comfortable descent.

The descent, made in the form of a hatch cut into the floor and a vertical ladder for descent, is compact, but extremely inconvenient. The way out of the situation is to build a small lift that will take you and your cargo to the basement with all the convenience. We will learn below how to make a metal elevator to the basement with your own hands and what types of elevators there are.

Build an elevator to the basement

Elevator in a private house, overview of solutions

Just for fun, I asked myself the question: is an elevator in a private house even possible or not? I started digging into the topic and was surprised to find out that in my village I live in darkness and greyness, and knowledgeable people have already installed, adjusted and are using everything for a long time. And there are several options for solving this problem.

Actually “Elevator in the cottage”

The bourgeoisie in Europe has a rich representation of this topic. Many manufacturers produce special lines of elevators for low-rise construction. Here you have both hydraulic and electric elevators, with a counterweight, a glass cabin, a security system and other delights of life.

These elevators cost, however, like another house. The cheapest option is from half a million rubles. Plus installation and commissioning, that's about the same amount. You can admire this happiness by googling “Elevator in a cottage”, take a ride in modern office centers, but it’s unlikely to install it in your hut. Therefore, let's move on to the next solution.

Lift in a private house

The point is simple. There are cargo and cargo-passenger lifts for construction sites and warehouses. There are many options for such lifts - from a regular cradle to mast ones. Actually, the mast lift is taken as a basis, and the fact that it will lift not bags of cement at a construction site, but a box with people in a private house is an insignificant detail.

The cheapest option for such a lift that I found was 70 thousand. In general, we google “mast lift”, “cantilever lift”, “telpher lift” and enjoy the results. In a hut, installing such a system is already an easy task and can be solved. By the way, sometimes such systems are placed in a potato cellar, which means they should be released in the fall. The disadvantages of this solution are lower security and not always presentable appearance.

DIY lift

The cheapest and most dangerous option. The key word here is “telpher”. If anything, this is an electric winch that is mounted on a beam and, for example, engines in garages are lifted on it. Technologically, everything is simple - they make guides from channel bars, and put a trolley - a platform - on the guides. And they lift this cart with a hoist to a given height. Essentially this is the same mast lift, only made by yourself:

The cost of a 300 kg hoist starts from 5,000 rubles. The total budget of such a system is 10–20 thousand rubles.

The main disadvantage is potentially low reliability and no security. There is a video on YouTube with the consequences of a homemade lift accident: the owner is in a cast. Of course, you can get it up from the stairs, but professionals are extremely indignant and do not recommend assembling such systems.

However, some homemade elevators run for many years without breakdowns:

What are the requirements for a home lift?

Advice: When making a cellar lift yourself, you must comply with the main requirement - safety.

In addition to safety, you need to take care of:

  • Energy saving.
  • Comfort.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Reliable grounding of electrical equipment.
  • A safety system, which is necessary in case of damage to the main cable.
  • It is better to take a control unit in a homemade design with buttons without locking: the elevator will move when the buttons are pressed, and when released, it will stand still.
  • There must be an emergency button to turn off the power supply.

There are no special requirements for the finishing of the elevator. It all depends on the tastes of its owner.

Elevator to the attic

Recently, the installation of elevator equipment in private buildings is not unusual. Today, convenience of movement between building levels can be afforded not only by residents of multi-storey buildings, but also by owners of cottages built within or outside the capital. Increasingly, in Moscow, owners of individual residential buildings, as well as owners of office center buildings whose attic space is comfortably furnished, began to pay close attention to the possibility of installing an elevator leading directly to the attic.

Features of choosing an elevator to the attic in a private house

If you do not have a luxurious mansion, but still own a cozy house with an attic floor in addition, you should definitely think about increasing the level of comfort of living in it. This is especially important if your family members include elderly or disabled people. For them, climbing stairs often becomes a real challenge. It would not hurt to take care of installing an elevator in the attic, even at the design stage of the building. If this point is lost or you have only recently decided that an add-on is necessary, contact our company, whose specialists will completely take care of all the intricacies of this matter.

Together with you, we will decide which type of elevator is best suited for your home. In this case, first of all, the issue regarding the safety of operation of the lifting device in the conditions of a particular building will be taken into account. In accordance with the height required for lifting and the size of the interfloor opening, specialists will calculate the dimensions of the elevator to the attic. If your house as a whole has only two levels, then elevator equipment with a hydraulic drive type is quite suitable for its arrangement. Having finally determined the installation location of the elevator, our company’s specialists will perform calculations aimed at determining the stability of the walls under conditions of increasing load. After clarifying the technical nuances, we will talk about the design of the external and internal appearance of the cabin, as well as the elevator shaft. Our company is ready to offer standard designs of lifting devices that have already been tested in action. At the same time, it is possible to produce unique custom solutions.

Elevator to the attic in the office center of Moscow

With rising land prices, business centers lack free space for additional offices. This problem is often solved by constructing attics. With this way out of the current situation, the maximum use of additional square meters becomes available. One of the notable ideas for creating the most comfortable environment for staff working in such offices, as well as for the convenience of organizing meetings with clients and business partners, is to install a separate elevator to the attic with a floor access control system. Today, there are many options for implementing such projects that help emphasize the individuality of not only office premises, but also the entire building. Our company is ready to help equip the space under the roof of an office center in Moscow with an elevator to the attic. For any questions, please contact installation of elevators in the attic in Moscow

call by phone.

What nuances are taken into account?

The question often arises, which door to choose. At the moment there are two types of structures. These are swing and telescopic. But the decision is not made only at personal discretion. Seats in the stopping and boarding area are taken into account. For the first option you need to have more free space. Telescopic is an opportunity not to take up much space in the hall. If there are no problems with space limitations, then you can choose any.

Roller blinds are one of the simplified options in terms of installation and cost. In order for such a structure to move, a winch with a power reserve is mounted. In addition, reliable components are purchased:

  • Electrical mechanisms.
  • Control station.
  • Security nodes.

In addition, the cabin frame is prepared in advance. For this, a metal profile is used (the strongest one is selected), after which it is sheathed with the selected material (wood, plastic, etc.).

How to build an elevator to the cellar with your own hands?

Any owner of a country house or dacha strives to make every possible effort to ensure that life in such a room is comfortable. If your private house has several floors or there is a cellar, which is often used for storing vegetables, fruits and, most importantly, for preservation, then an elevator may well be your lifesaver.

We dare to note that you, of course, can very well use the services of experienced specialists in the field of installing a home elevator. However, you should not doubt your own abilities. you can do everything yourself. This option is much more economical (in terms of material and time costs). All you need is a certain set of quality tools that are simple and easy to use.

Deciding on the installation location

The first thing where all the work begins is the choice of a place in the basement where the elevator will soon be installed. This point is very important. Because it is imperative to take into account the fact that the elevator itself is a fairly heavy structure and that the wall is its fastening area. Therefore, the most rational in this situation would be to use those walls that are the most reinforced. Only load-bearing ones are best suited.

It is strictly forbidden to install an elevator in the basement on walls that were previously built using a single layer of brick or foam concrete.

Diagram of a cellar lift.

The reason for this ban is explained by the fact that excessive load will have a destructive effect on the listed materials, which will subsequently render further operation of the elevator unsuitable.

Another tip to consider if the walls of the house in which you plan to install an elevator into the cellar are quite old: strengthen them with a material such as reinforcing mesh. Yes, you can still build a brick wall with your own hands. This also helps to strengthen it, but there is a risk of losing the available space, which in your case is absolutely undesirable.

The elevator to the basement is installed according to certain rules and in a clear sequence. Note that any simple forklift has several quite important and complementary components. We are talking about the lifting mechanism itself, a dense platform, a comfortable cabin and rails (they are mounted on the wall and serve as guides).


Hmm, well, making a homemade elevator is definitely not for a beginner. I would like to, of course, but I feel that my own knowledge is not enough. Maybe someone who is inexperienced like me has already tried to do this and share their experience?

Hmm, well, making a homemade elevator is definitely not for a beginner. I would like to, of course, but I feel that my own knowledge is not enough. Maybe someone who is inexperienced like me has already tried to do this and share their experience?

Alexey, an elevator in the basement is a very convenient thing, a friend of mine had it done by professionals, but if you really want to, I’m thinking of doing it yourself, but everything needs to be planned out very carefully, everything needs to be taken into account down to the smallest detail. Then everything will work out!

Alexey, an elevator in the basement is a very convenient thing, a friend of mine had it done by professionals, but if you really want to, I’m thinking of doing it yourself, but everything needs to be planned out very carefully, everything needs to be taken into account down to the smallest detail. Then everything will work out!

The elevator to the basement is convenient. Otherwise, in our basement you have to climb an ordinary wooden ladder and are constantly afraid that the crossbar under you will break off. Valery Ivanovich, where did your friend find these professionals? Who makes elevators like this anyway? Tell.

The elevator to the basement is convenient. Otherwise, in our basement you have to climb an ordinary wooden ladder and are constantly afraid that the crossbar under you will break off. Valery Ivanovich, where did your friend find these professionals? Who makes elevators like this anyway? Tell.

This is definitely a good idea. But here you either have to be a jack of all trades to build this on your own, or have a good friend to do this. What about companies that do similar things. Does anyone know these?

This is definitely a good idea. But here you either have to be a jack of all trades to build this on your own, or have a good friend to do this. What about companies that do similar things. Does anyone know these?

Elevator assembly and installation

In order for the elevator assembly to be successful and without wasting extra time, you should worry in advance about the availability of certain materials and high-quality tools. An electric winch (also known as a hoist) will make your work easier. This item will best help you lift fairly heavy loads. Your arsenal should include tools such as metal angles, rubberized wheels, metal sheets and, to top it all off, a welding machine.

Stages of work on installing an elevator

Elevator installation diagrams.

Quality execution of the platform is where to start. To do this, weld the previously prepared metal sheet onto the pulley. By the way, such a platform can hold quite a lot of weight, namely up to 200 kg. After this, you need to weld rubberized wheels to the platform at your disposal. The next important stage of work is to weld the guides for the elevator. These structures should be installed at a clearly defined level (no less and no more than 60 degrees relative to the given surface). In this case, metal corners work well.

Of particular importance is the high-quality and reliable fastening of the beam at the highest point of the mechanism. It is possible to weld the pulley between the existing two walls or, as one option, to install it in concrete. A point that requires attention is the precise placement of the beam relative to the floor. Please note that it should only be parallel. This is a very important point. Next, the following happens: fastening the winch (possibly a hoist) to the previously prepared beam, high-quality fastening of the cabin and platform. In order to make a cabin with your own hands, you need to weld metal corners perpendicularly to a platform prepared in advance, and immediately cover the top with metal sheets or chipboard. It would not be superfluous to weld high-quality metal corners in places where there is contact between the floor and the elevator of your cellar.

Now you know how a basement, made with your own hands, will be decorated with a convenient and comfortable elevator. We hope these tips will be useful to you in the future.

Mini crane made from scrap metal

Another version of a lifting mechanism made of metal “lying underfoot” was made by a portal participant with the nickname Petr_1.

According to Peter_1, the reason for the construction of the crane is that the house is getting higher and higher, and the blocks and concrete are getting heavier. Therefore, after revising the “unnecessary things”, the user manufactured a completely dismountable crane with a lifting capacity of 200 kg.

I think my crane can lift more, but I didn’t overload it. The crane can be disassembled into parts weighing 30-60 kg and can be easily transported in a car trailer. I carry an arrow on the trunk. Statically tested a structure weighing 400 kg. I usually lift up to 150 kg. This is quite enough for my construction needs.

At one time, the crane, with a boom reach of 5 m, lifts 10 blocks weighing 15 kg each, or four 15-liter buckets of solution.

The design of the crane is a hodgepodge of what was at hand. Let's list the main details:

  • swivel unit - truck hub;

Hubs from cars, trucks, and farm equipment are often used to make the swivel assembly in homemade cranes. The main thing is to calculate the loads acting on it and the fasteners.

  • the boom is made of a pipe with a diameter of 75 mm;
  • outriggers and base - a rectangular pipe with a section of 8x5 and 8.5x5.5 cm;
  • the base of the tower is the “200th” channel;
  • worm gearboxes for boom and cargo winches.
  • three-phase electric motor with reverse, power 0.9 kW, converted to power from a 220 V network;

The crane turned out to be mobile, and by lowering the boom, it can be moved from place to place, rolling on wheels along compacted soil. Level adjustment is carried out using screw supports.

Metal, gearboxes and rollers were purchased at a recycled metal shop. Only the cable and bearings are new.

The weight of the crane without counterweight is about 250 kg. The cost of the structure, taking into account the purchase of consumables - cutting discs for angle grinders, electrodes for a welding inverter and paint, is 4 thousand rubles.

Crane, + time for turning, + selection of components and fitting of components, I completed it in 3 working days. In the future, after finishing the work, I will completely disassemble it.

Elevator in a country house

Of course, the installation of elevators in country houses is not without reason, but this situation is not justified by the excessive wealth of the owners, but by the convenience and comfort of these engineering structures. The installation of an elevator in a country house became possible not thanks to the development of science and the emergence of new technologies, but due to the demand for such products. After all, modern elevators for private homes are practically no different from public elevators in multi-story buildings and industrial enterprises. The demand for personal elevators was the reason for the design, development and actual implementation, as well as the serial production of small-sized elevator equipment.

Today, many large organizations specializing in major repairs and construction are engaged in the sale of elevators and their installation, but there are quite a few companies providing only this one service - the sale and installation of elevators.

Elevators for private houses are produced in standardized dimensions; for installation they require 1.5 square meters of free space and 2.5 meters of free space up and 20 centimeters down the house. This equipment differs in the type of drive, some elevators operate with an electric drive, while other elevator models operate with a pneumatic drive, but both types of these elevators are not new equipment. Prices for such elevators with installation start from 10,000 - 15,000 euros and above, it all depends on the manufacturer and the interior decoration of the cabin.

An elevator with an electric drive is similar in design to a conventional elevator in a multi-story building; its operation is based on the action of an electric motor, which, through a gearbox, rotates a cable attached to the elevator landing. Such elevator equipment is standard and does not have obvious advantages, and its disadvantages are the need to lay a power cable, high power consumption and dependence on network voltage.

An electric elevator is considered high-voltage equipment; therefore, it is not the safest; it requires the intervention of an electrician for maintenance; in addition, an electric elevator has a high noise level during operation.

A pneumatically driven elevator is actually powered by electrical power, but the electrical energy in it is only used by a small electric motor, which creates hydraulic pressure in the mechanics of the equipment. Such an elevator can operate from a regular outlet, it is characterized by a smooth ride, and requires electricity only for ascent, because the descent of such an elevator is carried out by reducing the pressure in its hydraulics.

An elevator with a pneumatic drive consists of simple mechanics, mainly sleeves and hoses; it requires periodic inspection to replace oil seals and hydraulic seals, which almost every master can handle.

Elevators for a country house, as well as public elevators, differ in passenger and cargo equipment, but there are no fundamental differences between these elevators. Passenger elevators are designed to lift and lower people, and freight elevators are designed to move goods, so the differences between this equipment lie only in the drive, gearbox and other secondary mechanics. The external design of such elevators may not have any differences, and this allows you to use cargo equipment as usual, but, if necessary, use it for lifting or lowering various loads.

Taking into account the features of elevators for a country house and the efficiency of this equipment, we can safely say that an elevator in a private country house will be an excellent addition to other benefits of modern life.

Common models

Of the domestic models, the most popular are the single-seater branded 3449b and the double-seater 3851b. They have one and two consoles. The first lift is more common. It is used on buildings up to 150m high and can lift weights up to 500kg. The lifting mechanism consists of a winch and two drums located under the platform deck. The device is equipped with a 2.2 W electric motor.

A load weighing 500 kg can be lifted at a speed of 5.5 m/min. Domestic models are distinguished by reliability, ease of maintenance and long service life. For installation, consoles are first mounted, counterweights are fixed on them, then a platform is installed on 4 cables on the consoles. Counterweights are suspended from below. If the cable breaks, the brake system is automatically activated.

Common imported models are produced by a Chinese company under the ZLP brand. The most popular lift is the ZLP-630. It has a load capacity of 630 kg and a lifting height of 200 m. ZLPs are also more powerful, for example the ZLP-800. The main advantage is that their design is collapsible.

The platform consists of three sections, so the length of the platform can be changed depending on the number of passengers and cargo that will be lifted.

The platform is made of steel or aluminum. The height of the console can be adjusted. ZLP 630 can adjust the length of the console reach from 120 to 170 cm.

Do-it-yourself toy elevator, or turning children's fantasies into reality

Good mood to everyone! Tell me, have you ever made children's toys with your own hands ? I think most will answer “YES”. But what I’m going to show you today is something you’ve probably never done before. We will create a toy elevator !

Let's start unconventionally. I suggest you watch the trailer for this master class first.

How did we come up with the idea for this toy? Yes, it’s simple: my son loves creative ideas (I wish we adults could do it like this): either he wanted to make a station wagon out of a sedan car, or attach an arrow to the side of a toy traffic light (which is battery-powered), and so that it would burn together with green. I’m already silent about all sorts of factories, mills and other inventions made of cardboard. And we, adults, have to bring these ideas to life (after all, the little one is still 5.5 years old).

But then one day the idea of ​​a toy elevator . But the elevator had to be “real”: not just mechanical (what a joke it is to pull strings!), but with buttons. Well, after a couple of hours of mind blowing (aka Virgo for me :lol:) we, the parents, and my godfather decided to get down to business. The result turned out just great!

Today I will show you how to make this children's toy with your own hands. In principle, there is nothing complicated. I will try to explain everything in detail. So, are you ready to get crafty?

Part 1. Toy elevator cabin

This is the easiest part of the job. We will make the elevator cabin out of cardboard. In the first version of this children's toy, the booth was a box from a housekeeper lamp with cut doors. But over time it fell into disrepair. That's why we made this space structure.

Materials and tools:

— a cardboard box from a house-saving lamp;

- silver cardboard A4 format;

- a sheet of ordinary thick cardboard;

- a couple of small rings for jewelry;

- glue stick, universal glue;


To avoid costs and a lot of complications, you can give preference to a simple garage lift-tipper. The device will allow you to tilt the car to one side, and the tilt angle can vary from 45° to 60°. This is quite enough for most repair work.

To build such a unit, you will have to create and connect a number of parts: the front pillar, beams (top, bottom, rear), shoe. Various connecting elements will also be required. You will need to work a lot with metal, so you must have a special tool - welding, a grinder and a drill with a set of metal drills. The main material for work is 4 mm steel sheets, angles and bushings.

Creating a Top Beam

Next, proceed directly to creating the top beam. For this, take two 1.5 m corners and weld them into a U-shaped profile. It is also necessary to weld a metal insert in the middle, which will ensure the fixation of the jack. The beam will be ready when you weld a plate of the appropriate length and height to the profile. The result is a rectangular beam. One end of it must be welded tightly - the bushing will be attached to it, and the guides for the jack are welded to the other end.

The platform for the beam is created from a steel sheet. You can bend its sides to get something like a box, or weld the walls of this very structure. Inside the site there will be a piece of wood of the required size, which is fixed with fasteners, and rubber is mounted on top of the wood. The platform is attached to the beam using a pre-welded eye.

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