Register of the National Welding Control Agency on welding materials. Features and methods of certification

Sooner or later, any manufacturing enterprise may require confirmation of the qualifications of working personnel and approval of welding processes. This event is called certification, and it is necessary both for welders and for all workers in the production workshop. Welding technology certification is usually carried out by NAKS (National Welding Control Agency). It has many important nuances and features that must be taken into account during the process.

What legal documents governs

The documentation according to which the agency operates is approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation. The standards describe:

  • who should conduct the certification;
  • forms of completed papers;
  • test types.

After the inspection, the organization that provided samples of welding materials receives a certificate, and at the same time it is included in the unified NAKS database.

Why is certification necessary?

If the manufacturer of welding materials does not ensure stable quality of its products, then defects may appear during the creation of permanent connections:

  • pores;
  • fistulas;
  • cracks.

This may occur due to a violation of technology: erroneous addition of elements during creation, violation of temperature conditions during the process.

As a result, welded joints may fail during construction, inspection, or operation.


In order for industrial institutions to pass the certification test, the personnel must include at least one third-level welding specialist and at least two welders. They must be certified, they must have supporting documentation.

To obtain a NAKS certificate of certification of welding technology, you must submit documents from the enterprise that manufactures the product. An application with documents is submitted to the supervisory authority.

To obtain a certificate of certification of welding materials and technologies, you need to collect documents from the list below:

  1. Articles of association.
  2. Diagrams of the location of pipe communications and welding equipment in the production workshop.
  3. An agreement concluded with a laboratory that controls the quality of welds at the enterprise.
  4. It is imperative to collect all certification documents for the welding equipment used, for metals and other materials used to manufacture products.
  5. NAKS certificates of all employees, they must indicate the level of qualifications.

If all documentation is in perfect order, then the production organization will be allowed to audit. Specialists must draw up a plan indicating all the important criteria that are taken into account during production. If the production establishment passes the inspection, a certificate is issued that is valid for 4 years.

The certificate of certification of welding materials and technologies received by NAKS is considered confirmation that the organization has passed the necessary checks and complies with the standards. It must prove that the production employs highly qualified specialists, the workshop is equipped with the required equipment and materials, which have also been certified.

What is

The verification procedure is carried out depending on the type of welding materials. The sequence is described in the developed documentation:

  1. General tests - audit of papers that accompany welding documentation for compliance with GOST and TU.
  2. Practical tests - carried out in special laboratory conditions after creating control seams. The samples are then tested to ensure they meet the stated specifications. For this purpose, non-destructive testing methods are used, as well as mechanical tests for strength, tensile, corrosion and other tests.
  3. Additional tests are necessary to check gas mixtures.

The expert commission gives an opinion, after which the final documentation is filled out.

Why is NAKS needed?

Let's figure out why they require NAKS? To perform welding work at hazardous production facilities, only specialized organizations with certified welding technology, certified welding specialists, certified welding equipment and use certified welding materials can perform work; the presence of all these requirements theoretically guarantees the performance of high-quality welding work. Currently, the independent body that controls specialized organizations is NAKS - the National Welding Control Agency.

But for now all these are words, there is no basis yet for performing the welding production certification procedure. What are the grounds for certification of NAKS prescribed in regulatory documents?

  1. Order No. 398a dated June 9, 2008 on the approval and implementation of the regulations on the certification system for welding production at facilities controlled by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
  • Order No. 102 of March 14, 2014 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Requirements for welding work at hazardous production facilities.”
  • Order of Rostechnadzor dated March 14, 2014 No. 102 (as amended on March 15, 2017) “On approval of Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Requirements for welding work at hazardous production facilities.”
  • Order of Rostekhnadzor dated March 15, 2017 No. 83 “On amendments to the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Requirements for welding work at hazardous production facilities”, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 14, 2014 city ​​No. 102."
  • Also in the regulatory documentation there are requirements:
  • GOST R 52630-2012 “Steel vessels and apparatus”, clause 6.8.1,
  • RD 153-34.1-003-01 “Welding, heat treatment and control of boiler tube systems and pipelines during installation and repair of power equipment (RTM-1s)” clause 5.1.1., clause 5.1.6.,
  • Order of March 25, 2014 N 116 On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure” (as amended on December 12, 2022) clause 97. , paragraph 131., paragraph 135.
  • Also, the requirements for NAKS certification can be initially specified in the contract or project documentation.

What welding materials are required?

NAKS certification is required for the following materials:

  • protective gas mixtures - carbon dioxide, argon, helium;
  • flammable gases – butane-propane, acetylene;
  • welding pastes to protect the welding zone and fluxes;
  • tapes and powder self-protective materials : powder wire for mechanized (semi-automatic) and automatic welding;
  • non-consumable electrodes for electric arc welding - from tungsten and alloys;
  • consumable electrodes for electric arc welding;
  • wires with a solid cross-section for use on semi-automatic or automatic welding machines.

Nax certified electrodes

The assignment and issuance of certificates for electrodes is a guarantee of high quality consumables that are used for different types of welding work. At the moment, NAKS certification is available in all regions of the country, thanks to which it is possible to track how high-quality welding consumables are entering the market. Many online stores offer electrodes certified by NAKS.

NAKS is the National Welding Control Agency. It is the central body of the Welding Certification System in the country. Here decisions are made on the directions, methods, structure, work rules and functions of welding. NAKS unites more than 113 organizations and 200 certification centers, as well as approximately 700 certification points that issue certificates on the quality of electrodes to manufacturers. Certification centers are available throughout the country and have also been established in other countries. Basically, they are created on the basis of industrial enterprises or at the welding department in technical universities in Russia.

Today NAKS is the largest Russian professional community of welding specialists. This service is gaining increasing interest abroad as well. The certification centers provide everything for training first-class specialists: technicians, engineers, craftsmen and welders. Teaching aids include specialized literature and regulatory documents. Also, for improved assimilation of the material, a video is shown, and the classes themselves are taught by experienced specialists and instructors.

In our age of technology, it is simply necessary to be a specialist in your field in order to carry out welding as efficiently as possible and at the same time save time and energy resources. It is worth remembering that a welder at work risks his health and, sometimes even his life, every day. Therefore, welders need to be high-level specialists in order to protect themselves from danger.

Now let's talk about electrodes that are certified by NAKS. Below are the main brands of electrodes that have been certified and received NAKS certificates:

  • UONI 13/55 - electrodes that have proven themselves to be one of the most effective when welding structures, which operate at low temperatures and guarantee trouble-free operation of welding structures even for decades;
  • UONI 13/45 is a guarantee of obtaining ductile welds. No hydrogen content in the deposited metal ensures the absence of cracks and other types of defects;
  • ANO-21 is the best that can be taken from UONI and MR electrodes. These electrodes can be welded in any weather conditions, on almost any welding equipment and on metal with any surface;
  • MP-3 – electrodes that can be used to weld any, even heavily contaminated, metal;
  • OZS-12 - similar to ANO-21, but differ in that they can be used even at reduced current;

Use electrodes certified by NAKS, and the quality of your welding will always be at its best.

Electrodes ano-4t

Welding electrodes uoni 13/55a

Wire for electrodes

Types of certification

Depending on the specifics of the company’s work and the need for verification, the following certification is carried out:

  • primary – if the product has never been tested in NAKS laboratories before;
  • additional - if the inspection has already been carried out previously, but changes in technology occurred in production (using welding materials of this type), or the manufacturer decided to expand the scope of application of its products;
  • periodic - carried out once every three years if the product has been tested (passed the initial tests), but regular re-certification is necessary. Moreover, if during this period none of the customers have made justified claims to the manufacturer, then the procedure at the NAKS center is carried out according to a simplified scheme;
  • extraordinary - it is passed by those welding materials that have already been tested earlier, but then the State Mining and Technical Supervision of the Russian Federation introduced a ban on their use. Upon recertification, the manufacturer receives a new document.

Features of certification

Certification is an important and secondary stage for large industries and enterprises. First of all, welding is certified. NAKS determines which technologies will be used in a particular production, the agency makes a conclusion and gives permission for the work being carried out. For this reason, it is very important to approach the preparation process with full responsibility.

In order for welding certification to be carried out under the supervision of NAKS, authorized employees of the enterprise collect the required documents and independently submit an application. Afterwards, a commission arrives at the production site and conducts an audit.

During the inspection, the commission takes into account compliance with the following requirements:

  • sufficient amount of equipment at the plant;
  • no problems with staff;
  • compliance with important norms and rules - labor, fire safety and others.

It is worth noting! The commission operates in accordance with special regulatory documents. In accordance with them, it makes basic requirements for production institutions.

Certification of welding production by NAKS is a mandatory event that is carried out at every high-risk production enterprise. This is the law that all official proceedings must adhere to. A study is also carried out on the suitability of the technologies used. The commission must ensure that the equipment used can produce products that meet all qualities and standards.

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