Corrosion of metal
Cold galvanizing of metal: technology and compositions used
Cold galvanizing effectively protects the surfaces of metal products from corrosion. Cold galvanizing technology
The 4 most popular types of wood cutters for a hand router, as well as what kind of equipment they are and what their purpose is
03/23/2020 Design and principle of operation Classification of cutters: by what parameters Types of cutters for metal
Options for sharpening knives depending on their purpose
Sharpening of knives can be carried out using a whetstone, sharpening machines, mechanical and electric sharpeners. There are devices
Do-it-yourself cold welding machine: working principle
Anyone familiar with the rules of electrical installation can easily make a simple welding machine on their own. But
Option for arranging a private water intake with a casing pipe
Casing pipe for a water well - which one to choose: steel, plastic, asbestos-cement, pros and cons
A water well on your property is the best long-lasting source of clean water in your home.
Steel 12Х18Н10Т
Seamless stainless steel pipe 12Х18Н10Т: characteristics and GOST 9941-81
Stainless structural steel 12Х18Н10Т is an alloy that can be used in a wide variety of conditions and
Throat DIN 6899B
Cable and rope thimble - reliable protection against damage
A thimble for a steel rope or cable is a frame made of high carbon steel
selection of bearings by size online
Ball bearing table: numbers, sizes and markings
In our article we will show in detail online the tables and sizes of ball bearings
A small device that solves a big problem. Conductor for furniture
Modern furniture uses a variety of fasteners that require pre-drilling holes. To improve this
Manual hiller: how to make it yourself at home
Choice A correct choice will help in maximizing the mechanization of agricultural work. For less effort
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