Choosing a wood burner - characteristics and review of popular devices

Wood burning is a very interesting activity that attracts more and more people of different ages to its ranks of fans. Pyrography, as this creative process is called in a modern manner, has been known since the 18th century, and today burning is experiencing a new wave of popularity . Perhaps the popularization of such a fascinating process occurs thanks to the uniquely beautiful works of world-famous masters; moreover, modern burning devices allow you to transfer any creative ideas to a wooden object. As you know, a good tool is half the success, and today we will tell you how to choose a wood burner, taking into account the technical characteristics of the devices and relying on reviews from experienced users.

Characteristics of burners

A burner (pyrograph) is a fairly simple device; using it will not be difficult, but skill and diligence will still be required. Designed for wood burning. Some models also have the function of burning onto fabric, plastic, and cork. The main thing is to choose a high-quality surface and have the entire set of consumables on hand, and of course, follow the safety rules when using the device.

All manual burners operate from the network. There are models with a heating regulator, but even with them you need to be as careful as possible. The cost of the models is completely different; it will depend on the configuration and additional functions. The brand will also affect the cost of the device.

Criterias of choice

Before purchasing a device, it is important to know how the types and models differ from each other. There are several criteria for different characteristics. Which one is best to buy will depend on your needs and desires.

Let's look at the characteristics:

  1. Along the length of the sting. The longer the tip, the more convenient it is to use, especially when there are small patterns.
  2. According to the number of protective plates. It is optimal if there are two protective plates. They better protect the hand from overheating of the handle. But platinum alone will also be able to cope with this task.
  3. According to the thickness of the holder. Selected individually. The main task is to make it comfortable to hold the burner in your hand.
  4. According to the thickness of the cord. If the cord is too thick, it will add weight to the device. When a child works on it, there will be inconvenience. If an adult uses the device, you can use a thick cable, it will extend the service life.
  5. By power and heating temperature. The optimal power is 30 W and a temperature of 480 degrees. If the numbers are lower, things will progress slowly.
  6. By the number of nozzles. A large number is necessary for professionals for repeated use; for amateurs, it is not necessary to buy large sets; very often one is enough.
  7. According to the material of the nozzles. Nichrome - with temperature control, and brass - most often without temperature control.
  8. Type of pen: hard nib and wire nib.

Solid pen

It does not have the ability to adjust the heat of the pen. Its functionality is reminiscent of soldering equipment; it allows you to make straight lines and burn in spots. Heats up slowly and cools down slowly.


  • durability;
  • ease of use.


  • not suitable for fine work on complex patterns;
  • It takes a long time to heat up and also takes a long time to cool down after use.

Wire feather

It is possible to select the heating temperature. Suitable for professionals, allows you to create real masterpieces. If the wire burns out, it is very easy to replace. You can also use wire of different thicknesses for better results.


  • easy pen replacement;
  • safety at work;
  • allows you to create complex works and patterns.


  • high price;
  • the pen burns out quickly;
  • You can't buy replacement nibs everywhere.

Universal burning device with t regulator, 220V/40W ZD-8905


An excellent option for professional and semi-professional use with a maximum power of 40 W and a temperature of 750 degrees. Operating modes are regulated using a special control unit. The heating time of the device is only 15 seconds.

Universal burning device with t regulator, 220V/40W ZD-8905


  • fast heating
  • convenient temperature adjustment
  • high power


  • need to buy additional attachments

Anyone can burn a beautiful design onto wood. This does not require many elements, just a pyrograph and desire. Happy shopping!

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Tips for Beginners

If you want to get your child interested in the burning process, you need to know the main stages of the work. To get started, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • sketch (what you want to burn on plywood);
  • planks (you can take any wood: linden, pine, maple, ash, you can use plywood);
  • carbon copy;
  • burner (for children a stand is required).


  1. The selected board must be cleaned with fine sandpaper, rubbed with a water-chalk solution and allowed to dry.
  2. Copy the selected drawing onto the board.
  3. Prepare the burner for operation (turn it on and wait for it to heat up).
  4. Apply along all the contours of the drawing with equal pressure, so that a dark brown stripe appears.
  5. Next, draw all the other details; you can use different attachments and different pressure levels to get a more voluminous and beautiful drawing.
  6. The drawing is ready! It can be painted with paints if desired.

The best manufacturers

Among the manufacturers, there are those who produce inexpensive (budget) burners with minimal equipment, but there are also those whose devices will cost several thousand rubles, will have additional functionality, and will have much more equipment. How much a particular model costs may also depend on the store in which it is sold.

  • Vyaz is a domestic producer. It produces various models capable of making both complex patterns for professionals and ordinary ones for amateurs.
  • MultiArt - Made in China. There is a wooden base, and any design can be applied to it. The materials are safe for children.
  • Orbit. It produces burners for children, especially in small sizes. They heat up quickly, are fully equipped and are convenient to work with.
  • Pebaro is a German company, most of its products are made for schoolchildren. They have been on the market for a long time and have established themselves as a reliable manufacturer.
  • Tenth Kingdom - the company produces creative products, mainly burners, for children from 8 years old. Product of good quality and budget price. The number of items for each set is different. Be sure to look at the package when purchasing.
  • STAYER is a large manufacturer of power tools and consumables. German company. Produces branded products of excellent quality. It has an international licensor for all manufactured products. Produces popular models.
  • REXANT is a Russian company specializing in the production of electrical equipment, tools, TV and audio equipment. The tools and equipment of this company are made of quality materials.

Rating of quality burners for children

It’s always nice to receive a gift made with your own hands, so by giving your child such an item you will not only interest him in creativity, but he will also learn tolerance and perseverance. After all, using such a device requires perseverance and accuracy.

It is important to remember that children should not be allowed to use the device independently. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about how to make the work safe.

Burning set “Pattern-10K”

Manufacturer: Tenth Kingdom. Includes 8 boards, stand, one attachment. It has 3 positions: middle (0) - off, position l - low degree of heating, position ll - high degree of heating. Heats up quickly - within 1 minute. Cools down in 5 minutes. Price: from 1,357 rubles. Recommended children's age: 8+.

Burning set “Pattern-10K”


  • quality material;
  • easy to use;
  • 2 heating modes.


  • high price;
  • no spare feathers.
Power20 W
Equipmentburning boards
Cord length150 cm
Dimensions (packed)16x13x7 cm
Weight165 gr

Burning set HP-0268

Manufacturer: Russian company Red Cat. The set includes replaceable attachments (6 pieces) and a stand. Intended for children over 14 years of age. Average cost: 350 rub.

Burning set HP-0268


  • price;
  • easy;
  • availability of additional attachments.


  • long heating;
  • not a convenient handle shape.
Equipment4 replaceable attachments, stand
Dimensions (packed)26x14x7
Weight160 gr

Burning set “Morning walk”

Manufacturer: Dreamer. Full set, there is a board with a stencil applied and 1 board without a pattern. Average price: 1200 rub.

Burning set “Morning walk”


  • set of extended equipment;
  • availability of replaceable nozzles;
  • easy.


  • no heating sensor;
  • takes a long time to warm up.
Power30 W
Equipmentstand, sandpaper, stencil board, 2 burning boards, replaceable tips
Cord length115 cm
Dimensions (packed)37x25x8
Weight215 gr

Burning set “Horse and Owl” by MultiArt

The kit includes 6 additional attachments. Made in China. You can order online from the AliExpress online store from China. Recommended for use by children over 6 years of age. Price: from 800 rub.

Burning set “Horse and Owl” by MultiArt


  • a budget option;
  • additional nozzles.


  • takes a long time to warm up;
  • burns shallowly (may scratch the board).
Power40 W
Equipmentreplaceable attachments, board, stand
Dimensions (packed)18x10x4
Weight230 gr

Master burning set

Manufacturer: Tenth Kingdom. Designed for children over 6 years old. Average price: 300 rub.

Master burning set


  • Ease of use;
  • several designs for burning on stencils;
  • quality materials.


  • no replaceable nozzles;
  • not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
Equipment8 stencil boards, 2 plain boards
Dimensions (packed)18x11x4
Weight165 gr

BONDIBON with board and Paints BB 1413

The set includes 3 additional nozzles and stencils on burning boards. After burning, the picture can be decorated with the paints included in the kit. Which makes the activity even more interesting. Warranty: 1 year. Price: from 800 rub.

BONDIBON with board and Paints BB 1413


  • price;
  • equipment.


  • takes a long time to heat up;
  • The handle is not very comfortable for a child.
Power20 W
Equipmentinterchangeable nozzles, board, stand, paints (6 colors), brush
Dimensions (packed)20x8x4
Weight250 gr

The last hero

Manufactured by Tenth Kingdom. The last hero burners allow you to create patterns of any complexity. Heating time is approximately 5 minutes, there are buttons to adjust the temperature. Warranty: 1 year. Price: from 1500 rub.

The last hero


  • additional drawing boards;
  • quality of material.


  • price;
  • long heating.
Power20 W
Equipmentreplaceable nozzles, boards, stand
Cord length1.5 m
Dimensions (packed)32x18x7
Weight250 gr

Burning set “Pattern” Transvit

Device for working with wood and fabric. The kit includes an additional needle for guilloche (burning on fabric). Suitable for both professionals and beginning creative people, and children of high school age. The device is made in Russia. Heating time: 3 minutes. The set includes a metal stand. Average price: 1200 rub.

Burning set “Pattern” Transvit


  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of use;
  • The set contains stencils for work.


  • a small number of additional attachments;
  • The handle and wire periodically heat up.
Power20 W
Equipmentstand, stencils for work, replacement components
Dimensions (packed)177x133x82
Weight750 gr

Transvit burning set Elm

Manufacturer: Elm. Russian production, have established themselves as a reliable and high-quality manufacturer. Can be used in schools and clubs to work under heavy loads. Price: from 1300 rub.

Transvit burning set Elm


  • ease of use;
  • compact;


  • price;
  • Few spare nozzles.
Power20 W
EquipmentStand, replaceable nibs
Dimensions (packed)23x9x7
Weight250 gr


The quality of the work will largely depend on the quality of the wood you choose, which should match the pattern you choose.
It should be remembered that there are no absolutely identical pieces of even the same type of wood. Here are just some general tips:

  • The surface of the workpiece must be very smooth. Sand it along the grain of the wood, starting with coarse sandpaper and ending with the softest, “velvet” sandpaper.
  • It’s easy for a beginner to find inexpensive wooden objects on which to hone their skills: spoons, spatulas, kitchen cutting boards. Most often they are made from beech. This is a wonderful wood. Its fiber is so smooth that the thinnest line can be easily read on the surface. Never buy spoons or boards that are coated with varnish.
  • Another ideal material for a beginner is plywood, which is most often either made from a cut of birch or covered with birch veneer.
  • Among the light hardwood varieties, the most popular are sycamore, basswood, holly and maple. They have a smooth fiber, and their light tone contrasts well with the pattern. Personally, I also really like working with wood from fruit trees, such as pear and cherry,
  • A very beautiful background for the picture is created by yew, walnut and ash. Their background is richer than that of plain white wood. However, the fiber of these trees has its own distinct pattern, so when working with these types of wood, you should choose a wider pattern that does not require subtle transitions of light and shade. The structure of rosewood and teak is also very beautiful.
  • You can burn, although with certain reservations, on blanks or products made of oak, elm and soft woods such as pine. The fiber in all of them is quite coarse and uneven, so the lines drawn on it blur. Not every design can be applied to dark wood, such as a cut of mahogany. Such wood can only be used in certain cases.
  • It cannot be ruled out that you will be faced with the need to improve the natural grain of the wood, but this should not be done with wood species such as satin wood - it has an excellent natural texture.

Rating for professionals

For adults using the device at home, it is necessary to choose models with the lowest degree of smoke. The rating includes both new products and time-tested burners.

Burning set 0260 Pebaro

The products are German-made, the company has established itself on the Russian market as reliable. The kit includes 20 replaceable nozzles. Price: from 2000 rub.

Burning set 0260 Pebaro


  • 2 year warranty;
  • heats up quickly;
  • burns through plywood well;
  • good quality materials.


  • price;
  • when heated too much, the pen bends;
  • plastic stand.
Power30 W
EquipmentStand, replaceable attachments
Dimensions (packed)29x9x4
Weight226 g

Burning set 45225 STAYER

STAYER is a German company that has positively proven itself in the market. Heating time: 4 minutes. Price: from 700 rub.

Burning set 45225 STAYER


  • price;
  • good quality;
  • ease of use.


  • long heating;
  • Doesn't always burn through wood well.
Power30 W
EquipmentStand, replaceable attachments
Dimensions (packed)28x12x7
Weight210 gr

Burning machine with temperature control function ZD-8905 REXANT

The device is designed for working on wood, plastic, cork, and leather. Temperature range: 450-750 degrees. Heats up within 25 seconds. Has heating adjustment. Price: from 2,200 rub.

Burning machine with temperature control function ZD-8905 REXANT


  • quality materials;
  • ease of use;
  • multifunctionality.


  • price;
  • few additional stings;
  • buzzes when working.
Power40 W
Equipmentreplaceable tip
Dimensions (packed)214x79x178
Weight1.3 kg

Burning station 45228 STAYER

Products of German quality and reliability. The company has a positive reputation in the Russian market. 12 month warranty. Burner type: manual. Heating temperature: up to 750 degrees. Average price: 2300 rub.

Burning station 45228 STAYER


  • quality materials;
  • burns wood well;
  • switch on the body.


  • price;
  • few replaceable attachments;
  • At high temperatures the handle gets hot.
Power40 W
Equipmentset with nozzles
Cord length1 meter
Dimensions (packed)180x57x210 mm
Weight1.24 kg

Burning machine with Pebaro attachments (0280)

Made in Germany. It is used not only for wood burning, but also for soldering products. Heating temperature: from 50 to 500 degrees. Average price: 9,500 rub.

Burning machine with Pebaro attachments (0280)


  • multifunctionality;
  • temperature regime;
  • quality materials.


  • price;
  • dimensions.
Power24 W
Equipmentstand, station, soldering iron, replaceable pen
Dimensions19x27x7.5 cm
Weight1.3 kg

STAYER Burning device 45227


A reliable pyrograph with good equipment, designed for amateurs and professionals. The set includes 20 unique attachments made of durable material. Therefore, they do not deteriorate during prolonged use. The power is 30 W, which is the best option for a small home workshop. There is also a convenient plastic case for transportation.

STAYER Burning device 45227


  • famous brand
  • design
  • nice quality pen
  • good case
  • convenient stand
  • 20 nozzles


  • slow heating

Selection tips (recommendations)

To avoid mistakes when choosing, follow the following recommendations.

What to pay attention to

  • high-quality material of the device;
  • It’s better to take sets with additional accessories (protective caps, stand);
  • if you take it for a child or for a non-professional, then the design of the device should be understandable;
  • It is better for children to take sets with diagrams included in the set;
  • you can take sets for burning not only wood, but also fabric and plastic (universal models);
  • Check the operation of the device before purchasing.

It is impossible to say for sure which company is better to buy a burner; for some, the quality of the material is important, for others - the price or popularity of the models. Therefore, everyone chooses their “best burner” based on their goals and objectives.

What is a burning device?

From the point of view of radio electronics, the circuit of an electrical device for drawing on a wooden surface is quite primitive. The basis is a step-down transformer that generates a voltage of 6–12 V. The burning device also consists of an ergonomic handle with a pin and an electrical cord. Depending on the design, the transformer is located in the handle or a separate block. In the latter case, this is a professional drawing apparatus. For children under 10–12 years old, such a device may be difficult to master.

There are models of wood burners with replaceable nozzles and tips. They differ in operating features and other nuances, which will be discussed below. Depending on the wood, the burning tool will behave differently. For experimental work, experts in the field of pyrography recommend using a piece of ordinary sanded plywood. For a child learning to burn, this is an ideal preparation. If you plan to create patterns or three-dimensional paintings, light boards made of birch and linden are suitable. But it is better not to use pine blanks.

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