DIY roller metal shears

A do-it-yourself roller knife for sheet metal is a homemade tool, the demand for which is growing every day, which is explained by the productive speed of operation of such a device and its simple design. The mechanical basis is extremely simple, and is based on two metal knives rotating in opposite directions, pressing into the steel plane of the workpiece, which leads to its cutting.

The classic design involves the installation of rotating disks at the top and bottom, classified according to the material of manufacture:

  • Parallel roller knives are used for cutting steel sheets into strips, while maintaining good quality of the workpiece.
  • Roller knives with one inclined edge - this design, in addition to slicing, allows you to cut workpieces with rounded shapes.
  • Roller knives with multiple inclined edges - maintaining a small radius, helps to produce parts with curved lines and rounded shapes.


Roller metal shears, assembled at home with your own hands, have a common essence that remains unchanged - the presence of a cutting knife. It is made from steel alloys with a maximum strength threshold and other characteristics that should be higher compared to similar parameters for steel that will be processed on a cutting machine.

Roller knife device

In practice, it is known that roller knives produced at the factory for cutting metal have a service life of about 30 km of steel sheets, with a caveat to the maximum sheet thickness, which will not exceed 0.5 mm.

Accordingly, if the thickness of the material is higher, then the durability of the tool is reduced. However, nothing prevents you from sharpening the tool and thereby extending its service life.

Making a sheet bending machine with your own hands

In order to bend sheet iron without much effort, you can make a machine - a sheet bender. It can be adjusted to the thickness of the metal being bent.


A 4 cm by 8 cm beam serves as the base. The base is attached to the workbench when the machine is in use. A corner is attached to the block, and a second corner is bolted to this corner. They hold the metal, which is bent on a machine. The third corner has handles. It is attached to the beam with a loop. It can rotate 90 degrees. This angle on the hinges is actually what bends the metal on the machine. The other two corners only hold the metal, and they can be moved to hold metal of different thicknesses.

List of materials

  • Steel corners 0.3 cm thick, 4 cm wide and 1.2 m long - 3 pieces.
  • Square tube for handles
  • The timber is 4 cm by 8 cm. We will cut it to a length of 1 m 20 cm. Try to get high-quality timber.
  • Door hinges
  • 6 screws 2.5 cm long with slotted heads. You can also take a smaller size.
  • 4 screws 1.25 cm long for the handles of the machine. It was planned to use a pipe with a thickness of 2 cm, but it is quite possible to use one with a thickness of 2.5 cm. But it is recommended to take an even thicker pipe.
  • Nuts for hinges and machine handles.
  • 16 drywall screws. Four in each loop, 4 in the center and two in the adjustable corners. They all fit into the timber.
  • 32 washers. You will need them to set the correct distance between the timber and the hinges.
  • Two long bolts with a diameter of 0.8 cm and a length of 6.5 cm. They pass through the beam and hinges.
  • Two nuts for long bolts.
  • Two lambs 0.75 cm wide.
  • 6 washers for the nuts on the base, for the top of the spring and for the wings.
  • 2 bolts 2.5 cm long and 1 cm in diameter - for adjustable angles.
  • Thick wire. You don't need a lot of it.
  • Spray paint. One charge is enough.

List of tools

  • Metal saw
  • Wood saw (cut timber)
  • Bow saw for iron
  • Wood jigsaw
  • Drill or drill press, complete with bits described below
  • Iron punch and hammer
  • Pencil and ruler
  • Flat and round file
  • Milling machine with a round bit with a diameter of 0.5 cm
  • Bulgarian. This will come in handy if you are using scrap metal.
  • Tap diameter 0.9 cm
  • Optionally, a steel rod with a diameter of 0.75 cm and springs.
  • Drill bits you will need:
  • 0.6 cm for ten bolts,
  • 1.25 cm for deepening the bolt heads,
  • 0.25 cm for drywall screws,
  • 0.35 cm for drywall screws that go through metal
  • 0.9 cm for deepening screws into drywall
  • 0.3 cm for drilling holes in the corners
  • 1 cm for long bolts
  • 2 cm for deepening long bolts
  • 0.75 for corners. These holes are then expanded with a tap.

Necessary materials

A machine for cutting sheet metal, constructed with your own hands at home, requires knives, the range of materials for which is very wide, and the choice of one of them mainly depends on the type and thickness of the material that will need to be cut. If you have to work with not the most durable, thin sheet steel, such as aluminum, then the simplest bearings will be the ideal option. But for the required functionality of a roller knife, they lack sharpening, which should be carried out independently along the entire end of the future tool.

The main roller knife is installed on a movable part of the structure with a pressure handle, which, when pressed, clamps the workpiece between two cutting surfaces. The diameter of the bearings directly affects the speed of work performed. That is, the larger the bearing diameter, the higher the production speed on the machine.

Making a roller knife for metal with your own hands

To simplify the work with the tool and make it more convenient, it would be nice to equip the sheet cutter with a guide plane.

The manufacture and installation of this part is not very difficult, and in return it will greatly simplify the entire process. The result is a universal machine with roller knives, which can interact with other metalworking equipment, which can also be easily constructed at home.

Manufacturing instructions

Factory models of cutters sold in stores, even in standard configuration, will cost a large amount. The price of models offered on the market starts from 20,000 rubles. Such conditions are not beneficial for purchasing a tool for home use or a small workshop, and it will be used extremely rarely.

To begin with, the main body of the instrument is designed, which everyone chooses for themselves. The main attribute of the machine is manufactured - a roller knife for sheet metal. The material from which the part is made directly affects the durability and performance of the unit. As mentioned above, the strength characteristics should be significantly higher than the similar characteristics of the material being cut. Otherwise, the minimum problem will be a low-quality cut, forcing the craftsman to clean and process the edges of each cut piece.

Scheme for assembling a roller knife

Do-it-yourself roller metal shears are mostly made from bearings. Sharpening the ends of the part forms the cutting surfaces. The main roller, connected to the drive, is attached directly to the handle. The lower one is installed on the fixed lower part of the machine. If you have skills in processing iron alloys, manufacturing such a device will take a maximum of a little more than a week, including setting up the unit.

Features of metal cutting at home

Circular knives are an excellent replacement for metal shears, having a number of advantages:

  • Small dimensions and dimensions.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • Easy adjustment.
  • Convenience and ability to work with a wide range of materials.

Cutting metal with a roller knife

Do-it-yourself sheet metal cutting at home is usually done with cutters or drills. Of course, this approach helps to give the part the desired shape, and at the same time polish the surface. However, it would be much more practical to construct a machine with roller knives with your own hands once (unless, of course, we are talking about cutting scrap metal, since accuracy is not so important there), thereby reducing both the time allotted for processing and minimizing the amount of debris and defects that may occur when using hand tools. To put it simply, circular knives are an excellent replacement for metal shears and even an industrial guillotine.

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Various cutting tools, both manual and electric, are used to cut sheet steel. To cut a straight sheet of galvanized or stainless steel, you can take hand-held metal scissors, a grinder or a jigsaw. But all these devices are not always convenient to use for cutting sheet steel. For such purposes, roller shears for cutting metal are also produced. To avoid having to buy such a tool, you can make it yourself.

Roller shears and sheet metal cutting features

In the metalworking industry, roller shears or knives are used to process sheet material. This tool is called knives because its operation is based on the use of two cutting discs. The cutting process is based on the fact that rollers are pressed into the sheet material from two sides - top and bottom. In this case, it is cut without the use of any sharp knives. The role of cutting and sharp knives is played by rollers, which touch the walls to each other on both sides.

Rollers not only cut sheet material, but also facilitate the process of moving the tool along the surface of the sheet. This means that cutting with a roller knife is not only convenient, but also effective. If we compare the operation of the device with hand scissors, the following advantages should be noted:

  • Speed ​​- cutting a sheet of steel with roller shears can be done in a matter of seconds, but using scissors requires a lot of time, which depends on the length of the material being cut
  • Cut quality - the roller knife cuts not only quickly, but also with high quality. There are no chips, bends, bends, etc. at the site of the cut
  • Physical fatigue - cutting with hand scissors requires physical effort, while using a roller tool eliminates this need. To cut, you only need to move the roller shears along the guides, thereby cutting the steel sheet

Roller shears are classified according to the types of knives into three types:

  1. They are located in parallel. The most popular type of cutting tool, which is intended exclusively for cutting material into strips, that is, cutting is performed in a straight direction
  2. They have one slope. They are intended for cutting not only even strips of sheet material, but also for cutting round and ring-type workpieces
  3. With several slopes. Such roller devices are intended directly for cutting workpieces of various shapes - ring, round, curved, etc.

After cutting, the edge of the material does not need additional processing, as it turns out smooth, without chips or burrs.

DIY roller knife for sheet metal

How to make a roller cutter for sheet metal with your own hands. What can you make a homemade roller knife from?

Cutting metal at home is a rather tedious process. And its quality often leaves much to be desired, forcing additional processing of the resulting edges.

The situation can be corrected in many ways by using special devices, including those made by yourself.

We will talk about one of these devices, namely the roller knife, today.

The roller knife is gaining more and more demand and popularity today. This is due not only to the high productivity of such a device, but also to its fairly simple design.

The principle of operation of the mechanism is simple - two cutting disc rollers rotate in different directions, pressing into the surface of the metal and thus cutting it.

Friction between the metal and the knives ensures unhindered movement of the workpiece along the tool.

In the vast majority of cases, roller knives for cutting sheet metal include two rotating rollers - an upper and a lower one. Depending on the variation of the cutting element used, such tools can be classified as follows:

  • Parallel position knives - used for cutting metal into strips, while providing very acceptable quality;
  • Edges with one inclined - this group allows not only longitudinal cutting of material, but also cutting out ring and round workpieces;
  • Knives with several inclined - such devices make it possible to effectively cut round, curved or ring-shaped workpieces with a small radius.

It is worth noting that all of the above variations cope perfectly with cutting sheet steel, while the cut edges do not require additional attention and subsequent processing.

Homemade roller knives

With all its undoubted advantages, even the simplest model of a roller knife has quite a decent price.

This is the reason why it is inappropriate to purchase it for one-time work or periodic use.

However, the optimal solution from a financial point of view still exists - a roller knife can be made with your own hands at home.

The design of such a device can be very different. The most common variations are presented below (photo, photo 2). But in any case, the main part remains unchanged - the cutting knife.

It should be made from the most durable and reliable steel alloy, the strength parameters of which must necessarily exceed those of the material being cut.

If this condition is not met, the quality of the cut will be low, which will require additional processing of the cut edges.

Practice shows that the working life of factory-produced knives is about 25 km of sheet steel, provided that its thickness is 0.5 mm. With greater thickness, the resource will be correspondingly lower. However, the tool can be sharpened without any problems and continue to function effectively.

If we talk about the service life of homemade knives, then it is directly dependent on the material from which the cutting parts of the unit are made.

What can a knife be made from?

The options can be very different; here you need to pay attention to what exactly you plan to cut. So, if it is not the most durable sheet steel in its structure, including aluminum, galvanized metal and other similar materials, the most ordinary bearings will be a completely suitable solution. True, for this you will have to pre-sharpen their ends.

To carry out cutting, one of the rollers, the one that will play the role of a drive, is installed on the handle, due to which the knife will be pressed to the metal. Please note that the larger the diameter of the bearings, the faster the material can be cut.

In order for the cutting process to take place with maximum comfort and accuracy, the device can be additionally equipped with guides - this will not be particularly difficult, but it is guaranteed to serve you well in the future.

The resulting tool is quite versatile and can be used in conjunction with a wide variety of metalworking equipment, including sheet metal bending machines, which can also be made independently at home.

How to cut sheet metal at home

In industry, roller shears are used to cut factory-produced sheet metal. Their distinctive features are high accuracy, long service life, and the absence of the need to make them yourself. Often in the household there is a need to obtain even strips of sheet steel, which are used for various purposes. If you need one strip, then there is no need to buy or make such a device, since you can use ordinary metal scissors. If you need to cut the entire sheet or carry out cutting work regularly, then it is imperative to acquire a roller knife.

There is no justifiable sense in buying such a factory-made device, since the price ranges from 15 thousand rubles or more, which depends on the design, size and quality of the device. Roller shears for cutting sheet metal can be made with your own hands at home, using available consumables for manufacturing. Although this method requires time, it allows you to save money, resulting in a universal cutting tool for cutting sheets of stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.

Features of making a tool yourself

If you are tired of cutting sheet metal with scissors or a grinder, then a roller cutter is an excellent alternative to replace these tools. The advantages of this device include quiet operation and lack of energy consumption. In addition, having such a device in your home arsenal, you can even make money when your neighbors need to cut sheet metal material.

The purchase of a tool is justified only in one case, when it is necessary to perform work in large quantities. And even in this case, you can make the device yourself to use it for professional purposes. There are many designs for the devices in question, so making a device yourself is not at all difficult if you understand the principle of operation of the device.

When making a homemade tool, the following properties must be taken into account:

  1. Cutting knives - there should be two of them, one located on top and the other on the bottom. Knives must be made of high-quality alloy, which has a strength higher than the materials being cut. Bearings that fully meet the described requirements are used as knives.
  2. Base - simultaneously acts as a surface on which the steel sheet is located, as well as a guide for moving the roller shears when cutting the sheet or cutting strips
  3. Body of the device - for manufacturing, a steel angle with a thickness of 3 mm and a wall size of 40-60 mm is usually used
  4. Auxiliary tools - they are designed to secure the sheet material to the table surface while cutting it

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The service life of a homemade device is influenced by such an indicator as the quality of its manufacture. Moreover, this even applies to the quality of bearings, so if you get down to business, you will need an appropriate approach.

How to make roller shears for metal from bearings

When the question is: “buy or make it yourself,” most often home craftsmen opt for the second option. Simply because it's cheaper.

Necessary materials:

  • steel square bar;
  • fittings;
  • bearings;
  • bolts;
  • metal strip.

Making levers

From a square rod we cut two pieces of the same length. We retreat about 1 cm from the edge and drill holes.

Then use a tap to cut the threads in the holes. Using bolts, we attach bearings to the ends of the arms.

We also drill holes at the opposite ends of the square rods. In one of them we cut a thread with a tap. We connect the levers together using a bolt.

Setting the limiter

We will need a piece of metal strip that will act as a limiter. We drill a hole at the end and cut a thread in it.

We weld the workpiece to the lower arm. We cut off the excess with a grinder. Screw the bolt into the hole.

We weld the strip to the lever

Cut off the protruding part

The finished result

Making a pen

You can use a piece of reinforcement or a corrugated square rod as a handle. We give the workpiece the required shape and weld it to the upper arm. The homemade device is ready!

Now all that remains is to clean the welds with a grinder and, if desired, paint the homemade product.

What to make a roller knife from

There are no difficulties with purchasing roller shears, since such a machine can be found in an online store and ordered. The only difficulty is that you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money to purchase it, which will not pay off soon if you do not use such equipment often. Making your own will not require any costs, but the biggest difficulty is choosing the necessary materials and assembling full-fledged roller shears from them.

Using a homemade machine allows you to cut the following types of materials:

  • Cink Steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminum
  • Steel sheets up to 0.5 mm thick, for example, window slopes of metal-plastic windows

Bearings are used to make cutting knives. The diameter of these bearings depends on the size of the roller blade housing, but 20-30mm ball bearings are commonly used. In order for the bearings to ensure cutting of material, it is necessary to grind off their end faces, making them strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. The effectiveness of the tool depends on this.

Before you make a roller-type cutting tool, you need to understand its principle of use. The application is based on the fact that a homemade knife moves along guides. The corner part of a workbench or table is used as such guides. The sheet to be cut is placed on the surface of the table, and in order for the cut to be smooth and neat, it should be fixed in a stationary position. This can be done using two clamps and a wooden block of appropriate length. A block is placed on the sheet, and then it is fixed on both sides with clamps, thereby ensuring immobility during processing.

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