What roofing tools are needed for a seam roof - accessories and equipment

To equip the roofs of industrial and residential buildings, seam roofing is often used, which has a number of advantages. The roof covering for seam roofing is galvanized metal sheets, which have to be installed manually.

Installation of sheets is carried out using a special roofing tool, which can have a manual, semi-automatic or electric drive. Such a tool is not suitable for a large volume of work, so when working with roofs of industrial facilities, seam-rolling machines are used, which are installed directly on the construction site. This article will discuss roofing tools for standing seam roofing, its varieties and features.

How to assemble a folding machine

If purchasing specialized equipment seems irrational to you, you should try assembling a folding machine with your own hands - it’s not that difficult.

When installing a seam roof, it is important to understand the technology for laying roofing material and the mechanism for its pre-treatment. If buying specialized equipment seems irrational to you, you should try assembling a folding machine with your own hands - it’s not as difficult as it seems.

Tools and materials

When you have decided on the length of the machine and the installation method, you can move from theory to practice. To assemble a simple folding machine with your own hands, you need to prepare the material base, as well as collect a minimum set of tools for assembling components and metrological verifications:

  • welded profile or any other material for assembling the frame and clamping arm;
  • metal corner - the thicker the section, the more reliable;
  • traverse axis - two short metal rods or hinges;
  • parts for mounting bolted connections;
  • tools: drill, grinder;
  • measuring instruments: corner, level, tape measure.

This list can be continued endlessly, but you can’t do without these tools. So, the last question remains to be answered: where to start assembling your folding machine?

Why do folds bend?

A seam or seam joint is a method of fastening sheet metal when installing a metal roof. Depending on the method of processing the edge of the metal sheet, as well as the location of the assembly seam relative to the plane of the slope, there are:

Typically, when laying metal strips parallel to the ridge (horizontally), a recumbent lock is used, and when installing longitudinal strips, standing or inclined locks are used. Each of the subtypes is determined by the corresponding edge processing scheme, but, in addition, the seam connection is characterized by other parameters. For example, the degree of compaction is single and double folds. In addition to the listed subtypes, there is also an L-shaped rebated lock, as well as a standing one - double-sided or rack.

The need to use seam joints is explained by the thermal mobility of the metal - expansion and contraction with a corresponding change in temperature. For additional mobility, interconnected sheets of metal are attached to the rafters using movable clamps.

How is a seam roof constructed?

The roof frame consists of standard layers of the roofing pie: rafters, windproof membrane, sheathing, counter lathing. The front covering - rolled steel - is selected with galvanization or a polymer layer. The second option makes it possible to choose a roof shade that harmonizes well with the house and landscape.

The steel is laid in longitudinal strips, but it is not necessary that they be solid. For horizontal connections, a special type of fold is used: recessed. It is flat and practically invisible from the outside. The longitudinal edges are connected with a standing seam, forming a convex edge of a complex joint. This design of seam roofing provides the house with a durable structure with a warranty period of up to half a century. Also, the folded lock is divided into single and double: simpler and more complicated.

Benefits and Applications

Sheet steel is an inexpensive material that is easy to work with. One person and an assistant can cover the roof using this method; you just need to ensure that the sheets are lifted to the top. And the construction team is able to cope with such coverage in 2 days. Low cost and high quality made it possible to use it for the repair of residential and public buildings, as well as for covering new houses. The ability to carry out installation independently and quickly made standing seam roofing popular in private low-rise construction.

Types of bending machines

These three groups, in turn, can be divided into manual and automatic devices with hydraulic or mechanical traction. In addition, there are segmental and rolling mechanisms - the first are designed for bending large parts (rolled or sheet steel, fittings), and the second are for processing piece products of a simple configuration.

To create a folded edge, machines of the third group are used - these are manual or mechanized devices designed to work with rolled metal edges of various thicknesses. The advantages of folding machines are difficult to overestimate: a seam created by mechanization is much more reliable than a seam created by hand. In addition, the duration of work is significantly reduced, as is the effort expended. To assemble a high-quality machine, you will have to spend some time, which will still pay off in high productivity.

Preliminary calculations

The manual machine consists of a movable frame (traverse) with an angle and a static support on which the bending lever is located. The bed is designed in such a way that when the sheet is pressed tightly against it, the edge, clamped in the clamp, takes on the required bending shape. For manual processing, the maximum thickness of the metal sheet usually does not exceed 0.8 mm. The force applied by the machine does not allow creating even folds when using thicker sheets.

The simplest manual sheet bender is assembled on a monolithic base - it can be a table, metal scaffolding or any other base. For the mobility of equipment, it is important to assemble a mobile base - this can be any stable base made of a profile pipe or wooden beam.

Principles of machine assembly

The traverse is a lever with a minimum arm of 1:10 - the same angle as the beam, but fixed to a moving axis. The next important step is to center the yoke's axis of rotation. This factor affects the quality of the resulting fold.

What a finished manual folding machine looks like and some design features can be seen in this video:

You can discuss various concepts for assembling machine tools and share your own experience in the comments.


Folding machines: their purpose and design +Video

Folding machines: purpose, design. Modern folding machines are used to create blanks for various types of folds. Seam-rolling machines will be indispensable for arranging seam roofing, as well as for the production of roofing accessories, which are auxiliary. This includes elements from the drainage system, end and front elements,

...and with its help you can make a ventilation duct from galvanized metal.

Production technology

The seam-rolling machine is indispensable both for arranging the seam roof itself and for the production of auxiliary roofing accessories. This includes elements of the drainage system, front and end roof overhangs, and it is also used to make galvanized ventilation ducts.

Types of folds

A seam connection is a twist between two adjacent sheets of metal, and in order to arrange this twist, you need to bend the fold along the edge of the sheet, and it is precisely to bend this fold that you need a seam rolling machine.

There are 2 folded joints - these are single and double folds, plus folds can be standing or lying.

The level of tightness depends on the choice of connection.

As for the recumbent connection options, they are exactly the same as the standing ones, only turned to one side.

Nowadays, L-shaped roofing seams are quite common; there is no practical benefit from such a connection, it is no better or worse than a double bend, but many believe that the roof looks much more impressive this way.

The L-shaped rebate looks especially good on rounded radii.

When selecting equipment, keep in mind that there are machines for arranging recumbent folds, standing folds and universal units that can be adjusted as necessary to any type of bend.

General information about machines

The main advantage of a seam roof is that the covering is monolithic, without any fastening or connecting holes. But the roofing metal itself is quite thin and making blanks in production and then transporting them to the site is inconvenient and often unrealistic.

master dry floor screed

A small folding machine makes a big difference. With such equipment, you can make blanks directly on site; moreover, there are models that can be installed directly on the roof.

There is one more important nuance: to bend the edges of sheets, you need a folding machine, and to make a double fold and crimp the connection, bringing it to the final result, a folding machine is used.

The seam settling machine significantly reduces the time of roof installation.

Often, the thickness of metal for roofing works ranges from 0.5-1 mm, with a maximum of 1.2 mm. But a good machine for standing seam roofing is designed to work with metal from 0.3 to 1.5 mm.

Such equipment is already closer to professional, and it can be used to make not only roofing paintings, but also to bend blanks for various kinds of drainage or ventilation pipes, plus make valley gutters and ridge caps.

By the way, the blank for a seam roof (a strip of roofing metal with curved seams) is called “Picture” among professionals.

The very principle of operation of the unit is simple: any folding machine has a number of crimping shaped rollers, which actually bend the edges of the sheet. Crimping rollers are installed in pairs on crimping shafts.

A manual folding machine is well suited for amateur use.

The number of such crimping shafts may be different, but no matter how many there are, they are driven by a gearbox, and the gearbox itself rotates thanks to an electric motor. There is, of course, manually operated equipment, but the productivity there is very low and such devices are rare.

DIY installation

For a standard connection of panels, you need to purchase a machine for rolling seams. Don’t bother replacing it with handy means, this may disrupt the technology and affect the quality of the entire roof. If there is no opportunity or desire to acquire a machine, a self-latching seam roof with edges on which a special lock has already been formed is used. This type of sheet simplifies installation and speeds up work several times. The lock consists of a locking tooth that is covered by a hook when one metal strip is placed over another. All that remains is to latch the system, which takes literally a few seconds.

Tools for work

To install a seam roof you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver
  • metal scissors
  • hammer, mallet, pliers
  • sealant gun
  • folding machine

Fastening is done to a metal or wooden sheathing, continuous or in increments of no more than 40 cm. A waterproofing layer must be provided. Standard dimensions of sheets for installation of seam roofing:

  • width 465 mm
  • height of edges (locks) 40 and 45 mm

Self-locking technology makes seam roofing generally more expensive, but ease of installation and guaranteed quality of connections lead to real savings in roof construction.

Current: copper roofing

Stainless steel is not always chosen as the coating material. Copper seam roofing has a long service life and durability due to the properties of this metal. At first it stands out with a characteristic shine, then it becomes covered with patina and acquires a noble shade. Copper does not deteriorate for hundreds of years; such a roof with a seam joint will become truly durable.

Fastening features: clamps

Regardless of the metal of manufacture, the fold is divided into the following types:

  • standing
  • recumbent
  • with stiffener
  • with clamp fastening

Using clamps, panels of both types are installed: self-latching and using tools. A clamp in a seam connection allows you to attach metal panels to the sheathing completely unnoticeably. It comes in two types: movable and fixed. The first is used for sheets longer than 8 m, and the second for short sheets (up to 8 m). Direct fastening is done using a self-tapping screw with a press washer. The most reliable is the standing double seam. It is made by double bending the edges, thanks to which it differs in appearance: a characteristic convex longitudinal joint is obtained.

Installation features

The first and all subsequent panels are positioned with the bottom lock towards the next installation. The work is carried out from the bottom up, the distance between the longitudinal joints is 40 cm. There is no fundamental rule on which side to start installation from: left to right or right to left. The main thing is to respect the location of the lower lock. For metal sheathing, use self-tapping screws 4.8x20 mm, for wooden sheathing, 4.8x35 mm. If the sheathing is solid, fastening is carried out at a distance of at least 40 cm; if the sheathing is sparse, the fastening is done in each row. In places where sheets adjoin pipes and walls, a wall profile is used.

Tools and equipment for seam roofing

A good specialist has more than forty different tools in stock that are used when installing seam roofing. The standard roofer's kit includes:

When installing a seam roof, in addition to experience and skill, you will need a set of simple and easy-to-use tools, which determine the speed and quality of the work.

Video: hammer and mandrel

However, standard tools are still secondary, although necessary. Their role in creating a seam roof is not as great as that of those used for stamping panels and forming bending units - a seam machine and a seam rolling machine. Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on this equipment.

Video: tool for forming envelopes “Heron” when making junctions

Do-it-yourself semi-automatic seaming machines

To speed up the process of installing a seam roof, you can use semi-automatic tools - they allow you to perform a high-quality connection of roofing panels in a shorter period of time than when using manual tools. Semi-automatic seaming machines are supplied in a kit that includes two devices necessary for alternate installation of the joint. In order for the seam roofing clamp to be connected, all you have to do is pull the machine behind you.

A semi-automatic machine for standing seam roofing has many advantages compared to manual tools:

  • High speed;
  • Good quality of the connecting seam along the entire length of the joint;
  • Possibility of processing metal sheets of different thicknesses;
  • Complete safety for the polymer layer located on the surface of the panels;
  • Possibility of quick and high-quality installation of metal sheets on large roof areas.

Popular models



Using such a device, you can bend both standing and lying seams, and in addition to the roofing picture, you can even make pipes for the ventilation system on such a machine.

"Metal Master FDS 1250"

This device is a manual folding machine.

"MetalMaster GLF A4C"

This folding machine is considered universal.

The power of the three-phase electrical installation is 1500 W.


"SPF 700"

This model of folding machine is much smaller and lighter in weight than its analogues, and this allows it to be used for work on a construction site. The device includes a roller-type stand for feeding rolled metal. This stand can support weights of up to 1000 kg.

These are the best models of folding machines.

More about SFP 700

When using a device of this brand, all types of roofing can be manufactured in the form of rolls, rather than separately folded sheets. When using the SFP 700 machine, you can significantly reduce the time required to complete all work by several times, which will help increase labor productivity and minimize the number of transverse seams on the roof.

Renting a folding machine makes it possible to create double and even triple locks at the junction of the roof, and the finished panels will have rolled ribs. Such elements help to significantly increase the strength of the entire structure and improve the appearance of the roof. The use of the device will also be relevant when it is necessary to create a roofing pattern of trapezoidal, rectangular, or wedge-shaped.

In addition, such manual equipment can be used for:


A hand-held machine is used to make various profiles on the edges of galvanized steel workpieces or sheets. You can also use materials with paint or polymer coating.

The only and significant drawback is the high cost and size of some of the models, but this device and it are similarly different:

Electrical equipment, light, lighting

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The construction of buildings and work related to the creation of roofs require not only great physical effort from workers, but also the use of modern equipment, because creating roof seams is not an easy task. Roll forming equipment, including a self-made folding machine, can solve these problems. Let's take a closer look at this machine, its structure and principle of operation, and also try to assemble the structure ourselves.

Purpose of folding machine

Seam roofing is a roof covering that is formed from sheet or rolled metal by connecting the edges of the metal with a special seam called a seam. The use of seam seams ensures absolute waterproofness of the finished coating, because during its formation there are no through holes in the roofing material. Rebates are classified by compaction level and orientation. In the first situation, double and single connections are distinguished, in the second - standing, recumbent and corner.

Creating a waterproof double standing seam is possible manually using special equipment or in a modern way - an electromechanical seaming seaming machine. The main purpose of seam-rolling machines is to mechanize roofing work on the roof, which is made of steel.

Unlike the usual method of carrying out roofing work, when using a seam-rolling machine, the roof is obtained in the form of a roll, rather than individual sheets. The length of such a roll of steel is from the ridge to the cornice. Thus, if you have such a machine, you will be able to take advantage of all the advantages of modern construction technologies, for example, reduce the time of construction work by two to three times, increase labor productivity, and also reduce the number of transverse seams to a minimum.

Having small dimensions, folding machines allow them to be used directly on construction sites. Such construction equipment is capable of making a double and triple seam lock and achieving ideal geometry, which is problematic with the manual method of seam work. The panels are immediately produced with rolled stiffening ribs, which increase strength and improve the appearance of the roof. However, if the roof slope is large, the machine cannot be used.

Using folding machines, roofing patterns are formed that have standard rectangular, wedge-shaped and trapezoidal shapes. This equipment is used to create such products as roofing, air ducts, chimneys, flashings, slopes, beacons, drainpipe systems, C-shaped slats, W-shaped profiles, channels, angles, I-beams, elements of snap joints, various fastening seam connections ( corner, lying, standing, snap seam), stiffeners (trapezoid, semicircle), decorative bends of the roof. The most common type of joining the edges of sheets is considered to be a single folded fold.

Folding machines help produce different profiles along the edges of a workpiece or sheet of galvanized steel, including polymer-coated material. The raw material for folding machines is sheet or coiled metal made of thin-sheet low-carbon steel, stainless and galvanized, with a polymer and paint coating (plastisol, pural, polyester) and without coating, made of aluminum, copper and zinc-titanium.

Advantages of folding machines

Folding rolling equipment began its history in the distant sixties in Western countries, and today such machines are extremely popular. In the modern domestic market, equipment is mainly represented by foreign companies and is distinguished by high quality, high labor productivity and ease of operation. Among the shortcomings, the only things that stand out are the huge price of folding machines by Russian standards and their large size.

Folding rolling equipment has a lot of advantages and advantages over other similar installations:

  • adaptability to the conditions of Russian construction sites;
  • no damage to the material coating;
  • high quality of manufactured panel paintings due to precise design and optimization of the configuration of profiling rollers;
  • achieving straightness of the panels at the output;
  • the presence of manual stepwise readjustment to the required width of the workpiece;
  • Possibility of equipping with a manual cross-cutting knife;
  • the possibility of additional installation of rollers, which are used for rolling stiffeners and arched paintings;
  • ensuring high-quality rolled metal with polymer coating.

Design of folding mechanism

A folding machine is a mechanism that is designed for profile processing of the edges of sheet or coil metal for further creation of folded joints. Simply put, the device bends one of the edges of the steel to a certain configuration to make their connection. The use of this equipment contributes to the production of workpieces, the reliability and quality of which far exceeds the quality of analogues obtained through manual processing.

The seam-rolling roofing machine itself consists of a forming device, a bed and an electric drive. The bed is a welded metal structure on which six pairs of shafts are placed, which act as a forming device. Serves as a forming device for pulling a metal strip along the machine and forming stiffening ribs and the constituent elements of a double fold at its edges for a double locking connection. If you change the width of the metal strips, you can reconfigure the device to a new size.

The electric drive consists of an electric motor, a chain drive and a worm gearbox. An additional roller unwinding device can be installed on the folding machine, which is designed for mounting, unwinding and feeding rolled metal that weighs up to 1 ton. In addition, the machine can be equipped with crimping devices for connecting sheets into a single roofing sheet, which are profiled on the machine.

The movable device of the machine consists of 2 movable rods, which are rigidly connected to each other by a pressing square. The horizontal shelf of this square is made in the form of a wedge, under which a longitudinal strip is placed for crimping the edge of the roofing sheet into the longitudinal recess of the square. The guides for the rods are brackets and passages at the ends of the horizontal shelf. The movable device of the folding machine is held by springs in the upper position, in which a sheet can be inserted into the machine and removed after the edge bending process.

The profiling device is located on a steel tubular frame. The rollers are made of high quality special steel with a special finish that guarantees effective protection against the effects of corrosion. There are two types of crimping devices available - automatic and manual. The folding machine is equipped with four piano-type wheels, two of which have brakes to greatly facilitate transportation.

This design of a seam-rolling machine allows you to change equipment to work with metal that has different thicknesses, and to correct the bend of the edge when using a sealing tape when installing a seam roof. Additional equipment is considered possible to carry out roof installation with greater speed and simplify the procedure. This is facilitated by the installation of a control system, a circular saw for metal and a transverse manual circular knife.

The operation of a folding machine is characterized by such technical characteristics as the speed of profiling and the permissible thickness of sheet metal at the input. Different modifications of machines are capable of producing several types of seam joints, so it is recommended to order the required set of rolling rollers in advance.

Operating principle of folding machine

Before you make a folding machine, you should know how it works. The operating principle of the folding machine is based on roll technology, which makes it possible to produce roofing panels along the entire length of the slope and avoid unnecessary horizontal connections. Iron in rolls for roofing is much cheaper than sheet iron; it is convenient to lift it onto the roof and make pictures directly there. A roll of metal strip is placed on an unwinding device.

After pressing the “Start” button, which is located on the push-button panel, the electric motor is turned on, which transmits rotation through a chain transmission and gearbox to the shafts of the forming device. The end of the metal strip is fed along the machine guides to the 1st pair of forming rollers. The rollers grab the metal strip and pull it across the entire surface of the forming device. When a certain length of the formed sheet is reached, the folding machine is turned off by pressing the “Stop” button. To pull the molded sheets back, the design has a reverse.

After this, installers only need to connect the two parts. In addition to similar roofing work, lying seams made using seam benders are used to make sealed air ducts or drainpipes. Transportation of the machine is permitted in any position that does not allow mechanical damage to the controls and structure. Periodically, it is advisable to carry out preventative adjustments and lubricate working parts (chain, pressure shaft screw, chain tensioner, pressure shaft guides, gears).

Using a folding machine at home

Since the price of folding machines is quite high, it is customary to assemble the structure yourself at home. A homemade folding machine is installed on a workbench in such a way that the horizontal shelf of the square is placed in the same plane as the working surface of the machine. To bend the edges of a recumbent fold, a standard sheet must be laid on the machine so that the edge of its narrow side is flush against the stops. As a result of pressing the pedal, a small depression appears on the sheet. Using a staple, you need to turn the bending angle, bending the edge of the sheet to a given angle.

After bending the edges for the fold, you should release the pedal: the movable device rushes upward under the action of springs. The bending angle is simultaneously retracted to its original position. The sheet jumps off when the movable device is lifted from the pressing square. Then the sheet is turned over 180 degrees, and the fold edge is folded on the other side of the sheet in the same way. It is customary to assemble double paintings from single paintings made in this way. Assembly is done manually or using a folding machine.

A small manual folding machine is used to fold edges along the short side of a sheet. On the frame, which is made of angles, a clamping angle with a plate that is welded at the bottom is fixed. The clamping angle is raised and lowered with a pedal. A sheet of roofing steel is laid on the machine table and the short side is inserted under the clamping angle with the edge of the sheet extending outward to the width of the rebate to the stop pins that are on the bending bar.

By pressing the pedal with his foot, the roofer clamps the edge of the sheet with a corner and, then rotating the bending bar, bends the edges for a lying seam. The sheets prepared in this way are connected in pairs into patterns on a roller drive machine. In the center of the machine there are two rollers, one above the other, mounted on two shafts. The rollers are driven by an electric motor through a belt drive and gears. The roofer interconnects two sheets with bent edges and pushes them between the rollers that compact the rebated seam. Then the edges are folded back for a standing seam.

Corner seam joints are used when making roofing elements such as umbrellas and caps for chimneys, as well as when creating household equipment. They begin to connect two sheets with a simple corner fold, bending the edges at 90 degrees, and lay one of them on the plane of the sheet. Then a sheet is placed on the machine with the edge bent upward, which is inserted into the gap that is formed after the edge of the other sheet is turned up. The resulting ridge, after compaction, is dumped onto the surface of the first sheet.

To connect two sheets with a combined corner fold, the edge of the sheet that was moved from the machine is bent by 30° and a break is made in it. Then the sheet is turned over, and the resulting break is dumped onto the surface and the edge is bent, forming a double recumbent bend. The sheet with a double bend is then installed on the machine and the edge of the other sheet, which is previously bent, is inserted into the slot of the second bend. The vertical edge is finally folded on the bend of the first sheet onto the plane of the second sheet and compacted on a metal support on both sides. The width of the edges in sheets that are connected by corner folds depends on the level of sheet thickness.

We will analyze the sequence of operations when creating a double corner fold using the example of inserting a bottom into a rectangular box. Edges are drawn to the bottom according to the dimensions of the box to form folds and the corners are cut off. Along the dotted lines, after this, all the edges are bent at the bottom in one direction; narrow bends are made on the edges to the outer sides. The corners of the box are cut and the bottom is inserted into it. Place the bottom flaps on the sides of the box, using a mallet and a metal stop. Next, lay the box on the workbench, sequentially align all the edges of the single fold. The edges are finally edged onto the side walls of the box and then sealed.

When manufacturing various roofing elements and household equipment, owners have to connect parts not only using angular straight seams, but also curved seams, which are usually used to connect angled and round pipes. The design of a curved rebate is the same as a straight one. With a curved seam joint, an additional operation is flanging, which consists of expanding the folded edge due to thinning its thickness.

How to assemble the machine yourself

Not every person can afford to buy a folding machine, so very often people try to manually assemble such a device. A self-made folder is unlikely to have the same functions, but it will cost you only 2,000 - 3,000 rubles.


The self-made machine is designed for use in a home workshop. Such a device is screwed to a workbench made of wood, but if you make legs for it by welding, then such a machine can be easily moved.


The structure as a whole consists of three parts. Everything is usually welded and screwed onto the base part.

Please note that the most difficult thing is to find perfectly even corners. The easiest way is to give them to a milling machine, since if this is not done, the folds will be crooked.


To begin with, you should screw the front part of the structure to the base corner:

Place a gasket on the fastening bolts; for this you can use a metal strip with a thickness of 0.1 cm.

It was not in vain that a band saw blade was chosen for the crimping tooth, since the manufacture of a folding machine requires a strong and inflexible metal.

forest thorns on the wall

Main parameters

To get a high-quality fold, you should set two main parameters:

With such dimensions, the seam allowance will be 2 cm, i.e. 1 cm should be set aside on the edges of adjacent sheets.

Operating principle

How to use the device:

To make a bend on metal at a right angle, you should place the workpiece in the groove and bend it until the workpiece rests on the shelf.


Without which installation is impossible: tools and equipment for seam roofing

The arrangement of a seam roof has its own characteristic features. The technology of joining metal sheets requires certain knowledge and skills, and the covering material requires significant, but very careful influence. Every craftsman who deals with folding professionally has his own tools, without which it is difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to perform installation work first-class and quickly. Today we’ll talk about the necessary tools and mechanisms for this work, a general idea of ​​which every developer should have, at least in order to determine the level of qualifications of the hired workers.

Seam roofing: device and installation technology

A roof made of sheet steel with a special connection of edges is called seam roofing. The seam is formed by special bending of the edges of metal sheets. They provide a nice, secure connection that includes a drainage groove. Building a seam roof with your own hands is as easy as any sheet roof. Only instead of rivets and welding they use a roofing seaming machine. Without it, it was previously impossible to make a seam roof, but now technology has been created that has simplified this task.

Tools and equipment for seam roofing

A good specialist has more than forty different tools in stock that are used when installing seam roofing. The standard roofer's kit includes:

When installing a seam roof, in addition to experience and skill, you will need a set of simple and easy-to-use tools, which determine the speed and quality of the work.

Video: hammer and mandrel

However, standard tools are still secondary, although necessary. Their role in creating a seam roof is not as great as that of those used for stamping panels and forming bending units - a seam machine and a seam rolling machine. Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on this equipment.

Video: tool for forming envelopes “Heron” when making junctions

Advantages and disadvantages of seam roofing

Before making a choice in favor of a metal roofing, you should study all the pros and cons of a seam roof. The distinctive advantages of such roofs are:

  • lightness of structures and anti-corrosion properties of the material;
  • non-flammable, has a modern and aesthetic appearance;
  • operational reliability and durability;
  • absence of seams on the roof surface;
  • smooth structure that repels water and snow;
  • guarantee of no leaks;
  • simple, fast and convenient installation.
  • relatively low cost.


  • if snow guards are not installed on the roof, there is a risk of an avalanche of snow;
  • the possibility of icicle formation due to the high heat capacity of the material;
  • with a strong impact, the roof surface can be deformed and leave a dent.

Seam roofing sheets have a special polymer coating that is resistant to wear and the effects of seasonal temperature changes

Seam roofing consists of two elements: pictures and clamps.

  • Pictures are metal sheets connected to each other into a single structure and having bends at the edges for subsequent folding.
  • A clamp is a small metal plate measuring 150x50 mm, the function of which is to securely fasten roofing sheets to the base. In addition, using the clamp, a more dense seam is achieved, which strengthens the roof as a whole.

Installation of a movable clamp


The most common materials used for the production of seam roofing are listed below:

  • Cink Steel;
  • steel with polymer coating;
  • aluzinc;
  • aluminum;
  • copper.


Depending on the fastening of the sheets, there are:

  1. Standing seam – vertically located to the plane of the base;
  2. Lying fold - horizontally located to the plane of the base.

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Also distinguished:

  • A simple fold, in which the edge of the sheet is folded once;
  • Double fold, having two folds on the edge of the sheet.
  • In addition to the usual ones, there are self-locking folds , thanks to which the process of joining sheets occurs very quickly and does not require any mechanical tools.

Options for seam connection of metal roofing

Seam roofing made of copper

  • Copper is a soft and malleable metal that has the ability to repel not only water, but also dirt, so the appearance of mold and mildew in its structure is excluded.

By modern standards, copper seam roofing is the leader among coatings. Let's try to figure out why most buyers choose such a roof.

  1. Easier processing method . The material bends easily, acquiring the desired shape. This flexibility makes it easier to install a copper roof.
  2. Environmentally friendly material . Copper roofing does not require the addition of additional impurities to its composition, since copper is a fairly strong and hard material by nature. Harmful effects on humans and the environment are excluded.
  3. Availability . Unlike any other shingles, copper shingles do not require renovation. By purchasing a metal roof, you save on subsequent repairs.
  4. Anti-corrosion properties . Due to its natural tightness, copper is not susceptible to temporary changes. In order not to damage the roof, it is important not to use non-copper products as additional fastenings.
  5. Heat resistance . The roof fully complies with the principles of organizing a fire safety system.
  6. Heat conductivity . The roof is universal: it warms the house in winter, cools in summer.
  7. Resistance to atmospheric fluctuations . The material tolerates temperature changes well. Copper can easily withstand temperatures below minus 70° degrees Celsius.
  8. Reliability . The material does not require any special processing. The natural protective film of the metal and additional factory coating make the seam roof resistant to natural influences.
  9. Easy to care for . Bacteria and dirt do not accumulate on roofs. Regular rain helps clean the roof of dirt.
  10. Long service life . The material will last for centuries without losing its performance properties.
  11. Aesthetic appearance . Copper coating with beautiful relief shapes enhances the appearance of the building, making it more stylish and attractive.

Installation of a copper seam roofing pie: 1 - ceiling sheathing, 2 - vapor barrier, 3 - insulation, 4 - ceiling beams, 5 - boards for the subfloor, 6 - copper sheets

Preparatory work

  • Before installing the seam covering, it is necessary to prepare the roof for installation. You will need to form a rafter system. Be careful in your calculations; due to inaccuracies in the calculations, the roof may become skewed, which will lead to deformation and a violation of the roof’s tightness.

Before installation, form the rafters according to the requirements:

  • Choose high-quality material for the wooden frame. The rafters must support the weight of the roof.
  • Treat the wood with special protection from external influences and an antiseptic to prevent damage by insects. Repeat the procedure at least 2 times.

Treating rafters with an antiseptic is the best way to extend their lifespan

  • Install the sheathing tightly and evenly, at the same distance. Make drawings for the flooring in advance to avoid calculation errors.
  • Preparatory work requires special attention. The distance between the rafters must be narrow so that the structure can withstand the coating.

Construction of a rafter system for a seam roof

Before installing a new roof, you need to take care to protect the wood from moisture. To do this, a special waterproofing membrane is laid on the exposed frame.

Roof waterproofing helps prevent condensation from forming in the under-roof space, so the risk of the insulation getting wet is completely eliminated

Tools for installing seam roofing

The most important tool for installing a seam roof is a rolling machine. It allows you to accurately determine the size of the roof and make high-quality cutting of sheets.

The professional cutting method has a number of advantages over manual cutting:

  • Individual cutting increases the tightness of the roof.
  • The rolling method reduces the amount of waste materials.
  • A cutter with a special cutter has increased cutting accuracy, which affects the appearance of the facade.

In addition to the metal sheets of the seam roof, you will need fastenings. Choose 2 types of clasps: movable and fixed. You will need 4 pieces per square meter of roof.

The seam roof looks very elegant and noble

Machines for creating seam roofing

Seam rolling (bending, folding) machine is the main technical equipment for arranging seam roofing. He rolls metal roll or sheet material, transforming it into panels with specially curved edges - paintings.

Modern folding machines are small in size and weight, i.e. they are mobile, so they can be installed on the roof to speed up installation work and protect the finished panels from deformation during lifting.

The seam rolling machine for making roofing panels can be installed directly on the roof to simplify and speed up the work

Working with a folding machine requires certain qualifications, and it is quite expensive, so such equipment is only found among professionals. The fact that the roofers you hire have their own machine most likely means that they specialize in the manufacture of seam roofs and have sufficient experience in such work.

A high-quality and beautiful seam roof can only be created with extensive experience and special equipment, which only professionals have

A good roofing machine costs from 1 to 4 million rubles. depending on the model, productivity and additional functions - the presence of strip width control, an unwinder, a length counter, the ability to produce double folds, etc. Therefore, this equipment is often rented for the period of work. Folding machines from the German company Schlebach (Germany) are considered the most reliable and high-quality.

The main task of the seam rolling machine is to form a key joint and close the longitudinal seam using the molding method

Manufacturing of seam panels

Let's look at the production of paintings using the example of a modern mid-price rolling folding machine Schlebach Mini-Prof-Plus with standard equipment:

The Mini-Prof-Plus is a compact unit weighing 315kg, making it well suited for rooftop applications. In addition, the equipment with telescopic scissors allows the production of panels even when installed on an inclined plane. The quality of the rental is guaranteed by 7 pairs of rollers made of special steel, which make it possible to work with metal that has a protective polymer coating, and at the same time do not leave scratches or dents on it.

The Mini-Prof-Plus folding machine has a length controller, which makes it possible to roll roofing panels with centimeter precision, and manual cutting immediately before profiling

Operating principle of Mini-Prof-Plus:

At the exit from the machine, rolled or sheet iron is transformed into finished products with double seam

Video: making roofing pictures

For the production of self-latching seam panels, the SFP3 machine is used - inexpensive, silent and well-proven equipment, which can be used by two teams in several shifts at the same time.

The SFP3 machine makes it possible to produce panels with click-seam and perforations along the edges and ensures the loading of two teams at once

The paintings processed on this machine have ready-made strips with perforations for quick fastening of the canvases to the frame and stiffening ribs, thanks to which the strength of the roofing is significantly increased. SFP3 and similar models are convenient to use for arranging pitched roofs with an angle of inclination greater than 15°.

Click-seam roofing panels have a unique lock, the use of which does not require special tools during installation, which simplifies and speeds up roofing work without losing the quality and beauty of the seam structure

Video: roofing machine SFP3

To make roofing pictures when building a house with your own hands, you can use a sheet bender. It can be purchased at a price of 150 thousand rubles. for a simple manual model up to 5 million rubles. for a fully functional automatic machine with program control.

Purchasing a manual sheet bending machine can be quite justified if small-scale production of roofing panels is necessary.

You can make a sheet bending machine yourself. This will significantly facilitate and reduce the cost of manufacturing roofing panels when constructing a roof yourself. The process of assembling the sheet bender will be discussed in more detail below.

Video: making roofing pictures on a homemade sheet bender

The main advantage of using automatic rolling machines is that the size of the sheets can be varied at your discretion. This allows you to make a rolled seam roof with the length of the panels from the eaves to the ridge and thus avoid transverse seams, which are most vulnerable to leaks. Rolled roofs look more noble and are also more profitable - there is less scrap left when rolling metal, less fasteners and insulating material are required, and installation work is carried out much faster.

work of current in a magnetic field

Automatic folding machines make it possible to produce roofing panels the entire length of the slope; they make the roof smoother and more beautiful, and also eliminate the need for transverse seams, which are most vulnerable to leaks

Making a sheet bending machine yourself

When making a homemade sheet bender, first of all, you need to determine the technical requirements, which are set by the parameters of the manufactured products and the manufacturing technology of the machine itself:

A homemade machine must meet certain technical conditions - working on it should not be difficult and exhausting.

It is necessary to model the sheet bender so that the support load when pressed falls on the strong muscles of the back, calves, thighs and biceps.

Let's consider the most basic version of a machine for everyday use, which allows you to bend plates at the required angle using the physical strength of one person. To make the folding of the paintings smooth and of high quality, you need to press harder on the traverse, moving it slightly forward. The work of almost all homemade bending devices is based on this rule.

The principle of operation of a homemade bending device is to use human muscle power when pressing a traverse, which bends the sheet at the desired angle

On the Internet you can find many methods for assembling sheet bending machines with your own hands, but the diagram below is considered the most successful and simplest. This design with a maximum tilt angle of 135° will show good results on any source material.

A simple and effective homemade sheet bender with a tilt angle of 135° from angle steel will allow even an unskilled craftsman to bend workpieces with high quality

To make a bending device, you will need the following materials:

According to experts, it is better to use a channel for a traverse. Then the bend will be uniform, and the number of work cycles will increase significantly. For comparison: the angle can withstand about 200 bends, and the channel - 1200 or more.

The detailing of a self-made sheet bender contains the following items:

The use of a manual bending mechanism ensures that there is no deformation in the bent part of the sheet, which cannot be achieved using a traditional mallet and mandrel.

Some nuances that should be taken into account during manufacturing:

Professionals advise replacing flywheel nuts, which are most often used in homemade bending devices, with wing nuts, which will greatly facilitate manual lifting of the pressure beam.

Assembling a homemade sheet bender

The process of assembling a homemade bending press is carried out in several stages:

The clamp is made shorter than the base by 50–70 mm, and the traverse is shorter than the clamp by about 10 mm, and levers-handles made of a reinforcing steel rod, curved in the form of a bracket, are welded to it

Before final assembly, test bending is carried out - a sheet of soft metal about 1 mm thick is laid on the working surface and pressed on top with a clamp temporarily attached to the base with clamps

These works are not particularly difficult, especially for those who are at least a little knowledgeable in carpentry and plumbing. Beginners will have to spend a little time to understand the intricacies. But, having mastered the manufacturing technique and using inexpensive materials, you can get good equipment that will be useful not only when arranging a standing seam roof, but will also become an assistant in the homestead.

Video: the simplest sheet bender

Rules for operating a sheet bending machine

A sheet bender is a traumatic mechanism, and one made independently is even more so. Therefore, when operating the machine, the first priority rule is compliance with the labor protection conditions prescribed in GOST 12.0.002–80:

Before turning on the sheet bender, work clothes and shoes must be buttoned and laced, and all hanging elements must be tucked in

The operation of an automated bending machine requires compliance with safety rules, one of which is not to leave the machine turned on unattended

Which manual folding machine is best?

Work related to the construction of buildings and installation of roofing is carried out using modern equipment.

Manual folding machine

For this purpose, machines are used to create seams. This can be a homemade machine, made with your own hands, or a factory analogue, for example, the SFP 700 folding machine.

Why do you need a manual folding machine?

To create a seam roof, sheet or rolled metal is used. The edges of such a roof are connected by means of a special seam - a fold. Forming a waterproof seam seam is possible using a device such as a seam rolling machine lc 12r or SFP 700.

The main purpose of such a unit is to provide mechanical bending of sheet metal for roofing in order to create seams. Renting a folding machine is relevant if the volume of work being carried out is not large.

When using the SFP 700 device, all types of roofing can be made in the form of rolls, rather than separately laid sheets. Using the SFP 700 model machine, it is possible to significantly reduce the time required to complete work by several times, increase labor productivity and reduce the number of transverse roof seams to a minimum.

Renting a folding machine allows you to create double or even triple locks at the joints of the roof, and the finished panels will be equipped with rolled stiffeners. These elements will significantly increase the strength of the entire structure and improve the appearance of the roof.

The machine is needed to form a waterproof seam on a sheet of metal

Renting a folding machine is also relevant in cases where it is necessary to create a roofing picture of a rectangular, wedge-shaped or trapezoidal shape. In addition, the manual unit SFP 700 can be used to create:

  • roofs;
  • air vents;
  • chimneys;
  • low tides;
  • slopes;
  • drainpipe systems;
  • decorative roofing bends.

The manual machine SFP 700 is intended for the production of various profiles on the edges of workpieces or sheets of galvanized steel. Materials with a polymer or paint coating can also be used.

The only significant drawback of the presented machine is the high cost and large dimensions of some models. However, a unit such as SFP 700 and its analogues differ:

  • adaptability to the conditions of modern construction sites;
  • no damage to the material coating;
  • high quality of manufactured panels;
  • possibility of manufacturing straight panels;
  • the presence of stepwise readjustment for the required width of the workpiece.

Device Features

The manual machine model SFP 700 has modules such as a forming device, a bed and an electric drive. The frame is presented in the form of a welded metal structure on which the shafts are placed.

Steel rollers pull the metal strip along the machine

They ensure the formation of an even weld seam. The forming device pulls the metal strip along the machine. In this way, stiffening ribs and double-seam components necessary for interlocking roofing elements are created.

If you need to change the width of the metal strip, the device is manually adjusted to the new size. The electric drive of the SFP 700 unit consists of an electric motor, a chain-type transmission and a worm gearbox. The homemade machine can be additionally equipped with a roller unwinding device.

It is intended for installation, unwinding and further supply of metal in rolls. The unit can also be equipped with a device that connects the sheets into a continuous roofing sheet. The moving part of the machine includes two moving rods connected to each other by a clamping square.

Rolling process on a machine

The movable device is attached using springs at the top of the frame. It helps in inserting and removing the metal sheet after the edge is bent. The profiling mechanism is placed on a tubular steel frame. The rollers of this element are made using steel coated with a special finish.

It protects elements from the appearance of corrosive plaque. A homemade unit can be equipped with either a manual or automatic crimping device. In addition, for ease of transportation, a homemade machine must be equipped with four wheels.

Overview of common factory models

The SFP-700 mobile roof bending device is capable of producing panels equipped with a double standing seam. The machine can work with all types of roofing metal, including steel, copper, zinc or polymer coatings.

It is equipped with six working stands and has an optimized profile roller configuration. They ensure high quality of the manufactured coating. When working on a construction site, the presented machine can simultaneously serve up to two roofing crews. Among the advantages should be highlighted:

  • light weight and dimensions of the device;
  • simple and reliable design;
  • the possibility of stepwise adjustment of the width of future panels from 200 to 700 mm;
  • the ability to produce various types of panels - straight, trapezoidal, one-sided;
  • possibility of installing a mechanical motor (in the absence of an electrical network).

The lC 12R seam rolling machine, like its analogue the lc 12r manual seam rolling machine (FPS), also prepares the edges of pre-cut roofing sheets. The model with the designation “R” produces 5 types of folds, including a standing one along the radius.

Manual folding machine lc 12r

Like the lc 12dr folding machine, the device marked “DR” is also capable of rolling up to 5 types of different folds. An additional advantage of the device is that it can form a connecting rail.

Seam rolling machines models STD-11019A and STD-11019A-01 can also be used for seam rolling, creating connecting strips and elements, as well as for rectangular air vents. The devices can work with thin-sheet low-carbon steels of any grade.

Sheet thickness can vary from 0.5 to 1 mm. The presented units differ:

  • reduced noise characteristics of the working drive;
  • improved capabilities for adjusting rollers;
  • new electrical control circuit for the machine;
  • the presence of screw supports for installation without a prepared foundation.

Making a folding machine (FPS) with your own hands

If desired, the machine can be made not only from metal, but also from wood. It will be able to bend metal and aluminum sheets of small thickness. The structure is strengthened with metal corners.

The crimping punch is attached to the base using wing nuts, underneath which washers with the appropriate diameter are placed. If necessary, punches can be manufactured in different sizes. This is especially convenient in cases where sheets of different thicknesses are to be processed.

If you need to make a sheet bender to work with thicker metal sheets, then it is better to use channels and corners instead of wood.

To create such a unit, you will need a welding machine to connect the parts. In this case, the design details will be similar: the punch that provides the clamp, the base and the clamp itself.

All parts must be oversized to accommodate larger consumables. It is important to ensure that the punch and clamp are 5-7 mm shorter than the base. After the clamp is installed in it, you need to drill two holes for the mounting bolts.

Homemade manual folding machine

The lever can be made from a reinforcing rod, which is pre-bent and welded to the corners. The diameter of the rod should not be less than 15 mm. The structure is then equipped with side protective panels. For this purpose, you can use sheet steel with a thickness of 5 mm.

Before welding the sheets, their future location should be calculated in advance.

To do this, you need to carry out a test assembly. The punch and base should be clamped in a vice so that the working area of ​​the punch corner and the channel fixed to the base are located in the same plane. The gap between parts should not exceed 1 mm. After this, the protective panels are put on the punch axis and welded in several places.

Next, you can test bend the metal using thin sheets for this purpose. During work, you can calibrate the device. For this purpose, the side sheets should not be permanently welded. Once adjusted, they can be secured properly.

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Folding machines

The second most important type of equipment needed to create a seam roof is seam seaming machines. They are divided into several categories.

Hand tools

Manual folding machines are often called frames or haps. They form a double standing seam in two steps. The work, of course, is labor-intensive, but the manual mechanism has one undeniable advantage - it can be used on highly sloping roofs and in hard-to-reach places where an automated device will not fit. Therefore, in addition to modern equipment, a serious team of roofers must have a folding handbrake.

The manual folding mechanism allows you to obtain a high-quality seam in hard-to-reach areas of the roof where the use of electrical devices is impossible

Video: Manual tool for closing double standing seam

Semi-automatic folding machines

Semi-automatic folding machines are installed at the beginning of the future seam and pulled with a cable, leaving behind a double folded connection. The use of semi-automatic machines ensures high installation speed compared to the manual method, as well as careful treatment of the protective polymer layer of the metal. Semi-automatic folding machines are most effective when laying long paintings.

Semi-automatic seaming devices are most effective when creating double seam seams on long panels

Video: operation of a semi-automatic folding device

Automatic folding devices

Electric designs for rolling seam seams are based on modern technologies that minimize the human factor when creating seam seams and greatly increase labor productivity. The mechanism of use is very simple - the device is installed in the proper place and turned on. The machine, moving in a given direction, itself connects the workpieces with a double fold. The result of their use is a durable and perfectly flat seam roof in record time.

Electric seaming machines, with virtually no human intervention, join roofing panels with a double standing seam, creating a high-quality seam in one pass.

Video: Wuko folding machine

Unfortunately, in the domestic market the choice of automatic electric folding machines is limited. The products of the famous German company Schlebach are represented by only three models:

The first one costs 337 thousand rubles, and the rest - about half a million. The folding mechanisms of the Austrian brand Wuko are not much cheaper - the only Wuko 1006 series can be purchased for 210 thousand rubles. Naturally, such perfect technical equipment can only be found among real professionals.

Reliability, longevity, quality and the undeniable attractiveness of standing seam roofing is a union of advanced technologies and installation skills, which is based on the knowledge, experience, tools and equipment necessary to perform such work. That is why their high cost is fully justified, which more than pays for itself in the further operation of the seam roof due to the absence of the need for special care and repairs.


Double standing seam joints

To seam double seam joints, seam pliers or special frames are used, which include two separate devices, thanks to which this work can be completed in two passes. Such frames are especially relevant when arranging roofs in small but extremely inconvenient areas.

The first double rebate tool is required to start folding the corner rebate. There are no particular problems with this, and no physical effort is required, so in the vast majority of cases this operation is performed the first time. To close the double standing seam, it is necessary to repeat the operation with the second device.

Alloys used to make frames include bronze and stainless steel. Tools created in this way have two important advantages - firstly, they glide much better over the surface being processed, and secondly, the polymer layer located on metal sheets is not damaged by these alloys. Some models of roofing tools also have mechanisms for fixing them on metal sheets, which simplifies the work and improves the quality of the created lock.

Frames are perhaps the only tool for installing seam roofing, with which you can perform installation work that is located at a large slope or has a complex shape. Roofing frames are designed for a working width from 200 to 240 mm, and the maximum thickness of the metal with which they can work varies from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. For more accurate data, it is worth studying the documentation included with the tool.

The manual roofing tool for sheet iron roofing produced by STUBAI-Tooling Industries has proven itself to be the best. For production, the company uses high-carbon alloy steel, which is forged and sharpened by hand. Products of this brand are characterized by extreme wear resistance even with intensive use.

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