TOP 5 recipes for working technoplankton for silver carp with your own hands

This kind of bait appeared on the market literally ten years ago. First it was made in the British Isles and only then on an industrial scale in European countries.

Today you can purchase such a composition in any specialized fishing store. Although most fishermen advise creating technoplankton at home from available ingredients. Most likely, you won’t even have to purchase anything additional. In the kitchen you can find everything you need.

Technoplankton is a beautiful thing that most fishermen love. But at the same time they say that the cost of the composition on store shelves is unreasonably high. The ideal solution for this situation is to make your own bait, which anyone can do. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort and money to create such a homemade product. It’s important to just set yourself this goal. Moreover, you can even choose the recipe yourself.

What is technoplankton?

Technoplankton is a kind of mixture of various pressed feeds with clearly calculated proportions. If we talk about its appearance, then it is a small barrel-shaped element that reacts to water in a unique way.

In a body of water, the substance begins to actively dissolve, forming a whole cloud of small particles. If you look at this phenomenon from the side, it resembles a real school of fish. This is exactly the plankton that silver carp like to eat.

Operating principle

The operating principle of this kind of bait is very simple, but at the same time ingenious. The tackle has several hooks that are suspended parallel to each other. When the substance begins to work, releasing a cloud of plankton, the fish begin to eat the bait, simultaneously swallowing these hooks.

The versatility of the bait lies in the fact that it can be used both on the surface of the bottom of a reservoir and in the water column.


  • if you plan to fish with fish on the bottom, it is better to take an instant composition, which works within half an hour;
  • if you use a float rig or in the case when the fish does not want to bite, it is best to opt for compounds that dissolve over several hours.

Composition of technoplankton

The components of this kind of bait are very diverse. It all depends solely on the recipe you choose. But there are some tricks that can help you make a really high-quality product.

So, if your homemade product does not press well, it is recommended to add a little water. Basically, about half a gram is enough for one barrel. As a result, you should have a product in your hands that is dense and hard.

To slightly reduce the rate of disintegration of the composition into small particles, add additional starch or rice flour. But be careful, if you overdo it you can have the opposite effect and the bait will dissolve even faster.


In the process of creating bait, special attention should be paid to the filler. Most often, oat, corn, buckwheat, pea or wheat flour is used for this purpose. If you wish, you can also take crackers or other ingredients that can be crushed into a flour mass.

To create truly high-quality technoplankton, it is not at all necessary to be strictly guided by certain proportions. Much more important is the competent processing of each individual ingredient. Because fish can ignore the aroma, which is extremely undesirable.

For example, fishermen advise that crackers and cookies must be heat-treated. This will significantly enhance their effect on fish. Plus, pay attention to oatmeal. It is this that is capable of actively and evenly dissolving in the thickness of the reservoir.

Adhesive base

As an adhesive base, it is best to use ingredients that will promote good crimping and disintegration of the composition into particles.

For this at home you will need:

  • maltodextrin;
  • dextrin;
  • powdered sugar;
  • powdered milk;
  • dry cream.

Moreover, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that these components should be used in a ratio of no more than ten percent of the total weight of the composition.


Flavorings can be used as an additional optional component of technoplankton. They can be produced as liquid mixtures or dry powders.

Their characteristic feature is considered to be a strong, striking aroma, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. Most fishermen advise using sweet scents. These can be vanilla, spicy, honey, strawberry or raspberry flavors.

Advantages and disadvantages of technoplankton

Positive aspects of the bait:

  1. Pleasant smell that attracts fish.
  2. You can catch a wide variety of fish species with this type of bait.
  3. Only this composition is capable of dissolving faster than all baits in the water column, activating the future catch.

Negative aspects of the composition

  • Great price for factory options.
  • A variety of fakes that even an experienced fisherman cannot recognize.

But you can eliminate all the shortcomings in one fell swoop by creating a truly inexpensive and high-quality product with your own hands.

Top 5 best recipes for making technoplankton with your own hands

To begin with, it is worth noting that today, drawings for creating homemade products and special devices are already available in sufficient quantities. It won't be difficult for you to find them. It is only important to strictly follow the rules that will be indicated in the article.

First set


  • buckwheat flour - 0.2 kg;
  • oat flour - 0.2 kg;
  • corn flour - 0.4 kg;
  • breadcrumbs - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • 0.1 l of water.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to prepare a syrup from sugar melted in water.
  2. Next, all other components are mixed in a separate container.
  3. The syrup is poured into the resulting mixture in a gentle stream, and then thoroughly blended with a blender.
  4. There's just a little bit left to do. Pour the technoplankton into the mold and compress everything.

Second set


  • corn flour - 0.5 kg;
  • semolina - 0.05 kg;
  • chopped roasted peanuts - 0.5 kg;
  • fish powder - 1 kg;
  • effervescent mixture - 0.45 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Next, you need to create a syrup from sugar, as already mentioned in the first method of preparing bait.
  3. Pour the syrup carefully into the resulting mixture and mix everything well using a mixer.

Third set


  • corn flour - 0.2 kg;
  • oat flour - 0.3 kg;
  • semolina - 0.2 kg;
  • effervescent mixture in the form of substances to create a geyser (as already 0.2 kg; mentioned earlier) - 0.15 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Then it is recommended to sprinkle the homemade product with plain water and you’re done.

Fourth set

  • heat-treated flour - 0.2 kg;
  • tear - 0.2 kg;
  • milk powder - 0.2 kg;
  • crushed dill seeds - 0.02 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.015 kg;
  • starch - 0.06 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Next, you need to pour in a little water and bring the composition to a homogeneous state.

Fifth set


  • semolina - 0.5 kg;
  • corn flour - 0.5 kg;
  • milk powder - 0.5 kg;
  • breadcrumb powder - 0.3 kg;
  • hominy - 0.3 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • honey - 0.05 kg;
  • effervescent mixture - 0.4 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients except honey until smooth.
  2. Honey is added last, and the moisture content of the composition must be taken into account.


Equipment based on technoplankton using three hooks

Donka or float fishing rod are equipped approximately the same. Float tackle differs from bottom tackle only in the assembly of the equipment and the presence of a float.

  1. A rod for catching silver carp must be powerful and durable, especially if there is a possibility of biting a trophy fish weighing 20-30 kg. The length of the rod depends on the fishing conditions, usually 2.7-3.5 m.
  2. The reel is used to match the “stick”, size 4000-4500, with a friction clutch and a baitrunner. The spool should hold 100-150 m of 0.3 mm fishing line.
  3. A sliding or stationary sinker is mounted on the main line or directly to the equipment. Its weight ranges from 30 to 100 g and depends on the depth at the fishing point and casting distance.
  4. The hook is selected for the intended prey, it can be No. 6-8.
  5. The float is made of polystyrene foam and an anti-twist feeder tube.

What fish are caught on technoplankton?

This bait is well suited for those types of fish that prefer to suck up mud. Because that is exactly what the composition is. In this case, we can talk about silver carp, but you can also catch carp, moss, white bream, perch and even carp.

Technoplankton on silver carp

Basically, this type of bait was created specifically for catching silver carp. Whereas over time, practice has shown that not only he likes such a delicacy. That is why the steel composition can also be used for carp, carp and many other types of fish. In principle, everything said earlier concerned technoplankton, which is also used for silver carp.

How to make your own press

It’s not difficult to create a press for this kind of bait, you just need to follow these instructions:

  1. Prepare a small piece of metal tube and create several holes along its edges with always the same fixed distance.
  2. Insert a bolt into these holes. They will serve as clamps to support the press.
  3. The bolts are additionally secured with nuts.
  4. The container with the aroma insert is inserted into the created pipe.
  5. Only after this can you begin filling the structure with the homemade composition. Ready!


To assemble the equipment, a special device called a silver carp stick or “trempel” is required. This triangular structure made of metal wire or rigid plastic has a pin onto which pressed technoplankton is placed. Leashes and the main fishing line are mounted to the ears of the silver carp stick.

Bottom equipment

This is what a feeding weight for technoplankton looks like

A silver carp stick is mounted to the main fishing line of the tackle behind the central eye. Leashes with hooks are attached to the other two ears, on which foam plastic is baited. The technoplankton is mounted on the trempel pin and the barrel is secured with a rubber tube stopper. If necessary, you can attach a third leash here.

Float equipment

The main line is passed through an anti-twist feeder tube. A “blind” sinker is tied to the end of the fishing line. A float is threaded onto the top of the tube, and a leash with a “trempel” is mounted to the mount. The silver carp stick is equipped in the same way as in the case of bottom equipment. The difference is that there are no foam balls on the hooks. And the length of the leashes is selected so that the hooks are located 5-15 cm below the barrel of powder.

Features of preparing technoplankton

There are several unwritten rules that should be followed in the process of creating our composition:

  • It is imperative to use elements that are characterized by the ability to create turbidity during interaction with water. Individual particles should be easily separated from the overall tablet, and floating to the surface of the reservoir, creating a whole cloud.

This is what resembles plankton. Where does the name of the composition come from;

  • our bait should dust well, separating, settling and floating in the water. Therefore, the composition is made from various components. Some are heavier and others are lighter than water;
  • Do not overdo it with the variety of individual components. In our case, quantity does not mean quality. Just up to five feeds are enough.

If desired, technoplankton can be created with your own hands. But most fishermen advise initially buying a simple device in the store, which will greatly speed up the process of making the mixture.

At the same time, be sure to remember that our homemade composition must contain milk powder or its analogues. It is this component that will easily create the desired muddy path. If you need to ensure that your homemade product works at the bottom of the reservoir, be sure to also use starch. It can also be replaced with oat bran. Also a good option. At the moment of surfacing, they will be able to leave a very noticeable mark, which is what the silver carp likes.

Lures produced in factories have the so-called geyser effect. This effect can also be achieved at home. You only need to add baking soda or citric acid to the homemade product. Sometimes Alkozeltzer is also used for this purpose.

A good composition should begin to melt only after five minutes in water. This is a very slow phenomenon, which is best achieved by DIY. If the bait disintegrates very quickly, the food will not be able to work and the result will not be achieved.

Reviews from experienced fishermen

Vasily noticed that this kind of composition works very successfully. In places where silver carp feed, on the surface of the reservoir, it is very visible. Therefore, where to throw the barrels is well clear; Grade:

Sergei complained about the cost of the bait. Because I saw it for 700 rubles. Taking into account the fact that these are not the only expenses for fishing, not everyone can afford such a pleasure; Grade:

The Cossack advised the guys to use homemade products, which the Internet resource is full of. They are very easy to make and don’t cost any money. All components can be found at your home; Grade:

Seryoga clarified that this composition is well suited for fishing in still water. Plus, many fishermen prefer to fish with a fishing rod directly from the boat. And there is a reason for this; Grade:

Valery was glad that there are various forums where you can ask in detail about the method of fishing for technoplankton. Grade:

In most cases, reviews about our bait are positive. It is effective, easy to make (if we are talking about homemade products), but for many this is their first experience. But as practice shows, it may not always be successful.

Although the instructions are detailed, you won’t understand anything until you make mistakes yourself. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much, only the “first pancake is lumpy”, all the rest will be wonderful.

Fishing technique

Another option for bottom equipment (for picker fishing)

The technique for catching silver carp using technoplankton is quite simple. The finished equipment is thrown to the fishing point, the rod is installed on the stand. The bite is controlled by a float (in the case of a float rod), the tip of the rod, a bell or an electronic alarm (in the case of bottom gear).

The bait can slowly dissolve in water over 1.5-2 hours. When the fish approaches the cloud of food turbidity and begins to actively suck it in, it will certainly swallow one of the hooks of the equipment. The fisherman will only have to hook the fish in a timely manner.

The use of float gear is justified in cases where the fish occupies the middle or upper layer of water. This is observed at night, although sometimes the fish swims on top during the day.

There is no need to rush into catching silver carp. The fish must be tired in a clean area of ​​the reservoir, and only then brought to the shore. Trophy specimens may not fit into the landing net, so it is useful for the fisherman to have a hook with him.

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