Miter saw - how to choose a decent tool?

How to protect paint on ceramic tiles for years to come.

After you paint the tiles, you need to protect the paint so that it always looks like new.
This is especially important if you have painted clay tiles on the floor. Give the fresh paint two or three days to dry. Then apply two layers of varnish on an aqua base. It will adhere very well to fresh paint. I do not recommend using oil-based varnish, because... Over time, it turns a little yellow (however, this yellow patina can be used for design purposes), and aqua-based varnish always remains purely transparent. In general, varnish coating. This is an integral part of a project such as painting clay tiles. Varnish. very tough stuff and it does an amazing job protecting the paint from threats such as foot traffic, constant movement of glasses, plates, pots, pans, etc. on the kitchen countertop. Everyone knows how well varnish protects wood surfaces from wear. The same can be said about painted surfaces. This is especially true for painted clay floor tiles. The varnish coating will protect the paint and give you years and years of beauty. I can give an example as confirmation. Think of the gym at your own school or at your children’s school. There is also a painted floor. And it can withstand super-intensive deployment while requiring only little maintenance.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade products


  1. Creating such a saw with your own hands will save money. For example, approximately 500 rubles were spent on refinishing the sanding machine. The price is suitable for most craftsmen.
  2. The main characteristics are selected to suit your needs.
  3. Having made the tool yourself, the master can easily find the causes of the problems that have arisen and eliminate them.


  • Factory-made products have a safety margin and a guarantee, while home-made structures are usually made from some unnecessary things.
  • Self-made trimmers are rarely powerful enough, since they require high-quality spare parts for their best performance.
  • Sometimes the money saved on the purchase of factory units is spent on modifications and repairs of home-made products.
  • Specialists often endanger their lives because, saving money, they do not equip the device with security structures.
  • Factory versions have a scale showing in detail the angle of the wood cut. It is difficult to make such a device on your own device.

READ MORE: How to make a table for a balcony with your own hands

Homemade miter saws have both positive and negative properties.

The advantages of homemade units include a number of characteristics.

  1. To create a cross-cutting machine, you will need to invest an order of magnitude less money than in purchasing industrial equipment for trimming wood, pipes, plastic, and other things. Approximately, specialists invest from 500 to 1000 rubles to convert an angle grinder into a cross-cut machine.
  2. You have the opportunity to independently select the performance characteristics for your future end-face machine. Similar parameters include the dimensions of the working surface, the power of the electric motor, the diameter of the disks, the depth of cut, and more.
  3. The manufactured devices have a simple design. Since you assembled and disassembled the device yourself, there will be no difficulties in finding breakdowns.

There are also disadvantages, including several factors that are particularly different.

  1. For homemade units, as a rule, they use old, useless materials, tools and devices. This negatively affects the quality and service life.
  2. They don't often have much power.
  3. In some situations, saving on the purchase of an industrial design becomes far-fetched, because a lot of money is spent on repair work, re-equipment, and preventive measures for a home-made unit.
  4. You are putting yourself at risk in terms of your own safety by using a homemade trimmer.

Having an angle grinder, a hand-held circular saw for wood and metal, you can easily make a home machine. Follow the instructions and follow safety regulations.

Be sure to take into account the presence of protective guards, since working on such machines is not entirely safe.

How to cut laminate flooring with a circular saw

Not everyone will buy such a tool, but those who have it will enjoy working with it.

  • high speed;
  • It is possible to work with several lamellas at once.

The power of the cutting device is much higher than that of other power tools. Therefore, if you are choosing the best way to cut durable and hard commercial-grade laminate, then you should choose a circular saw.

The sequence of actions when working with a circular saw for cutting laminated boards:

  • select a disc for the circular device with small teeth;
  • Apply markings for cutting on the decorative surface of the board;
  • The boards are placed upward with a decorative layer, one after another, on the machine, holding the panel by the edge, and slowly direct it forward towards the rotating disk.

Wood miter saw assembly saw

Anyone who has cut a large corner with a manual grinder knows how stressful and unsafe this work can be. (write in PM)

There are cutting machines for metal. Cutting metal with a miter saw. Cutting metal with a band saw, miter saw and circular saw. The cost of Interskolovski and other Chinese is about 2.5 thousand (for sure). Cutting metal with a miter saw. They are just right for abrasive discs. I wouldn't spoil the trim. There is a lot of plastic on it, and as you can imagine, it glows with sparks. There are also metal discs for trimming with carbide tips (a disc with teeth but a different shape compared to wood). It costs about 6 thousand.

For some reason, my friend, you charged 6 thousand for the disc. At such prices, it is easier to purchase an angle grinder complete with a pendulum.

jigsaw It’s definitely not considered, it’s absurd, to cut pipes with a jigsaw.

Can a miter saw cut metal?


profile pipe 50x50x2 with a miter saw and a metal disc. May be?

Greetings. I don’t have a pendulum saw and/or a band saw at hand, so a question has arisen, but it is necessary to make a cut on a profile pipe (ferrous metal, 50x50x2).

Accordingly, the question. Is it realistic to use miter saws with a metal (cutting) blade and, if so, what speed/power should it be?

Is it realistic to use a jigsaw with metal files and, accordingly, what should be the power?

clarification to the question:

1. The purchase of a band saw/pendulum does not fit into the budget of this design; cutting to order, again, is excluded. very troublesome with delivery, etc.

2. cutting metal with a miter saw with an abrasive disc? 1. cutting metal at a crosscut machine. The problem with the grinder. get more or less close to 90g. cut, which is why I would like to use a miter saw (on which 90 degrees are set) or a jigsaw along the guide.

What, some kind of special miter saw, only for wood? I saw these exclusively in sets for children's creativity,

so it seems that the trimmings are universal. Cutting a profile pipe 50x50x2 with a miter saw with a disk for the load when sawing metal. Here:

Chainsaw capabilities

It should be noted that the chainsaw is multifunctional, because with its help you can cut not only wood, but also foam blocks, aerated concrete, shell rock, chipboard, and even stone. To cut the trunk, you should focus on the width of the tire and the diameter of the tree. Naturally, cutting thick wood with a reciprocating saw is difficult and time-consuming, but with patience it can be done. If there is a need to cut chipboard, then it is better to use a special tool that will not leave chips on the edges, but if you don’t have one at hand, then you can use a chain saw with low power, this will make it easier to control the evenness of the mowing line.

When felling trees, it is important to observe safety precautions, because any confusion can lead to injury. The procedure is as follows:

Remove the chainsaw from the cut you made; Turn off the chainsaw; Lower down; Leave the work area, taking into account the direction in which the tree fell.

Can tiles be painted?

Hello, Nikita. I would like to paint the tiles in my own apartment. We have tiles in one room, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The budget does not yet allow for changing the tiles. Is it possible to paint clay tiles, or is it not done that way? Please tell me the truth, this is a stupid idea, as my husband says, or can I rightfully lash out later in front of him and in front of our friends? Daria Kuznetsova.

Hello, Daria! I'm telling the truth: if you paint the tiles, you'll have to spend a long time turning purple later. from all the compliments and praise that your friends will say for you when they see the refreshed tiles. But the best. this is that with the money you save you can bring your own unbelieving Thomas together a couple of times. wife to a good restaurant. After which he will definitely listen to you more.

Hacksaw for metal

It is not always possible to use electrical equipment like miter saws, so you have to be content with the simplest tools. The first of them is hacksaws for metal. They can cut sheet material, as well as profiles of small thickness. Cutting starts from the edge, continues on the back and ends on the sides.Advantages:

  • the hacksaw weighs little, so your hands don’t get tired;
  • ease of operation;
  • cheapness of the tool;
  • Works as efficiently as a jigsaw.


  • takes a lot of time;
  • possible profile deformation;
  • the need to hold the profile, which does not guarantee accuracy of work.

Angle grinder

The grinder is a universal assistant that works great on aluminum

It is only important not to confuse a cutting wheel with a grinding wheel, choose thin-thick equipment to minimize material loss and protect your hands and face from sparks.Advantages:

  • speed of work;
  • decent cutting quality;
  • relative cheapness of equipment;
  • minimum user movements;
  • durability of the equipment, which allows you to repeatedly saw metal profiles.

Sparky angle grinder

  • possibility of metal burning in the cut area;
  • without working skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to cut smoothly;
  • To increase the accuracy of the work, the grinder should be clamped into a stand, which is not supplied with the tool and is rarely found in stores (the problem is solved if you have a vice).

Now it’s worth studying special devices for working on aluminum.

Pros and cons of carbide wheels for metal

I would like to immediately note that carbide discs have quite a lot of advantages over abrasive discs, but the price of the equipment and the discs themselves hinders the popularity of their use. Let's get everything straight!

The advantages include:

  • Cutting accuracy. In order to maintain precision when cutting metal workpieces, a carbide blade on a pendulum saw is one of the best options for working.
  • Speed ​​of work. You will be surprised at how fast a carbide blade cuts.
  • Huge disk resource. On average, the disk life is 5000 cuts. Compared to abrasive, it is immortal.
  • No harmful emissions. When working with abrasives, a cloud of small particles is formed in the work area, which negatively affects human health.
  • The metal does not heat up. After you cut the workpiece, you can safely handle it; it will be cold. The main advantage is that the properties of the metal do not change without exposure to temperature.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Price. The cost of a carbide disc is tens of times more than an abrasive one. At home, with rare use, such a disk will not pay for itself.
  • Loss of metal. Since the disc is thicker than an abrasive one, it is worth considering that the cutting line will be thick.
  • Afraid of rust. If you decide to saw metal with rust, remember that this will wear out the disc faster.

Concluding all of the above, we can say that carbide wheels are more professional consumables. They have fewer disadvantages than their competitors, but the price makes them inaccessible for home use.


  • The main disadvantage of carbide wheels is their high price. The cost of the product is tens of times higher than that of a conventional abrasive disc. In this regard, the payback for such a product at home may take years rather than months. You can get acquainted with the prices for carbide blades for metal cutting at this link
  • Due to the fact that carbide blades are thicker than abrasive blades, their cut line will be wider. This fact must be taken into account. When cutting a product into several small pieces, you will lose some amount of metal.
  • Carbide discs are resistant to corrosion. You need to understand that when you cut rusty products, the blade wears out much faster.

What is an aluminum saw blade?

"What a question?! - some enlightened reader will be surprised. – A saw blade is a consumable circle for a circular saw, a power tool for sawing almost any material!

And “for aluminum” means for processing aluminum workpieces! Everything is as simple as shelling pears!” Simpler, it’s simpler, but not entirely simple. Let's look at this issue in a little more detail.

Yes, indeed, the saw blade is designed to equip a circular saw - also called a circular saw - or for a circular saw.

And today such power tools are available not only in production, but also in every “household man”, in the garage or at the dacha.

Disk characteristics

When choosing a circular saw and saw blades for wood, you should immediately decide what specific materials will be processed to perform what work the tool is needed. There is a wide range of models currently on sale.

They are all created for specific jobs, so their choice should be given special attention

Saw blades

Review of technologies. Part 1, telling how to choose a saw blade
Part 2 video
In this video

I’ll tell you a little from my experience about
saw blade
My website My 2nd channel.

Using a miter saw to cut metal.

I read somewhere that it is absolutely impossible. And it turns out you can” > I wonder what diameter of the circle he used.

I think 200x32 mm through the adapter washer. Everything is possible in our country)))

In some TV program I saw how men cut a steel profile with a circular saw, only not like a pendulum, but one that moves along a bar. They had a metal disk there and it seemed like they were even leaking coolant.

Yeees. Our people apparently have a lot of health.

2 BEARDED What risks do you think exist?

Burning of the edges of the workpiece, an increased probability of destruction of the disk at such speeds, and as a result, unfinished work and possible injuries, shaking or complete failure of the tool, waste of time and effort (which we don’t like to count) on remaking and fine-tuning an obviously poorly made tool .

It’s possible, there are special discs; usually partition installers often cut duralumin profiles with such a tool.

Duralumin profile, aluminum profile - another story. I'm talking about steel - pipes and angles, for example.

general information

The tool is made in the form of a device equipped with a cutting disk, which is used for cutting various types of materials - PVC, ceramics, wood, metal, etc. Its use is especially important when pouring a foundation, cutting reinforcing rods, producing paving slabs, and fitting clinker bricks. This equipment is intended for professionals, since a home craftsman usually does not have to cut large quantities of materials. In addition, the user must have the skills to work with the tool, otherwise, if used incorrectly, an inexperienced master may be injured.


Cutting-type metal assembly saws are used mainly in construction when it is necessary to cut bundles of reinforcement or stacks of wood. After all, here you have to deal with the diameter of the cutting wheel, which is much larger than that of a household tool. To meet the needs of home craftsmen, manufacturers produce special compact models that provide a variety of protection systems and limiters for safe operation.

Among these key elements, it is worth highlighting the frame, thanks to which the smooth movement of the disk is maintained, as well as the closed housing, which reliably protects the master not only from blades, but also from debris generated during work.

Device and advantages

The design of each metal cutting machine includes such essential elements as a solid base and a saw head with a working tool. Depending on the orientation and direction of movement of the working tool, the entire variety of cutting equipment can be presented in the form of two main groups: vertical and horizontal. There are models on sale that can be used to cut materials at an angle.

For large industrial enterprises, manufacturers offer automated cutting saws, the cost of which is quite high. However, there is another solution - to purchase more compact models, equipped with manual and semi-automatic controls, which can meet the needs of any enterprise.

This equipment has a number of advantages:

  • high reliability;
  • durability (the service life promised by the manufacturer is 10 to 20 years);
  • safety;
  • high processing speed;
  • smooth cut without nicks or burrs.

Model "Makita LS1040F"

This tool is universal. Its main advantage lies in its ability to efficiently handle the cutting of soft metal, wood and plastic. The power potential of the model is average (1650 W), but it is enough to provide a cutting depth of more than 90 mm. It should be emphasized that this metal trim is hardly suitable for professional cutting of material in construction or large-scale production. The lack of power and endurance will affect when working in continuous mode. But this disadvantage is compensated by the following advantages:

  • A wide range of equipment, including a 255 mm disc, guides, a lamp for lighting, a bag for a vacuum cleaner, etc.
  • Additional functionality in the form of a spindle lock and a soft start system.
  • Reliability of the design.

Useful tips

The disk type of drive that has an abrasive cutting machine requires a special approach to work, and the following rules will help reduce the cost of consumables:

Long pieces need to be cut at the edge

If you start cutting between the support points, this may cause the blade to jam and break. You can start cutting metal only after waiting for the disk to spin up to the maximum number of revolutions. It is important to regulate the pressure on the disc. If the speed decreases, it is necessary to slightly reduce the degree of pressure

If there is no resistance, the pressure increases. Cutting does not begin abruptly, but gradually. A sharp beating of the disk against the edge of the workpiece causes its premature wear. When cutting heavy material, it is necessary to slow down the work, periodically bringing the workpiece to the disk, touching it and moving further. The corners are cut in two separate passes. Each line is cut separately; do not rotate the workpiece 90 degrees to achieve the desired result. The same rule should be followed when cutting a profile.

It is better to take short breaks while working to maintain accuracy of vision and not get tired ahead of time.

Let us add that our abrasive cutting machine is characterized by a high degree of reliability. It also has a very reasonable price, which allows you to buy vulcanite at a profit for the buyer.


The circle label indicates the expiration date, the maximum number of revolutions, and the material marking, coded in letters and numbers. After the expiration date, the nozzles become brittle and the abrasive crumbles. The date until which the disc can be used is indicated on the label, next to the mounting hole.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the maximum number of revolutions. It must be equal to or less than that of the tool

Abrasive discs for grinders must have a coded marking of the abrasive material. The encoding of the material is deciphered as follows:

  1. The material from which the abrasive chips are made is designated by a Latin letter (or two letters). For example, a circle with a marking starting with the letter A has an abrasive made of electrocorundum. White corundum (AS) does not cut stainless steel, silicon carbide (C) is not suitable for working with metals at all.
  2. The grain size of the abrasive is indicated by a number following the letter designation of the type of abrasive chips. The higher the value, the smaller the particle size. To work with ferrous metals, you need wheels with coarse-grained abrasives (up to 30); for non-ferrous metals, fine-grained ones (from 40) are suitable.
  3. The hardness of the abrasive bond is indicated after the grit size. It is denoted by a Latin letter. The further the letter is from the beginning of the alphabet, the harder the abrasive. The softest bond is A, the hardest is Z. Nozzles with soft abrasive are used for hard metals. A hard bond overheats the surface being processed and makes cutting difficult. The soft ligament will wear out quickly.
  4. The bundle material is designated by one or two Latin letters at the end of the coding.

For example, a disc marked A24R BF is an alumina abrasive, coarse-grained, soft, bakelite bond.

Recommendations for choosing a product brand

  • Metabo;
  • Makita;
  • Bosch;
  • DeWalt;
  • Hitachi;
  • Corvette;
  • Interskol.

Most of them offer table expansion for the workpiece, but cutting large parts sometimes requires additional supports. These are found in, for example, the LF 1000 model. This simplifies the user’s work. In this case, the moving part of the makita metal saw enters a stable frame, in which there is an area for setting the cutting angle.

The best trimmers in terms of reliability and stability are those whose frame is made of aluminum or magnesium alloy. They are durable, stable, but at the same time they weigh acceptable. An example is the Bosch GCM 10, popular among professionals, weighs only 15 kg.

A master works with a Bosch GCM 10 miter saw

The leader among saws with a possible inclination of the cutting edge to the workpiece is Hitachi. While Bosch, Metabo or Makita mostly allow you to set the cutting angle to only 0, 90 or 45 degrees, the Japanese concern offers the user the ability to rotate by 15; 22.5; 30 degrees. This option forces you to add a rotating device to the design, due to which, however, the weight of the installation for cutting profiles, sheets or pipes will still not exceed 30 kg. The price increases by 15-25%.

The DeWalt manufacturer is distinguished by the presence of an XPS system (clear line projection). Before work, a shadow is projected from the saw blade, which makes sawing metal more accurate.

Domestic Interskol models are structurally simple (have a disk, handle, base, motor, start button), inexpensive (from 5,000 rubles), and lightweight. To cut a metal profile, sheet or pipe, you will need to rotate the table or disk. The latter can rotate in both directions.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the models of these manufacturers. Now - to recommendations for wisely investing money in equipment

Review of popular models

"ZUBR ZPT-210-1400 L"

"Metabo KGS 315 Plus"

Choosing a miter saw is a crucial moment for the inexperienced

Tips for choosing regular and combined models

In order to make the right choice and take into account what remains for our client to do, the nuances associated with the method of using such equipment, it is necessary to listen to the advice of experienced users, which can be designed in this way:

  • The tool must correspond to its purpose - you should not take an expensive and powerful model if you intend to use it periodically and for personal purposes.
  • In the same vein, one should consider the presence of additional options that increase the cost of the model, but are not used for small volumes of work.
  • The availability of protective and safety equipment is a fundamental point when choosing a miter saw, because... If used incorrectly, there is an option to simply get injured while working on similar equipment.
  • Due to the fact that power and weight are directly related, if you need to perform traveling work, the best option would be to choose a less powerful model, but with less weight.
  • The size of the saw blade and the presence of a broach determine the technical capabilities of the tool for processing the material used.
  • The bed can be heavy enough to secure the saw where the work is being done, and the turntable and stops are made to ensure reliable fixation of the material being processed.

READ Is It Possible to Saw Dead Wood in 2019


The device is a design based on a special rotating disk. Using the device you can cut wood, steel, ceramic and other surfaces. Also very often, installers use it during concrete work with the foundation, for cutting reinforcing bars, in the manufacture of porcelain stoneware or when working with solid bricks. Such a tool is popular only on construction sites or in production, since at home there is no need to cut large materials in large quantities. The device should be used very carefully, and before starting work it must be properly configured, otherwise even an experienced operator may be injured.

Cutting machines are used for industrial purposes when it is necessary to quickly and efficiently cut reinforcing bars or boards. The tool for professional work has a large cutter diameter that can cope with cutting a huge number of objects.

Manufacturing companies also present on the market small-sized versions of the device, created specifically for domestic use. There are several stages of protection for operator safety. The main component of the device is the stationary base of the machine - this ensures perfect threading. The frame has a closed body - this guarantees protection of the worker’s hands from cutters and waste flying in all directions.

It is worth noting such important elements of the machine as a durable body and cutting disc. These designs can be divided into subgroups depending on the purpose and direction of rotation of the cutter:

  • vertical devices;
  • horizontal;
  • devices capable of cutting at different angles.

In large companies, electric automated machines are used in production, which are expensive. There are other options - these are small-sized devices that require the constant presence of an operator. Such models are most often found in enterprises. The main feature of the design is high quality and wear resistance. Manufacturers claim that such a device, with constant loads and careful use, will last about 15 years. The unit is capable of processing any surface at high speeds without creating defects or damage.

General information about the tool

Along with jigsaws, circular and circular saws, the miter is capable of cutting metal sheets, profiles, and various types of pipes. The design of the device is simple - the main elements are a frame (base), a handle with a start button, a saw blade, a gearbox and a motor. The latter comes in two types:

  • collector;
  • asynchronous.

Bosch miter saw

The advantage of the first is ease of maintenance, the second is a long service life and less noise during operation.

The motor is connected to the saw blade via a belt or gear drive. They have advantages and disadvantages. For example, a belt is almost silent and eliminates vibration of the disk, but can slip during long-term operation, forcing the user to stop the process. The toothed one is free from this disadvantage, but it is noisy and vibrates slightly.

The working body of a miter saw is a disc. It is made of durable metals, since it bears a serious load. There are wavy lines or cuts on the surfaces of some removable elements. This is done to reduce noise during operation, as well as to compensate for temperature deformation.

Areas of application for manual and stationary models

A miter saw is an electric hand tool designed for sawing and processing various materials (wood, metal and plastic). Depending on the purpose, similar equipment is classified as follows: miter saw, miter saw, pendulum saw and circular saw (electric miter box).

A hand-held circular saw differs from a miter saw only in that it does not have a frame with a rotary table, which makes it more mobile, and all this is especially important for domestic use.

Wood miter saws are used for sawing wood blanks, as well as products made from wood products (laminate, chipboard, MDF and other board materials). Sawing is done at a straight angle or at an angle or inclination, which is necessary in the production of carpentry and upholstered furniture. Additionally, similar equipment is used when performing construction, installation and finishing work.

Introduction of a hand-held circular saw in pulpwood processing

Manual models are used on construction sites and with your own hands, and permanently installed models are used in the presence of workshops or workshops of various types of production. Pendulum saws are used when working with metal, which is necessary at the stage of production of metal structures in various fields of production. Similar equipment is installed permanently; special saw blades are used for work.

Tips for choosing a miter saw

The tips below are a must read before purchasing a tool.

For rare and short-term work, choose household equipment (low power, compactness, price no more than 15 thousand rubles), for regular work - professional equipment (price 15 thousand and above, power - more than 1 kW). The more powerful the engine, the less it will heat up during operation, the higher the performance of the tool and the larger the disk you can install yourself if replacement is necessary. Many discs indicate the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the material to be cut or its type (for sheets/pipes/profiles); pay attention to this. Models with a spacious blade for work are more expensive, but they are much more convenient for cutting metal. The design welcomes the presence of a cutting depth limiter - this way you can select a groove for processing the workpiece in width. Evaluate whether you need laser illumination, broaching and similar options. If not, don't overpay. If the blade guard does not cover the blade during operation, it is a poor tool and dangerous to operate. The wider the workpieces will be cut with a miter saw, the larger the diameter of the disk should be. The heavy weight of the device will cause fatigue when cutting, although its cost is higher than its compact counterparts.

Types of pendulum saws

It is easier to classify a miter tool than, for example, an electric jigsaw, which can be mechanical or electric. The products under consideration are divided according to the following criteria:

  • appointment;
  • the presence of a broach function;
  • saw blade parameters.

Household and professional equipment and machines are distinguished by purpose. The former are distinguished by low power (up to 1500 W), compactness, and cost up to 20-25 thousand rubles. Example - Bosch GKM 18 V-LI 0 L-BOXX (battery model for 15 thousand rubles), Kolner KMS 210/1400 for 4000 rubles, domestic Caliber PTE-900/190M with a power of 900 W at a price of 4500 rubles.

A cross-cutting machine is equipment not for home work, used only in enterprises that produce rolled metal products and are engaged in cutting or other processing on a daily basis. Such machines cost tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles, their power exceeds 1000 W, and they weigh several centners. An example is domestically produced machines TsT 10-4 (3 kW, 360 kg, 105 thousand rubles) or TsKB-40 K (5.5 kW, 700 kg, 340 thousand rubles).

Professional trimmers for sheets, profiles and pipes occupy an intermediate position according to the specified parameters. For example, Makita LF 1000 (1650 W, from 60 thousand rubles), DeWalt 27111 (1500 W, from 50 thousand rubles).

Having a drawing option gives the user a slight advantage when processing long sheets or pipes. The models have two parallel slats on which the cutting disc is mounted and moves freely along them. A tool with a broach is distinguished by a large cutting width of the part, as well as particularly small teeth on the disk. Also, the tool sometimes has a laser pointer for easy marking and process control. Metal trimming with broaching weighs more than usual, and the presence of the option increases the cost by 20-30%.

The parameters of the cutting blade are the most important classification criterion. They have two diameters - external (at least 20 cm) and internal (also known as landing; about 3 cm). The size of the teeth determines the depth and width of the cut, and the material determines the ability to work with a particular metal.

Now, a few words about manufacturers you can trust.

Tips for choosing a miter saw

For rare and short-term work, choose household equipment (low power, compactness), for regular work - professional equipment (price from 15 thousand and above, power - more than 1 kW). The more powerful the engine, the less it will heat up during operation, the higher the performance of the tool and the larger the disk you can install yourself if replacement is necessary. Many discs indicate the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the material to be cut or its type (for sheets/pipes/profiles); pay attention to this. Models with a spacious blade for work are more expensive, but cutting metal on them is much more convenient. The design welcomes the presence of a cutting depth limiter - this way you can select a groove for processing the workpiece in width. Evaluate whether you need laser illumination, broaching and similar options. If not, don't overpay. If the blade guard does not cover the blade during operation, it is a poor tool and dangerous to operate. The wider the workpieces are cut with a miter saw, the larger the diameter of the disk should be. The heavy weight of the device will cause fatigue when cutting, although its cost is higher than its compact counterparts.

Safety regulations

Before cutting paving slabs with a grinder or a guillotine, or in any other way, it is imperative to ensure the protection of the master.
Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee the safety of work and the absence of risk of injury. Safety precautions when cutting tiles:

  • Protective equipment (especially if a method is chosen for cutting tiles that involves the generation of a large volume of dust, high speed of rotation of parts, etc.) - safety glasses, a respirator, special clothing made of very dense material will save you from dust and injuries.
  • Special headphones to protect against excessively loud noise.
  • Studying the rules for operating the selected tool is generally simple: do not put your fingers near rapidly rotating mechanisms, work carefully with power tools, carefully check devices and parts before starting work, do not use broken or incorrectly functioning devices. Each method involves its own set of rules: for example, if cutting paving slabs with a grinder, then the tool must be held with both hands by the side handle, a protective screen from dust and sparks is used, electrical safety is ensured, etc.
  • During the work, monitor the parts and mechanisms - the guillotine knife, grinder circles must be changed on time, used only if they fully comply with quality standards.

Know when mobility is best

While the miter saw comes out on top in almost every category, there are a few limitations to its use. First. this is the price, and the second. portability. Cutting metal pipe or other long narrow pieces of metal is very easy with a miter saw, but if you are working with sheet metal, you will have a hard time trying to get the entire width of the metal through a stationary cutting saw. Then the Bulgarian comes into play.

Grinders are both cheaper and more portable than a miter saw. They can be held easily in the hand and are especially effective when used to cut small parts from larger materials. Angle grinders can be equipped with either a grinding disc for thicker metal or a cutting disc. Just make sure you get the right drive.

Recommendations for choosing a product brand

The best miter saw in terms of safety, manufacturability and work comfort is a product from one of the following companies:

Most of them offer table expansion for the workpiece, but cutting large parts sometimes requires additional supports. These are found in, for example, the LF 1000 model. This simplifies the user’s work. In this case, the moving part of the makita metal saw enters a stable frame, in which there is an area for setting the cutting angle.

The best trimmers in terms of reliability and stability are those whose frame is made of aluminum or magnesium alloy. They are durable, stable, but at the same time they weigh acceptable. An example is the Bosch GCM 10, popular among professionals, weighs only 15 kg.

The leader among saws with a possible inclination of the cutting edge to the workpiece is Hitachi. While Bosch, Metabo or Makita mostly allow you to set the cutting angle to only 0, 90 or 45 degrees, the Japanese concern offers the user the ability to rotate by 15; 22.5; 30 degrees. This option forces you to add a rotating device to the design, due to which, however, the weight of the installation for cutting profiles, sheets or pipes will still not exceed 30 kg. The price increases by 15-25%.

The DeWalt manufacturer is distinguished by the presence of an XPS system (clear line projection). Before work, a shadow is projected from the saw blade, which makes sawing metal more accurate.

Domestic Interskol models are structurally simple (have a disk, handle, base, motor, start button), inexpensive (from 5,000 rubles), and lightweight. To cut a metal profile, sheet or pipe, you will need to rotate the table or disk. The latter can rotate in both directions.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the models of these manufacturers. Now - to recommendations for wisely investing money in equipment

Can a Miter Saw Cut Metal?

Having high-quality processing or construction tools for home use allows you to quickly complete repairs or carry out restoration, construction or restoration work better and cheaper. In modern conditions, a miter saw helps to accurately cut timber made of laminate, plastic, or wood.

Both professional carpenters and beginners have to cut all kinds of workpieces. The use of all popular equipment options helps to fully evaluate the quality of work of such hand tools.

Bosch (PCM series

With a power of 1.2 kW it will provide a cutting depth of 60 mm, a vertical angle of 120 degrees, price: 13,500 rubles.

PCM 8 S from Bosch with feed function

Power 1.6 kW, cut - 90 mm, angles 65 and 150 degrees, price: 12,100 rubles.

Elitech PTK 1625

Makita (LS 1040 series)

Professional tool 1.7 kW, cutting depth - 67 mm, weight 11 kg, price: 17,000 rubles.

Makita LS1040

VIDEO: Atypical operation of equipment (part 2)

How to choose a metal blade for a miter saw

A similar tool appeared on the market relatively recently. Metal cutting blade for miter saw? For many, even experienced craftsmen, this causes a smile and distrust. Not so long ago, steel could only be cut by flame cutting, a grinder wheel, and a hacksaw. Only wood and plastic materials could be processed on cross-cutting machines.

However, time does not stand still. Materials engineers, in tandem with toolmakers, are constantly working on the synthesis of new alloys. Today, a metal cutting disc for a miter saw can be purchased at any tool store. However, this tool operates in harsh conditions and is subject to wear.

Premium models

Bosch GCM 8 SJL Professional
Professional “trimming” with an excellent set of functions that significantly speed up the process of high-quality processing of various materials with a small cross-section.

Main characteristics: power - 1.6 kW, saw blade rotation speed - 5500 rpm, maximum blade diameter - 216 mm. The cutting depth at an angle of 90° is 70 mm. Cutting width - 312 mm.

Equipment: broach, cutting depth limiter, head tilt to the left 47° and to the right at an angle of 2°, table rotation left/right - 45°/45°.

Functionality: laser marker, two-point dust removal system, work table extension and clamp for fixing the workpiece. Weight - 17.3 kg.

The average cost is 32,700-39,900 rubles.


  1. High performance;
  2. Excellent build quality and structural elements;
  3. Reliability;
  4. Good angles;
  5. Large broach;
  6. Convenient latches.

The disadvantage is the relatively small power and diameter of the saw blade.

Makita LS 1216
Professional miter saw with excellent functionality and high cutting quality. Power - 1.65 kW, spindle speed - 3200 rpm, maximum disk diameter - 305 mm. The cutting depth at an angle of 90° is 107 mm. Cutting width - 363 mm.

Features: broach with double guides on linear ball bearings, tilt of the cutting unit to the right/left at an angle of 45°, rotation of the table to the left 52° to the right - 60°.

Functionality: maintaining speed under load, soft start, cutting depth adjustment, dust extraction pipe, work table extension and clamp for fixing the workpiece. Weight - 26.1 kg.

The cost ranges from 44,900 to 50,700 rubles.


  1. Long broach;
  2. Excellent set of functions;
  3. High build quality.


  1. No laser marker;
  2. No desktop backlight;
  3. Not the most successful implementation of guide blocking.
Dewalt DWS 780
Professional model with a large saw blade with adjustable speed.

Main characteristics: power - 1.675 kW, saw blade rotation speed 1900-3800 rpm, maximum blade diameter - 305 mm. The cutting depth at an angle of 90° is 112 mm. Cutting width - 349 mm.

Equipment: broaching, head tilt left/right at an angle of 49°, table rotation to the left - 45°, to the right 60°.

Functionality: electronic adjustment of the rotation speed of the equipment, adjustment of the cutting depth, dust removal system, illumination of the work area, XPS cutting line positioning system, work table extension and clamp for fixing the material. Weight - 24.8 kg.

The average cost is 53,900-65,390 rubles.


  1. High build quality;
  2. Positioning system;
  3. Precise cutting at various angles;
  4. Relatively low noise level;
  5. Large diameter saw blade.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

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