Method for extracting tin by electrolysis from an alkaline electrolyte Soviet patent 1984 according to IPC C25C1/14 

Tin is a silvery metal characterized by softness and ductility. Since its melting point is relatively low, only 232 °C, tin is considered a low-melting metal. A stick made of pure tin produces a characteristic crunching sound when bent.

This is due to its crystalline structure. When deformed, friction occurs between the metal crystals, and this is the cause of the crunch. This is the distinguishing feature of pure tin from an alloy.

Getting tin at home

Today, tin in its pure form is quite rare. Even solder for a soldering iron has impurities. But inquiring minds constantly ask the question: “Where can I get pure tin?” You can get it quite simply, right in your kitchen, from an ordinary tin can. The trick is that such jars are tinned on the inside, that is, covered with a thin layer of tin. This is done to protect the metal from corrosion. To extract tin we need:

  • tin,
  • washing soda,
  • several batteries (so that the total voltage is 9-12 Volts),
  • alkali solution (its preparation will be described below).

The jar needs to be thoroughly cleaned first. To do this, pour a concentrated solution of washing soda into it and boil for 30 minutes. Next, you need to rinse it several times with water. The batteries need to be connected in series or you can use a car battery.

The positive contact connects directly to the can. Negative - with a carbon rod, which can be obtained from the same battery. He is inside her. Carefully lower the rod into the jar of solution. The main thing is that he does not touch her walls. After some time, spongy tin will begin to collect on the negative contact.

This will be accompanied by bubbles in the electrolyte. After completing the procedure, you need to take out the tin-coated rod, put it in a clean metal jar and put it on fire. The tin will be fused into an ingot.

Preparation of lye

It's very easy to make. To do this, you need to mix washing soda with slaked lime and boil the solution. As a result, caustic soda (alkali) is formed, and chalk will precipitate. After cooling and filtering, only an alkaline solution will remain.

Source: xn—-ntbhhmr6g.xn--p1ai

Excess tin. What happens if too much tin accumulates in the body?

The risk of accumulation of a high percentage of microelement in the body exists among workers of enterprises where tin salts are used. These include factories for the production of plastics, pesticides, linoleum and plastics. In the premises of these structures there is too high a percentage of metal vapors and dust. Once in the lungs, this component can damage the lungs. Areas located near highways are considered unsafe for living, as there is too high a dose of exhaust gases that contain tin. Tin negatively affects magnesium, which is responsible for protecting cells from tumors.

Tin cans are considered a dangerous household item that contains tin. If food is stored in them for too long, it begins to self-destruct. Therefore, experts recommend immediately transferring food into glass containers after opening canned food. Storing canned food in open form is strictly prohibited.

In old age and childhood, the body is not able to quickly cope with the elimination of tin. It is in children and the elderly that the risk of developing excess tin is highest. In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to minimize the doses of tin entering the body from food

There is a version that the Roman Empire fell due to tin poisoning. The story goes that the metal ended up in the wine that the ancient Romans loved so much. Regularly eating food from tin dishes and wine saturated with tin, the nation began to often get sick and weaken. Only centuries later did doctors realize what was the reason for the death of the people.

Where can I get tin at home?

Tin, or stanum, is a ductile metal whose main advantages are its lightness and low melting point. Interestingly, tin is non-toxic, so it is often used as food containers (a thin layer is applied to the inside of cans). Widely used in radio engineering.

Buying tin is currently not difficult - it is sold in radio stores and is relatively inexpensive. But if the metal is needed urgently, and the stores are closed, the question arises: where can I get tin at home?

First of all, you should look for broken or unnecessary equipment (an old tape recorder, a remote control for a long-burnt TV, etc.). On the boards, all microcircuits are soldered using tin solder in the form of thin long rods. As mentioned above, a thin layer of the desired metal is located on the inner surface of tin cans and sealing lids. The same goes for beer bottle caps.

You can look where the soldering iron is, there will probably be solder near it. It is worth looking in the attic for old dishes, perhaps you will find pewter among them.

Thanks to Andersen's fairy tale, many mistakenly associate this metal with toy soldiers. In fact, the soldiers of our childhood were made of zinc alloys, and tin ones were made much earlier and only in very rich families, because they were expensive.

But it's worth a look in the garage. In addition to ordinary lead batteries, there are also lead-tin batteries, and who knows, maybe you have just such a one in your household.

So, if you urgently need tin, and the store is closed, don’t despair. Who seeks will always find.


We accept tin, tin solders

Tin (lat. Stannum; denoted by the symbol Sn) is a ductile (crunches when deformed at a fracture), malleable and fusible shiny metal of a silvery-white color, sometimes has a yellow tint.

Tin forms two allotropic modifications: below 13.2 °C, stable α-tin (gray tin) with a cubic diamond-type lattice; above 13.2 °C, stable β-tin (white tin) with a tetragonal crystal lattice. Tin is used as a safe, non-toxic, corrosion-resistant coating in its pure form or in alloys with other metals.

The main industrial uses of tin are in tinplate (tinned iron) for food containers, in solders for electronics, in household piping, in bearing alloys, and in coatings of tin and its alloys. The most important alloy of tin is bronze (with copper). Another well-known alloy, pewter, is used to make tableware.

About 33% of all mined tin is consumed for these purposes. Up to 60% of tin produced is used in the form of tin alloys with copper, copper and zinc, copper and antimony (bearing alloy, or babbitt), with zinc (packaging foil) and in the form of tin-lead and tin-zinc solders.

Many collection points are ready to buy tin, but only our company can offer a favorable and fair price in accordance with the current state of the metal market.

The world demand for tin, the price of which is quite high, and its alloys is constantly growing, and tin scrap .

On the other hand, the extraction of primary tin is much more expensive and has a significant negative impact on the environment; in general, tin extraction is currently low.

Against this background, its recycling becomes especially important, especially since companies like ours have appeared that can buy tin at a good price. We have a long history of receiving tin , helping to supply the food, radio and automotive industries.

VeCo LLC will buy tin. The price is high!

There are several main grades of produced tin. The difference is due to the content of the main element and the presence of impurities. Accordingly, the scope of application also differs. Tin metal comes in the following grades: OVCh000, OVCh00, 01PCh, O1, O2, O3, O4.

The first two grades have high purity content - 99.99 and 99.94% tin, respectively, and are used in semiconductor technology. O1, O2, O3, O4 are used in the manufacture of tin, solders, kitchen utensils and polishing tin alloys.

Here the metal content ranges from 99.6% to 99.9%

One of the most common brands is O1PCh. tin metal - 99.91%, the rest is impurities of iron, copper, arsenic, bismuth. It is produced, as a rule, in the form of ingots, rods, and tin sheets.

We accept tin contained in tin products, tin grade 01ПЧ, pieces of tinplate, tin-containing waste, tin wire, dishes, various tin products. Less common is a piece of tin, which, as a rule, is a waste of various industries.

With us you can sell scrap tin at a competitive price!

One of the most common uses of tin is tin solder, used to join materials. Tin for soldering belongs to the so-called soft solders and is widely used in radio electronics, instrument making, mechanical engineering and other areas of industry.

Solders can be pure or with impurities; only pure tin solders are used for soldering food equipment. Thanks to its ductility, tin rolls well into rods and wire of different diameters, which are convenient to use for soldering. Tin solders have high corrosion resistance, mechanical strength and good conductivity.

There are several main brands of solders - POS 90, POS40, POS30. Tin-lead solders of different brands differ in the percentage of tin in them and are designated accordingly.

So POS 30 solder contains 29-31% tin, POS 40 - 39-41% Sn, POS 90 - 89-91% Sn, the rest is lead, and also impurities of antimony, copper, nickel and zinc are present in small quantities. Typically, soldering tin comes in the form of wire wound on a spool.

VeCo LLC accepts tin for soldering, brands of tin solders POS 90, POS 40, POS 30 at a high price!

It will be convenient to hand over tin We have been working for quite a long time; competent specialists have extensive experience in accepting and evaluating alloys.

In addition, we can very accurately determine the percentage composition of the product using a Niton spectrum analyzer. accept tin at competitive rates and regularly adjust them in accordance with the global market.

The depletion of world reserves makes the reception of tin and its further processing a very important activity.

Tin at home

Today, tin is a common metal. However, in centuries it was quite rare and valuable, so Russia bought it from other countries. From this metal, Russian craftsmen created dishes with relief patterns, since soft, pliable tin could easily be processed with a chisel. After casting the product, the master decorated it with intricate patterns or an engraved inscription.

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WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Making tin chloride SnCl2

Using Alternative Soldering Media

Soldering work is standard for any chosen product; differences can only be observed at the preparatory stage:

  • the fat must be melted or heated;
  • prepare a solution from aspirin;
  • No preparation is required for resin, amber, and bow rosin.

The use of analogues cannot be a complete replacement for soldering rosin, however, when you don’t have it at hand, they will be an ideal way to achieve the desired result.

You also need to take into account that home methods are not suitable for production purposes. The quality of soldering will be significantly worse than when using standard soldering.

How and with what to solder copper at home? (video)

Login Registration Password recovery You can log in through one of the accounts:. You can log in through one of the accounts:. Receive a link to change your password. All Collective Personal Find. I just need your help. The situation is this: I started a rather complex project for which this wonderful metal is needed, namely a cast box with a secret lock, which consists mostly of gears.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a man who agreed to sell me tin not solder after some clarification of the price. I have some suspicions about the quality of the metal, maybe someone on the site knows how to distinguish Tin from its low-grade alloy or some kind of solder? Thank you in advance! This is the whole problem: according to the owner, he has owned the metal for quite a long time, more than 10 years, and if it has frozen at least once, then there is no point in taking it, since the process is not reversible.

In short, firstly, it takes a lot of frost for the plague to arise. The very first historically recorded case when all the tin buttons in the royal military warehouses fell apart happened in an abnormal winter, when frosts reached 40 degrees.

Secondly, even negligible additions of alloying impurities such as antimony to the metal reduce the likelihood of tin plague to almost zero. And thirdly, about irreversibility. And just save the metal - no problem.

A simple remelting - and the process of destruction will be stopped. I understand that what has already turned into gray tin cannot be returned? You have to try! This is not even oxidation, not a transition to salt... That is, it is quite possible that when remelted, we will get back normal metal.

But what am I talking about? Moreover, Internet scares about the plague are exaggerated to the point of indecency. Always ask the person who scares you about the plague, have you seen it yourself?

Have your personal belongings ever fallen apart? It usually turns out - no, I haven’t seen it myself, but I read it on smart forums... Thank you, I found information about gray tin: Gray tin is an allotropic modification of ordinary white tin, which is formed at temperatures below .5 degrees Celsius.

To make gray tin white again, just mix it with water and boil until the powder turns white again. After this, it is melted down and the tin takes on its original appearance.

One modification changes to another the faster the lower the ambient temperature. The tin cracks and turns to powder. The scientific study of this phase transition began in the city. It was established that this is a process of allotropic transformation of white tin into gray tin with a diamond-type structure. Many valuable observations and thoughts about this process were expressed by D. The current name for this process was given by G. Some historians [who?

Tin for soldering and tinning works

Tin is one of the oldest metals used by man. As the chemical encyclopedia indicates, this metal was known as early as 6000 BC. tin in the earth's crust is 8×10-3%.

The main natural minerals are tin stone and tin pyrite. The first is called cassiterite. The name of the second type of ore - stannin - is based on the name of the chemical element itself (stannum).

Due to the popularity of the method of using metal for soldering, the need to produce a variety of tin solder, and to isolate pure metal for tinning, the development of ores has acquired an industrial scale.

Metal Features

There are 10 stable isotopes of tin constantly present in nature. This is a large number. For other chemical elements, the number of stable isotopes is incomparably smaller. Iron atoms, for example, have 4 isotopes.

Let us recall that isotopes are varieties of atoms that have different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus, and therefore different atomic masses. The properties of isotopes are similar, however, they have some differences.

Tin is a soft metal with a light silver color, which has ductility, malleability, and properties convenient for soldering.

It has several crystal modifications (cubic, tetragonal and rhombic):

  1. The first form is designated by the letter α and is called gray tin. The maximum temperature of existence is 14 ℃, above which the process of transformation into the next form occurs.
  2. The second form is designated by the letter β and is called white tin. The maximum temperature of existence is 173 ℃, above which the process of transformation into the last form occurs.
  3. The third form is designated by the letter γ, has a melting point of almost 232 ℃.

As the temperature decreases, all transformations are slowly carried out in reverse order.

Application for solders

Tin in its pure form could theoretically be used for soldering due to its good wetting ability and electrical conductivity. However, as the temperature drops, there is a high probability of a transition from one form of metal to another, which is brittle and unstable.

As a result, soldering will result in the formation of a short-lived connection. Pure tin solders are not used in practice.

The addition of other components significantly increases the possibility of obtaining durable seams.

Tin-lead alloys are widely used, suitable for soldering various parts. Many of the solders are marked with PIC indicating the percentage of tin. If the composition includes bismuth, an additional letter B appears in the letter combination.

There are known proprietary soldering compounds containing tin, lead, bismuth, and sometimes other additives in various proportions. Examples are the alloys Wood, D, Arce, Rose.

The group of tin compounds with lead is suitable for tinning and soldering of copper, copper and steel alloys. All of them have low melting points, are convenient for working with a regular soldering iron, and are always available for sale.

If you suddenly need to carry out soldering urgently, but there is no solder on hand, you can use a soldering iron to remove the connection from old unnecessary electrical appliances. The mass will serve you effectively once again.

Mixtures containing cadmium, aluminum, zinc, and bismuth are used for soldering aluminum products and parts made of non-ferrous alloys. The formation of strong seams is facilitated by the introduction of alloying components.

Lead and lead-free alloys

The environmental community is alarmed by information about the variety of applications for solders containing toxic metals.

Explanatory work is being carried out about the dangers of prolonged contact with lead, cadmium, and bismuth during soldering. Alternative solder alloys are being developed and put into practice, in which harmful chemical elements have been replaced with safe ones.

Among lead-free solders, tin and copper alloys cover the largest range of applications for soldering. The eutectic mixture ensures the formation of strong seams on different materials, in accordance with the properties of which the proportion of components in the consumable material is selected. Tin-copper solders have affordable prices and are environmentally safe.

Soldering using tin-silver alloys gives excellent results. The seam is strong and heat-resistant.

The material is non-toxic. It can be used even when soldering drinking water supply systems. The qualities of the consumable material allow it to be used for production needs, but desire is limited by cost. The silver component significantly increases the price.

The alloy of tin and gallium has the minimum melting temperature. Soldering with it can be carried out at 20 ℃. For such work, the usual soldering equipment is not required.

However, gallium is an expensive metal. The scope of its use in soldering is limited by the feasibility of increased financial costs.

Immersion coatings

Soldering on printed circuit boards is carried out after surface preparation, which can be done in different ways.

A high-quality result is ensured by immersion - the application of a thin layer of metal from a solution of its salts.

The board is immersed in a solution that must contain a component with a lower electronegativity than the base material.

Immersion is an effective method of applying a thin layer of tin to the surface of the board, allowing subsequent soldering to proceed safely.

The coating thickness does not exceed 1 micron. The method has disadvantages, which include the possibility of the formation of intermetallic inclusions and microscopic whiskers.

In order not to worsen the conditions for subsequent soldering, large tin crystals are precipitated. Another option to avoid trouble is to apply a thin layer of organometallic substances before deposition of tin. The measures taken allow soldering to be carried out successfully.

An immersion coating is formed by placing the board in a tin chloride solution. The process can be stimulated by introducing small amounts of complexing agents, for example, thiourea, into the aqueous solution.

Soldering should be carried out no later than 2 weeks after immersion. Otherwise, the intermetallic compounds formed will not allow the work to be carried out successfully.

The addition of bismuth salts to the solution can make soldering easier. As a result, the immersion layer will contain tin and bismuth. The surface of the board can be treated with preservative varnish.

Subsequent soldering can be carried out directly on the varnished layer. If special circumstances arise that require very critical soldering, the varnish layer can be easily removed with alcohol.


It is known that many metals are easily oxidized. Being on the surface in contact with air in the presence of moisture, they turn into oxides, then hydroxides, and are gradually destroyed.

Even in ancient times, they learned to protect metal products by applying coatings of resistant metals. For tinning, tin and its alloys were in most cases used and are still used today.

Previously, boilers and cooking utensils were tinned. Nowadays, many ceramic-metal composites that do not rust are used to make kitchen utensils. There are almost no tinned boilers and pans on the market.

Cans are permanently coated with a layer of tin alloys. Otherwise, instead of canned food, consumers would see a rusty mass. Tin protective coatings are used in radio electronics. Soldering products on such a surface is easy.

Gems: Guide

Today, tin is a common metal. However, in centuries it was quite rare and valuable, so Russia bought it from other countries. Tin was used to coat iron products to protect them from rust. From this metal, Russian craftsmen created dishes with relief patterns, since soft, pliable tin could easily be processed with a chisel. After casting the product, the master decorated it with intricate patterns or an engraved inscription. Today, the Moscow Historical Museum has various examples of tin utensils that have been preserved from ancient times.

How to use solder for soldering?

The best solder for soldering metals is pure tin. But in practice, an alloy is used in which tin is the base and lead is added. Similar solders can be found on sale, and there are many brands. If desired, you can make it yourself if all the necessary ingredients are available. Tin and lead solder is designated by three letters - POS, followed by a number. The most popular brands are POS-60 and POS-40. The numbers are the percentage of lead in the mixture. Such solders are used for soldering both brass and radioelements and copper wires.

Hard soldering diagram.


There are many formulations of solutions for removing tin-lead alloys from the surface of copper. In this article we will look at several of them and describe the pros and cons of each. I would like to emphasize that testing of the solution recipes in question was carried out only on a chemically deposited coating. I have not checked the suitability of solutions as a remover and dissolver of solder from a printed circuit board. One of the solutions mentioned on the Internet is a vinegar solution with the addition of ferric chloride and copper sulfate. The solution is prepared as follows: copper sulfate is dissolved in ml of water, then ferric chloride. The advantage of this etching solution is the speed of removal of the tin-lead coating, the disadvantage is that it is not selective to copper; it etches copper. You need to monitor the process so as not to accidentally etch a lot of copper from the surface of the printed circuit board; the mordants are visible in the photo. This article was published on whoby.

What happens if there is an excess of tin?

When more than 3 grams of a microelement accumulates in the body, anemia can begin, liver and respiratory tract diseases develop, and a disorder of the nervous system occurs. Most often, an excess of tin leads to the development of stannosis - a severe cough, which is accompanied by frequent shortness of breath and sputum.

Symptoms of tin poisoning:

  • the appearance of a metallic taste on the tongue
  • frequent dizziness and migraines
  • ulcer development
  • inflammation of the skin
  • pale skin, even blue
  • visual impairment
  • liver enlargement several times
  • frequent stomach pain
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach: diarrhea, vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • fast weight loss
  • protein metabolism disorder
  • aggressiveness or increased agitation
  • decrease in zinc levels in the blood

Expert Help: Tin

Soldering of any metal is based on knowledge of its physical and chemical properties. This also applies to silver. This is an ideal indicator. In practice, when soldering, you have to deal with alloys, and the melting temperature here directly depends on the components, as well as their percentage. Soldering silver requires care, and before starting it, it’s a good idea to practice on inexpensive products. Silver solders are used for soldering silver objects, including in industry.

Tin products and other applications of pure metal, as well as its various alloys

Despite its name - “resistant”, tin is not a durable metal. It is too light and malleable to be used for the production of any load-bearing structures. But malleability at relatively low temperatures and plasticity make the substance very popular in the relevant field. You will learn all this and even more from this article about how you can use tin, where to buy it for soldering, what solders are possible with it.

In the modern national economy, in the vast majority of cases, it is not tin that is used, but its various alloys.

Modern bronze often includes more than just copper and tin. Usually it also contains silicon, lead, aluminum and other additional components.

  • The second most famous application is solders . These are alloys of tin and lead, silver, copper, as well as cadmium or bismuth. A distinctive feature of this alloy is its low melting point, the ability to form bonds with other metals and the high strength of such compounds. With the help of solders, a wide variety of metal parts are connected to each other, which cannot be connected to each other - due to too different melting temperatures, for example. Occasionally, pure tin solders are also used.

The properties of solder are determined by its composition. Traditionally it is used in radio and electrical engineering. But an alloy of 30% tin and 70% lead has a very wide range of solidification. This characteristic is used when soldering various types of pipes.

  • Both tin itself and tin-lead alloys have good adhesion to the metal. And therefore, both are used for external coating of parts in order to protect products from corrosion and give them an attractive appearance. A layer is applied by immersing the object in a bath of melt, or using the electrolytic method from aqueous solutions.
  • Another well-known alloy of tin, antimony and copper is known for its outstanding anti-friction properties. Such compositions, called babbitts, are used to coat various moving parts in order to reduce their wear.
  • An alloy of metal with lead and antimony is used in the manufacture of typographic fonts. Its durability and resistance to fatigue allow the same set to be used for a long time.
  • Another unusual use for combining metal with lead is in organ pipes. Tin is the most tonally resonant metal known. Its amount in the alloy determines the tone of the pipe.

This video will tell you about the uses of tin:

Tin is also used as a supply of an independent substance - with a share of up to 97–99%.

  • Almost half of such pure metal as tin is used to coat cans. Well-known tin objects are a steel product coated with a thin layer of tin - 0.4 microns. The latter provides excellent anti-corrosion protection.
  • A lot of different food containers and even dishes are made from tin, since the metal has excellent hygienic properties and is absolutely safe, unlike its medieval “brother”, which is an alloy with lead. Dishes made from this light silver metal are very beautiful. In addition, the high malleability and plasticity of the substance make it possible not only to stamp pots and plates, but to produce truly excellent tableware items. Accordingly, gifts made of tin are popular.
  • Due to its excellent anti-corrosion properties, tin is also used in the manufacture of pipelines. These qualities are especially valuable when organizing a drinking water supply system. However, they are not widely used, since the material is quite expensive and, most importantly, scarce on the construction market.

We will talk about the heat, degree, specific melting temperature of tin for making products and soldering microcircuits, about the features of the use in industry of white, gray, chlorine, liquid tin, and its properties below.

Use of metal in construction

Low strength and hardness significantly limit the use of tin in the construction industry. And most alloys with metal require completely different characteristics.

However, the substance also found a place in this area.

Tin bronzes

An alloy of tin and copper is the best known use of the metal, with the possible exception of tinplate. Tin bronze has excellent anti-friction properties, is resistant to corrosion, is hygienic and is not afraid of frost. In addition, the material is extremely attractive in appearance and has excellent malleability.

These properties determine the scope of application of the tin alloy.

  • Pipeline - resistance to high temperatures and very low shrinkage - less than 1%, determine the use of bronze pipes for any type of pipeline: hot and cold water supply, heating, and so on. Due to the fact that the material does not corrode, it is extremely durable: a bronze pipeline (not to be confused with ceramic) is designed to last for centuries. In addition, it is much easier to maintain. Its appearance only becomes more attractive over time: the correct black patina gives even a simple pipe elegance, the material does not lose its properties, and moreover, the material does not accumulate electricity, like steel, for example.
  • Plumbing fixtures - bathtubs, washbasins, toilets made of this alloy not only “honestly” fulfill their role, that is, they are durable objects with excellent hygienic properties, they are often also very beautiful. The malleability of bronze allows you to turn your bathroom into an artistic masterpiece.
  • The same applies to small accessories for the bathroom , toilet or kitchen. Bronze taps, watering cans, stands, heated towel rails and others will give any interior a completely luxurious look.
  • Fittings of a different kind - handles, locks, door hinges and even curtain rings, a very sophisticated touch of the classic style.
  • Stair railings and railings are perhaps the most effective use of bronze in a residential building, since they have a relatively large area. Forged or cast bronze railings are a way to make the interior not only unique, but also extremely luxurious and elegant.
  • Sculptures and household items that can be made from metal - hangers, benches, holders, mirror frames and so on. Made of bronze, these products are a decoration for any home and in any style.

This video will tell you what to do if you don’t have enough tin for soldering:

Tin candlesticks, glass holders, buttons and toy soldiers have sunk into Summer. Today, pure tin, despite its much lower cost compared to past centuries, has much less application, since it is being replaced by cheaper and more accessible alloys.

However, lovers of retro styles will not fail to find a tin product to decorate the interior.

  • Pewter fittings are mainly door handles, although other items can be found. Compared to bronze or brass, tin appears more modest and has less shine. However, for country or English styles this is an advantage. Well, the high malleability of the material significantly compensates for its dimness.
  • Tin tableware - from the simplest “grandfather’s” mug, from which “such tasty water”, to exquisite cutlery. Pewter dishes are elegant and will compliment any living room. And even now you can surprise a lover of antiquity with a set of pewter dessert spoons.
  • tin street lamps were widely used . They stopped using them a long time ago, but tin lamps of various kinds - from chandeliers to modest tabletops - are still made.

How to solder aluminum with tin yourself

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Crispy tin is easily accessible and fast!

Soldering wire connections with solder is considered the most reliable method of connecting wires and cable cores. It’s good if you only need to solder copper wires, which are easily tinned with solder. It’s not for nothing that in electronics all terminals of elements are copper and tinned. Once solid wires and stranded cable strands are tinned, they are fairly easy to connect by soldering. How to solder aluminum with tin if the solder is rejected by aluminum oxide.

Tin, or stanum, is a ductile metal whose main advantages are its lightness and low melting point. Interestingly, tin is non-toxic, so it is often used as food containers by applying a thin layer to the inside of cans. Widely used in radio engineering. Buying tin is currently not difficult - it is sold in radio stores and is relatively inexpensive. But if the metal is needed urgently, and the stores are closed, the question arises: where can I get tin at home?

Useful tips. Where can I get tin at home? How to get tin at home? Short course on metal soldering.


What foods does it contain?

A nutrient such as tin can be obtained from food. The largest amount of the substance is found in a product such as pork. Slightly less substance is found in:

  • beef;
  • meat of domestic and wild poultry;
  • milk and products made from it;
  • vegetables and root vegetables.

Some tin is present in sunflower seeds and other crops, as well as potatoes and mushrooms. The latter have the ability to “stock up” on the substance not only from the ground, but also to absorb tin from the air. Mushrooms collected near residential areas and busy roads are especially rich, so you should always be wary of eating such “sources of nutrients.”

You can replenish your tin reserves by eating peas and legumes, as well as grapes, grape juice and raisins. A sufficient amount of the nutrient can be obtained by eating sea and ocean fatty fish, as well as offal such as beef tongue.

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