Secrets of using monograms in business and everyday life

Anna Kuznetsova Updated February 6, 2022


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A monogram is a symbol consisting of one or more letters. It usually represents the first letters of the name of the company or its founder. It is often placed on the logo. In this article, we'll look at free online services that can help you create an eye-catching monogram quickly and easily. Just a few simple steps and you are there! Enter any letters that you want to see on your future design. Choose a font, style and colors. Ready! Download the resulting design and place it on your business card, wedding invitations, etc.

What is a monogram

This word has Greek roots and means (mono - one, gramma - letter) a sign formed by connecting letters together. The letters can be intertwined or just stand next to each other. More often than not, these letters are the initial meanings of given names or surnames.

We see minor differences. As a rule, the difference lies in the different number of patterns and decorations. Those. a monogram is a more complex sign.

Monograms, accordingly, have a more strict form and are reproduced somewhat easier.

Monogram can be simple or complex. Complex ones belong to several owners, while simple ones use letters belonging to only one. They can be decorated with a crown or wreath.

Tips for creating a monogram

The design should be simple

A monogram is a compact symbol that you will use not only in large but also in small sizes. If you try to place too many elements on a monogram, it will look untidy and will raise nothing but questions. The observer simply will not know what to pay attention to first.

Don't use too many colors

Using all the colors of the rainbow is not the best solution. Limit yourself to a few shades, and choose them responsibly. Each color carries a specific meaning. Decide what you want to convey, and only then select the appropriate palette. Here you can read about how not to make a mistake when choosing colors.

Font matters

Choosing the appropriate font and its size is only a seemingly simple task. Scale your design down and see if the font you chose is still readable and easy to distinguish. Another important point is related to the number of fonts. Don't overload your monogram with multiple fonts at once.

Feel free to experiment

Copying the work of others is a simple but thankless task. Your monogram should have its own special style. Therefore, spare no time and effort in experimenting and searching for the ideal combination of elements.

Use vector format Be sure to save your design in vector format. This way, you don't have to worry about your design not being as good when printed as it is on screen.

So what are the main differences?


A monogram can represent several owners, while a monogram can only represent one.

Artistic richness

The monogram carries much more patterns, heraldic symbols and other additional information. Monograms are simply intertwined initials.


The monogram can be displayed manually, while the monogram will be much more difficult to reproduce.

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Main article: Christogram

In Chi-Rho, a monogram of the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ

For centuries, monograms of the name of Jesus Christ have been used as Christian symbols. In IX, the monogram consists of the initial Greek letters of the name "Jesus Christ", "I" for ησούς, (Jesus in Greek) and "X" for Χριστος (Christ in Greek). The Christogram "IHS", representing the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus, is usually written as a cipher but is sometimes written as a monogram.

Perhaps the most significant Christogram is Chi Rho, formed from the first two letters ριστος. The symbol was used by the Roman emperor. Constantine I (r. 306–337) as part of the military standard.


Monograms were seen in 350 AD. BC. and were used on coins. In fact, they began to be used with the advent of writing and served as something like a signature. In the Russian Empire, many high-ranking persons had their own monogram. It was a badge of honor that not many could have.

Since the 7th century, monograms began to be used as seals by the rulers of the principalities, replacing a personal signature on letters and documents.

In the Middle Ages, these signs marked clothing, jewelry, cutlery, cigarette cases and other household items. At the same time, on the clothes there was a crown corresponding to the title of the owner - baronial, count, royal or noble.

Monograms were used to mark the products of medieval artists and craftsmen. Sometimes these were not letters, but various plants and animals. Some used a flower, others a snake, but all placed their sign in a nook at the edge of the picture.

Some of these beautiful signs are still preserved on the facades of buildings or on forged products.


  • Selection of monograms
  • Ceramic tile monogram in Paris
  • Coco Chanel logo
  • Speciedaler from Denmark, with double monogram C7 Christian VII
  • SPQR

    cipher, detail of the mosaic floor in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

  • Norwegian royal monograms carved into the mountainside to mark royal visits to Kongsberg from 1623
  • Louis Vuitton monogram shoulder bag
  • Logo on the cover of the 1896 edition American plaintiff

    to Mark Twain

  • Napkin with embroidered monogram
  • Royal monogram of the Bulgarian King Boris III
  • Royal monogram of King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand
  • Paired monograms of the authors Edith Henault Somerville and Martin Ross
  • Royal Cypher Her Majesty Margareta of Romania, Guardian of the Romanian Crown and de facto Queen of Romania.


Currently they are used to decorate gifts and souvenirs. Located on invitation cards and postcards. They are actively used in the design of corporate symbols.

Monograms and ligatures

In my recent article I talked about ligatures. What is the difference between a ligature and a monogram? After all, a ligature is also several letters mixed into one sign - essentially the same monogram. A ligature forms one sign - a grapheme, but a monogram does not form a new sign, it does not merge two graphemes into one, but only “interweaves” them into one composition, but not into one letter.

Monograms on men's shirts

An interesting fact is the appearance of monograms on men's clothing. What is a monogram on a shirt, why is it needed, especially if it is located in not very noticeable places of this item of clothing? It turns out that she did not appear out of a desire to stand out or show her level. Men who handed over their laundry to the laundry had to distinguish their shirt from someone else's. Currently they do not take laundry to the laundromat. A monogram on a shirt no longer has any practical value, but it serves to add beauty. Modern young men like to personalize everything, to have their own marks on their clothes.

There are rules for monogramming shirts. It is not applied to be on public display. It is needed exclusively for the owner of the shirt. Located a few centimeters above the waistband of the trousers, it will look discreet and appropriate, just like on the inside of the collar. Basically, monograms are located to the left of the placket, and if the shirt has a pocket, then on the pocket. The monogram should not be large and catchy. Otherwise, the shirt owner will be considered tactless.

What are they?


Monograms and monograms can be simple or complex, depending on the number of initials. A simple monogram is one that belongs to one person. Complex monograms are those that have several initials from different people and a family surname. Complex monograms and monograms were previously passed down by inheritance, from one generation to another, and were applied to jewelry, dishes, furniture, etc.

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Now let’s take a closer look at each of these types of monograms.

Personal monograms

This type of monogram can consist of one letter, usually the initial letter of a name or surname, or of two, for example, for Alexei Zaitsev it can be either “A” or “Z” or both letters intertwined together.

Monograms and three-letter name monograms are more popular in the Russian-speaking environment, which is explained by some cultural characteristics, because in Russia a person is often called by his first name and patronymic. When developing monograms, the letter of the surname is made a little larger, or may stand out in some other way.

Family monograms

Couple (family) monograms are very popular these days as a wedding attribute; monograms are used when designing invitations and business cards, for decorating a wedding hall and cakes, and wedding processions.

Either one letter is signed - the initial letter in the surname of a young family, for example, for the Ivanovs - “I”, or two, intertwined from the initials of the spouses’ names. The most common and frequently encountered are paired Russian monograms, consisting of three letters, arranged in a special way: the initial letter of the female name comes first, followed by the first letter of the couple’s surname, and at the end the first letter of the man’s name.

Female or male monogram?

When designing a monogram from Russian letters, you should remember some generally accepted rules: Male signs are made only from block letters; calligraphic obliques are used to create symbols for women; in a woman’s monogram, the first letter will be the initial letter of the name, followed by the largest letter of the surname, and at the end the letter of the patronymic (the same size as the name); in monograms for men, the size of all three letters is always the same; if a man's monogram consists of two characters, then the name is written first, followed by the surname, and the size of the letters is the same.

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When to create a monogram logo

Monograms are often found on brand logos. As a rule, they are made up of one, two or three letters, which can stand next to each other or intertwine. Don't know if this type of logo is right for you? Check our list to see which category your company falls into:

  • The brand has a composite name made up of first and last names : Yves Saint Laurent, Hewlett-Packard, Hennes & Mauritz. The combination of proper names is difficult to remember, unlike the initials YSL, HP, H&M.

  • The company has a long name consisting of several words that can be turned into an abbreviation: National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA, British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC. In addition to simplifying communication with clients, this is also an opportunity to be creative, as the London Symphony Orchestra did. The first three letters of the name were combined into a stylish design that depicts a conductor waving his arms.

  • You are starting a business. A monogram for startups can become an original identification mark. This symbol has everything you need to accelerate brand recognition: simplicity, conciseness and an element of personalization. At first, companies often write the full name under the monogram. And when they become popular, they make the symbol an independent element of identity.
  • The business has family roots. Monograms are associated with history and tradition, making them ideal for brands such as Louis Vuitton or Rolls-Royce.

  • The brand enters the global market. In this case, the name should be universal and easy to remember in any country: Victoria and Albert Museum - V&A, Life's Good - LG.

  • You want to stand out. It is difficult to come up with an original graphic symbol, and a combination of letters is almost always unique and self-sufficient. In addition, the monogram has two more advantages. Firstly, such a sign is associated with premium brands, and secondly, it carries a sentimental message, which creates a deeper connection with the target audience.

Monogram development

Thanks to modern vector programs, we can design quite an interesting monogram very simply. What do we need for this? Vector editor and several calligraphic handwritten Cyrillic fonts. It's not much, isn't it?

Of course, to develop a really high-quality sign you will need another piece of paper and a pencil. Still, it’s better to start with sketches and gradually refine them.

But it’s still better to order development from professional designers. The price of monograms is not much different from the cost of logos.

Now you know what a monogram is and how it differs from a monogram. I hope you found the article interesting. Don't be afraid to experiment with fonts. Taste the ligatures. A good designer should be able to know everything.

How to create a monogram: three best ways


The online service will design a monogram in a few clicks. Just enter a name and click “Create”. Optionally, select a slogan (if you are planning a wedding, enter the date in this field), color scheme and field of activity so that the results are as accurate as possible.

The generator will offer dozens of options that you can edit: change shades, arrangement of elements, font. See how your logo will look on different products (letterhead, business card, social networks), and then download in vector and raster formats.

Do you dream of your own logo?

Enter your company name in the field below and our generator will offer you the best designs!

Adobe Illustrator

Want to create a unique monogram with your own hands? The Adobe Illustrator editor offers many tools for creating creative graphics. First, prepare all the elements: download fonts (Fontfabric, ont sites) and, if necessary, other graphics (Flaticon, Freepik). Load everything into Illustrator and edit until you get the result you want.

Microsoft Word

A simple tool for those who do not have professional graphic editors. As with Adobe Illustrator, it's a good idea to have all your fonts and graphics ready in advance. To create a monogram in Word, use separate text boxes for each element. Move them around, change colors and styles to achieve the desired combination.

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