Which Resanta welding machine is best for the home: review of popular models, characteristics and reviews

  • May 30, 2020
  • Tools and equipment
  • Elena Volodina

As a rule, manufacturers of welding equipment do not limit themselves to creating just one model. In order to become competitive in the construction tools market, it is necessary to direct all efforts to satisfy the needs of customers in this segment. Regardless of whether it is a foreign or domestic brand, each of them strives to offer the largest possible selection of welding machines intended for both home use and professional use.

Today, in every construction hypermarket you can find Resanta welding machines, the characteristics of which allow you to choose the most optimal option for yourself, both in terms of performance and cost. The products of this manufacturer are known for their high performance. The company specializes in the production of manual equipment for arc welding, which is carried out with consumable stick electrodes. By the way, the diameter of the latter completely depends on the characteristics of a particular device. It is worth noting that this type of welding is used to work with sheets of ferrous metals.

This method is widely applicable in the installation of metal structures, construction, as well as when carrying out minor repair work at home. Thanks to various modifications, both amateurs and professionals will be able to choose the Resanta welding machine for themselves. Let's look at which one is better for your home below.

History of the company

is the only representative of arc welding machines in its price class. Of course, such equipment has analogues, but they are usually an order of magnitude more expensive, which is not acceptable for everyone. Unfortunately, domestic consumers are accustomed to thinking that low cost is an indicator of poor quality of the instrument. However, in this case this is not at all the case.

The company entered the construction equipment market in 1993. All production facilities were initially concentrated in Riga - at that time the company produced voltage stabilizers. However, with the rapid growth in demand, the company began to expand not only the range of its products, but also the geography of supplies.

The company appeared on the Russian market only in 2003 and immediately established itself as a consumer-oriented and responsible supplier. Welding machines and other equipment of this brand meet modern quality standards. Developers do not stand still, but are constantly working to introduce new technologies. This is the only way a company can be competitive.

The entire production process is accompanied by multi-level quality control. Consumers especially note the uninterrupted feedback from the support team. In addition, a whole network of representative offices has been opened in our country that provide repairs and maintenance of equipment.

As for the Resanta inverter welding machine, the voltage conversion in it occurs in two time periods. In the first, alternating current turns into direct current, and in the second, alternating current appears again, but the frequency increases. Welding in MMA mode requires electrodes with a special coating. It is very difficult to figure out which Resanta welding machine is best for the home, because all models are compact, so they can be easily moved and used to carry out any type of welding work.

All devices produced by the company are intended for manual arc welding using a coated stick electrode. It is worth noting that the equipment is fully adapted to the climatic conditions in which Russians live. It can function smoothly at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 40 degrees. Welders have an electrical protection class of IP21, so they can work in rooms that are not heated. However, they should be used under a canopy, since they are not protected from water, although they prevent the formation of condensation.

Next we will look at this equipment in more detail, and also find out which Resanta welding machine is best for the home.

To ensure that it lasts as long as possible and does not damage other electrical devices in the house, you should study the electromagnetic compatibility card, which can be found on page 3 of the inverter passport.

Model categories

Equipment for welding work is divided into groups. The number of modifications of units is so large that they are divided into special categories. Each of them contains models with the same basic technical parameters.

1. Characteristics of the welding machine "Resanta" SAI PA. The main indicator of such devices is that they all operate in semi-automatic mode. That is, they have a mechanism for pulling the wire and a control valve that changes the gas flow rate. Management occurs from one panel.

2. SAI PO inverters are the first welders that the company began to produce. They operate in MMA mode using piece electrodes.

3. AIS PN models operate at reduced voltage. Such devices are called simplified because they were designed for domestic use, and they are relatively cheap. The minimum power threshold is 140 V.

4. SAI AD units are designed for argon arc welding.

5. SAI PROF welding machines are already professional because they allow you to adjust the welding arc. The equipment is adapted to reduced voltage and is used in overloaded networks.

5. SAI K equipment are compact welders with a high degree of mobility. They are suitable for working at heights and in confined spaces.

Competitors / Analogues

Era of SNPT
  • The range is the same (140-260 V).
  • The accuracy is the same (8%).
  • The cost is similar.
  • Minuses:

  • Smaller power range.
  • Floor only.
Catalog Review
Voltron Energy
  • Wider operating range (105-265 V).
  • Higher accuracy (5%).
  • Universal placement.
  • The power line is similar.
  • Minuses:

  • Higher cost.
Catalog Review
Rucelf SRWII
  • Higher accuracy (3.5%).
  • Minuses:

  • Smaller power range.
  • Higher cost.
  • Mounted only.

*Settings may change over time.

Classification by place of application

offers equipment for both amateurs and professionals:

1. Household welders, as a rule, are used in the garage or at the dacha - that is, to perform a small amount of work. Below we will look at which portable welding machine is best. 220 volts is the voltage of a regular outlet, so household units can be used even in confined spaces. This type of equipment is great for beginners who are just learning to weld. The current range varies from 120 to 200 amperes. Some devices have smooth arc adjustment.

2. Professional equipment produces better quality seams. Such devices are suitable for housing and communal services employees and small car repair shops. With the help of these welders you can work even in harsh conditions, and they can function continuously for much longer than household appliances. Welding current ranges from 200 to 300 amperes.

3. Industrial welding machines are used for welding large structures, which can be made of different materials. The seam here is as precise as possible, and the power of the Resanta welding machine is 250-500 amperes. It is allowed to use welding wire with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 millimeters on a reel.

It is worth noting that it also develops and produces stabilizers that can ensure stable operation of the unit, as well as measuring equipment and thermal equipment.

In 2014 and 2015, it was recognized as the best domestic manufacturer of stabilization and welding equipment.

Pros and cons of products

Each Resanta inverter welding machine is equipped with Chinese boards and circuits, so the units are inexpensive compared to Italian or German-made equipment of the same power. For this reason, even people with modest incomes can afford welders from this company.

It is also worth noting the extensive service support, which covered almost the entire territory of Russia. The company's specialists regularly analyze any deficiencies found during equipment operation. As a result, the devices are improved, and all shortcomings are quickly eliminated.

Advantages of the Resanta inverter welding machine (220 V):

  • high quality seams;
  • stability during voltage surges;
  • formation of a small layer of slag, minimal splashing;
  • easy adjustment of current strength;
  • ability to work with a variety of materials;
  • easy transportation due to the low weight of the unit;
  • low power consumption.

Equipment disadvantages:

  • service is possible only under warranty;
  • the minimum time to repair the device is as much as 3 weeks;
  • difficulties in purchasing spare parts.


All reviews about Resanta inverter welding machines can be roughly divided: before 2012 and after. Until the age of 12, all the reviews are very good, and not from beginners, but from those who use welding in their professional activities. Further - worse. In 2012, the price of these devices dropped significantly—almost by half. It seems good, but as it turns out, the quality has also decreased significantly. After this date, there are different reviews, although positive ones still prevail.

In our workshop, Resanta 250 (SAI) worked every day for a year until someone attached her legs. There were no complaints about the work, only the cables were a bit short. That's why we bought a new one just like it. This one, after 3 months, just suddenly stopped cooking. The service didn’t ask any questions, they just repaired it and that’s it. Now everything is fine, we work like adults. Apart from the cables, no complaints.

Vitaly, Kineshma, 2013

I am a technologist and I am responsible for purchasing tools. We needed an inverter for welders - we worked with a transformer, so I decided not to buy an expensive one for now - in case it didn’t work for them, so I bought a Resanta SAI 250. For two years of intensive work, not a single problem. The transformer is now standing, but this one is always busy. Both specialists and those who have only seen how to work properly use it to cook. Nothing, it's plowing. They say that with Resanta it’s a lottery. Looks like we got a good ticket. We just replaced the welded cables - we installed 10 meter ones with a cross section of 25mm2: the previous five meter ones were inconvenient.

Nikolay, St. Petersburg

I have repaired it for the fourth time... I have a Resanta 220. All previous repairs were enough for two weeks of work. The last time I repaired it was due to pull (it got to me) in another service center. They supplied, as they said, a normal fee. Worked for a month, so far so good. I used to blame the quality of the device, but now I’m confused, maybe the service is like this? Did they install crappy parts so that I would pay them? There is not enough evil.

Grigorievich, Volgograd

I have Resanta 190. I have been using it periodically for three years. Everything is fine, you only need to set the minimum welding current when turning it on and off, as stated in the instructions. It’s not difficult for me, and I do it. I also periodically clean it from dust. For such devices this is critical.

Vitaly Sergeevich, Sergiev Posad

I have been using Resanta 220 for three years now. It works. All this time I only changed the cooler. But I clean it regularly, I try not to cut it, and I don’t let it into the wrong hands. I don’t use a grinder or grinder near welding - they create a lot of dust, and it’s very harmful for inverters. If I need to work with an angle grinder, I use Resanta. If all this is a burden to you, look for another device. There are Europeans, they are not so demanding about working conditions, but they cost several times more, and they don’t want to work with our dancing voltage. So if you need a European who works in our conditions, you also buy a stabilizer. Something like this.

Anatoly, MO

Resanta is not a welding machine, but a bunch of g...a. I'm tired of taking it for repairs. It breaks down all the time. It just stops cooking and that's it. I'll take another one.


I bought Resanta SAI 190 in May 2014. In November it got better. The warranty workshop said that there was a lot of metal dust, which is why it burned. They wanted to reduce it to a non-warranty repair (at my expense), but after a dispute they repaired it under warranty. Now I take care of it. But I don’t know how it will work further.

Vlad, Kirovograd

As you can see, positive reviews about Resata SAI prevail, although there is also some negativity. From operating experience, some conclusions can be drawn regarding how to make welding work without problems.

Main technical characteristics

The company’s wide range of equipment suggests significant differences between different models, but it is worth highlighting the key parameters that apply to all Rosanta welding machines.

For all units, a common characteristic is the input voltage. For example, the SAI series is designed to operate in a fairly large range - from 140 to 240 volts. Models of the PROF series are capable of operating even at 100 volts.

The electrodes have a thickness of 1-6 millimeters, which allows you to work with metal of different thicknesses. For low-power, simplest devices, the electrode diameter does not exceed 4 mm, and for equipment with a three-phase connection and a powerful two-phase connection, this figure can reach 6 mm. Also, the speed and quality of work with thick and refractory products is affected by the welding current.

Principle of operation

The principle of voltage regulation used in stabilizers of the ASN and Lux ​​ASN series is to switch the taps of the autotransformer winding, resulting in a stepwise (discrete) change in the transformation ratio. This principle of operation does not cause a change in the shape of the voltage curve during its transformation, maintaining a sinusoidality. StabExpert.ru reminds that the switching unit contains a set of electromagnetic relays, the contacts of which connect the optimal number of turns of the autotransformer winding. The unit is controlled by an electronic module, the basis of which is an integrated controller microcircuit that generates commands to turn on the desired relay, depending on the supply voltage level.

How to choose a model

Not everyone knows which Resanta welding machine is best for the home. If we calculate the time of direct welding from the total time the equipment is turned on, then this figure will be 70%, which is quite good for such units.

For home use, experts advise choosing a model from the SAI series, as well as SAI PN. According to the data specified in the device’s passport, the welder can operate at a voltage of 154-242 V. However, in fact, already at a value of 190, the Resanta welding machine exhibits some inconsistencies - for example, the electrode begins to stick. But there is a way out - just take smaller electrodes.

Power surges are often observed in rural areas. Then experts recommend paying attention to the AIS PN series. For such devices, 140 V will be sufficient.

What is the best portable welding machine for 220? If you need to choose small-sized equipment, you should prefer the “Compact” series, which is one and a half times lighter than similar units with standard parameters.

So, we have decided on the category, now we need to select the appropriate model. You should immediately pay attention to the welding current indicator, which can be easily determined by its name. Next to the abbreviation SAI there will be an index. For example, the Resanta SAI-160 welding machine can operate at a maximum current value of 160 A.

The power of the unit depends entirely on the intended type of work. You should pay attention to the thickness of the metal and the diameter of the electrodes. For example, the Resanta 160 welding machine requires only electrodes of a certain diameter. You can, of course, purchase a model with a power reserve, but this will cost more, which is not always appropriate.

In any case, before purchasing, you should pay attention to such parameters as the type of welding, network type, maximum power and current, as well as additional functions.

The lineup

Let's consider several popular models of welding machines, which differ in purpose and power:

  • SAI-220. The device is intended for use in professional workshops. It is often chosen by companies involved in processing and casting metal of various thicknesses and grades. The maximum current here is 220 amperes, a suitable electrode is 5 millimeters. Here you can adjust the current from 10 to 220 amperes. Continuous operation time - 7 minutes. Such a device costs approximately 9 thousand rubles.
  • Welding machine "Resanta" 190. This unit has earned commendable reviews. This compact equipment is suitable for both home and workshop. It is designed for manual arc welding. The required electrode is 5 mm. The workpiece must have a maximum thickness of 8 millimeters. The device is often used in foundries. It can operate at a voltage drop of up to 160 V, and has a continuously adjustable current from 10 to 190 amperes. The welder has overload protection installed. Built-in functions include: hot start, anti-stick electrode. tunnel cooling.

The price of the device is 5800-7000 rubles.

  • SAI 250. This is heavy-duty and reliable equipment for MMA arc welding. The covered electrode should have a diameter of 1-6 millimeters. The power of the device is 7.7 kilowatts, continuously adjustable current is 10-250 amperes. Can operate at 160 V. Has an auto-shutdown function when shorted or overheated. The cost is about 9400 rubles.
  • Welding machine "Resanta" 160. SAI 160 is household equipment. Manual welding requires an electrode from 1.5 to 4 millimeters. The device is equipped with a welding current regulator up to 160 amperes with a stable arc voltage of 26 V. The welder weighs only 4.5 kilograms. Works from a regular outlet. The unit has a fan to prevent overheating. The device operates almost silently and is considered the most compact. The price of a welding machine is from 5800 to 6000 rubles.

Technical characteristics of welding inverters Resanta SAI and SAI PN, SAI K

Welding inverter modelMaximum current consumption, AOpen circuit voltage, VArc voltage, VMaximum electrode diameter, mmWeight, kgPrice
SAI-1402075253,24,3110 $
SAI-16022802644,5120 $

Features of operation

Before connecting the device, you need to check the correct connection of the power cable, ground cable, as well as the position of the start switch, which should be turned off. Then, using the adjustment knob, the minimum current value is set, after which the equipment itself can be turned on.

When working in the room there must be sufficient air flow. The space near the device should not be cluttered. You should regularly clean the unit from dust, which will prevent its possible overheating.

If the welder has been in the cold for a long time, then before working indoors you need to let it warm up enough. Only after this can you turn on the device.

Operation of Resanta welding inverters

In the operating instructions for these welding machines, the requirements and recommendations are as follows:

  • Do not use a grinder, electric saws, grinders or other tools near the unit that generate a large amount of dust when working.
  • Do not cover the case during operation: forced cooling using coolers (fans). If you close the air flow, the device will overheat and may burn out.
  • Do not work in damp areas or in the rain.
  • If you bring the inverter into a warm room from frost, you must wait at least two hours until the condensation dries.

Switching order

Before turning on the device, check that the switch is in the off position. Connect the power cable and workers, plug it into the outlet. Set the minimum welding current on the regulator, then press the “on” button. Shutting down is carried out like this: first turn it to minimum, then turn it off with the toggle switch, and then from the network. If the work is finished, disconnect the wires and put them back in place.

When unrolling cables or using an extension cord, make sure that all wires are fully unrolled and do not intersect. Do not leave cables spooled; this creates an inductor that will negatively affect the equipment.

Practical recommendations

Resanta SAI inverters have overheating protection. It automatically turns off the device when the temperature approaches critical. But it’s better not to let it turn off. Work in intermittent mode: cook for 7 minutes, let the unit cool for 3-5 minutes. There is no need to turn it off during these intervals.

There is no need to turn off the power when switching off due to overheating. Just wait 5-7 minutes. Do not turn it off even if you have a short break in your work: the less often you turn on the equipment, the longer it will last. Inrush currents, although there is a “soft start” function, have a bad effect on this type of equipment. Therefore, turn off the inverter only if the break is more than an hour.

If you want Resanta SAI to work normally, periodically clean the insides of dust. Especially if you worked close to a source of dust or after a long period of inactivity.

You need to cook stainless steel with Resanta using reverse polarity.

If you are going to lengthen the working cables, increase their diameter, the voltage will drop less. If you place it at 10 meters, the cross-section is preferably 25mm2.

Operation and repair

The inverter often fails for the following reasons:

  • moisture getting inside the housing;
  • accumulation of dust inside the unit, which prevents it from cooling in a timely manner;
  • failure to comply with the operating mode specified in the instructions.

To identify faults, the housing is removed and the electronic components are checked. If there are cracks, dark spots, carbon deposits and swollen capacitors, these elements need to be replaced. If everything is visually in order, but the device does not work, it is recommended to look for the problem using measuring instruments, periodically checking the electrical circuit.

If it is not possible to repair the device yourself, you should contact the service specialists.

User reviews

Resanta SAI welding machines receive not only positive reviews. Along with high efficiency, some users note that the stated characteristics of the units do not correspond to reality. For example, some models from the PN series stop working with a slight voltage deviation, although they should function according to the instructions.

Welders pay attention to the need to pre-clean the metal from water, dust, rust and paint. Otherwise, the seam may simply come apart. Also, despite the stability of operation, sometimes the equipment breaks down, but it is difficult to find the necessary parts for replacement, since the manufacturer produces them for a specific volume of production, so there is practically no surplus for repairs. Judging by the reviews, the Resanta welding machine can only be repaired by taking it to a service center.

Otherwise, there are no particular complaints - with careful use and proper care, the equipment will last quite a long time.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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