The best ways to seal holes in linoleum floors with and without a patch

Tools for repairing linoleum

To restore torn linoleum, you will need the following set of tools and materials:

  1. The remaining fragments of flooring after laying it on the floor. If they are not available, you will have to select a material in the store that matches the color and structure. In specialized retail outlets there are small rolls - leftovers.
  2. A tool with a well-sharpened cutting element, a construction knife or cutter is suitable. Also, the blade must be sufficiently rigid, otherwise it will not be possible to cut the multilayer material.
  3. To mark a right angle, use a metal or wooden square (construction square).
  4. Adhesive composition in the form of bitumen mastic, putty, liquid nails.
  5. Rubber spatula.
  6. Roller for painting work.
  7. Glue syringe.
  8. Construction hair dryer to heat the floor covering.
  9. A small piece of plywood or suitable material for leveling the surface.
  10. A heavy object for better gluing of torn linoleum (oppression).

Tools and materials for work

To repair cuts and holes, you will need a number of tools. The main one is a knife. It should be sharp, durable, you can take a stationery or painter's one. There are also special knives for linoleum on sale:

  • universal - used for cutting fabric in a straight line, easily straightens frayed edges and edges, cuts out even round patches, can have replaceable blades;
  • retractable reinforced - equipped with a non-bending blade, a reliable and comfortable handle, it cuts multi-layer coatings well straight and at an angle;
  • disc - has a sharp round blade, cuts straight and curved, helps to make patches of irregular shape;
  • month-shaped - thanks to the curved blade, it corrects cuts and removes hangnails, trims seams.

You may also need other tools for repairs - a spatula or glue brush, a roller (rubber, thick), a pencil or marker, an iron ruler. Among the consumables, pieces of material with the same pattern, the same color (for cutting out patches), and special glue help to repair the torn area. When purchasing, be sure to save pieces of linoleum - this will help make repairs without problems. In addition, to fix the canvas you will need double-sided masking tape or stickers, and for gluing with hot-melt adhesive - a hair dryer. The following types of adhesives are used in linoleum repair:

  • boostilate;
  • acrylate;
  • PVA;
  • polyurethane reaction;
  • cold welding;
  • mastic;
  • polymer putty.

In order for the glue to color the linoleum, the latter is cut into crumbs, having first removed the backing. Pour the material into glue, after dissolution the product will serve as a pigment. You can also buy a suitable pigment in the store and paint the glue yourself.

Types and causes of damage to linoleum

Linoleum is a fairly soft material: despite its thickness, it is prone to mechanical damage. Typically, holes, tears, abrasions and other defects are formed if the coating is laid on an uneven floor. Linoleum cannot fill all the pores and voids, so when walking on it in problem areas, the material becomes thinner. While PVC linoleum can “resist” tearing longer, thin natural flooring breaks faster.

Tears and torn holes can also appear under the following conditions:

  • piercing the heel of a shoe;
  • gradual wear and tear from furniture legs near the walls or in the middle of the room;
  • cutting with a knife due to careless actions.

Violation of the coating laying technology makes damage to its surface even more likely. When gluing onto a layer of glue that is too thin or thick, the latter will turn out uneven and insufficiently elastic, and defects may appear in some places. If the flooring is laid on a damp base, it quickly peels off and becomes damaged, swelling with waves. The appearance of folds inevitably provokes cracks.

Another option for damage to linoleum is the divergence of the seams if the material was laid in several strips. This usually happens when joints are sealed poorly. The coating can also be burned through - this is usually observed when a cigarette or coal from a hookah falls. Burns can be superficial or through; the latter are more difficult to repair at home.

Repairing large holes in the coating

The holes are repaired by cutting out a piece of material and placing a patch of the same shape in its place.

To do this, it is important to choose linoleum so that it matches the existing pattern.

If the hole has a simple shape and smooth edges, then it is possible to make a patch of a suitable shape. When the edges are torn, the hole can be widened into a simple shape and then sealed with a suitable piece of linoleum.

Renovated floor

Patching with a patch

To repair a hole that has been burned or otherwise damaged, you can use the following methods.

1 option

If the hole with torn edges is small, it is sealed with a patch of suitable size.

Repairing linoleum with a hole occurs in this way:

  1. To fill the hole, select a piece of material that matches the pattern.
  2. Place it on the area with the hole and secure it with tape.
  3. Using a marker and ruler, mark the piece for the patch. It can be rectangular, triangular or other shape.

Seal a small hole

  • Using a sharp knife, cut through both layers in accordance with the markings. The result will be a patch that will exactly fit the shape of the hole.
  • Remove the tape and clean the material from its adhesive traces.
  • Install the patch. In this case, “cold welding” type C glue is applied only around the perimeter.
  • Press the patch and smooth it thoroughly.

Remaining glue must be removed before it has time to dry. This is done with a damp cloth.

This video shows the process of repairing linoleum:

Patch for linoleum

Option 2

If the hole is large and has ragged edges, then you need to cut out a rectangle that will include the damaged area. To do this, you need to pick up a piece of the same material.

The material is taken from the remains of linoleum laid on the floor. If this is not the case and there is no way to find a replacement, then you can take a piece of linoleum in the place where there is furniture that is not planned to be moved. There it is permissible to use the material without taking into account its color.

Carrying out repairs

How to repair a hole in linoleum with your own hands is described below:

  1. The piece of linoleum used for the patch is placed where the hole is.
  2. Using a marker, draw a rectangular area so that it covers the hole. It is marked in such a way that the pattern on the patch fully matches the one on the floor.
  3. The edges are attached with tape.
  4. Using a knife, cut both pieces of linoleum in accordance with the drawn lines. At the same time, the patch and the main fabric are cut through. This action will cause the edges of the patch to fit into the hole.
  5. Remove the tape and the damaged part of the linoleum. Clean the surface from dirt and glue residues.
  6. The patch is glued and smoothed with a roller.
  7. The material is pressed to the floor with a weight and left until the glue sets.

After this, the hole will be repaired, but the connection will remain visible. The joints are sealed using cold welding glue. When used, pigment is added to it to obtain the desired color. “Cold welding” will melt the edges of the material and join them together.

Repairing large gaps

If it happens that the material is severely torn, cut, or drilled (for example, your hand trembles while assembling furniture), you will have to carry out more serious repairs. Sealing with mastic will not help when the holes are larger than 1 square meter. see. You will have to glue the damaged area with a patch. Step-by-step instructions are given below:

  1. Select a piece of flooring that matches the pattern. The pattern should match what was in the hole area. Before attaching, the patch is carefully measured, aligning it with the main fabric.
  2. Place the patch on top of the hole so that its edges are slightly larger than the size of the defect, and attach with masking tape on all sides for reliable fixation.
  3. Cut through both layers of material with a sharp knife, it is advisable to do this in the shape of a square or rectangle.
  4. Remove the tape, remove all trimmings, and remove the patch. The damaged and cut piece of linoleum can also be removed by tearing it off from the base.
  5. Apply cold welding to the cleaned surface and lay the patch. Iron it well so that there are no air bubbles left. You need to glue the patch, finally aligning the pattern.
  6. Roll the set piece with a roller, then remove the remaining glue with a damp cloth.

Do not walk on this flooring area for 24 hours. Then it will be ready for use. What if a piece is partially torn out, but retains its adhesion to the main fabric? In this case, repairs are easier to carry out. It is necessary to straighten the flap (iron it through the fabric), clean it from dirt, and apply a layer of glue to the base. Next, glue the flap using cold welding in the same way. You can also use gluing with liquid nails, bustylate, or special glue for PVC linoleum.

What to do if linoleum is torn

PVC flooring and natural roll coverings have gained popularity due to their good decorative qualities and sufficient resistance to compression and abrasion loads. But if serious violations were made during installation, then during use the likelihood of damage increases.

In addition, in most cases, the cause of negative situations with flooring is the wrong choice. Buyers, in order to save money, give their preference to budget materials - household or semi-commercial linoleum of the 21-23 series and 31 wear resistance class. A high level of resistance to abrasion is observed in natural and PVC linoleum. There are products that are not afraid of sharp heels, pet claws, or furniture casters.

Damaged linoleum not only spoils the appearance of the floor, but also becomes a place for the development of pathogenic microorganisms

If, for example, linoleum of the wrong load class, marked 21, was purchased for the floor in the hallway or kitchen, then it will soon become unusable due to intensive use. Similar consequences will occur when using linoleum of wear resistance class 21-22 in educational institutions. This is a material for household use, it has a minimal protective coating. Here it is best to use linoleum of class 31 and higher for flooring.

Often, when consumers experience damage to linoleum, roll covering manufacturers are to blame for the fact that their products are not of high quality. In addition to choosing the right flooring material, you should also adhere to the technology of its installation.

Among the positive characteristics of linoleum is its partial repairability. If there is a small defect in the form of a cut or swelling, you can beautifully seal the hole in the linoleum by using appropriate means.

Important! If you do not carry out repair work to eliminate various types of damage to the linoleum, then over time they will increase in size and become a place for accumulation of debris and dirt. In such conditions, fungi will begin to multiply at a rapid speed, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix torn linoleum without visible consequences.

This is interesting: Skirting for floor tiles

Features of linoleum coverings

For the home, buyers most often choose inexpensive household or semi-commercial series of 21-23 and 31 wear resistance classes. Although linoleum is an elastic flooring material, the surface of natural and PVC products is quite resistant to abrasive effects, and some collections can even withstand furniture rollers, sharp heels of women’s shoes and animal claws.

But, unfortunately, buyers do not always listen to manufacturers’ recommendations or do not have the financial means. Therefore, a coating that does not correspond to the load class of the room is chosen. For example, for a hallway or kitchen in a house with small children and pets, they buy economy series 21 classes. Or even worse - due to limited budgets, schools and kindergartens use material of category 21-22 from the household series with the minimum possible protective layer on the floor. And you shouldn’t be surprised that the linoleum tore so quickly, bunched up like an accordion, or lost its luster. For such rather harsh conditions, completely different coatings are designed - from class 31 and above.

Accusing manufacturers of producing low-quality flooring products, buyers forget about another important factor - proper installation. Factories Tarkett, DWL, Juteks, Grabo, Forbo and others strongly recommend that you carefully read the instructions before installing the coating

It states in black and white that:

  • The base must be perfectly level, without holes, potholes, bumps or other irregularities. Alas, there are still craftsmen who are simply too lazy to level the surface. They convince customers that linoleum will perfectly hide all imperfections. Yes, indeed, the material lies flat on the base, but at the same time it is an elastic, not a rigid product. Therefore, it is enough to place a chair leg in the area of ​​the hole or step on your heel to make a hole in the linoleum.
    Broken linoleum.

    It is possible to correct installation errors, but you will have to work hard - dismantle the flooring, level the surface, etc.

  • DO NOT lay any underlay materials on the base for insulation, sound insulation, creating a soft layer, etc.
    To effectively reduce the level of impact noise, there must be a massive layer between the coating and the sound-diffusing layer - a wet screed with a thickness of at least 4 cm or a dry screed made of durable gypsum fiber board sheets, chipboard (according to the technical album of Knauf or Rockwool solutions). To insulate a concrete base, you can install underfloor heating or lay any sheet material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient (edged boards, plywood, chipboard, OSB). Forming a soft floor covering is an irrational decision. If only because a kind of play is formed, due to which, when installing furniture or walking, the finishing material is pressed through, and a cut or torn area easily appears. Remember simple rules: the base must be solid, even and durable.
  • Both natural and PVC coatings must be glued to the base. This process is carried out using water-dispersed adhesive compositions or using universal mastics. As a last resort, you can carefully smooth the canvas and secure it with double tape.
  • The seams between the panels must be secured.
    It can be glued using “cold welding” compounds or pressed with metal joints or PVC thresholds. Read more here. Means for fixing seams.
  • Careful use of the finished coating preserves it in its original form for many years. Spilled coloring liquids, traces of markers, rubber shoes and other things must be removed immediately. For effective cleaning, you can purchase several professional products in advance: stain removers for PVC products or marmoleum, universal cleaners, and the like. The consumption of such products is small, and the shelf life is 5 years or more.

If mistakes are made and the surface of the linoleum is damaged, then do not despair. With desire and some skill, almost any defect can be corrected.

Blistering linoleum: what to do?

There are damages that cannot be corrected either with patches or by covering them with putty. One of these defects is bloating.

  1. Blistering is the most unpleasant defect from the point of view of the appearance of linoleum, but it can be eliminated quite simply: you need to pierce the swollen area and squeeze out all the air from it.
  2. Then you need to dilute the liquid glue, fill the syringe with it and use it to pour a sufficient amount of glue under the linoleum.
  3. After these operations are completed, plywood is placed on top, as in the case of patches, on which something heavy can be placed; after a few days it can be removed. There are times when the entire coating swells, in which case nothing can be done; you will have to completely re-cover the linoleum.

The most common cause of swelling is improper waterproofing, and often, if it is done incorrectly, the entire linoleum swells, and you have to remove it, redo the waterproofing and re-lay it all over again.

Drying out

Another defect that may arise during the operation of the coating in question and cannot be repaired with patches is drying out.

  1. In this case, you can repair linoleum as follows. If the cracks are small, then you can simply fill them with paraffin. The filling must be done so as to create a protruding seam. After this seam has cooled, you need to take a dull knife (so as not to cut the surface of the linoleum) and clean the filled area. After this, the area is rubbed with a dry cloth.

Linoleum is one of the popular floor coverings, which is used both in residential premises and in public places.

One of its disadvantages is that it is not very resistant to damage. Defects can occur due to improper preparation of the surface for laying the coating, improper maintenance or mechanical stress.

If a tear, bulge or hole has formed on the linoleum, there is no need to rush to replace the flooring with a new one. You can easily repair linoleum with your own hands, following the recommendations described in this article.

Updating linoleum when burning

Probably, hookah lovers, and not only them, have to do it most often. The approach to solving the problem of burnt coating depends on the depth of its damage. Fine coals, as a rule, are capable of damaging only the first two layers of linoleum - protective and decorative. Less often, the top layer of the PVC base is also damaged; very rarely, when the coating burns through.

If only one transparent protective layer of linoleum is damaged by fire, when its pattern is not affected, the resulting defect after cleaning the burnt edges is practically invisible. And so that it does not stand out as a dark spot in the light, the border of the damage can be slightly shaded with the edge of a coin. After this, the “burn” must be covered with a thin layer of linoleum mastic.

If the coating pattern and its base are damaged after removing the burnt area, the burned area is very noticeable: this spot has dark edges and yellowness in the middle. Such a defect greatly spoils the appearance of the coating, especially when there are several such spots. In this case, linoleum can be repaired, just as if it is torn, using “cold welding” type-C glue.

In addition to this, you will need a pigment of a suitable color from the store. Although you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need to find a piece of the same linoleum that is currently lying on the floor, burnt. If this is difficult to do, try cutting it off from the flooring somewhere in an inconspicuous place - under the baseboard, for example.

From the outer surface of the found sample, scrape off the colored chips with a knife, collect them and mix them with the repair mixture. It is necessary to fill the burned area of ​​linoleum with the finished composition, and when the mixture hardens, you need to cut off its excess flush with the surface of the coating. As an additional measure, it is recommended to subsequently treat the entire surface with special wax.

If the linoleum burns through, you will have to put a patch on it. But in any case, it will be noticeable. You cannot leave a hole in the coating. When water gets through it under the linoleum, a damp environment is formed, which promotes the proliferation of fungal and mold spores. Therefore, when burning, repair of linoleum is mandatory.

The work is carried out in this order:

  1. You need to select a suitable piece of linoleum and lay it over the burnt hole.

Then, using a sharp knife, cut through the patch material and the floor covering so that the defective surface is located inside the closed cut line. The result should be a hole identical in shape to the cut patch.

After this, lifting the linoleum, you need to carefully glue the edge of the hole to the base, and then connect the joints of the patch and the hole using “cold welding”.

After the glue has polymerized, its excess on the seam must be cut off flush with the floor covering.

In addition to all the listed repair methods, small defects in linoleum can be masked with applications, that is, contrasting patches in the form of roses, butterflies and other things can be glued onto the coating, creating a certain pattern. Then these places are usually covered with a special linoleum varnish. It all turns out quite touching and original.

How to restore linoleum - watch the video:

That's all. We wish you more creative ideas and less troubles. And let the damaged linoleum not create any special problems now, especially since you already know how to get rid of them. Good luck!

If you burn the carpet

Often this type of flooring is still found in apartments. And often the models and qualities of carpets fit so well into the interior that you simply don’t want to change them. What to do if charcoal burns the carpet with hookah charcoal? Don't panic, but restore.

Required Tools

In order to hide the incident, you will need:

  1. carpet cleaner;
  2. nail scissors;
  3. transparent glue;
  4. a brush with stiff bristles.


A large piece of damaged carpet can only be replaced with a patch. To do this, you need to cut off the damaged piece using scissors. And glue a part of the same size and color in place of the formed hole.

Important: the patch is glued directly to the floor using double-sided tape or glue

Fiber extension method

This method is only suitable if the coal marks are small. To begin, carefully cut out the charred fibers with scissors. The base of the carpet must be left untouched. Then the resulting hole is filled with transparent glue. And whole fibers are cut off from the carpet in hidden places. Hidden places on the carpet can be where some furniture is, or small areas that are not obvious. After the glue has dried a little, fill the hole with new fibers.

How to fix linoleum without a patch

If the damage is not a line, but a partially torn piece, roughly speaking, held on one side out of four, it is realistic to deal with it without using a patch. Although the repair technology is not very different from the method of correcting a situation with a cut - on the contrary, the process is more convenient.

The entire fragment that comes off can be easily bent back and coated with glue on the inside without using syringes or brushes. The disadvantage is that the cut, once sealed, will hardly be visible under some lighting conditions. In the case of repairing an almost entirely separated fragment, the consequences of the problem will remain noticeable. Yes, they can be painted, decorated or hidden, which will be discussed later.

Joint repair

Loose joints are one of the most pressing problems for floors covered with linoleum.

Broken joints

Sometimes the edges of the canvases only slightly move away from the base, in other cases they swell noticeably and diverge to the sides, exposing the subfloor to view. This kind of problem cannot be left unchecked: debris accumulates in the seams, water gets in during cleaning, mold starts to grow, and the protruding edges become frayed and torn, making it difficult to walk around the room. Let's look at how to connect joints with the greatest efficiency.

Fast way

Step 1. The edges of the canvases are folded outward and all the dust is thoroughly cleaned from under the coating.

The edges of the canvases are folded outward

Step 2. Prime the floor using a small brush and leave until completely dry.

Step 3. Place double-sided tape in the gap between the sheets so that the middle of the tape is located exactly along the seam.

Double-sided tape is placed in the gap between the sheets

Step 4. Remove the protective layer from the adhesive surface and press the edges to the floor.

Step 5. Carefully straighten the edges, press and smooth the seam with your hands. Next, it is advisable to roll this area with a roller to finally level the joint.

Smooth the seam

If the linoleum sheets have shifted during operation and the joint has separated by several millimeters, there is a simple and cheap way to eliminate the gap. To do this, you need to clean the seam from dust, degrease it, and dry it thoroughly. Next, you should take a wax candle, melt it and carefully pour the wax into the gap between the canvases. After this, the remaining wax is easily removed with a spatula blade or knife, and the surface of the seam is polished with a soft cloth.

Cold welding of joints

For high-quality sealing of separated seams, it is best to use C-type cold welding. This glue has a thick consistency and perfectly fills seams up to 3 mm wide. In addition, it melts the sections of the canvas and forms a monolithic surface, impermeable to moisture and dust. But for new linoleum they use A-type glue, which is more liquid and reacts faster with PVC. Let's look at how to do this in detail.

Set of tools

Step 1. The coating strips are laid on the prepared floor, overlapping by 5-6 cm.

Step 2. Mark the cutting line exactly in the center of the overlap, measuring the required distance with a ruler. A line is drawn with a pencil along the entire length of the joint.

Step 3. Apply a ruler or metal strip to the marking and cut through both sheets with a sharp knife.

Making markings

Apply a meter ruler

Cuts right through two sheets in one motion

Step 4. Remove the cut strips to the side and align the edges of the canvases.

Excess pieces are removed

Step 5. Apply masking tape to the joint along its entire length. This is necessary so as not to stain the front surface of the coating with glue.

Painting tape is applied to the joint

Step 6. Using the edge of a knife, carefully cut the tape along the joint line.

Cutting through the tape

Step 7. Take the glue, put a cap with a needle on the tube, and twist it tightly. Next, insert the tip of the needle into the gap and lightly press the tube until a spot of glue up to 4 mm wide forms on the tape. After this, you need to smoothly move the needle along the seam, evenly filling it with adhesive.

Put the cap on

Apply welding

Step 8

After about 15 minutes, when the glue has set, the tape is carefully removed from the linoleum

After 15 minutes, remove the tape

You can walk on the coating after the glue has completely cured. The manufacturer indicates the exact drying time in the instructions on the tube, so before work, carefully study all the information about the composition.

The seam after cold welding is invisible

Repairing minor defects

Small cuts and cracks are the easiest to repair, but many people choose not to do this. Indeed, they are almost invisible on the surface, do not stand out, and do not interfere. But over time, dirt and dust will begin to clog in them, the edges will begin to fray, and the hole will expand. Therefore, you must immediately choose the appropriate method and seal the hole.

How to eliminate a minor defect in the coating? Here is a list of suitable funds:

  1. Mastic. Sold in the form of paste, pencil, and a variety of colors.
  2. Cold welding. Reaction glue allows you to quickly and reliably eliminate any defect. Melts the PVC coating, creating an even, invisible seam.
  3. Sealant. It is advisable to purchase a woodworking product, choosing the desired color, it will eliminate minor defects.

Scuff marks can be removed using linoleum wax. Shallow damage can be easily rubbed off with this composition. This should be done with the edge of a coin, then treated with a cloth until a glossy surface is obtained. You can also cover up scuffs with mastic or polish. Before repairs, be sure to clean the floor covering from dirt and debris and dry it well. If necessary, degrease the area.

How to seal a small through hole? It is best to carry out repairs by cold welding; this method is suitable for gluing gaps up to 3–4 mm, but compositions for larger cracks are also commercially available. Painting tape is glued to the area around the defect for protection, then glue is applied using a thin spout. Once the surface melts, the hole will disappear. As it hardens completely, remove the tape and cut off excess glue with a sharp knife. You need to be careful when working with cold welding, such products are toxic. It is necessary to use a respirator, gloves, and ventilate the room well.

You can also glue small cuts and tears with a homemade product:

  • melt half a kilogram of rosin powder in a water bath;
  • cool the mass to 50 degrees, add 150 ml of alcohol, 100 g of castor oil;
  • tint the mixture with pigment;
  • Using a syringe with a needle, inject glue into the defect area and wait until it hardens completely.

Repairing large holes in the coating

If the hole area exceeds 1 cm2, sealing with mastic will not help. Depending on the type of damage, two methods of eliminating the defect are used - with and without a patch. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Patching with a patch

The method is used in cases where a piece of covering is completely torn out or there is a through burn through the linoleum. Depending on the size of the patch, it can be glued over the entire area or just around the perimeter.

1 option

Through defect

To work you will need:

  • a piece of linoleum of the same color as on the floor;
  • sharp mounting knife;
  • metal ruler;
  • construction tape;
  • linoleum mastic and cold welding glue;
  • notched spatula;
  • hard roller.

Step 1. Linoleum is cleaned of dirt and dust. Take a prepared piece of coating and lay it over the defect so as to accurately align the lines of the drawing.

Sticking tape

Trying on a piece of linoleum

Step 2. Having chosen the correct position, the linoleum is fixed with tape around the perimeter.

Secure the patch with tape

Step 3. Next, apply a ruler to the linoleum and cut through both layers to the base of the floor on one side, then in the same way along the entire perimeter.

Cut through both layers

Step 4. Remove the top piece, set it aside and carefully remove the cut out fragment with the hole.

Remove the piece with the hole

Laying a new piece of linoleum

Step 5. Try on the patch to the cut hole in the linoleum, check the tightness of the joints and the compatibility of the pattern.

Trying on a patch

Step 6. Take linoleum mastic and apply a thin layer to the base using a fine-toothed spatula. For better fastening of the edges of the coating around the perimeter of the cut-out area, you need to slightly lift it with your fingers and coat it with mastic underneath.

Applying mastic

Step 7. Place the patch in place, making sure the pattern is positioned correctly. Smooth the material with your hands, pressing along the edges, and then forcefully roll it out with a roller in all directions.

Put the patch in place

Roll out with a roller

Step 8. Now take a tube of A-type cold weld adhesive, insert the tip into the seam and carefully guide it around the perimeter of the patch. The glue should fill the seams evenly.

Cold welding application

Until the glue dries, do not touch or step on the patch to avoid displacement and deformation. It is best to lay a piece of plywood on it, press it down with a weight and leave it for a couple of days.

Option 2

If the patches are small, it is permissible to glue them only around the perimeter using C-type cold welding.

Repairing linoleum with a hole

Step 1. Select a piece of coating according to the drawing.

Step 2. Place double-sided tape on the back side of the workpiece and fix the material to the coating. Be sure to make sure that the drawing lines are aligned correctly!

Step 3. Determine the boundaries of the patch and carefully cut both layers of linoleum under the ruler.

Step 4. Remove the trimmings, remove the patch and the damaged bottom layer.

Step 5. Clean the base and apply a thin continuous strip of glue around the perimeter of the cutout.

Step 6. Place the patch, press it well, squeezing out the air, and roll it out along the edges with a roller. Excess glue is wiped off with a damp cloth.

Patches can have any geometric shape, depending on the area of ​​damage and the size of the replacement material. It is most convenient to work with linoleum that imitates tiles: here you simply cut out a square along the drawn lines. For linoleum with laminate imitation, you can use rectangular or triangular patches.

The photographs contain detailed repair instructions.

Repairing holes without patches

This method is used if a piece of linoleum is not completely torn out and remains hanging as a flap.

Torn out flap

To repair such a hole without visible marks, you first need to straighten the torn flap. To do this, you can press it down with something heavy and leave it for a day, or, what is more effective, iron it with a hot iron through damp gauze. To avoid melting the protective layer, the gauze should be folded into 10-15 layers. After the material has straightened, you can begin sealing.

Step 1. The base under the gap is cleaned of dust and dirt.

Step 2. Using a gun, apply liquid nail glue along the perimeter of the damage in a continuous strip.

Applying glue

Step 3. The torn flap is placed in place and pressed tightly with your hand, after which it is rolled out well with a roller.

Rolling for better adhesion

Step 4. Wipe off any excess glue with a damp cloth.

Removing excess glue

It takes at least a day to dry, so protect the repaired area of ​​the floor from any stress. Instead of liquid nails, you can use mastic or linoleum glue.

Linoleum after renovation

How to join seams

If you have just recently laid linoleum on the floor or replaced a large part of it, then you are probably faced with the task of sealing all the joints and seams so that the covering looks like a continuous canvas.

To seal joints in large spaces and near thresholds, the cold welding method is most often used, but this is not the best option. During operation, the seams quickly come apart and look unattractive.

You can easily seal the linoleum yourself without spending a lot of time on it. Stretch the two sheets overlapping each other, leaving 5 mm. You will get a low mound. Start cutting it, making sure that both blades fit tightly together. For convenience, use an even bar; do not rely on being able to make an even cut “by eye.”

Remove the cut excess and degrease the processed edges. Cover the entire adjacent surface with masking tape and proceed to further processing.

Use C-type PVC glue. Rub it around the edges and place heavy books or boxes on top. After the glue has dried, carefully remove the excess with a knife and remove the tape. If you want the seam to be invisible, treat the weld area with wax.

PHOTO: To prevent the seam from becoming even more noticeable, do the work carefully. Be careful not to smear the glue onto the linoleum during application.

Repairing large holes in the coating

If the hole area exceeds 1 cm2, sealing with mastic will not help. Depending on the type of damage, two methods of eliminating the defect are used - with and without a patch. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Patching with a patch

The method is used in cases where a piece of covering is completely torn out or there is a through burn through the linoleum. Depending on the size of the patch, it can be glued over the entire area or just around the perimeter.

1 option

Through defect

To work you will need:

  • a piece of linoleum of the same color as on the floor;
  • sharp mounting knife;
  • metal ruler;
  • construction tape;
  • linoleum mastic and cold welding glue;
  • notched spatula;
  • hard roller.

Step 1. Linoleum is cleaned of dirt and dust. Take a prepared piece of coating and lay it over the defect so as to accurately align the lines of the drawing.

Sticking tape

Trying on a piece of linoleum

Step 2. Having chosen the correct position, the linoleum is fixed with tape around the perimeter.

Secure the patch with tape

Step 3. Next, apply a ruler to the linoleum and cut through both layers to the base of the floor on one side, then in the same way along the entire perimeter.

Cut through both layers

Step 4. Remove the top piece, set it aside and carefully remove the cut out fragment with the hole.

Remove the piece with the hole

Laying a new piece of linoleum

Step 5. Try on the patch to the cut hole in the linoleum, check the tightness of the joints and the compatibility of the pattern.

Trying on a patch

Step 6. Take linoleum mastic and apply a thin layer to the base using a fine-toothed spatula. For better fastening of the edges of the coating around the perimeter of the cut-out area, you need to slightly lift it with your fingers and coat it with mastic underneath.

Applying mastic

Step 7. Place the patch in place, making sure the pattern is positioned correctly. Smooth the material with your hands, pressing along the edges, and then forcefully roll it out with a roller in all directions.

Put the patch in place

Roll out with a roller

Step 8. Now take a tube of A-type cold weld adhesive, insert the tip into the seam and carefully guide it around the perimeter of the patch. The glue should fill the seams evenly.

Cold welding application

Until the glue dries, do not touch or step on the patch to avoid displacement and deformation. It is best to lay a piece of plywood on it, press it down with a weight and leave it for a couple of days.

Option 2

If the patches are small, it is permissible to glue them only around the perimeter using C-type cold welding.

Repairing linoleum with a hole

Step 1. Select a piece of coating according to the drawing.

Step 2. Place double-sided tape on the back side of the workpiece and fix the material to the coating. Be sure to make sure that the drawing lines are aligned correctly!

Step 3. Determine the boundaries of the patch and carefully cut both layers of linoleum under the ruler.

Step 4. Remove the trimmings, remove the patch and the damaged bottom layer.

Step 5. Clean the base and apply a thin continuous strip of glue around the perimeter of the cutout.

Step 6. Place the patch, press it well, squeezing out the air, and roll it out along the edges with a roller. Excess glue is wiped off with a damp cloth.

Patches can have any geometric shape, depending on the area of ​​damage and the size of the replacement material. It is most convenient to work with linoleum that imitates tiles: here you simply cut out a square along the drawn lines. For linoleum with laminate imitation, you can use rectangular or triangular patches.

The photographs contain detailed repair instructions.

Repairing holes without patches

This method is used if a piece of linoleum is not completely torn out and remains hanging as a flap.

Torn out flap

To repair such a hole without visible marks, you first need to straighten the torn flap. To do this, you can press it down with something heavy and leave it for a day, or, what is more effective, iron it with a hot iron through damp gauze. To avoid melting the protective layer, the gauze should be folded into 10-15 layers. After the material has straightened, you can begin sealing.

Step 1. The base under the gap is cleaned of dust and dirt.

Step 2. Using a gun, apply liquid nail glue along the perimeter of the damage in a continuous strip.

Applying glue

Step 3. The torn flap is placed in place and pressed tightly with your hand, after which it is rolled out well with a roller.

Rolling for better adhesion

Step 4. Wipe off any excess glue with a damp cloth.

Removing excess glue

It takes at least a day to dry, so protect the repaired area of ​​the floor from any stress. Instead of liquid nails, you can use mastic or linoleum glue.

Linoleum after renovation


If you install a threshold in the doorway to connect the coverings between rooms, this will not require a large investment of effort and money. As a result, the edges of the coating will be secured, and seams and other installation defects that may arise during the process will be hidden.


  • It is quite easily secured with the screws supplied with the threshold or with “Liquid Nails” glue;
  • reusability;
  • easy to replace;
  • protects the floor well from water, dirt and dust;
  • durability, which especially applies to metal products, and with the right choice of shade, almost complete invisibility;
  • additional decorative effect, as the interior will look like it’s finished;
  • the difference between coatings of different thicknesses on the floor of the same level can be smoothed out.

To hide the joints of linoleum, you can use special thresholds


slight protrusion above the floor; installation only under an arch or in a doorway, since such seams cannot be hidden in the middle of the room; It is important that the installed thresholds do not interfere with closing the door completely, and therefore you then need to either file the edge of the panel or install the door only after the floors are completely finished.

Types of thresholds

We have not listed all the overlays that are suitable for covering the joints of linoleum with each other or with some other coating.

Here are the types of thresholds, differing in design and installation method:

  • straight - suitable for joining linoleum of the same thickness;
  • multi-level - to compensate for height differences and join coatings of different thicknesses;
  • finishing - they can be used to seal the edges of linoleum without connecting it to any other coating;
  • corner - they are used to decorate the seams and edges of linoleum on stairs.

There are several types of thresholds for linoleum

Materials for planks:

  • Aluminum and brass are the most commonly used materials due to their strength, durability and attractive appearance. Usually painted to resemble metals such as gold, silver, bronze;
  • plastic is short-lived, but cheap. Among the products made from it there are those suitable for rounded joints. The requirements are regulated by GOST 19111-77, according to which door thresholds are semi-rigid products. A plastic strip zones the space and hides the difference in thickness of different coatings;
  • rubber overlay on an aluminum base - feet do not slip on it;
  • MDF is an unpopular material, very expensive, and it swells from moisture;
  • cork is common because it is environmentally friendly, soft, and durable. It also cushions and performs a compensatory function.

Which threshold for joining linoleum is better to choose?

The process of attaching the linings

The planks can be secured with self-tapping screws or by gluing them. Each of these methods has its own differences from the other.

The use of self-tapping screws is much more reliable, and the use of a decorative plug hides the fasteners.

The connection with glue will not be so strong, but for a base that is loose and unsuitable for holding self-tapping screws, you will have to use this particular method.

Algorithm for installing thresholds on self-tapping screws.

Step 1Lay the linoleum, adjusting the joints as close to one another as possible. Measure the full length of the seam. The base and part of the linoleum at the joint should be completely cleaned of all types of contaminants.
Step 2Cut the threshold to the required dimensions and fit it to the joint.

Step 3

Mark areas on the floor where you will then need to drill holes for dowels. Make holes according to the marks, insert plastic elements for fastening there.

Step 4

Place a strip over the seam and secure it with self-tapping screws. Snap on the decorative cap.

It is easy to join linoleum strips with thresholds to each other and to other coverings. They are not suitable for hiding seams in the middle of a room, but they are quite suitable for decorating a doorway or a joint on a staircase.

Thresholds for hiding linoleum joints can be easily secured using self-tapping screws

Causes of defects

Many people mistakenly believe that due to its high elasticity, linoleum will fit perfectly even on an uneven base that has not been prepared beforehand. But the material will not lie on the holes. Of course, such depressions will be disguised, but linoleum will not be able to fill them. As a result, with minor mechanical stress, the material can be perforated.

Repair of linoleum is carried out depending on the nature of the damage

Laying PVC material on a damp base will cause it to swell. A similar result is also possible when using low-quality glue or a too thin layer of mastic. In such cases, some time after the glue dries, the linoleum will begin to peel off. Peeling can occur hours or months after installation.

Blistering of linoleum

Careless handling of the floor covering can also lead to various types of damage, such as cuts or tears. If the installation technology is incorrect, linoleum seams may delaminate. All possible defects negatively affect the appearance of the apartment and the floor in particular.

Green stains on linoleum

Features of polymer flooring material

Linoleum is a popular polymer roll covering for flooring in a private house, apartment or office. This material is also in great demand for laying floors in industrial premises, warehouses and workshops.

Positive traits

The popularity of using polymer flooring is due to a number of its advantages:

  • sufficient density;
  • good flexibility;
  • waterproof;
  • large selection of structures and colors;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of working with the material.

Coating characteristics

Variety of coating texture

Polymer roll flooring is produced in rolls that have a width from half a meter to 5.0 meters and a length from 6.0 to 45.0 meters. The thickness of such a coating is 1.50 – 5.0 mm, and for laying floors in industrial and sports facilities, the thickness increases to 9.0 mm.

Laying on the floor

The industry produces a coating that has a heat and sound insulating base, so it can be laid directly on a concrete screed without special surface preparation. The base must be level and dry. Laying of the coating is carried out using special glue or polymer mastic.

Hot welding

The seams created in this way are durable

As is already clear from the name, the connection of two parts of the floor covering in this case occurs by heating them. This method is used mostly when laying linoleum in public buildings or rooms with high traffic.

Due to the fact that the connection occurs at high temperatures, the seams are strong enough and can withstand significant external loads.

Also in this case, the joints are sealed, which allows the floor covering to be used as a waterproofing material.

Among the disadvantages of this method, one can note the fact that only rigid modifications of linoleum that can withstand higher temperatures can be hot welded.

The table shows the classes of coatings recommended for hot welding and their brief description.

Before you start hot welding, you should practice well on unnecessary scraps of linoleum.

Tools and materials

To weld two pieces of decorative flooring, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • hot air gun (soldering iron);
  • sharp knife;
  • cord (harness) for filling the seam.

If you don’t have a hot air gun on hand, you can use a regular soldering iron. However, in this case, it should be borne in mind that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a high-quality joint using a soldering iron.

Instead of a knife for cutting linoleum, you can use scissors with curved blades. They can be useful when removing excess weld material. The cord is made of a material similar to that from which linoleum is made.

This technology allows you to firmly connect two pieces of linoleum, practically obtaining a monolithic structure.

Stages of work

We lay the two canvases not overlapping, as with the cold method, but butt to each other. Using a knife, remove the upper edges of the edges of the linoleum at the joints so that the connecting seam has the shape of the letter “V”. For a detailed description of the process, watch this video:

We clean the resulting groove from dust and debris, and place the welding tow in it. If the length of the harness is not enough for the entire joint, you can take several pieces, and their joint should be overlapped.

After the welding seam has cooled, use a knife to remove excess melt from the welding cord. Linoleum welded in this way is so durable that it can be regarded as a single, monolithic coating.

For greater effect, linoleum sheets should be placed across the illuminated window. In this case, the sun's rays falling along the joints will make them even more invisible.

Linoleum soldering process

At an air temperature of 400° the process begins, for which:

  • thread the polymer cord into the hole on the side of the hair dryer landing channel
  • hold the nozzle at the seam first
  • after 1-2 seconds, smoothly and slowly move along the seam
  • secure the harness before work so that there are no gaps between it and the canvas
  • the free end of the cord is placed parallel to the joint of the material
  • The length of the cord should correspond to half the length of the seam
  • the cord evenly enters the channel of the nozzle, its melt should close the seam and protrude slightly above the level of the fabric
  • do everything up to half the room and repeat on the other side of the seam until the connection is made, where the cord is fused to each other by 2-3 cm

When soldering, you need to watch for uniform filling of the seam, which is associated with adjusting the air temperature and the speed of movement of the hair dryer. Before gluing linoleum on a felt base, it must be glued to the base.

Invisible seam

Before final hardening, use an arcuate knife to cut off protrusions and sagging material. Such a knife can be replaced with scissors with a sickle-shaped blade. It is better not to use straight ones, as they are difficult to remove excess glue. After complete cooling, you need to thoroughly clean the uneven surfaces.

For hot soldering, you can take a soldering iron with a sharp wedge-shaped tip bent at an angle of 90° and guide it along the shifted sections. The edges soften and join together after cooling. After work, you need to roll it with a roller, but it is difficult to get an even and beautiful seam along the entire length. The soldering iron is not equipped with a temperature sensor, and it is impossible to control the heating.

Removing waves and bulges

Swelling of linoleum always means a violation of its laying technology. The easiest way to get rid of waves along the edges of the material is to remove the baseboard, move the layer, reducing the gap between the wall and the flooring. The coating can also be cut from the appropriate side to the required size. The material should be left without fastening for 2 days, and after straightening it, fasten it again with a plinth.

If you find swelling in other places, you will have to pierce the bubble. They do this with a needle, then release the air and smooth it with their hand. The hole must be filled with linoleum glue through a syringe, and press the area with a weight. If the bubbles are large, you have to cut through the material with a blade, remove the excess, and then seal the seam with cold welding. It is better to immediately devote time to the quality of laying linoleum, so as not to carry out repair work later. If such a need arises, problems can be solved quickly and inexpensively.

The best ways to seal holes in linoleum floors with and without a patch

If you bought high-quality “commercial” class linoleum, then this article is probably not for you: such linoleum is almost impossible to accidentally burn through or seriously damage. But when purchasing linoleum for an apartment, we usually choose a household class of linoleum.

It is this kind of linoleum that is easy to burn if you accidentally drop a hot curling iron, cigarette or soldering iron. If you have household linoleum in your house, then a fallen cigarette butt or soldering iron will probably cause damage to the floor covering. If the linoleum is commercial or semi-commercial, then there will be no damage to it.

Now it remains to answer the main question, what to do if you burn through the linoleum

Firstly, it is important to immediately remove the hot object from the linoleum to prevent a fire

If we talk about a fallen cigarette butt, then, of course, it cannot cause serious damage to the linoleum covering, since during the fall it has time to cool down. However, even such a small thing as ash can leave noticeable marks on the material. Another common situation where linoleum is damaged can occur if your flooring is laid near sources of open fire, for example, near a stove or fireplace. In such cases, a hot spark flying out can not only burn through the linoleum, but also start a fire.

If, however, an accident does happen and the linoleum in the apartment is still burnt, but you don’t want to spend money on completely replacing it, then you can fix it by using some simple tips for repairing linoleum. To begin with, you can make a patch that would fit the size and pattern of the burned area. Then cut out the damaged area of ​​linoleum and glue the same patch, and then wait until it dries and carefully check its fastening.

But there are different situations - you may not have linoleum of the same pattern as it was, but the burned area turned out to be of impressive size. In such cases, you can use a patch made of materials such as glue or plasticine. With their help, you can carefully fill the burned area.

Another method of repair is to buy special stickers at a hardware store that would hide the defect that has appeared.

How to repair minor damage?

To seal small holes in the flooring, you can use different means. To choose a repair method, you should consider the following features:

  1. Location of the defect. In the center, the repair area will have to be carefully masked. In corners or under furniture, the damaged area is less noticeable.
  2. Dimensions of damage. Large defects are more difficult to eliminate than small ones.
  3. Availability of a drawing. If there is no piece of the same linoleum, there is a need to select several colors.

Sealing with mastic

This composition is sold in the form of a paste or pencil. There is a wide variety of shades on sale, which makes it possible to choose the best option.

Installing the patch

To seal a damaged fragment with a patch, you should perform a number of actions:

  1. Select the material for the patch. The fragment of the covering to eliminate the hole should match the texture and color as much as possible with the main floor covering. It is best to use the scraps that remain after laying the linoleum. Proper sealing will help make the hole almost invisible.
  2. Make markings. To do this, apply a piece of linoleum to the affected area and combine the patterns. Make marks with a pencil in the area where the patch is located. It is worth retreating 2 centimeters from the edge of the damaged area.
  3. Repair the damaged area. To do this, it is recommended to apply a construction ruler to the marked boundaries and cut through the linoleum. All movements should be made smoothly to get smooth boundaries.
  4. Remove damaged material. Remove the cut fragment, then thoroughly clean the area from dirt, mastic and glue. Then cover the layer with primer.
  5. Glue the patch. Apply glue to the floor and the back of the patch. It will dry in 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to align the boundaries of the patch and the removed area of ​​linoleum as accurately as possible. As a result, the restoration site should be invisible. Then you should walk over the surface with a rubber roller.
  6. Install the load. Place plywood on the patch and place a weight on it. It can be removed after 2-3 days.

To cope with minor damage and scratches, you should use the following products:

  • rub the damaged areas with polish to match the color of the coating;
  • Small scratches can be discreetly covered with furniture wax - it is important to choose the right shade.

If the work is carried out correctly and the correct choice of grout color, the restored area will match the coating.

Using PVC glue

PVC glue helps to cope with holes that have a diameter of less than 2 millimeters.

If there is a hole in the coating, do not put off repairing it, as it will increase in size over time. Depending on the size of the damage, a method for eliminating it is selected. There are various methods for eliminating holes that form in linoleum during operation.

The easiest way is to remove small flaws. Let's consider a technology that allows you to eliminate a small hole in linoleum, the dimensions of which do not exceed 1 square centimeter. To eliminate the flaw, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • polymer mastic;
  • solvent;
  • pigment;
  • putty knife.

Note! If desired, you can purchase a ready-made kit designed for repairing damaged coatings. It includes all the necessary tools and materials.

So, the initial stage of eliminating a hole is cleaning the damaged area. Within this area, it is necessary to remove any contamination, and also process the edges to remove burrs. Next, degrease the hole and begin preparing the repair mixture.

Mastic is the basis of the mixture. It is necessary to mix pigment into it. The color of the dye is selected depending on the type of coating. The damaged area is repaired using this mixture. To apply it, as a rule, a spatula is used. Next, you need to treat the surface around the hole with a solvent. This option is not suitable for fixing a large hole.

After treating the hole, you need to wait a while for the repair mixture to dry. Then it is processed using dense fabric for this purpose. If you don't have mastic, cold weld glue is an alternative.

The flooring is the most “loaded” part of the finish. Something often falls on the floor, spills, furniture is moved on it, people walk on it (often in inappropriate shoes): a lot can happen over the years of use. In this article, we will look at means for self-repair of linoleum, which will help out if a hole or cut has formed on the coating.

About the renovation in general

  • Small cracks, cuts, and tears can be repaired in a matter of seconds: just fill a medical syringe with glue and inject it under the coating. Press down, placing something heavy on the repair site and wait until the glue dries.
  • For large damages, you will need a patch, the dimensions of which should exceed the defect by 5-6 cm on each side.

To patch a hole in linoleum, you need to take a piece of covering of a similar color. A patch is cut out of it, which is then applied to the damaged area and cut with a knife along with the coating. This ensures an exact match between the outlines of the edges of the patch and the damaged linoleum, which means a perfect fit.

If you do not have a piece of linoleum of the desired color, then you can choose a similar one or just a light one, and then paint it with a special mastic (it is sold in most hardware stores).

This method will help to seal any hole, even in cases where the linoleum has worn through to the concrete.

Old glue stains and dark rubber stripes can be removed with drying oil or vegetable oil. Rub the stain well with a rag soaked in one of the substances.

If the coating has become dull, then use turpentine to refresh it: just soak a rag in it and wipe the damaged area.

Without a patch, you can seal very small holes or cuts: a product such as putty will help restore linoleum. It can be purchased at almost any hardware store, choosing a composition that is as close as possible in color.

The method described at the beginning of the article is also suitable: gluing the edges of a hole or cut using a medical syringe.

Removing Blisters

The air bubble is pierced with an awl or a thick needle and the air is released. Then, using a syringe, glue is injected under the coating and the repair site is pressed. If the damage is large or has formed over the entire surface of the coating, then a major repair will be required: re-laying the linoleum and eliminating the cause of the defect (the tightness of the seams, waterproofing, etc. may be compromised).

Restoration of small holes

Thanks to the availability of a large number of modern means, patching minor damage will not be difficult. You can repair such defects using:

  • Mastics;
  • PVC glue;
  • Sealant;
  • Homemade adhesive composition.

Before repair, the defect site is cleaned of dust and dirt. After which it is filled with one of the means.

Elimination of abrasions

Serious damage to decking

Putty is used to remove abrasions, cuts and scratches. If it is impossible to purchase a ready-made mixture, you can make it yourself. It is prepared from rosin, turpentine and dry pigment. First you need to mix 4 parts of turpentine and one part of rosin, and then add a dye of a certain shade. The resulting mixture is applied to the defect site on the coating. After the mass hardens, it is cleaned of excess. Mastic is used for polishing and sanding the floor after repair.

Removing paint

Removing paint from a surface depends on the freshness of the stain. Immediately after paint gets on the floor, it can be removed with a regular rag. If the paint is dried, you can get rid of it mechanically or chemically.

Dried spots on the surface

For mechanical removal, abrasive cleaning agents are used. It should be taken into account that mechanical removal may damage the top decorative layer of the material.

The chemical method uses chemicals (acetone, white spirit, etc.). But you should choose non-aggressive products, and before processing it is advisable to coat the paint with vegetable oil to soften it.

Don't forget about the aggressiveness of cleaning products

The considered methods for repairing damage will help you repair a hole in the linoleum yourself, saving time and money on completely replacing the floor covering.

We restore torn linoleum

Soft types of linoleum sometimes tear. For example, when moving something heavy. This type of damage differs from a cut by its uneven edges. They may be stretched or wrinkled. So first you need to straighten and align the edges of the tear.

If you use furniture without protective caps, there will definitely be holes

In linoleum with a felt or jute base, you first need to cut off the torn threads and reduce, as far as possible, the number of protruding scraps. There is no need to cut the protective film. Whatever she looks like. A wrinkled or wavy edge can be smoothed out using a wet cloth and a hot iron. You need a thick rag. Alternatively, you can fold thinner fabric several times.

We straighten the tear as far as possible, place a damp cloth on top and smooth it with a heated iron. Do not hold the iron for long, only a few seconds. Then we remove and check the condition of the linoleum. We repeat as many times as necessary so that the edges of the gap become even.

If the edges are uneven, they need to be smoothed

Before gluing, we check whether the contours of the torn part and the remaining base match. If they don’t match, let’s see what can be done to make them fit closely. Then the gluing procedure is repeated. We clean the base from dust, degrease the base and edges of the hole, apply and distribute glue, align and press the edges. While the glue sets, we monitor the damage so that the edges do not move. Then we install the load (it is also better to treat the bottom with oil).

Restoration of joining seams

It happens that the seams between layers of material diverge. If such a joint is located in the area of ​​a door, near a wall or under furniture, it can be easily covered with a decorative strip (threshold). Sometimes this is not possible - for example, when the seam runs in the center of the room.

Sealing of seams is possible using hot and cold welding. The hot method can only be carried out by professionals; its implementation requires special equipment and skills. A special PVC cord is heated and applied to the joint. Even beginners use cold welding at home:

  • pull one strip of material as far as possible so that it overlaps (at least 2 mm),
  • attach a metal ruler or bar, draw a line with a pencil,
  • make a cut along the strip,
  • fill the seam with glue using a thin tip or syringe,
  • After the cold weld has hardened, cut off the remaining glue.

Do-it-yourself ways to solve basic problems

There are many problems with linoleum, each of which has its own solution.

Went in waves

If a defect appears near the wall, one may suspect a lack of technical clearance during installation. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to remove the baseboard along 3 walls and trim the panel. It should sit for several hours - it all depends on the thickness of the material and temperature conditions. Once the linoleum has straightened out, the skirting boards can be installed again.

If a bubble appears in the center of the room, carefully make cuts along the swelling on both sides. Then it is recommended to release the air and seal it with masking tape. This will prevent glue residue from getting onto adjacent areas.

Glue is injected into the resulting holes with a syringe and the edges of the coating are joined. Then apply masking tape and apply a weight. Sometimes stretching of the coating leads to swelling. In such a situation, it is recommended to cut the canvas and remove the excess. It is necessary to fix linoleum in the same way as in other situations.

Joining seams

When fixing linoleum in large rooms and on thresholds, it is fixed by cold welding. There is a risk of seams coming apart when used. Anyone can glue such a coating on their own. It is recommended to overlap the fabrics by 5 millimeters. You should make a cut in the center of the mound and grab 2 edges. The procedure must be carried out using a level bar. Then remove the trimmed excess and degrease the edges. The surrounding areas are cleaned with masking tape.

To carry out the work, it is recommended to take PVC glue type C. To do this, you should process the edges, glue them and leave them under the load.

After the glue has hardened, the excess should be carefully trimmed with a knife, remove the adhesive and treat the welding area with wax

Elimination of burns

A patch will help cope with such damage. To do this, it is recommended to cut out the damaged area in the coating. It is best to give the hole the correct shape - round, square or rectangular. If there is scrap left after attaching the linoleum, this is considered an ideal option. Otherwise, it is worth choosing a coating of a suitable texture and color.

It is recommended to cut a patch from it that is the same size as the hole. You need to try it on

It is important that the pattern and size match. It is recommended to cover the edges of the hole with masking tape.

Clean the floor from debris and treat it with a primer. Apply glue to the patch and glue it into the hole. To do this, it is permissible to use PVC or PVA glue. Oppression is placed at the repair site for 2 days.

Sealing torn holes

If the linoleum is torn, it can be repaired with a patch. It is also permissible to glue the torn surface back in place if the damage has smooth edges.

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