Activating arc force on a welding inverter - why use it and how to do it correctly

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Current inverters for welding have little resemblance to traditional transformers, widely used in welding in the past century.

The manufacturers have done everything possible to reduce the size and weight of the welding device and make it more comfortable to use.

With the advent of electronics, even low-cost inverters were equipped with auxiliary parameters that were previously unavailable.

One of them is arc force. In this article you will learn about the presence of this function on the welding inverter and the method of its operation.

  • Brief information
  • Peculiarities
  • Conclusion

Brief information

Professional welders are familiar with the basic difficulty of a beginner - difficulty in burning an arc. At times it functions unstable even for a professional.

This is associated with a significant number of conditions: from the health of the master to an incorrectly configured welding mode.

Beginners often have one problem: using minimal current. Inexperienced craftsmen set a small welding current to avoid burn-throughs.

But because of this, it is not possible to light the arc well and constantly hold it during the entire welding.

To resolve this issue, you need to set the welding mode correctly and ensure that the electrode does not stick to the metal. A debutant cannot do everything correctly. In this regard, they resort to auxiliary parameters, for example, arc force.

His calling is to make the process faster and easier. It normalizes arc burning at any current strength. Its essence is obvious: with automatic settings, it adjusts the current value to the parameters at which you perform welding.

For example, you have set the lowest current and are performing a welding process. During welding, the electrode begins to stick to the metal. When this parameter is enabled, a short circuit will occur on the inverter.

At the same time, the current strength will increase to the ideal value. And then it will return to the original values ​​and you can continue welding at the set amperage.

Arc force can be automatic or customizable. In cheap devices it is often automatic. Activated by pressing a button. This is great for beginners, but professionals need to set up the equipment more carefully.

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Air-breathing engine;
Valve jet motor

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The afterburner function evens out the burning arc, making the process simple and fast. Previously, it was available only in professional inverters.

However, in modern times, the method has become more widely available and manufacturers have begun to install this parameter even in cheap devices. With this innovation, a relatively low-cost inverter can also be used for critical work.

In high-end equipment, this function works perfectly and provides much higher quality results. Invest in an inverter if you want to do extremely important work.

This function is often referred to as “Arc Force” in inverter documents. This inscription can also be seen on the casing of the device.

Arc force makes welding much easier, and even a beginner can do the job brilliantly. Even if you do not have the proper experience, you can weld elements from thin metal, avoiding flaws and sticking electrodes.

Such difficulties are often faced by craftsmen who rely only on their own knowledge and do not use the current parameters of the device.

However, you shouldn't rely on this feature alone. To achieve excellent weld quality, you need to have basic welding skills.

If you do not have the ability to ignite an arc, make a seam and operate quickly, then the auxiliary parameters will not save you. It is worth considering that this parameter demonstrates itself fully only when welding thin metal elements.

In many devices it is possible to configure functional parameters. In this case, it will be possible to weld metals of different thicknesses.

Only expensive devices provide this function. Many models only have an on/off button with preset parameters.

Therefore, do not use arc force unless absolutely necessary. Careless use of this function can damage the quality of the seams.

Other inverter options

One of the capabilities of a welding inverter is welding wires. Yes, yes, wires, you understood everything correctly.

Many who connect wires by twisting and further welding use specially designed devices for these purposes, assembled on the basis of a step-down transformer. However, as practice shows, a conventional inverter for welding copes with this task no worse.

All you need to do is install a carbon brush instead of the electrode. You will need a fairly large brush, but you can use a power tool. A few alterations, and here in front of you is a real machine for welding wires.

Types of hot start

The increased welding current ensures effective melting of the electrode and also guarantees excellent quality of the seam at the beginning of the machine’s operation. The hot start function helps to avoid the formation of poorly welded areas and reduces the seam height. The duration of the Hot Start option may vary depending on the model. As a rule, the time indicator ranges from 0.5 to 3 seconds.

Hot Start comes in two types: fixed and adjustable. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Of course, it is better if Hot Start can be adjusted, turned on and off as needed. But models in this design are more expensive.

The hot start function is especially useful if you have to work with parts that have traces of paint or rust on the surface. This option is useful when using electrodes that are not of the highest quality. Hot Start should also be activated in cases where there are frequent voltage fluctuations in the network.

Why is welding arc afterburner needed?

The use of this mode is necessary to create the simplest possible conditions for obtaining a connection in order to ensure high quality seams. Devices with this function can already be classified as professional. They have a noticeably higher cost and are suitable for a wide range of jobs. If high quality standards are put forward for the connection being made, then it is worth welding with such an additional function. Even a beginner can handle welding thin items without the constant sticking that even experienced welders encounter. It is for this reason that if the question arises which is the best inverter welding machine to choose, you should pay attention to such options. There are a variety of options on the market. Officially, welding arc force is designated Arcforce. If this inscription is present on the case under certain sensors or regulators, as well as when the model is indicated in the marking, you can be sure that this is exactly what you need.

It is worth noting right away that this mode is not for constant use. It is mainly needed for delicate work, especially since its settings are designed for just that. If the model of the device is designed to adjust the parameters, then the capabilities of the technology increase and it can be used in a greater number of cases. But this also entails an increase in the cost of the welding machine. Technology with an unregulated mode appeared earlier. It is easier to use and, accordingly, costs less.

Popular models with hot start function

The most popular inverter devices equipped with a hot start function include the Resanta SAI-250 65/6 model. This unit is intended for professional use and can work with electrodes up to 6 mm thick. Overheating protection has been implemented. The welding current is adjustable in the range from 10 to 250 A. Despite the excellent functionality, the welding unit weighs only 5 kg. You can buy a model for up to 11,000 rubles.

FoxWeld Master 202 is a professional-class welding machine, the cost of which does not exceed 14,500 rubles. This is a reliable assistant in a small enterprise, construction site, workshop or garage. The model is often chosen for use in households. Such useful options as hot start, anti-sticking, and arc force have been introduced here. Device weight: 6.3 kg. The device is equipped with a display that displays operating parameters. The build quality is excellent.

The list of popular models also includes Fubag IR 180. In the manufacture of the welding machine, the manufacturer used the most modern technologies and equipped the device with high-precision electronics. The price is quite affordable - 9,000 rubles. The model with an air cooling system and protection according to the IP21S standard copes with the assigned tasks perfectly. The maximum current is 180 A. The unit weighs only 5 kg. The model is equipped with a display. In addition to hot start, there is also arc forced and anti-stick.

How to disable the hot start function?

If you have to work with clean, smooth workpieces or weld thin sheet metal, it is better to disable the hot start function. How to do it? There are several ways to deactivate the Hot Start option.

Some technicians make a very serious mistake when trying to make changes to the software or design of the inverter device. This is absolutely impossible to do. At a minimum, you will lose the warranty on the equipment. In the worst case, the unit may completely fail, after which an expensive restoration or purchase of a new device will be required.

Domestic welding machines of the Start brand, originally from China

The market for building materials and tools has recently changed significantly. It is gratifying that domestically produced products have appeared. In addition, the stereotype about low-quality Chinese goods is gradually breaking down. In the post-Soviet period, mass consumers paid attention to European products. Indeed, for a long time it had no competition. The development of Russian manufacturers began in the period from 2008 to 2010. It was at this time that many merged enterprises appeared.

European countries did not want to lose such a market as Russia, but the price of imported goods is much higher than the price of domestic brands. As a result of competition, companies have appeared in Russia that produce European goods using licensed technologies. This significantly reduced the cost of production, but pushed the true Russian manufacturer to look for more profitable solutions for itself. One of these solutions is to open enterprises at Chinese facilities.

Products with the START brand

The passport of devices from the Startweld company states that they were manufactured in China, but the welding equipment is generally considered to be domestic. China just offered its factory. As a result, the company’s management decided to set up production in China rather than start construction from scratch in Russia. Today, such practices are found at every step.

The company specializes in the production of modern and multifunctional inverter welding machines. These are devices for argon-arc welding and plasma cutting, semi-automatic machines and inverters for manual arc welding. The list of categories does not end there. Startweld presents all the necessary equipment, including accessories.

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