Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate) for thrush - how to use and reviews

Borax with glycerin - in medicine it is called sodium tetraborate in glycerin. This is a very effective and inexpensive antiseptic for the treatment of candidiasis. Borax with glycerin is available to anyone; it is sold freely in pharmacies. Before starting treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use and consult your doctor.

  • 2 Pharmacological actions
  • 3 Side effects

    3.1 Contraindications

  • 4 Application in gynecology
  • 5 Use of borax in childhood
  • Therapeutic effect

    The high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of thrush is due to the ability of the substance to neutralize the activity of fungal microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa.

    Borax in glycerin provokes disruption of the vital activity of yeast-like fungi. However, it does not apply to fungicides or fungistatic agents, since the active substance does not produce a direct toxic effect on fungal infections.

    A solution of borax in glycerin is an antiseptic drug that does not cope with the cause of the pathology. Therefore, its use is of an auxiliary nature.

    Description, release form

    Available in the form of a solution for external use. The yellowish liquid is sold in dark glass bottles. Capacity 30 ml, 50 ml.

    The product has pronounced antiseptic, antibacterial, and disinfectant properties. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, destroys fungal waste products. Thanks to these properties, an environment is formed on the mucous membrane that is unfavorable for the proliferation of yeast fungi. The spores cannot attach to the walls and die after a while.

    Sodium tetraborate is not an antifungal agent, so it can be used in parallel with drugs of this group.

    Treatment of childhood candidiasis

    If a fungal infection is detected in a baby, the doctor may prescribe borax. Most often, young children suffer from stomatitis. It can be localized not only in the mouth, but also on the baby’s genitals.

    To treat the infection and restore proper feeding, local treatment of the damaged areas should be carried out. Borax is recommended to be used 3-4 times a day. To do this, the oral cavity should be carefully and carefully processed so that more fluid gets to the affected areas.

    The first results can be achieved on the 3rd day. The child begins to feel better and becomes less whiny. His swallowing functions are restored, pain is reduced, and the white films disappear.

    After eliminating the visual symptoms of the pathology, you need to treat the oral cavity for several more days. This will help avoid recurrence of the infection.

    When treating young children, care must be taken to avoid fluid entering the body. This is due to the toxic properties of the substance. That is why borax is not always prescribed for thrush in infants.

    Allergic reactions in the form of rashes appear quite rarely. Most often this is observed with individual sensitivity to the components. If complications occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Sodium tetraborate for thrush in infants

    Candidal stomatitis is a common disease among newborns, the appearance of which is provoked by yeast-like fungi. The disease manifests itself in the form of a cheesy coating on the oral mucosa.

    The main reasons leading to the appearance of the disease include:

    • infection during fetal development or during breastfeeding;
    • weakened immune system;
    • insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules.

    The disease causes a lot of worries, one of which is breast refusal. Treatment must be started as early as possible, because the situation will only get worse. One of the medications prescribed for the disease is sodium tetraborate.

    The use of borax in the treatment of candidiasis in newborns is a cause for controversy among specialists. Due to its high toxicity, in some countries the drug is prohibited in pediatric practice.

    Still, many doctors prescribe this drug, claiming that if the exact dosages are observed, the risk of side effects is minimized. Treatment of infants with sodium tetraborate should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

    Chemical composition

    Borax contains the following components:

    • 16% sodium;
    • 37% boron;
    • 47% water.

    The combination of components is the sodium salt of boric acid. As a result of chemical reactions, it is possible to obtain a pure substance. Its solution with glycerin is actively used to treat infectious pathologies.

    To facilitate the penetration of borax in glycerin into the structure of the skin, the main component is combined with glycerin. In pharmacies you can find 20% borax with glycerin.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of the drug include the following conditions:

    1. Inflammations of a fungal nature, pathologies of the vagina, vulva, groin, perineum, thrush.
    2. Stomatitis and inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity of various origins. Borax in glycerin can be used to treat fungal, atrophic, and bacterial pathologies.
    3. Inflammation of the nose, throat, ears.
    4. Inflammation of the epithelium, fungal infections on the skin and folds. Borax can also be used for prevention.
    5. Bedsores in bedridden patients. Borax in glycerin is used for medicinal purposes and for prevention.

    For women

    Borax in glycerin is often used to treat thrush in women. The product helps to cope with vaginal dysbiosis. The procedure is highly effective. You can do it yourself.

    Before applying the substance, it is recommended to douche the vagina and perineum with ordinary warm water. You can also use herbs that cope with inflammation.

    After this, you need to insert a gauze swab soaked in borax into the vagina. It is recommended to leave it for 30 minutes, then remove it. After this, the genitals should not be treated. Thanks to this, the borax will continue to work.

    In complex cases of vaginal dysbiosis, the procedure should be performed 2 times a day. For tolerable itching and burning, it is enough to insert a tampon once a day. If the pathology is chronic, the number of manipulations is increased to 2. Therapy should last 7-10 days.

    Sometimes fungal mycelium enters the mucous membranes of the vagina and hides there. If the fungus infects the crypts, the liquid does not always have a beneficial effect. To ensure the effectiveness of borax, it is worth monitoring the symptoms of the disease. If relapses occur, the course of therapy should be repeated.

    For men

    Men also periodically experience candidiasis. However, their symptoms of the disease appear much less frequently. If the pathology recurs, local treatment of the external genitalia is performed. Men are recommended to apply directly to the affected area.

    The procedure is quite easy to perform. To do this, you need to make an applicator from several layers of gauze. Then soak it in the liquid and wrap it around the penis. To achieve good results, you need to ensure a tight fit of the bandage. The active component of borax disrupts the attachment of fungal microorganisms to the mucous membranes.

    Thanks to this, it is possible to remove the dense white coating that forms on the head of the penis. If there is no discomfort during the procedure, it is recommended to hold the applicator for 30-45 minutes.

    Recommendations for use

    The use of sodium tetraborate does not cause any particular difficulties. If you strictly follow the rules, you can achieve a positive therapeutic effect in 3 days. To consolidate the results, you must complete the full course of therapy.

    • You should not use the drug yourself without the advice of specialists. When first used, a sensitivity test must be performed. This procedure lasts only 30 minutes and can protect you from increasing unpleasant symptoms.
    • If there is no therapeutic result within 3 days, you must seek help from specialists.
    • Other agents with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects should not be used in parallel. It is acceptable with local antibiotics.

    Pregnant women are allowed to use the remedy for thrush under the supervision of specialists. The drug is prohibited during feeding.

    Read also…. What not to eat if you have thrush: list of foods

    pharmachologic effect

    The active substance in borax, sodium tetraborate, helps achieve 2 effects. The drug has antiseptic and bacteriostatic properties. Borax in glycerin is part of a combination of drugs that are used to eliminate inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. This effect is due to its antimicrobial properties.

    The medicinal substance brings tangible results only when applied to the affected mucous membranes and skin. Borax in glycerin can enter the digestive system and then leave the body through the intestines and kidneys. This takes 1 week.


    In terms of composition, sodium tetraborate has no analogues. There are products with an identical mechanism of action. Antibacterial, antiseptic preparations for external use:

    • Chlorhexidine;
    • Alum;
    • Fukortsin;
    • Potassium permanganate.

    And also a folk remedy - a solution of baking soda, kitchen salt, iodine. All drugs are affordable, available without a prescription, and have virtually no contraindications. It is allowed to use during pregnancy under the supervision of specialists.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the product

    The advantages of the drug include the following:

    1. Low price. Borax in glycerin is much cheaper than other antiseptic drugs and combination drugs.
    2. Minimal toxic effect. Borax in glycerin is well tolerated and does not provoke dangerous adverse reactions.
    3. Possibility of use in different categories of patients. The medicine can be used to treat children and pregnant women.
    4. High efficiency. Glycerin produces a softening effect and helps relieve inflammation. With its help, it is possible to eliminate the sensation of itching and burning. Boric acid restores the acidic environment of the vagina and helps activate the development of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

    However, borax in glycerin also has certain disadvantages:

    1. Difficulties with purchasing. The drug is quite old, so many pharmacies have stopped selling it.
    2. Risk of burning and discomfort. When applied topically, borax can cause unpleasant symptoms associated with the action of acid on the affected mucous membranes.
    3. Toxic effect. This effect is observed with prolonged or frequent use of the drug.


    Dear readers! You can leave your comments about the use of Sodium Tetraborate for thrush in the comments below, they will be useful to other users!


    “A very effective remedy for recurrent thrush. The gynecologist told me that over many years of practice, only this remedy saves from relapses, and does not just eliminate unpleasant symptoms. I was convinced of this from my own experience. I used different creams, ointments, suppositories. How to use sodium tetraborate on the advice of a specialist? Tie a piece of gauze or bandage into a knot, leaving a tail. Moisten the nodule in the preparation, insert it deep into the vagina, and immediately go to bed. It must be removed in the morning. Course 10 days. The first time I felt a strong burning sensation. The discomfort lasted for half an hour. The next day I felt healthy. The next procedures were without burning.”


    “I have an interesting situation. Sodium tetraborate saved me from thrush several times. I had confidence in this drug. But then they wanted a second child. We tried for six months and it didn’t work. I decided to improve the microflora. A week before ovulation, I put tampons in every evening for 6 hours. They abstained from sex. On the day of ovulation, intimacy occurred. The next month I saw 2 stripes.”


    “A friend told me about this drug, she was surprised at the quick results. When I started getting thrush, I immediately remembered it. All remedies for candidiasis are expensive, but this one costs pennies. I put tampons in. One bottle is enough for 10 days. At first it bakes terribly, but then the burning goes away and along with this the symptoms of thrush disappear. To fully restore the microflora, it is necessary to complete the entire course.”

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