Compressor from a computer cooler for a smoke generator

A cold smoked smokehouse requires a smoke generator - a device separate from the smoking chamber, which must produce a constant stream of cold smoke. It is most convenient to pump this smoke into the smokehouse using a compressor. In this article we tell you what a compressor for a smokehouse smoke generator can be like and what you can make it from yourself.

The compressor for the cold smoked smoke generator is described here. When hot smoking, none of these devices are used, because the smoke is generated directly in the smoking chamber.

DIY compressor for a smoke generator from a cooler

A cold smoked smokehouse requires a smoke generator - a device separate from the smoking chamber, which must produce a constant stream of cold smoke. It is most convenient to pump this smoke into the smokehouse using a compressor. In this article we tell you what a compressor for a smokehouse smoke generator can be like and what you can make it from yourself.

The compressor for the cold smoked smoke generator is described here. When hot smoking, none of these devices are used, because the smoke is generated directly in the smoking chamber.

Hot and cold smoking - what are the differences?

The device for hot smoking is simpler. The distance between the smoke source and the processed product in it is small. Therefore, the latter is also exposed to the heat emanating from smoldering wood. The processing temperature can range from 45o C to 120o C.

With cold smoking, the source of smoke is located at a distance from the product. And the smoke itself is supplied through a chimney of a certain length. This allows it to cool to 20o C - 25o C. Thanks to this, meat or fish undergo more gentle processing, which is why they acquire a more pleasant taste and a more pronounced aroma of smoke.

Without compressor

In the simplest smokehouses, the smoke generator is a simple pit in which a fire, a stone hearth, a brick or iron stove burns. No compressor is required for this type of smokehouse. Smoke from burning wood or smoldering sawdust enters the smoking chamber through natural draft, like in a chimney. The role of a smoke cooler in such devices is played, for example, by a water pipe or a simple ditch dug in the ground.

This design is quite workable, but still too artisanal. In addition, it can only be arranged on a summer cottage.

Work methodology

If you decide to make a compressor for a smoke generator, then the outlet pipe must be located in the neck. The main requirement is that the pipe must be sealed to prevent air leakage past the hose. Sometimes the air duct is rigid; it is connected to the generator housing with a threaded connection. This solution is relevant for high-power structures.

How does a smoke generator with a compressor work?

In general, a smoke generator is simply a container in which sawdust smolders. The smoke released in this case is discharged through the pipe into the smoking chamber. A compressor is needed just to increase the flow of smoke and direct it in the right direction.

Most often, an ejector is used for this.

A hose from the compressor is put on the inlet fitting of the ejector. It creates an air flow in a tube located inside the smoke generator housing. The smoke is picked up by the vacuum and exits along with the air into the exhaust pipe.

For small home smokehouses with a volume, for example, the size of a bucket, the smoke generator is also required to be small. And a pump for ventilation of aquariums is perfect for it as a compressor.

  • There is no need to make it; it is sold ready-made.
  • It often has a rheostat that allows you to regulate the power of the air stream.
  • It is reliable and consumes very little electricity.


Here is a list of spare parts that you can get hold of on Ali and Leroy Merlin:

  • Centrifugal fan

    Can't find it offline. Used in household air humidifiers. Since it was not possible to find it offline, the lucky one had to buy a dead humidifier on Avito for 300 rubles and rip it out so as not to be late. But the caliber turned out to be wrong:

  • It turned out to be cheaper to buy a switch in a Lot of 10 pieces than individually. The same applies to some other spare parts.
  • The only element that we will have to assemble from radio components is the indicator, which I discussed separately in this review.
  • Or instead you can put a voltmeter like this
  • DC-DC boost. There are several options. For the first two, we carefully look at the markings on the back side of the board - the value of the variable resistance (for adjusting the speed of revolutions) depends on it. Honestly, I admit that the Chinese can put any of these two board options, regardless of what you order, because... their characteristics are identical, and they look exactly the same. Therefore, I advise you to take both resistor options at once, so as not to run around later and look for a replacement. In any case, you need to look at the markings of the 3296W multi-turn trimmer resistor and check the datasheet (for example, this one).
  • Once (XL6009 – 10KOhm – marking 103)
  • Two (CN6009 – 50KOhm – marking 503)
  • Three (MT3608 – 100KOhm – marking 104)
  • On the Internet there are circuits based on MT3608 and with a 30K resistor. Be careful! The third option is cheaper. Well, I already had the first ones in stock. There are several options for MT3608: with and without MicroUSB. If you do not plan to add a battery, I recommend installing it. This way you don’t have to think about how to power the device.

  • Resistors can be purchased here
  • Twist handles for resistances
  • Next, for those who want to make a stand-alone compressor using an 18650 battery

  • People's charge module TP4056
  • Holder 18650

I will not give links to batteries.
I think there are enough reviews of various options here. And everyone probably already has a wagon and a cart of this stuff at home. Let me just say that high-current batteries are not needed here. An ordinary, not very damaged battery will last about four to six hours. Purchases at Leroy Merlin (who doesn’t have Leroy nearby, you can choose something similar in local stores. All spare parts are quite affordable):

  • Housing - junction box In general, other sizes can be used. I took what I had. For the option without a battery, you can take this one, for example, be sure to make sure that the holder will fit.
  • Quick release adapter for 1/2 inch garden hose
  • Quick release connector 1/2-3/4 inches

This is where the list of spare parts for the compressor ends, you can place orders on Ali, however, I don’t recommend running to Leroy just yet, since the next review of the smoke generator itself will contain more spare parts from there. Be patient. Left a little.

Homemade compressor from a cooler

If you need a compressor more powerful than an aquarium compressor, then you can make it yourself from a computer cooler. Computers use fans of many different sizes, so there is a wide choice.

You will also need a power source, because these coolers are usually designed for voltage from 7 to 12 volts.

Take a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom. Install the cooler in its place, secure it with glue, for example, from a glue gun. Punch a hole in the bottle cap and insert a metal or plastic tube into it. This will be the connection pipe for connecting the hose. And connect the other end of the hose to the ejector of the smoke generator.

If you have a large diameter fan, then instead of a bottle you can take a canister and cut it into either side.

It will be great if you include a rheostat or some other household voltage regulator in the cooler's power supply circuit. Then it will be possible to regulate the power of the smoke stream.

Description of assembly from different components

Depending on the chosen method of manufacturing a fan for a smoke generator, the technology will differ. But all options have general rules and principles, since the essence of the supercharger’s operation does not change.

From PC cooler

This method will require a cooler from a computer or laptop of any size. The larger the parameters, the higher the performance, so if high performance is required, it is better to give preference to a fan with a larger diameter. The build procedure is as follows:

  1. In a plastic canister or bottle (volume from 5 to 10 liters), use a jigsaw to make a hole, the size corresponding to the size of the cooler.
  2. The fan is inserted into the prepared hole and secured with glue or hardware.
  3. A hole is made in the cap of the bottle or canister where the fitting is placed.
  4. A tube is inserted into the adapter for connection to a smoke generator.
  5. The cooler is connected to a power source. An AC resistor is installed between it and the fan.

The connections of all elements must be completely sealed, so it is better to use seals and check the reliability of all joints.

Advice! If you need to make a fan with increased power, you can install 2 coolers at the same time. In this case, the air is distilled more intensively.

From the vent fan

The algorithm for assembling a compressor from a vent fan or a bathroom cooler is similar to the previous one. In this case, the power source is a 220V network. As a device for regulating speed, you can purchase a special regulator. Its cost is low, and the efficiency and savings when working with a smoke generator are noticeable.

From an aquarium compressor

An aquarium compressor is a ready-made supercharger that just needs to be connected and started correctly. For these purposes an active compressor is required. A submersible one is not suitable for a smoke generator. The supercharger has one or two outlet tubes. If there are two of them, then you will need to combine them and then connect them to the smoke generator of the smokehouse.

The best option would be a fan with a speed controller. This will allow you to change the intensity of the smoke supply.

From the compressor from the refrigerator

A refrigerator blower is considered more powerful and efficient. When connecting it, you will need to additionally connect a receiver, which will normalize the air supply and supply it when required. Installing a pressure switch will help control the operation of the fan and perform autonomous switching on and off when the maximum permissible pressure values ​​​​set by the user change.

From an auto compressor

This fan works in a similar way to a refrigerator compressor. It also requires installation of a receiver, since with constant operation the supercharger will overheat and may fail. If you connect a storage device to the device, the device can turn off when filling, cool down while the air from the receiver is consumed, and then start up again. A pressure switch, which controls pressure and responds to its changes, will help you complete this scheme.

Compressor from an old vacuum cleaner

A large smoking chamber will require a powerful smoke generator and a more powerful compressor. Computer coolers will no longer be enough. A compressor for smoking large volumes of food can easily be made from an old vacuum cleaner.

Modern vacuum cleaners are not suitable for this. They usually exhaust air through large cassettes with filters, and it is not possible to attach a hose to them. But with old Soviet vacuum cleaners, the outlet pipe is often exactly the same as the inlet pipe. You can simply attach a hose from the same vacuum cleaner to it - and you have a ready-made compressor for your smoker!

And of course, if you are building a real, large smokehouse, for example for business, then all these handicraft devices will not suit you. As a compressor for a cold smoked smokehouse, you will have to choose industrial devices:

Here, in addition to the supercharger itself, there is also a receiver, a compressed air cylinder, a reducer, a pressure gauge, and so on. The air in the smoke generator comes from the cylinder, and the compressor only maintains constant pressure in it.

But the construction of industrial smoking plants is a completely separate topic.

Cold smoking of products occurs by treating them with smoke generated by the smoldering of wood chips and sawdust in a smoke generator. The movement of smoke into the smoking chamber can occur due to natural draft. But in order to ensure a more efficient supply of smoke, compressors are installed on many do-it-yourself smokehouses for the processed products.

Speed ​​adjustment

The speed, and therefore the power of the compressor, is regulated using a variable resistance resistor included in the fan power system. Installing it is not a problem even for a schoolchild.

Some fans are designed for fixed operating modes L, M and H, which are regulated using a PWM (pulse width modulation) system. It is not difficult to assemble a circuit using transistors yourself if you have some skills in working with a soldering iron. But for a home cold smoked smokehouse, a regular resistor is sufficient.

One of the important components of the smokehouse is the compressor for the smoke generator. You can purchase such installations ready-made in the store. They are usually intended for servicing aquarium farming. But such compressors are characterized by either too low power or rather high cost. Choosing a suitable model for a smokehouse is quite difficult.

The solution would be to make your own compressor. To do this, there is no need to purchase any complex tools and materials. The ones you can find in your own arsenal will be enough. You can fit a variety of containers under the smoking cabinet; usually they are tool and weapon safes, furniture cabinets or old refrigerators.

Smoke generator with compressor: how the device works

A smoke generator paired with a compressor operates as follows. The smoke generator is connected to the smoking chamber using a chimney. Sawdust or dry wood chips are poured into the housing (combustion chamber) of the generator. Next, a tube or hose leading to the air compressor is connected to the inlet fitting of the smoke generator, after which the previously filled sawdust is set on fire. Thanks to the air flow created by the blower, a vacuum is created in the smoke generator ejector. Under the influence of the latter, the smoke begins to move intensively towards the chamber where the products are located.

The compressor for the smoke generator affects the functioning of the entire system as a whole, since the final quality of the product depends on the pressure of the smoke entering the smoking volume. Fuel consumption also depends on the compressor power. The more powerful the air flow, the more fuel will be consumed.

A compressor for connecting to a smoke generator can be purchased ready-made. But the price for this unit is quite high and may exceed the cost of the entire smokehouse. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make this unit themselves, literally from scrap materials.

Before you start making your own compressor, you need to know the basic requirements that apply to it.

  1. The device must withstand long-term continuous operation, since cold smoking of products involves treating them with smoke for 24 hours, and sometimes more.
  2. The unit must be economical, not only in terms of energy consumption, but also in terms of the cost of spare parts for it.
  3. The compressor must be equipped with an air flow regulator. The strength of the air flow determines the taste of the finished product and its ability to be stored.

Device structure

When smoked at home, you get environmentally friendly delicacies. After all, no harmful components or preservatives are used during processing. When cold smoke generated by smoldering wood chips or sawdust passes through meat, fish or lard, pathological microorganisms are destroyed. Due to this, the food acquires excellent taste properties, and its shelf life is significantly extended.

To take advantage of such a device, you will need the following elements of its design:

  • Smoking chamber.
  • Smoke generator.
  • Compressor for smoke generator.

The smoking chamber is an extremely simple system. It can be made from any container, the main thing is the appropriate volume. According to the recommendation of experienced people, for this purpose you can use a primitive frame made of boards, a barrel, or even the frame of an old refrigerator. Those who care about aesthetics and functionality should pay attention to options made from brick.

It’s good when it is possible to pump smoke into such a chamber naturally. But for this you need to light a fire. It is not always possible to organize this at home. A smoke generator is an effective and compact alternative to a real fire. The design includes a combustion chamber and a chimney. Electric heating pads are used to burn fuel.

The fuel combustion chamber, which serves to generate smoke, can have any volume. But the smaller its dimensions, the more frequent fuel refills it requires.

The thick smoke generated in the chamber is supplied to the smokehouse thanks to a compressor. It is an air-injection unit. Allowable power – up to 5 W. To assemble such a pump, a craftsman can use a plastic bottle and a small fan, for example, from a vent hood. An excellent and affordable option is an aquarium compressor for a smoke generator. Another solution is to purchase ready-made equipment.

Compressor characteristics

The operation of this device is based on the principle of compression and movement of a gaseous medium - air, steam. The compressor for the smoke generator plays a special role in the functioning of the entire system. The quality of the finished product will directly depend on the smoke pressure, which in turn is related to the regulation of the air supply. Pump power also affects fuel consumption, which depends not only on the dimensions of the smoking device.

The following requirements that it must meet will help you understand which compressor is needed for a smoke generator:

  • The need for continuous operation for quite a long time. To process blanks using the cold smoking method, it will take at least 24 hours, and sometimes more, depending on the size of the semi-finished product.
  • Economical in terms of energy consumption and spare parts requirements. It is unlikely that anyone will be happy about the need to purchase expensive replacement parts for not the most complex equipment.
  • Possibility of adjusting the supplied air. This factor affects the taste and preservation of the future delicacy.

The device itself serves to generate a constant air flow with low pressure. At the same time, an injection effect is created. Techies who love smoked meats may be tempted by the idea that air can be pumped through any pump. After all, even a device with not the highest power ratings is capable of providing the pressure necessary for a modest smokehouse.

The efficiency of the system is largely due to the volume of the fuel combustion chamber. If it is about 3 liters, then a productivity of 1-2 m 3 /min will be quite sufficient. In this case, a fan whose power does not exceed 100 W is sufficient. A more powerful air blower will be required for a larger chamber volume.

Types of devices

Of course, each user chooses a compressor for a cold smoked smoke generator based on their capabilities and abilities. Thus, inventors successfully assemble functional devices literally from improvised materials. With a fairly simple design, this will not require serious investment and effort.

On the forums you can find an interesting solution - adapting a refrigeration pump. According to user reviews, the solution pays off in practice. It is possible to use a car unit. It has solid power (12 W), but there are some drawbacks. Such a device heats up quickly, in addition, you will have to install a rectifier for it.

Another widely used option for home craftsmen is an aquarium compressor. Some people use an old one, others buy a new one at pet stores. It is inexpensive (the cost does not exceed 1000 rubles) and, most often, serves well.

If you decide to use a device lying around the house, keep in mind that you need an active device. Your option is a pressure compressor equipped with a piston group. But a water filter with injection air capture is not at all the same.

If you decide not to take risks and choose a ready-made compressor for a smoke generator, you can buy it both in online stores and on private advertisement sites. There is a wide range of models to choose from with a capacity of 9 l/minute in the price category of 2000-2500 rubles. A kit with a smoke generator will cost approximately 4,000 rubles (depending on the power of the unit).

How to make a compressor for a smokehouse with your own hands

To pump air into the smoke generator, you can use any device capable of creating a flow. In this case, a device with a power of 4 W will be sufficient.

From PC cooler

The cheapest and simplest version of the compressor, which will provide the smoke generator with air, can be made from a cooler, that is, from a regular computer fan. Moreover, any fan with dimensions from 40x40 mm to 120x120 mm is suitable.

To assemble an air blower for a smokehouse, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • cooler of suitable power and size;
  • plastic container with a volume of 5-10 liters, you can use a plastic bottle or canister;
  • plumbing fittings;
  • polypropylene, copper or stainless steel tube about 25 cm long and 25 mm in diameter;
  • variable resistor or power supply with voltage regulator;
  • self-tapping screws

The method of making an air blower is simple.

  1. Cut a hole in the container that matches the size of the cooler. If a plastic canister is used, the hole can be cut using a jigsaw.
  2. Insert the cooler into the hole and secure it either using a glue gun or with screws or bolts.
  3. Next, make a hole in the lid of the container to install a pipe into it, to which the tube leading to the smoke generator will be connected. All connections must be as tight as possible.
  4. Using water fittings, secure the tube to the lid of a canister or plastic bottle.
  5. Connect the fan to a 5-12V power source.

To increase the power of air flow, you can make a fan unit consisting of several coolers.

From the vent fan

You can also make a compressor for a smokehouse from a vent fan. The manufacturing process is not much different from the same steps using a PC cooler.

Only instead of connecting the device to the power supply, the vent fan for the compressor is connected to a 220 V network. As an alternative to the vent fan, an exhaust cooler for the bathroom is suitable.

From an aquarium compressor

For a cold smoked smoke generator, an aquarium compressor can be used as an air blower. But you should know that only a certain type of device is suitable for this purpose, that is, an active compressor . This type of device is characterized by external installation and has one or 2 outlet tubes.

Important! A submersible air blower for a smokehouse will not work.

Connecting the device to the smoke generator is very simple: just insert the output hose of the device into the fitting of the generator ejector and turn on the device. If 2 tubes come out of the aquarium compressor, then they should be combined in one channel and the latter connected to the fitting. It will be good if the aquarium blower is equipped with an air supply regulator.

From the compressor from the refrigerator

If desired, an air blower for a smoke generator can be made from a compressor from a refrigerator. But in this case, you will need to connect a storage tank (receiver) to the unit, which can be made from a large-diameter metal pipe, an old fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder.

Important! To automate the operation of the compressor, you will also need to install a pressure switch (pressostat). The relay sets the minimum and maximum pressure values ​​in the receiver at which the compressor will turn on and off.

Air is supplied to the smoke generator from the storage tank via a pneumatic hose.

From an auto compressor

To ensure air flow into the ejector, you can use a regular automobile compressor. But this unit has one drawback: it cannot work for a long time without stopping due to severe overheating.


Three circuits - the first with a battery and an indicator, the second with another booster and a voltmeter. You can exclude the battery, then we discard the battery and charge module, move the switch to the output of the booster - third

I admit, drawing diagrams and finding suitable pictures of the kit took me longer than assembling it.
If anyone knows how to get pictures of popular Chinese modules for fritzing, please share them in the comments! So, first we draw a diagram on paper. Let's estimate the components.

Let's first lay out the components in the case to estimate how long the wires are needed

Let's start soldering. First of all, we solder the power supply to the booster if we are powered by a battery. If you chose the second option, skip this point. Then we supply power and adjust the booster to produce 12 Volts at the output. Next, we solder a potentiometer to the reverse side of the booster onto the trimmer pins. Select the outer legs of the riser trimmer. On the remote potentiometer we solder to the first two legs.

You should bite off the protruding crap on the potentiometer, otherwise it will interfere with us

Now you can solder the load - the fan - and check how the cooler speed is regulated.

If everything is in order, then we begin to figure out the placement of the filling in the body.

Does everything fit? We mark future holes for microUSB power supply, indicator, hole for air flow outlet, switch and variable resistor axis. Did you notice? Then the Dremel is in your hands! Well, or a hot nail - it also has the right to life. You can immediately make holes on the housing cover for air intake.

The switch was left for later, since it must first be placed in the case, and only then soldered.

For convenient placement, I unsoldered the holder so it doesn’t get in the way

It can be seen that the charge module is located at the bottom of the case so as not to break the microUSB connector if you touch it carelessly. Don't forget to drill a hole for it. We attach the filling with a hot glue gun.

And here is an option with a large turbine, but without a battery:

The thickness of the fan did not fit into the pre-purchased case from Leroy. In the bins there was another box - deeper, but smaller in length and width. The battery just didn't fit. And the rest of the components are a bit cramped. Next, you definitely need to play with the resulting device to your heart’s content, and then, realizing the task is almost completed, move on to the final stage. Take a quick release adapter,

unscrew the nut from it,

and cut off the thread.

You should try to do this as evenly as possible to get a flat surface, since this is the part that will glue the adapter to the body. I also removed the chords from three sides as in the photo, since otherwise the disk of the adapter base would extend beyond the edges of the compressor housing. You can do this with a utility knife, you can preheat it, you can bite out the excess with side cutters or saw off with a Dremel. I tried everything. Dremel is faster.

Next, we clean the surface and glue it with superglue to the body at the point where the air flow exits. I recommend Cosmofen. Be sure to degrease! Let it dry. The compressor is ready. The battery version can be used both autonomously and with external power. Including from the bank. The option without a battery is only with external power, which, however, is understandable.

There will be a new review on how to use it soon. Don't switch off.

PS Dad's assistant. Boy Roma, 5 years old.

Smoke generator characteristics

Since cold smoking is a rather lengthy process, the smoke generator must operate for a long time, expending a lot of energy. In normal mode, the device consumes several kW per day.

The fuel chamber is designed for 1 kg. sawdust, which is enough for a day of continuous work. If the smoking chamber has a small volume, then the smoke generator will completely fill it with thick smoke at the required temperature, so that the cooking process will proceed smoothly and efficiently.


In order to develop a sequence of operations, you should become familiar with the operating principle of the compressor. Its main task is to create a low-pressure air flow that can create an injection effect. Such a flow will be as effective as the volume of the generator combustion chamber. If it does not exceed 3 liters, then a productivity of 2 m 3 /min will be sufficient. A fan with a power ranging from 100 to 300 W will be able to provide such work.

If the chamber has a larger volume, then the fan should also be used more powerfully. Standard dimensions of axial coolers range from 40×40 to 120×120 mm. For a smoke generator that will operate with high efficiency, it is necessary to prefer a fan of maximum size. The electricity requirement of such a device will be insignificant, but the performance will be sufficient.

Construction of a smoke generator

The operating principle of this device can be described as follows: air flows, which are provided by the operation of the compressor, suck out combustion products from the combustion chamber and supply it to the smokehouse, while cooling it to 19-25 degrees required for cold smoking.
The whole process occurs automatically, there is no need to constantly monitor the operation of the generator and add sawdust - one fuel supply will definitely be enough for a whole day of operation of the unit. Assembling a decent smoke generator for a smokehouse yourself is not difficult. There are many options for assembling the main structural elements of the device.

Main capacity

  • Take any fire-resistant container, preferably made of galvanized or stainless steel and with thick walls. A thermos of sufficient volume, from which you only need the inner flask, or an empty fire extinguisher, which must be pre-rinsed, is ideal. Optimal chamber dimensions: diameter about 10 cm, height from 40 cm.
  • In the lower part of the chamber, a couple of centimeters from the bottom, you need to make a hole with a diameter of 1 cm. A compressor will be attached to it in the future to supply fresh air inside the firebox to maintain smoldering.
  • The top must be carefully sealed to ensure a tight seal. Even small cracks will allow excess air to enter the smoldering chamber, preventing the device from operating at maximum efficiency.

What are the benefits of a fan?

The blower for the smoke generator of the smokehouse is of great importance:

  • regulates the intensity of chamber filling, which affects the taste of products;
  • controls wood fuel consumption, because the stronger the air flow, the more sawdust or wood chips will be required.

In order for the unit to perform at the proper level, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ability to last long battery life. Cold smoking is a long process, taking up to several days, so the compressor must withstand such loads.
  2. Economical. Electricity consumption should be moderate. It is also important to select a device for which it is easy to find components if they need to be replaced.
  3. Availability of control devices. Controlling the flow of supplied air is important, since it affects fuel consumption and the taste of the products to be smoked. It is also important to have an autonomous shutdown system to prevent overheating and fan failure.

If the fan you assemble with your own hands meets the listed requirements, then there will be no complaints about its operation. Such devices are considered functionality and reliability.

Safety precautions when designing a device

  1. In case of malfunctions, the smoke generator design should be equipped with an automatic shutdown system.
  2. All wires and other fragile parts must be reliably protected from overheating and humidity. To do this, they must be placed at a distance from the heating rod and hidden in a sealed casing.
  3. To create a combustion chamber, special heat-resistant steel of sufficient thickness should be used. The device can be painted with fire-resistant paint. This design will ensure the best reliability and durability of the device.
  4. The device must be installed on a surface resistant to high temperatures, preferably on a layer of concrete or a pedestal made of fire-resistant brick.

Alternative solutions

You could find out how to make a compressor from a cooler for a smoke generator if you read the information above. However, before starting work, it is necessary to study the device in more detail. For example, it is worth knowing that a compressor is a device for compressing and moving air, steam or gas. And the importance of this device in a smokehouse is due to the fact that the smoke pressure and the quality of the delicacies will depend on the adjustment of the air supply.

Sawdust consumption is related to the size of the smokehouse and the power of the compressor. An alternative solution can be an aquarium compressor with a power of 5 W. Advanced home DIYers, however, use 12W automotive appliances quite often. But they heat up quite quickly and require the installation of a rectifier.

If you decide to make a compressor for a smoke generator with your own hands, then you may also prefer a device from an old refrigerator. The simplest solution would be to purchase a ready-made compressor, which will be used to modify the smoke generator. For some, the price may seem quite high, but you can purchase a design that runs on 220 V at 9 l/min for 1,500 rubles.

How to operate the generator

  • The device is placed on a solid, flat surface.
  • The power cord is connected to the electrical network.
  • The fuel chamber is filled with dry sawdust or shavings.
  • The generator chimney is connected to the smokehouse chamber, which must be filled in advance with the required amount of products.
  • The device starts up. The heating element begins to ignite the sawdust, they smolder, emit a large amount of smoke, after which the compressor drives the smoke into the smoking chamber. You need to periodically monitor the amount of fuel and add a new portion of sawdust in time. You cannot turn off the device during cooking to prevent the product from spoiling.

Thus, it is quite possible to assemble an effective smoke generator for a home smokehouse entirely with your own hands.


Hiking option

  1. Take an electric stove, turn it on at full power, place a metal container with fruit wood shavings on the stove.
  2. You will also need a metal barrel.
  3. The bottom of the barrel is removed (it has no bottom or lid).
  4. This barrel is placed above the electric stove (the electric stove stands in the place where the bottom of the container was).
  5. Holes are drilled in the middle of the barrel (4-6 at one level), a grate is lowered into it (the products for smoking are laid out on it), rods are inserted into the holes, they will hold the grate.
  6. When the tile heats up, the chips begin to smolder and smoke, and the smoking process begins.
  7. The barrel is not completely covered tightly with a sheet of plywood or something else.

How to properly adjust cooler speed

Regardless of whether the blower is battery-powered or mains-powered, the speed must be adjusted to achieve optimal smoking conditions. For this, a resistor is installed. Some fans have a ready-made system that is controlled using the principle of pulse width modulation. But an ordinary resistor with a standard set of settings is enough to control the smoking process.

Making a compressor for a smokehouse smoke generator with your own hands significantly reduces the cost of the equipment. Together with a homemade smoke generator, such a device can function at a high level, providing high-quality cooking.

The smallest models, assembled with your own hands, can operate on a battery, which makes them mobile. Devices with higher productivity require a powerful power source and are installed in the local area, summer cottages and are not transported. With their help, you can smoke large volumes of products for personal use and the development of a small business.

Traditional Russian cuisine is unthinkable without delicacies prepared using cold smoking. Fish, poultry, meat, and vegetables processed in this way not only have an attractive aroma and wonderful taste, but are also stored for a long time. In order for such products to appear in your refrigerator, you will have to get a smokehouse with a smoke generator. And if you have the skill and tools, try making them yourself. Additionally, it is worth making a compressor for the smoke generator with your own hands.

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