Methods for applying gold plating to silver at home

Features and Benefits

The gilding method began to be used in ancient times. The precious metal was used to cover church domes, cutlery and crockery. At that time, cold and hot gilding was invented. In the first method, thin layers of gold leaf are stamped and glued onto the silver. The hot method required fire, but this technique was abandoned over time, since such gilding used mercury, which was dangerous due to toxic fumes.

For processing, 925 sterling silver is used as a base, which is low in cost. The thickness of gold plating is about 5-10 microns. A thin layer is made from 999-grade material. Sometimes there is a layer of platinum between gold and silver. To increase the wear resistance of products, a protective layer is applied over the spraying. Polishing them with an agate stone will help add shine to your accessories. According to international standards, gold plating is numbered 4N.

The main advantages of silver products with gilding:

  1. Absolutely safe for health.
  2. Attractive appearance. Gold-plated accessories are difficult to distinguish from real gold, so they are purchased if you do not have enough money for expensive jewelry.
  3. Resistance to external aggressive influences. Coated jewelry does not oxidize or corrode.
  4. Democratic price. These products can be afforded by people of any income.
  5. Combination with stones. Gilded silver looks great with a variety of minerals.
  6. Easy care and operation.

Not only jewelry, but also cutlery is made from gold-plated silver. They are lightweight and easy to use. Silver with gold plating is used in the production of sets and figurines. These items will make excellent gifts for relatives or friends.

Silver items are not as capricious as gold items, but they also require care. Gold-plated silver jewelry lasts a long time if you clean it regularly and store it in a closed container. Any metal loses its shine and color over time, and the gold-plated film can even deteriorate due to mechanical stress, so it is important to handle accessories with care in order to preserve their beautiful appearance for a long time.

If grayish specks begin to appear on jewelry that was recently purchased, then it should be taken to a specialist as soon as possible. He will determine the quality of the material and issue a conclusion. Typically, the presence of such stains indicates that a low-quality alloy was used for the product.

How is gold plated silver used?

Gold plating is used not only in jewelry. Reviews of gold-plated silver confirm that it can be used in the following cases:

  1. Making souvenirs: figurines, boxes, key rings, photo frames.
  2. As cutlery: sets, spoons, forks.
  3. For creating various silver accessories: cufflinks, buttons, brooches.
  4. For the production of unusual, gold-plated equipment: iPhone or MP3 players.

Reviews of gold-plated silver prove that not only people with low earnings buy it. Even some millionaires do not refuse to purchase such items, because it is visually very difficult to distinguish them from gold ones.

Coating Methods

Sputtering with gold at home is not as difficult as it seems. You can extend the life of your jewelry or other metal accessories using gilding. By studying the features of different techniques, you will be able to avoid unnecessary costs for purchasing new products. You only need to purchase certain tools, equipment and components for chemical formulations.

Gold chloride is a solution often used to coat silver. First, “regia vodka” is prepared, which is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid in proportions of 1:3. Gold is placed into the solution, and then the liquid is evaporated. As a result, dry matter is formed. All actions must be performed carefully to avoid burns to the skin and respiratory tract.

Then gold chloride is mixed with a solution of potassium cyanide and washed chalk. The resulting slurry is applied to the silver item using a brush. The substance is kept for some time, then the accessory is thoroughly washed and polished.

A thicker layer of gold plating on silver is done using a zinc contact. The composition will require the following components:

  1. 15 grams of gold chloride;
  2. 65 grams of carbonic potassium salt;
  3. 65 grams of yellow blood salt;
  4. 65 grams of table salt;
  5. 2 liters of water.

All substances are mixed, the composition is used heated. The silver product that will need to be processed is thoroughly cleaned of grease and dirt and placed in the prepared solution. The product contained in the composition is connected to a zinc stick, which is used as a contact.

Another application method will help fix the gold plating on silver for a long time. Electroplating is performed in special electrolytic solutions. This technique is similar to galvanizing.

The chemical solutions used in this method have different compositions, so the future gilding may be reddish or light yellow. Typically, one of two types of solutions is chosen for silver.

Gilding in the first way is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. Take a container and pour 700 ml of water into it. Add 60 grams of sodium phosphate to the liquid, which should completely dissolve.
  2. Then another container is filled with 150 ml of water. Add 2.5 grams of gold chloride to it.
  3. The third container is filled with 150 ml of water. 1 gram of potassium cyanide and 10 grams of sodium disulfide are dissolved in the liquid.
  4. First, mix the first two solutions, and then add the third composition to the resulting consistency.
  5. The prepared mixture is heated to +50 − +60 degrees. A platinum anode is used for the procedure.

Another type of electrolyte for metal spraying is called “Zelmi’s golden bath.” Tin, copper and brass are also processed in this composition. The solution is prepared in several stages:

  1. 30 ml of water is poured into a porcelain container and crystalline sodium carbonate and potassium ferric sulfide are added to it. The mixture is then boiled.
  2. Gold fulminate, precipitated with ammonia, is placed into the heated solution. The consistency should be boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. When a fluffy red precipitate forms and the resulting liquid acquires a rich golden hue, the composition is filtered.

Processing a silver product in this electrolyte lasts 15-16 hours. For gilding, weak currents and the Daniel element are used. A beautiful matte layer is formed on the metal product.

When choosing a method for gilding silver, it is necessary to take into account the end result, since the coating can come out in different shades and shines. You should also know the safety rules when working with chemicals.

Removing gold plating

The easiest way to solve this problem is to take the product to a workshop. But you don’t always want to spend time on this, and then the question arises whether it can be done on your own. For this procedure, two methods can be used: mechanical and electrochemical. Before choosing the appropriate technology, familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of this method.

Removing gold plating using a chemical method involves using aqua regia. The main objective of this method is to avoid damage to the base metal, that is, silver, while removing the top layer.

This is done as follows. First, all parts where silver is visible are coated with a protective coating. Next, the product is sent to a porcelain cup with aqua regia and heated. The gilding is slowly starting to come off. Once dark spots of silver chloride begin to appear, you need to remove the jewelry from the solution. Then you need to wash it with ammonia and remove the remaining gold plating with a brush.

Silver product before and after gilding

Removing gold plating using the electrochemical method involves using an electrolytic bath and a copper plate. The electrolyte, which in this case serves as the anode, is a 7% solution of potassium cyanide in distilled water. The copper plate is used as the cathode. After treatment, the product is removed from the bath and washed with a stream of water. Remains of gilding are also removed with a brush.

In both the first and second methods, not all of the coating is removed. Removing gold plating at home is completely possible if you purchase: a power supply with adjustable voltage and polarity, battery electrolyte, distilled water and thiourea. Prepare an electrolyte and a glass jar, where you place the anode with decoration and a steel cathode. Apply 3.5 volts to them. Do not open the can during the reaction as hydrogen sulfide will be released.

Terms of use

Some buyers of gold-plated jewelry claim that the coating quickly wears off, and the products themselves lose their attractive and impressive appearance. For example, if a piece of jewelry quickly fades after contact with water, people think it is fake. But real gold-plated silver cannot deteriorate for this reason alone.

In order for products to delight you with their beautiful appearance for a long time, you should use them correctly:

  1. Earrings, chains and bracelets should be removed before showering or bathing. Jewelry becomes dull in soapy water, and frequent contact with it can easily damage the metal. If a person forgets to remove accessories, they should not be dried with a towel afterwards. Friction also negatively affects gold plating.
  2. When playing sports, it is not recommended to wear gold-plated silver as it deteriorates due to human sweat.
  3. Products should be stored in boxes or other closed containers that will protect them from sunlight and other negative factors. To prevent jewelry from scratching against each other, you should choose a separate box for each of them.
  4. Jewelry needs to be cleaned regularly to ensure it lasts a long time. But it is necessary to use certain methods of caring for gold-plated silver.
  5. Products should not be kept in a bathroom or kitchen area with high humidity levels, because the accessories will quickly lose their characteristic shine.
  6. If a person wears jewelry daily, he should wipe it with a suede cloth after each use. This material will help keep the product clean. In addition, suede will eliminate the need for radical methods of cleaning metal.

The thin layer of film covering silver can be damaged by negative factors. The quality of the base of the product also affects the coating itself. Other types of metal are added to the silver alloy. If there is too much nickel or copper in it, the jewelry will quickly turn black and become covered with plaque.

The process of metal oxidation can be accelerated by aggressive components included in cleaning products. Even some cosmetics can affect gold-plated jewelry. To avoid damage to accessories, they should not be worn in contact with chemicals.

What determines the quality and service life of gold coating?

In Russia, when covering silver with gold, a metal of high standard is used - at least 750. But most often this value reaches 999. There are also gold-plated products of 585 standard, equal to 14 carats, but they are extremely rare in jewelry workshops and stores. In foreign countries, metals with a value of 12 carats and below are plated for gilding.

In order for gilding to last as long as possible, the silver standard must be at least 925. The percentage of applied gold must be at least 42%, the fineness must be 99%, and the thickness of the metal must be more than 2.5 microns. If these rules are followed, the gold coating will last for several years. The thicker the coating layer, the longer the decoration does not lose its appearance.

The service life and how long jewelry is worn depends on the rules of use and storage of the jewelry. When purchased from a specialized jewelry store with the necessary quality certificates, the product will retain its presentable appearance for more than two years. The coating lasts the longest on pendants, earrings and products that are least subject to friction and contact with the skin.

It is not allowed to store accessories near heating devices or in places exposed to direct sunlight.

Customers often ask the question in stores: is gilded silver washable or not? The answer is yes. And even if proper care is taken, the coating will be erased after 2-3 years.

Cleaning products

Jewelry can be cleaned at home. Over time, gilded silver loses its shine, which can be restored not only with the help of suede fabric, but also in other ways.

A tarnished gold-plated accessory can be treated with baking soda , which is available in any home. Add 1-2 teaspoons of the product to a glass of warm water, after which the product is lowered into the solution. After 30-40 minutes, remove the jewelry and wipe the surface with a soft-bristle toothbrush. The coating quickly gets rid of blackness and dullness. Then the accessory is washed with running water and dried with a paper towel.

Another effective cleaning method is using toothpaste. The product is applied to the surface of the decoration. Using a brush, carefully wipe problem areas so as not to damage the coating. The spraying regains its former shine.

If a gold-plated piece of jewelry is slightly tarnished, it only needs a light cleaning. Regular sugar will help restore the decoration to its original appearance. Warm water is poured into a glass, in which 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar are dissolved, and the decoration is added to the mixture. Remove the product after 3-4 hours and wash it under water.

You can take ammonia from your home medicine cabinet. One spoon of clear liquid is diluted in a glass of water, and then 2-3 drops of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent are added. The product is immersed in the resulting solution and left in it for 1-1.5 hours. After this cleaning method, the gold-plated jewelry will shine again.

If the silver base of the product contains many impurities, the coating will quickly tarnish and darken. Wine alcohol should be applied to a soft sponge or cotton pad and wipe the decoration. You can clean gold-plated silver in beer or vinegar solution. The decoration is left in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. You can polish the coating with suede.

Preparing a composition for gilding at home

The solution for independent chemical or galvanic gilding should be prepared with special care. This is due to the fact that when mixed, the substances used react, leading to the formation of fumes that are unsafe for health.

When making a solution for gilding, the following ingredients are required:

  • gold chloride;
  • table salt;
  • potassium cyanide;
  • purified water;
  • soda

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This solution is intended primarily for processing ferrous metals. For silver surfaces, it is necessary to prepare a mixture for gilding at home with other ingredients:

  • gold chloride;
  • potassium carbonate;
  • food salt;
  • yellow blood salt.

The item to be galvanized is calcined in advance. The surface is first etched with liquid sulfuric acid, and later with nitric acid. Next, sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric acids are combined into a single mixture, which plays the role of an electrolyte, and an object is momentarily lowered into the resulting composition.

After exposure to the acid mixture, the object is washed with water and briefly placed in mercury. Next, the item is lowered into water again, and the item is kept in it for 30 seconds.

Then the item is placed in the composition for galvanic gilding, kept for the required time and washed with water. Drying is carried out on sawdust.

By learning how to do gilding at home, which is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, you can give a second life to your favorite copper and silver jewelry. Products made from gold have been very popular among both women and men for many years. To own such products without significant costs for their acquisition, it is enough to master the technology of gilding.

Both non-ferrous alloys, steel or cast iron can be plated with gold

Purchasing Tips

You can purchase high-quality gold-plated jewelry in jewelry stores, but you need to know some selection rules so as not to be mistaken in the value of the product.

Silver products must have a stamp confirming the hallmark . If it is not there, then it is not a precious metal, but a jewelry alloy coated with gold. Such products are often purchased because they are cheaper, but they quickly deform.

Different types of silver can be used to make jewelry, but experts recommend choosing 925 silver. Products made from it are of much higher quality, so they will last a long time. The percentage of gold plating should be more than 40%.

History of the use of silver in various fields

In Rus', too, the healing and neutralizing power of silver objects was noticed quite a long time ago. So, in churches, holy water was poured and stored in silver vessels specially cast for this purpose. And the phenomenon associated with a silver spoon in a glass of water has been known to everyone since the days of studying at school from a life safety course.

It is thanks to its unique properties that silver began to appear in a huge number of objects surrounding humans. Ancient and modern scientists, inventors and jewelry makers try to cleanse the world around a person who owns one or another silver item. Gradually, silver could be found in almost all cutlery, dishes, mirrors, and, of course, jewelry. Elements of silver were added to fabrics, which made it possible to decorate even clothes and shoes.

Today, silver can be found in a variety of medical devices; it is used in the food industry (for example, silver is part of some food additives with indicator E), in the laboratory industry (for the manufacture of various vessels for melting alkalis or other metals). In electrical engineering, it is also impossible to do without silver, which is part of copper conductors and various waveguides. Among other things, in some chemical reactions it is impossible to do without silver molecules. This metal (more precisely, silver nitrate) is also used to create photographs.

Method for cleaning gold plating

Before you begin cleaning gold-plated jewelry, you need to properly prepare it for the procedure. To do this, gilded objects are carefully wiped with a dry rag - wool, suede, or felt are suitable. To clean off fat deposits, you need to additionally use turpentine or an alcohol solution - a small amount of the chosen product is applied to a soft material or cotton pad and wiped over the jewelry. For final cleaning, alcohol will be enough, but you can use traditional methods:

  1. To add shine and remove any plaque, it is recommended to immerse the jewelry in beer for 15-20 minutes and wipe dry. To clean a classic set with this method, 1 glass of drink will be enough.
  2. If you rub the gold plating on your jewelry with egg white, the shine will return. To perform the manipulation, you need to separate the protein, moisten a rag or sponge and carefully rub the entire surface. The remains will cover the material with a protective film.
  3. Beaten egg yolk with 1 tbsp. sorrel decoction will restore the shine of the jewel. After treating with this composition, you need to rinse the jewelry in water and rub it with a rag.
  4. By using wine alcohol, darkened areas on the coating are eliminated and all types of contaminants are removed. To clean, soak a sponge or rag in the product and rub the surface.


You can use vinegar for items coated with a thin layer of gold, but complete immersion in a 9% solution is acceptable for up to 20 minutes for heavily soiled items. When the duration of the procedure is disrupted, the gilding may wear off. If you plan to do simple cleaning, you can simply wipe it with a sponge or rag.

Jewelry metals lose their shine and brightness of color over time, and the film of gold-plated products is no exception. In order for the coating to be removed from the product, it must be mechanically damaged. If the care meets the standard, then it is impossible to determine by its appearance that the item is classified as silver. When a noticeable stain appears on the jewelry after a short period of use - the gilding in this place has worn off, it is better to return it to the store or take it to a jeweler to check the alloy.

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