Features of the welding machine Resanta SAI-220 - its pros and cons

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The trend of increasing popularity of affordable machines for inverter welding has been manifesting itself for 10 years. Main buyers: novice craftsmen, summer residents, welding students.

Craftsmen are willing to pay no more than $200 for their welding machine. The conclusion is that budget inverters have quickly and firmly become popular in the sales industry.

This is especially reflected in the reconciliations of stores concentrated on this target audience. Manufacturers promise us a fairly good level of performance for a budget inverter.

The Latvian brand “Resanta” is a leader in sales of inverters, which perform well in everyday life. The number of variations, reliable assembly, and availability of these devices do not leave welders indifferent.

This article focuses on the properties and capabilities of all models of this device for welding work.

  • WELDING MACHINE RESANTA SAI-220 Model characteristics
  • Welding machine SAI-220PN
  • Welding machine RESANTA SAI 220K
  • Pros and cons of purchasing
  • A little conclusion

    Resanta SAI-220, or 220A, deservedly takes a leading position among machines for metalworking. Its price is the highest among budget inverters, which is compensated by its novelty and innovation.

    If you have a lot of money for which you want to purchase a more professional, powerful welding device, the Latvian brand offers you the following mechanisms: SAI-250, SAI-250PROF.

    Resanta SAI-220 copes with the problems that will arise in the everyday life of a skilled welder. When working, welding with coated stick electrodes is used.

    Of course, craftsmen do not expect to get good results when using this device in large enterprises.

    But when newbies are practicing their skills in this activity, as well as for small jobs that do not require special power, it will be a good bonus.

    For professional purposes, for example, the LINCOLN ELECTRIC Invertec V350 PRO is used, which amazes with its characteristics and power. Its price is about $10,000, so it is unlikely to find use in everyday life.

    Model characteristics

    Let us dwell on the properties of RESANT SAI-220. 220 is the highest current declared by the manufacturer. As you can see, this characteristic is reflected in the name of this device.

    To operate, you only need a regular outlet into which you plug your inverter, because the device requires 220V (can fluctuate within 20V).

    The welding device itself is a fairly mobile device - it is light in weight and convenient to use. All this allows you to easily move it by attaching it to your shoulder with a belt.

    Modifications of SAI-220

    Welding machine Resanta SAI-220

    Resanta SAI 220 (Resanta 220A) is the penultimate model in the line of budget SAI inverters. Only the SAI-250 and the SAI-250PROF modification are more expensive. The Resanta SAI 220 device is intended for domestic use and welding using coated piece electrodes.

    This inverter should not be taken as a professional welding machine. It is intended for study or simple repairs. But not for work in production or in a large repair shop. For such purposes, expensive powerful inverters like the LINCOLN ELECTRIC Invertec V350 PRO costing $10 thousand are usually used.

    Let's return to the characteristics. The maximum declared current is 220 Amperes. In general, the names of inverters in the AIS line contain this characteristic right in the name. Hence “SAI 220”, which means “220 Amperes”. The device only needs 220V (+/- 20V) to operate. Plug in the inverter and you can start welding.

    SAI 220 is very compact and lightweight. It can be hung on the shoulder using a belt and carried without any problems. This is really important if you have a large estate or have to travel long distances.

    Welding machine SAI-220PN

    If you can call yourself a dacha enthusiast, Resanta SAI -220PN is something that may interest you.

    You will certainly see the functionality when, while working outside the city, there is a power outage or a voltage drop (these are quite pressing problems for dacha cooperatives) - this inverter can easily cope with these troubles.

    You will forget about what a voltage stabilizer is and will simply do the necessary work without worrying about the integrity of the device or your safety.

    Your seams will be of good quality; all you need is a 220V socket and this welding device.

    A device with an easy-to-use digital panel that remains readable even in bright sunlight. It’s not scary if your vision is less than 100%, because all the inscriptions are expressive and quite sharp.

    With the help of general knowledge and intuition, you can figure out the device quickly enough. But don’t forget about the operating instructions - this is a reliable assistant at hand.

    If you don’t know what to give your father or grandfather, this is what you were looking for. Get rid of these old bulky units from their summer cottages, move with the times, not forgetting about your loved ones.

    History of brand development

    Resanta welding machines are the only representatives of arc welding equipment in their price class. Indeed, compared to analogues, all models compare favorably in cost. The domestic consumer gradually developed the mindset that low cost is a direct indicator of low functionality or quality.

    However, the Resanta model range allows a variable approach to the issue of choosing a device, both for a specific area of ​​application and for a wide profile. In simple words, offers from the manufacturer should be of interest to everyone involved in welding work.

    The company's experience begins to accumulate in 1993, when for the first time the electrical equipment market was replenished with devices bearing the Resanta brand. Initially, all production facilities were localized in the city of Riga. The newly formed enterprise was engaged in the production of voltage stabilizers. After analysts recorded an increase in demand, the company decided to expand, not only in terms of product range, but also geographically.

    Resanta entered the Russian market in 2003. Almost immediately the company established itself as a responsible and customer-oriented supplier. The quality of Resanta products meets all modern standards. Production technologies do not stand still. Developers are constantly introducing advanced technologies to make the equipment competitive.

    Multi-level quality control accompanies the entire production cycle. Attracting new customers is facilitated by well-functioning work with potential and actual customers. First of all, consumers note the high level of support service. In addition, a network of representative offices has been opened in Russia to provide service and repair of welding machines.

    The inverter principle of voltage conversion is that the entire process consists of two time periods. During the first period, alternating current becomes constant through transformations, and in the second period, alternating current is again obtained, but with an increased frequency. For welding in MMA mode, coated electrodes are needed. Absolutely all models are considered compact, which allows them to be transported or used for high-altitude work.

    Welding machine RESANTA SAI 220K

    Looking for something even more compact than previous designs? In the Resanta SAI-220K inverter, the properties are as close as possible to the SAI-220 design, but the size and weight are minimalistic.

    The weight of this version is no more than 5 kilograms, so transportation will not burden you even when transported in public transport.

    If you are not only a welding master, but also a car enthusiast or traveler, of course, you should always have a welding machine at hand. This modification will not significantly affect the overall weight or size of your luggage.

    Even the need to transport other components, such as cables, a mask, and so on, will no longer be a problem for you.

    Model categories

    All welding equipment from the Resanta company can be divided into several groups, the main of which, naturally, are welding machines. However, the number of device modifications is quite large, and therefore is divided into separate categories that combine models according to the main technical parameter.

    • Resanta SAI PA. This group includes those operating in semi-automatic mode. The semi-automatic machine implies the presence of a mechanism for drawing the wire, and the delivery set also includes a control valve for changing the gas supply speed. All control is carried out from a single panel.
    • SAI inverter. In fact, this category should have opened the line, since these were the inverters that the company initially produced. They were designed to operate in MMA mode using piece electrodes.
    • Resanta SAI PN. Model adapted for operation at reduced voltage. It is often called simplified, since it is designed for household needs and is relatively inexpensive. The minimum supply voltage threshold is 140 V.

    • Model range of SAI AD. Designed to work in TIG mode, that is, argon arc welding.
    • Resanta SAI PROF. It is considered a professional device, as it provides for adjustment of the welding arc. Even more adapted to low voltage. Used in congested networks.
    • Model SAI K. The index “K” denotes a feature characteristic of the entire line - compactness. Welding machines are highly mobile and are used in confined spaces and during high-altitude work.

    Pros and cons of purchasing

    Resanta SAI-220, as well as all derivative models of this inverter, are a combination of price and quality.

    Low performance and low power, which block the use of the device in the professional field, do not spoil the quality of seams or the ability to hone the skills of students and beginners in welding. Moreover, on the contrary, they make learning and work easier.

    Nowadays the Latvians have a lot of competition from manufacturers from China, who position their inverters as more advanced for the same price. What should a welder choose for his work?

    The Resanta brand has created a large service structure, a system of real guarantees for the functionality of devices. Of course this is important for such a dangerous industry. All these components will protect you when operating mechanical devices.

    As for the inverters themselves, indeed, they do not differ in their work from Chinese ones. Same kit and specifications. Chinese devices, after all, will be a little more budget-friendly, although the purchase is made at your own peril and risk.

    Still haven't found the answer? We think that service and warranty should be available, albeit at a slightly steep price. Safety and reliability are paramount.

    Is it worth buying?

    The Resanta SAI 220 device and its modifications are a high-quality inverter at an average price. It has modest characteristics, but they are enough for studying or welding a fence in the country. Of course, Chinese manufacturers are ready to offer a dozen inverters at the same price, but with greater functionality. And the question “Chinese noname device or Resanta inverter?” haunts many welders.

    In fact, the products of the Resanta brand are the same Chinese inverters, only with a logo in Russian and with a large number of dealers throughout Russia. This is the main difference. By buying a budget Chinese welder from an unknown manufacturer, you get good performance and more functionality. That's all, nothing more. And when purchasing products from large brands like Resanta, you always overpay a little for the brand, but at the same time you get a developed network of service centers throughout the country, an official guarantee and confirmation that the device will not explode right in your hands.

    What's better? You decide. We are ready to overpay for a certified device and quality service.

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