TOP 5 recipes for working technoplankton for silver carp with your own hands

Fishing means something different for every lover of this type of recreation, but a fish on a hook in any case is a welcome end to it. In order for the bite to be successful, it is necessary to master a considerable number of subtleties. In particular, study the tastes of fish. For example, silver carp, as well as carp, small carp, carp, bream, roach, crucian carp or catfish can be caught using technoplankton. This is a briquette-barrel of a mixture of nutrients that gradually dissolves in water.

The effectiveness of fishing for technoplankton depends on:

  • quality and composition of technoplankton;
  • the concentration of nutrients in the cloud of food it produces;
  • whether the hooks are located directly in the cloud.

Operating principle - how technoplankton works

The operating principle of technoplankton is simple. Several hooks suspended in parallel are attached to the hole for the equipment in the briquette. When the inhabitants of a reservoir swim to a cloud of food formed by technoplankton and begin to eat it, they do not see the hooks and swallow them.

The versatility of technoplankton lies in the fact that it is used both for catching fish at the bottom and on the surface with a float:

  • For fishing on the bottom, it is better to use instant plankton, which dissolves in about half an hour.
  • for float tackle or when there is no bite, it is better to use “long-lasting” types that dissolve for several hours.

They fish with this type of equipment from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

What is plankton and what are its features?

Plankton are microorganisms that inhabit all bodies of water: from oceans to puddles. Life on our planet began with plankton. It is so small that only the largest representatives can be seen with the naked eye. For example, in fresh water the largest zooplankton reaches 5 mm. Plankton is divided into the following types:

  • phytoplankton;
  • zooplankton;
  • bacterioplankton.

Plankton is the main food for inhabitants of reservoirs in general and for carp fish in particular. Therefore, artificial plankton shows good fishing results. By the way, you can buy technoplankton in Ukraine from us.

And here is a video with a recipe for preparing technoplankton for carp:

Buy Technoplankton from 18 UAH

Composition of technoplankton

Technoplankton, which is logical, is made as attractive as possible for fish. The feed ingredients are selected in such a way that they have different specific gravity and buoyancy, respectively, due to which a different level cloud of nutrients appears in the water.

The composition of the finished technoplankton remains with the manufacturer. As for self-made, it is good to use the following ingredients in its composition:

  1. Fillers. Everything ground to flour - oatmeal, corn or popcorn, millet, buckwheat, peas (boiled or raw), breadcrumbs, dry cookies.
  2. Adhesive components (glue and do not allow to dissolve quickly). Dextrin, maltodextrin, technorapid, milk powder, cream powder, powdered sugar. It is better to use a mixture of maltodextrin and powdered sugar (there is literally a little less powder), rather than them separately.
  3. Flavors. Can be used in any form. It is necessary to add such an amount at which the kneading will be obvious and stable. Most of all, fish loves sweet aromas: honey, strawberry, caramel, vanilla, raspberry.
  4. Dissolution retardant. Typically starch or rice flour is used.
  5. Humidifier. Usually water is added.
  6. A bubbling ingredient helps create a geyser effect, which promotes the dissolution of components when placed in water (any effervescent tablets, baking soda + citric acid, dry kvass starter), ratio 1/6 to the total mass.


When preparing to catch silver carp, special attention should be paid to gear. You can use special carp sticks, hooks or a feeder

If you plan to fish on the surface, then a tackle with a spring is best suited. It has a large load capacity. Just below the float there is a feeder or spring, above it there are hooks.

You can also use a water ball and invisible fishing line. This type of tackle is ideal for surface fishing.

On the donk

Tackle for bottom fishing does not have a particularly complex structure. As a rule, a strong fishing rod is used, because silver carp is a strong fish and the angler’s task is to pull it out. The main component of such tackle is the sinker.

First, a tube-shaped outlet is installed on a strong fishing line, a feeder is attached to this outlet, a bead is attached on top of the feeder, and then a swivel is attached. There are usually at least three leashes installed on such tackle.

The place where you intend to fish must be fed. For this type of fishing, it is best to use geyser food. It floats to the surface and does not form turbidity, but a cloud on the water that attracts silver carp.

Catching silver carp with a float rod is not at all difficult. Most often this is an ordinary “carp” stick. The only difficulty is choosing a float.

If the surface of the reservoir is replete with sticks, leaves, reeds, etc. floating on it, then it is better not to choose a float with an “antenna”. The fish may be surprised by the fact that everything is floating, but the antenna is in a vertical position.

Since silver carp is a cautious fish, it may not show interest in the bait, so it is better to choose a float that will be positioned horizontally.

Basically, two types of floats are used for float fishing:

  1. Extended foam float in the shape of a spindle. The lower part is studded with pellets for weight, and the top is painted in a bright color.
  2. The float is of the usual round shape, with a barely noticeable “antenna”. It should be positioned so that it is horizontal on the water.

Recipes for making your own technoplakton

Each fisherman makes the composition in his own way, but there are several of the most popular mixtures, which we will focus on.

Recipe 1:

  • 200 grams of corn flour (you can make it from popcorn ground in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • 300 grams of oatmeal flour;
  • 200 grams of semolina flour;
  • 150 grams of soda + lemon juice.

All ingredients must be mixed and sprinkled with water. When the dough becomes plastic, it must be placed in a press and made into briquettes, or it can be baked in a microwave oven. The effervescent mixture must be mixed with the mass immediately before pressing.

Recipe 2:

  • 0.5 kg of raw semolina;
  • 0.5 kg corn flour;
  • 300 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • 300 grams of mamalyga;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Mix everything until smooth and dilute with honey solution, gradually.

Recipe 3:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • Powdered milk mixture;
  • Powder cake.

Pour a can of condensed milk into a bowl and gradually stir in the dry ingredients until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Milk and cake should be added in equal quantities. Place this in the freezer for half an hour. Then we take it out and knead it into a tight dough, again adding dry ingredients in equal quantities. Add the bulk part a little at a time; if you add a lot at once, the dough may thicken too quickly. Moisten slightly with water to make it sticky. At the end we pass it through a sieve and press it.

Recipe 4 for feeding on the bottom:

  • 0.5 kg of dog food;
  • 100 grams of roasted ground peanuts;
  • 50 grams of dry sweet pepper;
  • 1 cup powdered sugar.

If you want to use this recipe for float fishing, add more dry ingredients.

Recipe 5:

  • 250 grams of ready-made fruit jelly;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • Any combination of crushed cereal flakes, breadcrumbs and powdered milk.

Mix the cooled jelly with honey, and then gradually add the dry mixture into it until a moist (but not wet) mixture is formed. Place the compressed barrels on a napkin to dry completely.

Recipe 6:

  • 350 g ground flour;
  • 350 g raw sunflower seeds;
  • 150 grams of wheat flour;
  • 150 grams of rice flour;
  • 1 cup corn flakes;
  • 100 grams of milk powder.

First grind all components to a powder using a coffee grinder, and then mix.

Recipe 7:

  • 250 grams of sunflower seeds;
  • 150 grams of shortbread cookies with creamy taste;
  • 125 grams of dry cream;
  • 250 grams of cooked peas;
  • 250 grams of fish bait;
  • 250 grams of semolina;
  • 125 grams of protein powder;
  • Flavoring.

Grind all ingredients and mix.

Recipe 8:

  • 0.5 kg corn flour;
  • 250 g rice flour;
  • 250 g pea flour;
  • 250 g buckwheat flour;
  • 250 g milk baby food with rice;
  • 250 grams of raw peanuts;
  • 250 g raw sunflower seeds without peel;
  • Honey syrup.

Recipe 9:

  • 1 tbsp. Sunflower seed;
  • 150 grams of dry cookies with vanilla flavor;
  • 250 grams of chopped popcorn;
  • 250 grams of semolina;
  • 250 grams of corn flour;
  • 250 grams of milk powder;
  • 125 grams of cucumber flour.

To make cucumber flour, you need to grate the cucumber, dry it and then grind it. The flour has a fairly strong aroma, which attracts silver carp well.

Recipe 10:

  • 4 parts flour for hominy;
  • 4 parts millet flour;
  • 1 part rice flour;
  • 1 part milk powder;
  • Vanilla flavored sugar syrup.

Mix everything, adding syrup periodically. The total syrup should be added to about 30% of the total mass. Then let the mixture rest for 60 minutes. And at the end, we pass through a coarse sieve, press and dry.

Sugar syrup: 1 part water + 1 part sugar + vanilla, boil everything for 20 minutes and cool. If you need to increase buoyancy, add crushed cork.

Bait production procedure

Technoplankton is a reliably compressed mixture, which includes several varieties of carefully crushed feed, which are then placed under a press in a special form. Externally, this bait very much resembles a small barrel.

When the bait falls into the water, it gradually begins to dissolve, due to which a cloud of fish delicacy begins to form around it

If you look at the process itself from the outside, it may seem that this is real plankton, which is eaten by such careful fish as silver carp

Fishermen often prefer homemade bait of this kind, especially since purchasing it is very expensive, since fishing will consume a lot of it, and it makes no difference whether the fish bites or not. In principle, home-made and industrially produced technoplankton differ from each other only in shape, and the composition of the bait will be approximately the same.

In general, there are a large number of recipes for preparing bait. It is worth noting that technoplankton can be used in the fishing process not only in compressed form. Often they simply fill a feeder made of mesh, onto which short leashes with inconspicuous hooks are hung.

It is worth noting that in the process of technoplankton production there are a number of important rules that must be followed without fail:

  1. The bait must contain substances that can form turbidity. Such particles should easily move away from the tablet and gradually rise to the surface of the water. Moreover, they should form a cloud, which in appearance will be very similar to phytoplankton;
  2. Bait of this kind should become dusty, that is, its particles separate from the bait itself and gradually sink to the bottom, and after some time float to the surface;
  3. Too many elements do not mean that the silver carp will definitely bite. Such diversity can alert this shy fish, so four elements will be enough.

To get a high-quality bait, it is not at all necessary to maintain exact proportions

Here, more attention is paid to such a point as proper preparation of all the components.

If you violate this technology, then there will be no smell from the bait, and this will not attract fish. In particular, if cookies or crackers are used, they must be subjected to heat treatment, through which the taste and smell of these products becomes stronger.

How to catch more fish? I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones: Bite activator.

Attracts fish to cold, warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.

More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.

Experienced fishermen advise using oatmeal during the bait production process, which allows the bait to dissolve not too quickly, but fairly evenly. When producing technoplankton, it is imperative to use an adhesive base that will gradually dissolve in water and at the same time be well pressed.

The most effective ingredients in this case are milk powder, dry cream or powdered sugar. You should not add very much of them - approximately 10% of the total mass of the bait.

It would not be amiss to add a certain amount of flavorings to the bait, which can be either dry or liquid. Their smell should be quite strong and as stable as possible. Sweet smells will attract fish more strongly.

Regardless of the composition, the tablet must contain milk powder or milk substitutes. This component will create a muddy path. In order for technoplankton to be used at the bottom, oat bran or starch should be added to the main components. When they ascend, they will raise mud behind them. This also attracts silver carp.

The bait, made at the factory, has a geyser effect. This is another way to attract fish. To get the same effect at home, you should add a mixture of citric acid and soda or Alko-Seltzer to the artificial plankton.

Technoplankton must melt very slowly. This process should begin after the bait has been in the water for at least five minutes. In this case, a feeding path should appear. This effect should last about half an hour. If the bait simply disintegrates in a matter of minutes, then complementary feeding will not work.

Press for the production of technoplankton

To prepare technoplankton at home, you need to get a press.

There are several types of presses for its manufacture:

  1. Pressing with a manual screw press.
  2. Squeezing with a jack.
  3. Using a high pressure hydraulic press.
  4. Pressing in the microwave.

Simple cold pressing mold:

  1. Glass for pressing. You need a metal tube 8-10 cm long with a small diameter and a thread at the end for screwing on the plug.
  2. Cork. A screw-on plug for water pipes can be used as a plug.
  3. Pin for a hole in the tackle. You need to drill a hole in the plug cap and fix a thin but strong pin in it to make a hole in the finished barrel. Screw the plug onto the main tube.
  4. Seal. To compact the substance, you need to select a metal cylinder of such a diameter that it fits tightly and easily into the tube. The length of the cylinder should be the same as that of the tube. You can also screw a plug onto the inner piston cylinder from above.

Scheme of work:

  1. Screw the plug onto the main tube.
  2. Fill the tube with the mixture.
  3. Insert the piston.
  4. Clamp the structure using a bench vice, jack or clamp.
  5. Remove the piston and unscrew the cap from the tube.
  6. Push out the resulting barrel of technoplankton.

For pressing in the microwave, you can use several options:

  1. Using a plastic tube. From a plastic pipe of small diameter (about 30 mm, maybe smaller), you need to cut a piece of about 4-7 cm. Then you need to select 2 plugs that will tightly close both ends of the tube. Immediately close one end with a stopper and stuff the mixture tightly. Close the other end with a stopper and bake in the microwave. You can simply try to tightly fill a piece of tube without lids and put it in the oven. But with one lid, this form is much more convenient to fill out.
  2. Using a syringe. You need 2 disposable syringes with a volume of 20 ml. Cut the syringe from the side of the needle nose so that you get a cylinder. On the one hand, plug the syringe with a piston, fill it with the substance and, on the other hand, press it tightly with a piston from another syringe. Then you can leave the second piston, or you can remove it and put the cylinder in the microwave.

Preparing the mixture in a mixer

All components of this recipe are mixed in a mixer and then put under pressure. A universal recipe for any type of fish includes:

  • ready-made fruit jelly - 250 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • oat flour - 100 g;
  • rye, corn, pea flour - 100 g each;
  • bran - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs, rice flakes - 100 g each;
  • crushed sunflower seeds - 200 g;
  • effervescent mixture - 175 g.

To prepare bait for bottom fishing, you need:

  • dog food - 0.5 kg;
  • roasted ground peanuts - 100 g;
  • dried sweet peppers - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.

A similar recipe can be used for float fishing, but it will require more dry ingredients.

Cold pressing and microwave, what's the difference?

During cold pressing, the prepared mixture is placed in a device and, using pressure, gives it hardness, turning it into a tablet barrel.

When pressing in a microwave, the energy of electromagnetic radiation is used. To do this, the substance is placed in a plastic tube with stoppers at both ends and baked until the desired state is reached for about 20–30 seconds. Instead of a tube, you can take a disposable large syringe.

As a result of using these two methods, you will get almost the same result.

Influence of fishing conditions

To prepare technoplankton recipes with your own hands, you don’t need anything complicated, but it doesn’t hurt to take a number of points into account.
First of all, these are fishing conditions. If you are going to fish on the bottom, you will need substances that dissolve gradually and leave a significant cloudy trace behind. If we are talking about fishing on the bottom, you definitely need to add ingredients that tend to “dust”. These should be components that can float, for example, bran, a wine cork, ground to small particles.


  1. When preparing the mixture, pay attention to what type of fishing you are doing it for.
  2. At different times of the year, silver carp likes different flavors of bait.
  3. If the pond is heavily bloomed due to the heat, then the fish, on the contrary, will not be interested in feeding due to the abundance of food in the pond. During such periods, for fishing, look for bodies of water with clean water.
  4. When fishing with bottom gear, be sure to “raise” the hooks above the technoplanton using foam balls; when fishing with float gear, there is no need to hook them.
  5. If the current carries a cloud of food away from the hooks, then you can use a small sliding weight on the fishing line (cord) between the float and the rod. Be careful, when retrieving your catch, the tackle may become tangled.
  6. Don't forget to frequently replace your hooks with new ones or at least sharpen them before each fishing trip.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of bioplankton is quite simple.
2-3 hooks are attached to the tackle hole in the barrel and hung in parallel. When the silver carp swims up to the formed cloud of hydroplankton and begins to eat it, the fish does not notice the hooks and swallows them. In this case, the result of fishing for phytoplankton will depend on the following factors:

  • whether the hooks are located in the cloud itself;
  • the amount of nutrients in the formed bait cloud;
  • composition and quality of technoplankton itself.

They fish with this type of gear from early spring to late autumn.

The basic principle consists of two stages:

  1. Once in the water, the technoplankton briquette begins to swell and throw out a bait mixture that resembles real plankton.
  2. The fish, attracted by the muddy mixture, swims up to the briquette and gets hooked.

Softening occurs in different time periods: 20 – 180 minutes. Heavy elements settle to the bottom, light ones float to the surface. All this happens quite slowly, so it is accompanied by a cloudy spray.


  1. It works not only on silver carp.
  2. Unlike other baits, you don’t have to wait all night for the technoplankton to dissolve.
  3. Nice smell.


  1. Price. Three records - the norm for a fishing trip - cost 200 rubles.
  2. Lots of fakes.

Recipes for making technoplankton at home

Just 15 years ago, fishermen had no idea that it was possible to purposefully organize silver carp fishing. This fish was hooked only by accident. Today, successful silver carp fishing is possible thanks to technoplankton.

What should technoplankton be like?

Technoplankton is a pressed mixture of finely ground various feeds, shaped like a barrel. A tablet of technoplankton, once in the water, dissolves and forms a cloud of suspended particles, which resembles natural plankton, which silver carp feed on in nature.

After casting artificial plankton, you need to wait at least 30 minutes and not touch the equipment during this time. After all, as soon as technoplankton gets into the water, its upper shell, which makes up about a third of the barrel, begins to quickly dissolve and produces turbidity that attracts silver carp.

Small particles of food begin to peel off from the tablet. The fish stops in place and waits until the next tasty lump separates.

Impatient individuals even try to deliberately push the barrel so that it crumbles faster. If the water is calm and the float is shaking, it means that the silver carp liked the technoplankton and you should expect a bite.

Many fishermen do not buy technoplankton. manufactured in a factory, because this bait is expensive and tends to be used up quickly, regardless of whether the fish bites or not.

Well-made artificial plankton differs from factory ones only in shape. In order to make plankton with your own hands at home.

There are many recipes and methods. This bait is produced both in pressed and unpressed form.

The latter is used by pouring it into mesh feeders equipped with a device for hooks.

Silver carp like the bait to smell like honey in the summer, and a variety of herbal aromas in the spring and fall.

How to make technoplankton at home

There is no need to get too carried away by the diversity of technoplankton components. It will be enough to use three or four components.

Main Ingredient

The main components included in technoplankton compositions are fillers. You can use flour from corn or buckwheat, millet or peas, as well as crushed crackers, cookies, and other ingredients that can be ground into flour. Proportions are not so important; you can take everything in equal quantities. In order to enhance the taste of hand-made technoplankton, it is recommended to heat treat crackers with cookies. It would be very good to take oat flour, it gives the bait the ability to dissolve evenly.

Silver carp

Silver carp (silver carp) is a large schooling fish of the carp family.

The history of the development of this type of fish originates in the Far East, but at present, silver carp has been introduced into the reservoirs of Europe and Central Asia.

Silver carp is a very good ameliorator of a reservoir, as it feeds on phytoplankton and zooplankton, filtering the water. In this regard, silver carp are often bred in reservoirs with dense underwater vegetation.

The fish has a high culinary value; fishermen have learned to make delicious balyk from silver carp and a host of other dishes.

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