Installing bearings: how to properly secure and install, installation diagram

In this article we will analyze the installation diagram of angular contact bearings and tell you how they are mounted on the shaft and in the housing in different ways. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the type of support unit, its size, the load taken and many other factors. Sometimes the process requires the use of additional devices for more reliable installation. Let's consider the most popular paths recommended for installation, as well as possible problems associated with incorrect implementation of the procedure.

Preparing parts for connection

To successfully perform work, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions. It is best to secure the supports in a clean room, where there are no working machines that could create excess dust, shavings, or dirt during the production process. If the installation is carried out in a room where it is impossible to avoid the negative influence of the environment, the part should be additionally covered with paper or foil. In addition, other preparatory steps need to be taken:

  • • Collect in advance all required spare parts, tools, instructions for use and installation.
  • • Carefully study the existing drawings of the structure into which it is planned to install the support unit.
  • • Clean all surfaces from dust and other particles.
  • • Check whether the shape and size of the products really matches the holes in the structure.
  • • Immediately before starting installation work, thoroughly rinse the support to remove the factory preservative. The only exception can be made if the unit is filled with special lubricant necessary for uninterrupted efficient operation in the future.

Having completed all the procedures, you can begin installing the support bearing on the shaft or in the housing. It may seem that the listed recommendations are not mandatory to follow, but in reality, poorly cleaned parts during operation will quickly be negatively affected and their operation will be impaired. At the same time, the entire mechanism will suffer.


It is not at all necessary to buy a mandrel; you can make it yourself in a few minutes from a scarce material: from the same bearing that needs to be pressed into place. If you are too lazy to bother, you can buy a mandrel or even buy a whole set and use it for your health. Whatever is more acceptable to you, then choose.

We take an old unnecessary bearing that is still capable of rotating. We bring the bearing to the wheel of the sharpening machine and grind the cage a little: if the bearing is turned across the stone, the work will go much faster

There is no need to sharpen the clip, literally a tenth of a millimeter is enough

We cut out the inner ring by welding

For ease of operation, we weld a washer onto the holder

Rules for installing roller assemblies

Roller bearings are often used to minimize the friction force during operation of the mechanism. They are durable and efficient, and therefore are often installed in complex technical structures, such as industrial machines. But to achieve a productive result, you must follow certain rules.

It is better to carry out the process using a hydraulic or manual press so as not to damage the parts. There are other recommendations:

  • • To begin with, the seats are coated with a special lubricant. Its layer should be thin, but sufficient to freely accommodate the unit.
  • • Depending on the specific type of support and the actual design of the mechanism, the installation side is determined.
  • • Next, the mounting cup with stop is aligned with the roller bearing ring strictly along the axes.
  • • Once compliance has been ensured, an initial test load is applied to see how smoothly the movement occurs.
  • • If the result is satisfactory, final installation is carried out and the gap is adjusted.
  • • At the last stage, all elements are fixed.

If you do not skip a single step in the process of installing the part, the subassembly will smoothly fall into place. Otherwise, distortions often occur. They interfere with wear resistance and lead to rapid breakdowns. You can check how successfully the work has been completed not only during the first test run, but also during a simple inspection of the product. Obvious problems will be immediately obvious, which means they must be eliminated immediately.


a fraction of a millimeter longer than necessary, resulting in excessive friction inside the bearing and the bearing becomes difficult to rotate. To correct this situation, it is necessary to slightly loosen the bearing by moving it outward. When assembling the wheel, pay special attention to the outer bushings between the bearings and the fork stays. If you forget one of these bushings or mix them up, the entire system will not work correctly, which can lead not only to rapid wear of the parts, but also to a fall.

Installation of rolling bearings

Installation of support units of this type requires compliance with certain rules and standards. Thus, the transmission of forces through the bodies providing rocking is not allowed, so as not to damage the parts. Therefore, special equipment is used in the process. The variety of types of rolling units dictates certain features. They must be taken into account, otherwise the procedure will become much more complicated. Here's what you need to take note of first:

  • • Radial roller bearings require special additional support to securely fix the shaft in the direction of the axis.
  • • Proper installation of the needle bearing is carried out first on the journal if there are no rings.
  • • Thrust single assemblies are mounted with a smaller diameter on the shaft and a larger diameter in the housing.
  • • If the angular contact type of parts has a removable ring, separate assembly is necessary. In this case, these types of devices should be located in pairs towards each other.
  • • Press fit is carried out only on one of the load-bearing rings – the inner one. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to the device.

There are other nuances that are difficult to take into account for people who are far from the technical side of the problem. If you have questions about how to fit, put on and secure a bearing onto a shaft or into a pipe, regardless of its type, shape, or size, it is better to seek advice from specialists. This will avoid errors and breakdowns and increase work efficiency. Considering that nodal supports operating on the rocking principle are mounted in complex, expensive equipment, doing this yourself is not always economically feasible.

No, well, in theory, the bearings don’t sit that much. It is better to freeze the bearing itself (in the freezer for the whole night or more), and warm the seat itself, warm it well. Then this cold bearing flies into the seat like clockwork. It’s not very easy to press bearings into a cold one..

Pocik29: what you are talking about is a good method. But have you seen anywhere where bearings are pressed in at a factory in this way?

In factories they freeze liquid nitrogen, I use it myself.

Dmitry, not every garage has liquid nitrogen. Therefore, we proceed from what is available.

Thanks for the info.

Oh, nothing, so, in principle, it’s impossible to hammer the bearings with a hammer (sledgehammer) at all?! The term “pressing” itself implies crushing. The application of shock loads to bearings is strictly undesirable!

Yes, no one argues with you. Actually, precisely in order not to hammer the bearings with a sledgehammer, I heat them or freeze them (an old and generally accepted method, even recommended in many publications). And then they go very easily, almost by hand, and I use the hammer more for props. You need a good press, and not one that increases the force step by step: based on all kinds of jacks. It is needed with a uniform feed and with a pressure gauge - to control the force. You probably have a press like this at home? Unfortunately, I don’t, so I have to adapt. Perhaps someday I’ll buy it, and then I’m sure you and I would find common topics for conversation.

Typically, bearings do not fail unexpectedly. This is preceded by many signs. How to determine when it’s time to change a bearing, and how to make it last long?

Installation of sliding assemblies

Such parts can be one-piece or detachable. The installation features primarily depend on what type of product is planned to be replaced. If we are talking about the first group, the bearings are first pressed onto the shaft and secured in the housing. This can be done not only using special pressing equipment, but also manually. In this case, the step-by-step instructions look like this:

  • • The sleeve fits onto a mandrel that is centered in the hole.
  • • Using a hammer, the structure is carefully inserted into the seating slot. It is important to avoid distortions.
  • • The already pressed bushing is secured with special stoppers.

If you press the bearing onto the shaft correctly, you can achieve high wear resistance from the nodal support. The external condition of the element used is important. If there are scratches, chips and other damage on it before starting work, it is better to replace the part. When receiving a strong load, the damaged element will continue to collapse. A small abrasion can quickly become a serious problem. Especially if there are accompanying problems with lubrication or incorrect installation.

Detachable structures are installed separately in the base and cover of the mechanism. This leaves a small gap allowing normal operation. An important feature is the need to adjust this type of nodal supports, regardless of whether the replacement is made in a home workshop or in mass production. Moreover, this is already accomplished during the initial inspection. Correct installation is assessed by how freely the part slides in the structure.

Hub repair kit

The principle of operation of the kit for pressing out wheel bearings is quite simple; to do this, just select the diameter of the thrust ring to match the outer diameter of the ring, install the thrust sleeve and tighten the threaded screw and tighten the nut to pull the outer race out of the sleeve. Using a device for pressing out a wheel bearing helps to avoid inevitable defects in the seating surface of the bushing for the outer race when knocking out the race manually with a chisel or other devices. When landing on a defective surface of the bushing, uneven compression of the inner and outer races occurs - this can lead to their ellipse, which accelerates the development of roller defects. Using the device will help you avoid the big troubles and costs of replacing the entire part due to incorrect installation of the clips.

Manufacturers of the most popular and high-quality components

How to install an angular contact bearing

The difficulty of installing this type of assembly supports lies in the different diameters of the inner rings. One of them is always looser and has sufficient clearance to move, while the second is tight.

The scheme varies, but there is still a general rule. The loose ring is always placed on the stationary body part of the structure, and the tight ring is always placed on the rotating part. This installation allows the shaft to rotate quietly without interfering with the element or rubbing it. If you do not adhere to this basic rule, the entire structure will not work correctly.

In general, there are three fundamentally different options:

  • • O-shaped, in which the mounted rings absorb axial load coming from two directions. This method is considered the most stringent and stable.
  • • X-shaped, in which the nodes can also absorb double axial load, but with less rigidity, since they are placed facing each other.
  • • Tandem, involves the perception of force in only one direction, and therefore often requires additional installation of an additional element.

The choice of a specific design solution depends on what type of nodal supports is used in the mechanism, how important the load capacity, noise insulation and other factors are.

Installation of the release bearing (MAZ)

This type of nodal supports requires a special approach. This is due to the technical features of the parts. The contact ring of this type is held in the spring by means of a fastening ring. In addition to this, automatic fixation occurs. Accordingly, if one of the parts is damaged, the strength of the entire structure and contact with the diaphragm spring are compromised (in other words, it jumps out of it). Further operation of the mechanism in this case becomes impossible.

Most often, this type of device is used in the operation of car clutches. To ensure that the release bearing is not worn or broken and can be used normally, it is necessary to check some parts of the product. Carefully inspect:

  • • Return spring.
  • • Guide bushing.
  • • Hydraulic and mechanical drive.
  • • Clutch release fork and its bushings.

If one or more problems are found, the structure must be repaired. The specific step-by-step diagram always depends on the type of machine, but in general the process can be represented as follows:

  • First, the release element is attached to the clutch release fork to ensure its correct location.
  • • The gearbox is then connected to the car's engine.
  • • After this, the nodal support is moved towards the diaphragm spring and fixed in it.
  • • Next, the clutch cable adjuster is adjusted.
  • • At the last stage, to check the operation, you must press the pedal vigorously several times.

Considering the importance of the normal operating process of a car's clutch, bearing replacement in this case is best left to professionals. This is usually relatively inexpensive, but you can be sure that the entire mechanism is working correctly. Mistakes made will inevitably affect the safety of using the machine, no matter what brand we are talking about. The operational characteristics of this type of nodal supports often depend on the conditions of their use, including climatic ones. Therefore, it is recommended to check at least once a year with immediate replacement of the part if a problem is detected.

Quality checking

Installation of a thrust bearing is not completed without a final inspection of the correct procedure. Depending on what type of parts we are talking about, the process may vary somewhat, but the basic principle is that a gradual load is applied to the assembly. The rotation speed should increase smoothly, while the master monitors the vibrations emanating from the structure. Excessive shaking may indicate uneven load acceptance, which means the device is installed at an angle.

The gaps between the rings are also subject to final measurement. If it is insufficient, the bearing will not be able to roll or slide normally. Adjustment is carried out not only by simple inspection, but also with the help of special technical means. Their choice depends on which particular nodal support was installed in the mechanism and what kind of clearance is, in principle, provided for by the design. Often, a measuring indicator mounted on a stand is used for this to achieve the most reliable result.

It is also a good idea to check the installation height. To do this, use a level, level or ruler. This procedure is carried out even before the first launch, since it allows you to immediately detect possible problems. In most cases, repair work is carried out at the location where the mechanism is currently installed. This eliminates unnecessary disassembly, although this is acceptable if necessary.

After carrying out all the replacement operations, assembling the structure, and checking the operation, you can begin the usual operation of the mechanism. Externally, the correct working process looks like free sliding or rolling, depending on the type of unit, as well as uniform continuous noise. If it is determined by ear that the instrument is functioning unevenly, some kind of knocking or other deviation is heard, it is necessary to disassemble the structure again, find and fix the problem.

A quick overview of wheel ball bearing pullers

It is impossible to choose a universal kit for all types of car repairs, since the range of actions is limited:

  • a variety of shapes, sizes for charging to the starting position;
  • limited work space.

Cup – “Forse 9T0311”

  1. Internal mandrels 34-80 mm.
  2. External mandrels 44-90 mm.
  3. The dimensions of the outer diameter of the cups are 44-90 mm.
  4. Rod (stud) with nuts.
  5. The plates fit a wide range of sizes.
  6. The steering knuckle remains in place.
  7. The set is included in the workshop press kit.
  8. Pressing-pressing takes place in one step.

Three-jaw – “KS TOOLS 630.3002”

Garage tool. Suitable for use in restricted access work areas.

  1. Long life if you follow the manual.
  2. The articulated design of the paws engages securely.
  3. Removing stuck parts from shafts and machine axles.
  4. Wide grip range - 20-230 mm.
  5. Maximum force - 4.5 tons.
  6. Screw rod dimensions: M18 x1.5 x 240.
  7. The dimensions of the bolts for the hinges are 19 mm.

Two-grip universal – “Kukko K-2030”

The tools from the set of the German manufacturer Kukko are well-thought-out forms of gripping mechanisms. On the traverse, the paws move along guides, and the suspension screws fix the specified position.

  1. Grasp the paws at an angle parallel to the axis of the tension force.
  2. Reliability of engagement.
  3. Maximum tension - 5.5 tons.
  4. The legs rotate 180 degrees.
  5. Wide grip range.
  6. Double acting.
  7. Suitable for use in confined spaces.

Hydraulic pullers

You can also find hydraulic pullers on the market. The operating principle of hydraulic SSPs is similar to jacks. Designed for repair shop mechanics, no muscle power required, speeding up the repair time. Pay attention to the quality of the metal, the rotation of the screw rod, and the condition of the hinges.

  1. the force of influence on the pressed-in unit reaches 20 tons,
  2. operation time is reduced,
  3. the share of physical costs is reduced.
  1. limitation of the working area of ​​application,
  2. the price is higher than a mechanical tool.
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