Business idea - “Coin attraction” - minting souvenirs

The “Coin Attraction” souvenir making machine is the first machine on the Russian market that does not require consumables. The new machine allows you to create a real unique souvenir from an ordinary 1 ruble coin. The very process of making a coin will not leave a single person indifferent...

The Coin Attraction slot machine has an amazing feature. It completely immerses the client in the process of making a souvenir. This is especially interesting for children. They choose the operation themselves, set the rolling press in motion, observe the operation of the mechanism and as a result receive a unique collectible coin or token.

Operating principle of the Coin Attraction machine

Here are just some of the advantages of running a business by installing a vending coin attraction:

1. The attraction is completely autonomous and does not require hiring staff - while you are “sleeping” the machine brings you money. Such a business can be safely called “passive”, which can easily be combined with the main job.

2. The operation of the machine is under the full control of its owner, despite the remoteness of the installation point. Communication between the machine and the owner is carried out via a special GMS channel.

3. There is no need to purchase consumables - the blank for the future coin is what is in the client’s pocket, that is, 1-ruble and 50-kopeck coins.

4. Business profitability is more than 500%!

The machine is equipped with a set of eight cliches, each of which has its own unique design. Making a souvenir coin only takes a couple of minutes:

Stage 1. The first stage involves payment for the service. The average cost of the service by region is about 100 rubles. To do this, you need to insert a bill into the bill acceptor. Then you should put a coin of 1 ruble or 50 kopecks into the coin acceptor. The machine is ready for making a souvenir.

Stage 2. Selecting a souvenir image. Depending on the machine, the client is offered from 4 to 12 images to choose from. To do this, you need to scroll the handle of the souvenir machine until the arrow of the mechanism moves with the arrow opposite the selected pattern.

Stage. 3. Directly making the souvenir. Without any effort (even a child can turn the handle), the client turns the handle of the device about 8 times clockwise. As a result, the previously inserted coin is flattened and lengthened, turning into an inexpensive, cute souvenir with a clear design minted on it.

Business on souvenir coins

Many readers probably imagine what souvenir coins are. Actually, the name “souvenir” itself speaks for itself. What can be depicted on such coins? First of all, the minted design depends on what is depicted on the cliché - a special form based on which all other coins are made. However, a business organizer can have many such clichés. Most often they depict:

  • coat of arms of your city
  • the date of a historical event that coincides with some holiday during which you will hold your attraction
  • name of the future owner of the souvenir

As a rule, the production of souvenirs is aimed primarily at tourists, any entrepreneur involved in the “souvenir” business will tell you this. But what to do if your city does not have attractive attractions and tourist flows do not pass through it? Does this mean that you need to forget about this idea and move on to something else? Not at all!

This is where the very “improvements” that I mentioned above come in handy. I suggest you consider several business options with souvenir coins and choose either one or use several of them.

Wedding coins

Souvenir coins can be minted at weddings, and the names of the newlyweds and wedding symbols can be depicted on them. This idea can be adopted by wedding agencies or companies involved in holiday decoration.

Memorable souvenir + company advertising

The company logo can be minted on coins. As an example, I can cite one restaurant owner who installed special equipment for minting coins in his establishment. For a small nominal fee, anyone can mint a coin with the restaurant’s logo for themselves.

There is no end to the guests “warmed up” by strong drinks. Not only does this “modest” payment result in a very “immodest” sum accumulating by the end of the working day, but the owner also receives free advertising for his restaurant. Many of the visitors simply feel sorry for throwing away the coin they made with their own hands, and therefore it is safely stored somewhere in the pocket of their wallet. And at every opportunity it is shown to friends and acquaintances.

Such “know-how” can be implemented by owners of catering establishments, hotels, amusement parks, etc.

Creative "business cards"

Souvenir coins can act as business cards. On which the company's contact information will be stamped. In one of my previous publications, I talked about how you can organize a business producing exclusive and creative business cards. You can come up with something more original than a business card-coin only if you try really hard. The situation of presenting such a “business card” to visitors can be played out in different ways.

One of the options might look something like this: equipment for minting souvenir coins can be placed near the exit, and, seeing off the visitor, you need to offer him the fun of hitting the anvil with a hammer (or do it yourself), and - oops! Here it is - a ready-made business card for your company. It is unlikely that anyone will get rid of such a “gift”.

But most often, coin making is used as an attraction.

Attractions for minting souvenir coins

St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Murom, Nizhny Novgorod, Altai resorts, many cities in Karelia - this is just an incomplete list of those cities that I was lucky enough to visit, and where I personally saw (and even took part) in such attractions. I even have a small collection of souvenir coins from various regions of Russia.

Almost everywhere, coinage is presented in the form of a colorful performance - a show in which any passerby is invited to participate. A subtle psychological calculation of business is based on this - the more exciting the offer, the more people will want to receive their “prize”. People, seeing the crowd around the attraction, will definitely come up and take an interest in what is happening, some of them will want to take part.

The production of souvenir coins is a mobile business, and this is its undoubted advantage. It doesn’t work in one place, after 20-30 minutes you can try in another, and after another half an hour in a third. Where can such spectacles be held?

  • in city parks
  • in the squares
  • in entertainment and shopping complexes
  • just at crowded intersections

After gaining some work experience and receiving your first profit, you can think about opening another point that will offer coin minting.

in Altai, over the 6 years of its activity, it has transformed from 2 mobile points in which coin production was carried out using only 3 clichés, into one of the largest enterprises in the country in this field, offering its services for acquiring a franchise to beginning minting entrepreneurs (more about the franchise read this link - ), equipment for attractions and production of cliches, etc. – everything that may be needed at the “start” of a business.

How to choose a place for the “Coin Attraction”

First of all, the business is designed for placement in tourist cities where there is a high flow of vacationers. Such places are rightfully considered the most profitable. But this does not mean that similar business will not work in other cities. There are many high-traffic places where placing a vending coin attraction is quite reasonable: airports, shopping centers, museums, stadiums, hotels, entertainment centers, parks, exhibitions, restaurants and cafes, wedding palaces.

By the way, the location of the machine in wedding palaces can be justified by some kind of ritual for the newlyweds, when a couple makes a pair of coins with “love” symbols for happiness. In such places, the price of a service can range from 200 to 300 rubles (for such reasons, as a rule, no expense is spared).

Machine selection

Different methods of making souvenirs offer different quality of coinage. Accordingly, the choice of equipment should be based on the needs of potential buyers (in addition to the amount of investment in the process). Devices for automatic production of products are characterized by an average level of quality. Wear of machine parts leads to image displacement, unclear drawing and blurred relief. You need to watch them especially carefully. In addition, such a machine must be installed in a walk-through location. Otherwise there will be no benefit from its placement. And profits too. So before purchasing, you should carefully check the planned locations for installation: whether it is possible to place commercial objects there, whether permission is needed and how to obtain it.

Manual press for minting coins

Manual creation requires a certain skill. But it is more suitable for resort towns, where the process itself can be further enhanced. The quality of products will directly depend on the skill of the worker. A laser engraver can be used to make cliches. It significantly improves product quality, but is quite expensive. So the issue of purchasing it is better to decide after passing the first stage of the project’s payback.

Which tax system to choose for the Coin Attraction business

Organizing a business requires a minimum package of documents. First, you need to register your individual business with the local tax office. The registration period will take no more than 5 working days (from the date of submission of documents) and will cost 800 rubles (state fee). Next, you need to write an application to switch to a special tax regime (UTII or simplified tax system) in order not to pay taxes under the general system. After you receive the entire package of registration documents (certificate, extract from the register), you can go to enter into a rental agreement for premises.

Calculation of income from the sale of manufactured coins

In a recreation park with a foot traffic of about 30 thousand people per month, approximately 2,300 souvenir coins can be sold during the period from May to the end of August.

The equipment set consists of 2 stamps (you can order your own design). When you receive your first income, you can order 2 – 3 more stamps with a different design.

Prices for blanks for souvenir coins, estimated sales volume and selling price for the “Coin Making” business are listed below.

Alloy typeCost pricePrice for oneNumber of coins sold

If you sell 2,300 coins, you can earn approximately 334,000 rubles during the summer season (May-end of August).

Below are calculations of the estimated income for the summer period, with revenue (rub.) 334,000

  • cost (RUB) 77,900;
  • total expenses (rub.) 160,000;
  • purchase of equipment 48,000
  • salary 15 thousand rubles. per month 60,000
  • rent space for 10 thousand rubles. per month 40,000
  • order new cliches 2 pcs. 10,000
  • develop an individual layout 2,000
  • profit (rub.) 96,100
  • profitability (%) 29%

How much money do you need to start a Coin Attraction business?

A new, fully “stuffed” vending coin attraction (LCD display, advertising stand, lighting system) will cost about 200 thousand rubles. Boo. the machine will cost approximately 80 – 100 thousand rubles. According to equipment suppliers, the investment pays off within 4-5 months of operation, provided the attraction is well located.

Basic monthly expenses include: rent of a point ~ 5000 rubles for a good location (shopping center, railway station), machine maintenance (maintenance, depreciation) ~ 3000 rubles, tax (UTII) ~ 2000 rubles, other expenses (fuels and lubricants, minor repairs) ~ 5000 rubles. Total total expenses per month are approximately 15,000 rubles. Hence, the net profit of the coin attraction will be: 90,000 – 15,000 = 75,000 rubles. Not bad for practically passive income. And this is from one machine! Investments pay off with such profitability indicators in just 3-4 months of work.

Related video: [youtube]

All that is needed

To implement a vending business and install such a machine, you will need a very small area of ​​1 square meter (accordingly, a very low rent), power supply (220 V outlet), as well as mobile communications or the Internet to be able to track sales. The costs of maintaining a coining machine are minimal, and the profit, even with a small influx of customers, is very significant.

In the manufacture of such machines, an absolutely unique set of different cliches is used. The devices can be equipped with a variety of functions that meet the customer’s wishes. Their body is made of 8 mm. steel, which serves as quite significant protection against vandals.

The cost of a coining machine is about 70,000 rubles, and 100% payback will be in 1 - 3 months. They should be installed in places with maximum traffic, profit will directly depend on this. Almost all landlords freely provide such information. Even if the traffic flow is small, the machine will bring in about 60,000 rubles per month.

Since such machines are new to the modern market, taking advantage of their unusual nature, they can easily become an excellent source of income.

How to choose equipment for a coin attraction

In order for the business to operate and make a profit, you must purchase the following equipment:

  • anvil;
  • manual mini press;
  • stamps for embossing or cliches. You will need at least 4 of them. If your budget allows, you should purchase a lot more of them. This will expand the number of potential clients.
  • hammer;
  • Consumables. This includes blanks for copper coins in quantities of at least 200 pieces. Brass - you need about a hundred of them (not as popular as the first ones), to raise prestige you can take 10-20 silver blanks.

Equipment for making souvenir coins

Equipment and tools for organizing the minting of coins can be purchased from companies involved in their production. Demand has given rise to supply, and now, to get contacts of such organizations, you just need to type in any search engine the phrase: “Buy equipment for the production of souvenir coins.”

By the way, his list is small and includes only a few items:

  • anvil
  • sledgehammer
  • special fastenings
  • stamping cliché
  • and coin blanks made of copper or aluminum (as an option, you can consider using silver blanks)

It is the last point that causes the most trouble. You won’t be able to work with one or two coin designs for a long time – it will quickly become boring for the visitors of the attraction. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically change the design of the cliche to produce coins with a different minting pattern.

The production of cliches can be ordered “outsourced”, or you can, by purchasing additional simple equipment, make them yourself. To do this you will need:

  • mini press
  • and stamp for embossing

A sketch of each embossing pattern is first drawn, which, after approval, is converted into a vector image, after which engraving is carried out on unhardened metal (you can learn more about laser engraving on metal here), then heat hardening of the made matrix is ​​carried out, and it is polished.

As you can see, the process is quite painstaking, but, nevertheless, quite accessible for a novice entrepreneur. After 1-2 trials of cliche production, this process will no longer be difficult for you. However, I repeat - you can order the production of cliche coins from third-party companies, fortunately there are many of them now.

By the way, having mastered the skills of making cliches, you can provide yourself with additional income by offering your services in the field of design development for coins to those who are just taking their first steps in this business or prefer to use “purchased” blanks.

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