Making a chiller for a laser machine from a beer cooler with your own hands
What is a chiller? First, it’s worth understanding what a chiller is in general. Chiller is
How to sharpen a wood drill at home: step-by-step instructions
From the author: Hello, dear masters! Many people who are often involved in construction work deal with
Measuring tools and methods for measuring threads
Average diameter of a threaded connection To determine the average diameter of a thread, a micrometer with special tips is required
corrosion protection
Metal protective coatings (anodic, cathodic).
Methods of protection against metal corrosion are relevant. Because metal is one of the most sought after
Comparison of two types of electrodes for resistance spot welding - beryllium bronze and tungsten WL20
Electrodes for contact welding are designed to supply current to the elements, compress them and remove them
welding technology certification register
Home / Checking the readiness to use certified welding technologies / Documents
Welding technology certification is the process of verifying an organization's compliance with the requirements of NAKS (National Agency for Control
(+20 photos) Options for making a chain-link mesh with your own hands
Home production of chain-link mesh is important for both commercial and personal purposes. Make
Preparation of resin powder for plate processing.
DIY color engraving for children's creativity
Today in specialized stores you can find a lot of different sets for children's creativity: educational, educational,
Types of metal drills, their design and manufacture
In mechanical engineering, a metal drill is the second most frequently used tool after a cutter, and
Bench scrapers
GOST 26810-86 Plumbing and assembly tools. Acceptance rules
Purpose and principle of operation of a scraper A scraper is a metal-cutting tool designed for scraping metal
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