Which metal tile is better - matte or glossy?

Thanks to modern technologies, metal tiles can have both a matte and glossy finish. Both options are good, but when buying roofing material you need to choose one. And a logical question arises: which metal tile is better – matte or glossy?

Let's try to figure out how these types of metal tiles differ. Let's consider how their composition differs, what types of matte and glossy coatings Metal Profile offers. Let's find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a coating. And we’ll find out which metal tile – gloss or matte – is preferable.

What is the difference between glossy and matte metal tiles?

Both matte and glossy metal tiles consist of several layers:

  • zinc, which coats the steel base on both sides and protects it from corrosion;
  • passivating layer, which provides additional protection against rust;
  • primer, which enhances anti-corrosion protection and reliably connects the zinc layer and the polymer coating;
  • polymer coating - protective (from the inside) or protective and decorative (from the front). The decorative protective layer can have a matte or glossy texture.

So, the composition of glossy or matte metal tiles is identical in the number of protective layers. But, depending on the type of coating, the composition and thickness of the soil and the decorative protective layer differ. The thickness of the steel base may also vary. This affects performance and warranty period.

To help you get your bearings, we will divide all Metal Profile coatings into matte and glossy and briefly talk about them. Next to each we will indicate the coating segment (Standard, Premier, Premium) and the type of surface (smooth, structured, textured).

Applications for matting stainless steel

Matting of stainless steel is used in many industries

, For example:

  • Production of food equipment (filling and packaging equipment, meat, dairy industry, etc.);
  • Manufacturing of metal structures (pipelines, sheet metal products, housings);
  • Decorative items;
  • Chemical industry;
  • Neutral equipment.

Glossy coating “Metal Profile”

Glossy coatings can be smooth and structured. The former have a perfectly smooth surface, while the latter have a slightly more textured surface due to the inclusion of polyamide granules (they provide increased mechanical strength). The photo below shows structured (left) and smooth (right) coatings.

The difference is visible only close up; from a distance of 3-5 meters it is practically unnoticeable - both coatings are perceived as smooth, glossy.

So, what glossy coatings are presented in Metal Profile?

  • PURMAN® (Premium, structured) ― reliable flagship coating “Metal Profile” based on polyurethane. It has premium performance properties and is durable - the manufacturer provides a guarantee for PURMAN® for up to 40 years*. The main thing is to choose a color that you won’t get tired of during this time. And this is easy to do - the coating has a wide palette, every buyer will find an option to suit his taste. You can choose monochromatic options, or you can choose original branded “metallics”, which are distinguished by a spectacular play of color. With them, the roof will become a true decoration of your home. Depending on the lighting, metal tiles in metallic color visually change shade - you are unlikely to get tired of admiring such a roof.

  • AGNETA ® (Premium, smooth) is one of the most effective Metal Profile coatings. It realistically imitates copper. With it, your roof will shine in any weather! Does not fade, does not require special care, and reliably protects the metal base from any external influences.
  • PURETAN ® (Premier, structured) is a durable coating in the mid-price category. It combines an affordable price with excellent performance characteristics. Made on the basis of polyurethane, therefore resistant to mechanical stress. It also has high color fastness.
  • NormanMP ® (Premier, smooth) - polyester-based coating. It has proven performance characteristics and is applied only to steel 0.5 mm thick. Affordable price and excellent quality have made this coating one of Metal Profile's bestsellers.
  • Polyester ® (Standard, smooth) - affordable and practical coating. Along with NormanMP®, it is one of the most widely used in the Metal Profile line. It features a wide range of shades and good color fastness.

How to make stainless steel matte

Stainless steel comes in different varieties. After all, it contains several different metals. The basis of stainless steel is iron, titanium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, and this is not the entire list. Chromium, which is also present in its composition, helps this steel resist corrosion.

What prevents steel from rusting

When chromium interacts with oxygen, a protective film is formed on the surface of stainless steel; it is this film that protects the alloy from exposure to aggressive environments.

The amount of chromium will determine the degree of corrosion resistance of steel.

For example, in the manufacture of refrigerators, an alloy with an average chromium content (10-17%) is used. But if the device is constantly in contact with water or is subjected to temperature loads, then an alloy with a high chromium content, up to 26%, is used. Such appliances include washing machines, dishwashers, sinks, hoods, cookers and kettles.

In order for the surface of the alloy to be beautiful and smooth, you need to polish the stainless steel. Nowadays, there are many companies whose specialization is this particular procedure; they put in order various products made from this alloy. But it turns out that you can polish stainless steel at home.

Of course, if you need better quality work, it is better to seek help from specialists. For example, a polished square stainless steel pipe will look much more impressive after factory processing than after home processing.

Any company that specializes in polishing will easily perform this procedure.

How to process steel

How to polish stainless steel to a mirror shine? Here is a list of everything you will need:

  • polishing paste;
  • felt or felt circles;
  • wood glue;
  • grinding wheels with different grain sizes;
  • sandpaper or stone;
  • Bulgarian.

Main stages of the process

The process takes place in several stages. First you need to do some rough cleaning. Next comes a wheel with a fiber base and an angle grinder. But this procedure can be skipped provided that the surface of the product is already quite smooth.

Grinding wheels come next. The surface must be processed several times, and each time the size of the abrasive should decrease.

If such circles are not available, then you can easily make them yourself. To do this, you can use a felt circle or felt. You need to apply wood glue to it with a spatula, and then rub it over the abrasive chips.

This operation will make the steel surface perfectly smooth. Under no circumstances should any roughness remain. After all, after polishing it will be much more difficult to seal them.

The next step is to apply polishing paste and a felt wheel. Here it is better to consult a specialist, since a specific brand of alloy requires a specific paste.

Of course, it is best to use diamond, the grit of which is suitable for the metal intended for processing. Final polishing is carried out until there are no visible flaws left.

A polished stainless steel pipe should look just perfect.

Stainless steel in everyday life

No kitchen is complete without stainless steel appliances and interior parts. This is not surprising, since this particular alloy is quite strong and durable, especially since it does not require special care. Stainless steel is often used to make dishes, cutlery and stoves, as this metal has a fairly high thermal conductivity.

But there are also some disadvantages to stainless steel: with regular use, it noticeably tarnishes. The kitchen is losing its shine. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically polish the stainless steel. There are many different ways to solve this problem. An important point in this procedure is the correct selection of polishing agent for stainless steel.

When cleaning steel products, never use bleach or abrasives. Also, do not use metal sponges or brushes with stiff bristles.

There are several alternative polishing methods.

Olive oil

This method is just for those who are thinking about how to polish stainless steel at home. Tarnished dishes will begin to shine again, like new. All you need is oil and rags, preferably made of soft fabric.

  1. First of all, you need to moisten a rag with oil.
  2. Using this cloth, it is necessary to apply oil to the product so that it is completely covered with an oil film.
  3. Next, you can begin polishing by pressing the oiled rag firmly against the metal.
  4. To prevent the steel from becoming dull again, excess oil is removed using dry towels or napkins. They need to rub the surface until the product is completely dry.

Polishing with flour

You can also use flour to polish metal products. It is good for cleaning flat surfaces, such as a sink or pan.

  1. The product is sprinkled with flour so that there are no gaps left at all.
  2. The flour should be distributed evenly.
  3. Using a dry cloth, polish the surface in a circular motion.
  4. Next, the flour is very easy to remove from the surface.

Mechanical method

Some devices and fixtures have hard-to-reach areas. This is where the question arises, how to polish stainless steel to a shine. There is a way, but you will have to spend a lot of time and make every effort.

You need to purchase a piece of felt and abrasive paste. Apply the paste to the fabric and polish the surface until the metal becomes bright and shiny.

Polishing with chemicals

This method is most often used when you need to clean small items. The main thing is that polishing takes little time and is very simple to do. Below are several recipes for solutions.

Recipe 1

It is important to maintain proportions here. Contains: 230 ml of sulfuric acid, 70 ml of hydrochloric acid, and 40 ml of nitric acid. The rest is water.

For one liter of solution you need another 5 g of sodium chloride, 5 g of acid black dye and 10 grams of wood glue.

The resulting liquid must be heated to 70 degrees Celsius and the part must be lowered there. The product can be left in the solution for a maximum of half an hour.

Recipe 2

You will need orthophosphoric acid, it should make up 20-30 percent of the total volume. Hydrochloric acid (3-4%), nitric acid (4-5%), methyl orange (1%). The rest is water. The solution should be at room temperature, and keep the product in it for no longer than 10 minutes.

Recipe 3

acids are indicated per liter of solution. Acid orange dye - 25 g, sulfuric acid - 230 g, hydrochloric acid - 660 g. Heat the liquid to seventy degrees and keep the metal in it for no more than three minutes.

Polishing rules are given below:

  1. The metal must be thoroughly cleaned before polishing. Next, place the product in the solution. It should be remembered that only distilled water can be used here.
  2. During the procedure, the solution must be constantly stirred, only in this case the chemical reaction will take place 100%.
  3. When the required time has passed, the part is removed and washed well with running water. After this, the product must be well rubbed with a napkin soaked in polish.

After this treatment, all roughness is eliminated.

It is not enough to polish stainless steel correctly; it also needs to be cleaned regularly.

Cleaning the sink

Often stains remain on sinks - this is limescale. It is very easy to remove with a vinegar solution. You need to dilute the acid one to five and wipe the surface with it, and then rinse with running water. To give the metal a bright shine, the surface must be rubbed in a circular motion.

Cleaning the stove

Stains from sauces, fat and burnt food remain here. They will have to be removed with a special steel polishing agent. Be sure to remove the heating elements before cleaning. It is best to use the polish while wearing gloves. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting burns on the skin of your hands. After the procedure, it is advisable to rub the surface well with a dry cloth.

Cleaning the hood

This is not an easy task. But quite doable. To prevent dirt and soap from staining the stove, it is better to cover it with newspapers or old towels.

To clean the hood, you can use a specialized product or prepare a solution yourself. You will need bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice and water. The product must be rubbed in carefully so as not to damage the surface.

It is enough for the solution to remain on the hood for several minutes, after which it must be washed off with clean running water. Next, you need to polish the surface well with a dry cloth.

After this procedure, the hood will shine like new.

Polishing stainless steel: techniques and tools used

Polishing is an operation that relates to finishing when processing various surfaces. Polishing consists of sequentially removing layers of material in small volumes, using various methods and materials. This achieves a matte or mirror-like surface shine.

Among the many processes, mechanical, chemical, electrochemical and electrolyte-plasma have become the most widespread.

In addition to imparting an aesthetic appearance to the finished product, this type of processing can be determined by technological requirements for the surfaces of elements and their interaction with each other.

Stainless steel products are in most cases polished. The methods discussed here are suitable for a wide range of stainless steel grades. To select the optimal method, it is necessary to use reference literature and developed polishing flow charts.

Matte surface: methods of obtaining

To obtain a matte shine on the surface of stainless alloys, we determine what makes it so. According to the definition of academic interpreters, this is a surface whose defects are characterized by irregularities, the geometry of which does not exceed the wavelength of the visible spectrum (400-700 nanometers).

Light falling on such irregularities is scattered at an arbitrary angle in all directions. There are four ways to matt a metal surface. Mechanical, chemical (electrochemical) method, painting with paints and varnishes or gluing with film.

The first two are the main reliable ones, the third and fourth are purely decorative in nature when it is impossible to use other methods. Mechanical matting of stainless steel, or as it is also called satin coating, is carried out on an industrial scale using abrasive blasting.

Chemical matting occurs in an acid etchant environment at certain temperatures, with a limited time in the bath.

To intensify the appearance of a matte film on the surface of stainless steel, it is possible to increase the temperature, the acid concentration to a certain level, or use direct electric current.

The electrochemical matting process is characterized not only by saving time, but also by a deeper and more uniform layer that forms on the surface. Electrochemical polishing of stainless steel is applicable to obtain other types of surfaces.

Matte coating “Metal Profile”

Matte finishes come in smooth and textured finishes. The latter have a more textured surface: in the photo below you see the textured VikingMP®E coating (left) and the matte smooth CLOUDY® coating (right). The difference in texture is noticeable to the naked eye.

  • VALORI® (Premier, textured) is a stylish new product in the “Metal Profile” line. This coating is both textured (in appearance) and smooth (to the touch). It features an improved composition and the highest color fastness index RUV4, resistant to any negative influences. Presented in a discreet, noble shade of Violet (dark purple).
  • VikingMP ® E (Premium, textured) - a composite coating with a complex three-component composition. Resistant to any influences - temperature, mechanical, chemical. VikingMP®E textured metal tiles look respectable and attract attention. The top layer of coating does not allow dirt to linger on the surface, so the roof does not “collect” dust.
  • VikingMP ® (Standard, textured) - coating based on textured polyester. Despite the affordable price, it has a solid appearance - it has a textured matte surface. It is characterized by good mechanical strength and corrosion resistance, does not fade.
  • CLOUDY ® (Premium, smooth) - original ceramic coating. Ceramic roofing is an expensive luxury, and metal tiles coated with CLOUDY® are a modern, affordable alternative that is resistant to fading and mechanical stress. The matte smooth surface and heterogeneous color of the coating enhance the resemblance to fired ceramics; the roof is almost indistinguishable from an ancient clay roof. A house with such a roof looks European elegant.

Stainless steel polishing: matte, mirror, honed

Finishing the surface of the metal and welds allows for high-quality modification of the surface of rolled products, obtaining varying degrees of roughness, strengthening the surface layer, for aesthetic and decorative purposes, for ease of care of metal products. The APEX metal company offers all kinds of rolled products from stainless steels and alloys, for which different surface finishing methods are used.

Mechanical method of obtaining a stainless surface

Mechanical methods of cleaning, polishing and grinding the surface are associated with the use of abrasive materials with different grain fractions, woven and mesh materials and are used for thick-walled products of simple shape.

Thus, polished stainless steel and matte stainless steel cold-rolled strip are obtained by processing with coarse abrasives, followed by polishing with a mesh.

Mirror stainless steel is treated with fine abrasive and polished with cotton.

Production of polished and mirror stainless steel from APEX metal:

  • Small products with grooves and recesses - short couplings, decorative blanks are processed on machines by immersing them in a fast-flowing abrasive material. Modern materials for dry grinding with a self-sharpening effect provide excellent surface quality of stainless steel and are used on polishing machines and machines for clean drawing processing.
  • To grind parts of complex shapes with hard-to-reach surfaces, pulsed processing methods are used, based on the mutual combination of movements of the abrasive material and the workpiece.
  • For vibration grinding, the rotational energy of a vortex flow of abrasive placed in the drum of a grinding machine is used, forming a torus shape; the method is applicable for rounding edge surfaces, removing burrs, and reducing the initial roughness.
  • To obtain improved surface quality, wet grinding and dry polishing are used.

Chemical and electrolytic surface treatment

In chemical and electrolytic methods of surface treatment, concentrated multicomponent electrolytes are used, the base of which is aggressive and toxic sulfuric, phosphoric, and hydrochloric acids.

Thus, steel 18-10 (12Х18Н10Т) is subjected to electropolishing in two-component phosphorus-sulfur electrolytes. These methods are applicable for any grade of stainless steel, including thin-walled rolled products and products of complex shape.

Electrolytic plasma polishing method

More “clean” from an environmental point of view (compared to etching and electrochemical treatment) is the method of electrolytic plasma polishing (EPP). It is suitable for critical products, thin-walled products, and parts with complex geometry.

EPP is produced mechanized or on automated lines. Electroplasma treatment takes place at a voltage in the range of 100 - 600 V. The workpiece becomes an anode, around which intensive gas separation begins due to the ongoing processes of electrolysis and boiling of the solution.

As a result, a vapor-gas shell (thickness from 50 - 100 microns to 1 - 2 mm) with microplasma-electrolytic discharges is created around the stainless steel product being processed.

Electroplasma processing lines produce: heating and hardening of products in an electrolyte, chemical-thermal treatment, oxidation, cleaning the surface of rolled products from contamination, removing defects, and polishing.

The method is suitable for processing stainless chromium steels of type 20X13, heat-resistant alloys based on iron-nickel. The designation of rolled surface types is indicated in the standards for stainless steel, for example, in GOST R 54908-2012 - modified in relation to ISO 4955 “Heat-resistant steels”:

Type of rolled product Surface designation Manufacturing method

Polished brushed stainless steel sheet2BCold rolling, heat treatment, pickling, skin pass with straightening on polished rolls
Polished stainless steel sheet1GSpecial finishing surface with a texture in one direction, without strong surface reflection with a surface of a given roughness
Long products, mirror stainlesswire rod - 3P wire - 4PSmooth and shiny polished surface (special finish)

Subtleties of choice

It’s not for nothing that coatings are called protective and decorative. Their primary task is to protect steel from negative influences and corrosion, so when choosing a coating, first pay attention to the composition (the most reliable coatings are based on polyurethane), performance characteristics and warranty.

But the decorative function is no less important - the roof should please the eye. And the coating must be chosen based on aesthetic preferences. Some people like a shiny, glossy roof, while others like a solid matte one. Glossy finishes are common. Matte - less common; visually such a roof looks “more expensive”.

First, we recommend deciding which texture you prefer - matte or glossy. Then - choose a coating (we listed above what options Metal Profile offers). The palette of each coating includes the most popular shades (bright or discreet, plain or metallic chameleons) - you will certainly find the best option.

When choosing, pay attention to color perception: matte coatings, as a rule, look darker than similar glossy ones. The same shade in matte and glossy versions is two different colors. A good example is in the photo below.

Here are samples of steel with matte (left) and glossy (right) coatings in RAL 3011 color. The matte sample is clearly darker.

Attention: textured matte coatings ( VikingMP ® E, VikingMP ®, VALORI® ) have an interesting property - they, like chameleons, visually change shades (depending on the viewing angle), because their textured surface scatters light unevenly. Metallics also visually change color. But single-color glossy coatings reflect light evenly, their shades do not change.

Stainless steel pickling

Pickling stainless steel is an important process that ensures the removal of the top layer of material and restoration of the original state.

The bottom line is that after certain work is carried out, defects in the form of welds, oxides and scales can form on the surface of the stainless steel, which can significantly spoil the appearance of the material, as well as worsen the operational and aesthetic properties. A distinctive feature of steel is the presence of an oxide-chrome film, the purpose of which is to protect the top layer.

It is because of this that the above defects arise, which are difficult to interact with reagents. If such troubles occur, you can correct the situation by using a special procedure - etching stainless steel.

Stainless steel pickling procedure

Chemical and electrochemical treatment or etching is considered one of the best ways to clean the top layer of stainless steel.

This procedure perfectly cleans the steel surface from welds, eliminates various types of deformations, and also helps strengthen the structure of the alloy after heat treatment.

In addition to cleaning properties, the procedure ensures the restoration of the passive layer of steel, which is necessary to protect the alloy from structural destruction at elevated temperatures.

The essence of cleaning 12x18n10t steel is the chemical interaction of the top layer with a concentrated acid solution.

Typically, hydrochloric or sulfuric acid is used, after which a mixture of molten alkali is used.

The acid cleaning process has two stages: first of all, the metal is treated with a basic acid composition, and finally the alloy is kept in a bath with a solution of nitric acid.

When processing stainless steel, you should strictly follow the stages of the technological process. The container with the solution in which the alloy is placed should process only the upper layers of the metal, further eliminating existing damage. It is not recommended to allow changes in the macrostructure of stainless steel, as iron may lose its original properties.

Application of etching

The etching process is widely used in production during the cleaning of the upper layers of steel from welds, scale, oxides and rust. It is used when searching for internal defects by removing the top layer of the workpiece or to study the structure of the metal.

This procedure cleans the material, thereby increasing the adhesion of the top layer. This is necessary for the successful connection of a metal workpiece with another surface, after which a paint, enamel, galvanic layer or other protective coating is applied.

This type of processing not only ensures quick cleaning of the workpiece, but also creates a specified pattern on the top layer of metal. Using etching, you can cut out a channel of any thickness or create a complex image.

Processing of large workpieces and rolled products is also possible. You can easily adjust the processing depth down to microns, making it possible to process surfaces with complex areas and small grooves.

The procedure is used to carry out analysis that determines the formation of intercrystalline corrosion in stainless steel.

In addition, this process is widely used during the processing of carbon, low-alloy and high-alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and titanium. This technology is indispensable when processing small metal parts, watch gears.

It is used to manufacture semiconductor chips and printed circuit boards in electronics. This processing method ensures the formation of a conductive channel on the microcircuits.

In aircraft manufacturing, etching plays an important role, since through this process the thickness of metal sheets is reduced, thereby reducing the weight of the aircraft. This operation also plays a big role in applying drawings and inscriptions.

Etching produces a relief image created by destroying a metal surface according to specific patterns. In everyday life, the operation helps clean the pipeline.

The following types of processing are used at home and at production sites:

  • Acid cleaning;
  • Electrolytic cleaning;
  • Cleaning with pastes.

Acid etching

The best results when processing stainless steel are obtained by keeping the top layer of stainless steel for a long time in a container of acids made from sulfur and nitrogen. How this process happens:

  1. The initial stage is considered to be degreasing the top layer of steel, followed by cleaning of burrs and burns;
  2. Next, etching occurs in sulfuric acid baths. During the process, the acid composition eats away surface roughness, scale and burrs. The best temperature during corrosion is 60-80 degrees Celsius. It is important to control this parameter during the process. The duration of etching depends on the acid concentration (10-12%) and the marking of the steel. It is worth being more careful, since depletion of the acid bath leads to the formation of pitting corrosion on the metal surface. For example, steel containing chromium (18%) and nickel (8%) will require 20-40 minutes of treatment in a sulfuric acid bath. It is possible to reduce the time of this procedure several times. To do this, you need to control the atmospheric level.
  3. The next step is to wash the workpiece in a large amount of liquid.
  4. Next, you should immerse the workpiece in a bath filled with nitrate solution. The procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, taking into account the bath temperature of 50-70 degrees Celsius.
  5. The final stage is repeated rinsing with running water.

The etching method described is considered standard and includes several processing options. For example, holding in a container with a nitrogen solution, which is enriched with hydrofluoric acid elements, increases the procedure to half an hour.

If you raise the concentration level of the fluoride impurity to 15%, you will be able to carry out the processing process at a low temperature, while avoiding the preliminary lowering of the workpiece into acid. Another available treatment option is steel cleaning using phosphoric acid.

To complete the procedure, you should follow the following steps:

  • Degrease the steel workpiece using any available means;
  • Rinse the part in running water and dry;
  • Fill the treatment bath with orthophosphoric acid in a proportion of 150 mg per liter of water;
  • Place the alloy in a container and wait for an hour;
  • Remove and rinse the cleaned part in running water.

You can reduce the processing time in a sulfuric acid bath by adding sodium chloride at a rate of 5%. Thanks to this, the process takes 15 minutes, but you should adhere to the appropriate temperature regime (80 degrees).

It is important to remember that in a room with poor aspiration, the composition for the second stage of treatment should be replaced. The problem is the release of harmful vapors from the acid, so it is better to replace the solution using 8% ferrous sulfate and 3% hydrofluoric solution.

The oxide film located on the top layer of stainless steel can help in determining the etching method. The advantage is that the external state indicates the composition of the film layer.

If the color of the scale is green, this indicates a high level of chromium in the composition.

As a result, the interaction between the steel and the acid bath may be more difficult, resulting in longer processing times.

Electrolytic etching

The essence of electrolytic cleaning is the uneven anodic treatment of various structural elements, as well as the selective coloring of the metal due to the appearance of films. A distinctive feature of this processing is the presence of external current sources.

Electrolytic processing is most effective when determining the macrostructure of metals, alloys that have undergone deformation, as well as high-alloy steels that are characterized by high chemical resistance. Electrolytic processing has three etching variations:

  • Cleaning by anodic dissolution;
  • Anodic film sedum;
  • Cathodic film cleaning.

The most common method of electroetching is considered to be anodic dissolution, due to which a relief on the surface is formed as a result of individual grain boundaries or phases.

Etching with ready-made pastes

At the moment, the modern market is provided with a huge assortment of different pastes for pickling stainless steel. The purpose of the paste is to change the unevenness of the painted surface as a result of high temperature changes, as well as to clean welds.

The process of using etching paste is quite simple and can be used even at home. After welding, stainless steel can be easily cleaned with a thick paste, because its effectiveness begins to manifest itself at a temperature of 80 degrees.

Before etching, the metal surface must be cleaned of corrosion and other defects.

The paste etching process consists of the following steps:

  • Processing the top layer of the workpiece with a layer of paste up to several centimeters;
  • Exposure for one and a half hours;
  • Rinsing under running water.

Etching paste is ideal for processing welds on stainless steel grades. Once properly treated, the surface is able to withstand corrosive attacks in the most adverse conditions.

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Bottom line

It is impossible to answer unequivocally what is better - glossy or matte metal tiles. Both options look impressive. Focus on your aesthetic preferences, but do not forget about the performance properties of the coatings.

You can choose the coating and shade in our online store, but we recommend stopping by the Metal Profile office and seeing product samples in person. The monitor may slightly distort color.

We are waiting for you at the Metal Profile offices!

* Detailed information about warranty periods for products can be obtained on the website metallprofil.ru in the “Documents” section.

The categories mentioned in the article are:

Metal tiles

Satin finishing of the joint between the filling and the rack of profile pipes

In the next video, I tried to simulate, using available means, the junction of a profile post and the profile filling of a fence

These are the internal seams. A scotch-brite exl wheel is used for processing. Before grinding, it is better to sharpen it as in the video.

Video matting of stainless steel filling

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