How to sharpen razor blades using jeans, a belt and a sharpener

Numerous manufacturers of men's accessories and shaving accessories offer disposable and reusable razors with blades made of quality materials. But sooner or later, any blade will begin to lose its properties, especially if you do not provide the machine with decent care, proper operation and storage. In this regard, experts offer many techniques for sharpening machine blades, many of which can be used at home.

Many men know how to sharpen a razor at home, since several ancient methods have been practiced for many years. Today, many new ideas have been invented that also sharpen blades quickly and easily, extending their service life. It is only important to follow all the details and instructions, otherwise you may damage the sharp cutting surface.

Sharpening a razor at home: what is important to know

Many men believe that sharpening blades for a machine is an unlikely or completely useless task. Especially considering the fact that there is a huge assortment of new blades and cassettes on sale in stores. In fact, high-quality razors cost a lot of money, as do blades for such models. Therefore, experts recommend saving money and sharpening blades, unless, of course, you use a cheap disposable razor.

Only a few types of razors can be sharpened using this method:

  • disposable machine;
  • reusable razors with cassettes;
  • T-shaped machines.

If, in addition to proper use and care, the blades are sharpened, a man will be able to provide himself with high-quality wet shaving and save money on the purchase of a machine or blades. Otherwise, the blades will not only cut hairs poorly and pull them out, but also scrape off the top layer of skin. An important condition for sharpening is to follow the instructions for all stages, otherwise you can dull the cutting surface even more.

Don't make the knife too sharp

Many people want to give a knife blade the sharpness of a razor. However, in the case of a kitchen knife, this is still not recommended. After all, when cutting food, it will quickly become dull again. A rough edge has a better effect on food fibers. This means that such a knife will have some properties of a saw. A coarse sharpened tool is well suited for cutting meat and chopping vegetables.

However, there is one type of product that, on the contrary, is better to cut with a blade sharpened to a razor sharpness. We are talking about fish. When it is necessary to cut fish, it is better to use a knife with a fine sharpening.

In general, it is impossible to give a knife the sharpness inherent in a razor by simply sharpening it using a whetstone. Only fine-tuning the blade will help make a cutting tool sharp. And this stage of bringing the tool into working condition begins after sharpening itself.

The finishing of the knife should be done manually. And various devices such as sandpaper and other “sharpeners” will not give the desired effect. They are only suitable for simple sharpening, when you only need to return the knife to the sharpness it has lost, and not turn its blade into something similar to a razor.

What is needed for finishing

  1. For finishing, you will need bars of different grain sizes. There should be at least two of them. However, professionals use at least three.
  2. You will also need genuine leather. You should choose a thicker material, taking, for example, a piece of some leather belt. Moreover, it is not advisable to use a skin substitute.
  3. To work you will need GOI paste.
  4. You also cannot do without technical Vaseline.

Finishing on a block with a small grain size

First you need to use a fine-grained block. The knife should be positioned so that the line of its tip and the vector of movement always make an angle of 90 degrees. There is no point in sharpening a knife by holding it diagonally, that is, at some other angle to the motion vector.

Step by step guide

Today, the most pressing request from men in forums and communities is as follows - how to sharpen the blades of a Vest razor. This manufacturer offers high-quality machines with replaceable cassettes, which you can easily extend the shelf life yourself, without the help of a specialist. Most often, two devices are used for this action - a pyramid razor blade sharpener or ordinary denim.

You can make a pyramid yourself from a material that is incapable of magnetization, for example, plexiglass or cardboard. It is secured with glue or tape; it is prohibited to use metal fasteners. Further sharpening is carried out as follows:

  • mark the pyramid on a hard, straight surface;
  • then the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points;
  • the razor blades should be placed along the pyramid in the north-south direction;
  • the blades should lie in this state under the pyramid for 6-8 hours.

The same method can be used to sharpen blades for cassette razors such as Gillette and other brands.

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Many men have been successfully practicing the technique for many years, noting its ease of use and high efficiency. Using a special device from RazorPit or Zattoch, blades on a cassette or removable blades are sharpened as follows:

  • Apply a little shaving gel to the surface of the device;
  • further along the abrasive surface, but in the opposite direction, as during shaving, movements are made with the machine;
  • make 25-30 such movements at a time;
  • At the end, the machine and working fixture will need to be rinsed with water.

Just 5-10 minutes of such manipulations will be enough to revive the blades of the machine and give the razor a second life. This will not only save money, but also provide a man with high-quality and effective shaving of stubble and mustache without irritation and other consequences.


The preparatory stage involves making a preliminary assessment of the geometry of the razor tool in order to find out what type of sharpener will be required (coarse or fine).

Evaluate the geometry by placing the instrument on a flat surface (preferably glass). It should be in contact with the leads and edge of the razor. If the fit on the side of the cutting edge and the backing is not tight enough, preference is given to a coarse abrasive.

The geometry of the tool is assessed from both sides.

Examine the “caution” for the straightness of the cutting edge line. If there is a geometric defect - a “reverse smile” - it will not allow you to properly sharpen the tip. It will need to be fixed.

Handy tools to help

If a device such as a razor sharpener is not suitable for a man, you can use improvised means, for example, denim. This is one of the first methods that was invented by men many years ago. It is enough to simply turn the fabric inside out, and then run the loom with the blades inside against the direction of the fabric threads 30-40 times, but without pressing.

Another handy method is a leather belt, and sharpening the blades follows the same scenario as with denim. You need to choose a belt that does not have frayed areas or creases, otherwise the surface of the blades will be damaged. You need to move the blades along the belt from its wrong side. This will maintain the integrity of the painted side of the belt while improving the functionality of the machine.

Is it important to use special devices?

In fact, any selected razor sharpener should be approved by experts, like a leather belt, pyramid or denim. Other unfamiliar techniques and untested means at hand can easily damage the integrity of the blades, since we are talking about a metal plate with a thickness of 0.5 mm or less. Although there are many razor sharpeners sold online, only a few actually do the job.

If we are talking about an expensive machine and blades, it is better to purchase sharpening options such as a device from the RazorPit brand or its Ukrainian equivalent from the Zattoch brand. In such a device you can sharpen both blades and cassettes of a safety razor without fear for their integrity and functionality. If a man prefers the cheap option of sharpening on jeans, you need to correctly observe the direction of the blades perpendicular to the direction of the threads in the fabric.

Required Tools

The following will help maintain the working condition of the razor:

  • stones;
  • sharpening belt;
  • sandpaper.

The blade "guard" is sharpened in the factory. With its further use, only regular editing will be required. We are talking about grinding, which allows you to remove burrs and straighten the edge. If the blade is damaged, they resort to sharpening, which involves the use of a stone and partial removal of the blade.

Stones for sharpening a straight razor should:

  • characterized by uniform fine grain (indicator – 4000/8000);
  • maintain shape;
  • do not have agglomerates (we are talking about dense lumps);
  • do not give a large suspension.

To get excellent results, professionals recommend using:

  • Super Stone whetstone from Naniwa;
  • sharpening stone Ganzo SPEP600 from the company Hansa.

It is also recommended to use the “Iron Grip” sharpener (sharpening machine) or the Profile K03 sharpening device made by the domestic manufacturer, the Profil technostudio.

The blade guard is adjusted using a belt. Its width must be greater than the length of the blade to ensure uniform processing of the entire surface of the tool.

Editing is done on a leather belt (or made of fabric). No abrasive paste is required. It is used for finishing when it is impossible to achieve a good result by editing.

Sandpaper, a budget product, can be used for sharpening, but it is not advisable. The shave will be rough after using it.

Professionals advise using coarse sandpaper (P320) for initial processing if there is a need for serious sharpening.


Razor accessories all have their own service life, which depends on the materials used in the production of the razor itself and the quality of the blades in it. Disposable razors are used no more than 1-3 times, but T-shaped razors and reusable razors will last longer if you change the cutting parts on time. And in order not to spend money on buying new “feathers”, you can sharpen them in a timely manner. To do this, you may need a special device, as well as a pyramid of improvised materials, a leather strap or denim.

Replacement cartridges for razors are quite expensive. Therefore, in order to save money, men are willing to endure skin irritation using a “dull” razor. This article talks about how to sharpen blades yourself .

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With the simple "
blue jeans sharpening " method, you'll get a sharp and close shave.
After you finish shaving, go to your closet and take out your jeans . Hold the edge of the pant leg with one hand and move the blade along the entire length of 10 to 20 wires with the other, then change direction . The threads of the jeans are laid diagonally, so changing the direction will allow for balanced sharpening of the entire surface of the blades.

The method allows you to remove small nicks and maintain sharpness for a long period of time.

It looks like blade boards on a leather belt. The method is cheap if you have a pair of blue jeans.

Sharpen 20 times before and after shaving - this will keep the edge “clean”.

It is also necessary to blow of water off the blade , since oxidation and rust are a big enemy of sharpness. For 100% water removal, you can store the blades in alcohol .

I hope that after reading this article you will have a pleasant shave and good savings.

Among all the variety of shaving devices, the most effective is the machine from a regular razor. However, this product has one big drawback: it quickly becomes dull and the cassette has to be changed frequently. For owners of razors, several effective home methods for sharpening them have been invented. This is discussed in more detail below.

Useful tips for caring for your machine

To extend the service life of knives, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • constantly maintain cleanliness, remove remaining hair and stubble;
  • perform lubrication in a timely manner;
  • Perform turning with materials and tools recommended by the manufacturer.

Intensive use of a razor leads to dull knives, as a result of which cutting becomes worse and hair begins to be pulled out. Irritation appears on the skin due to the increased amount of time in contact with the surface of the instrument. Finding replacements for electric razors is quite difficult.

Sharpening electric razor knives Watch this video on YouTube

Do I need to sharpen my razor myself?

The following facts support a positive answer to this question:

  1. If you take it yourself, you can extend the life of the machine by approximately the same period of time.
  2. Such actions allow you to save significantly, because... When buying a replacement one, you are spending a significant amount of money. And sharpening helps to postpone the trip for new accessories by 2-3 months.
  3. In some situations, it is problematic to buy a new pack of replacement blades. For example, when you urgently need to shave. To do this without being distracted by going to the store, you just need to sharpen the blades.

Having used one of the sharpening methods once, everyone has the opportunity to learn how to do it efficiently and easily. If there is no need for these inventions, of course, it’s easier to run to the store and buy a new pack of cassettes. And anyone who sharpened a blade using one of the methods listed below will probably be happy to share their impressions of a positive result.

Why do you need to sharpen electric razor blades?

Self-sharpening of special shaving blades allows you to extend their service life and improve the quality of cutting stubble. It will be possible to shave even long hair in one pass without wrapping it around the shaft, thereby eliminating skin damage or irritation.

The reason for sharpening the cutting edges of the razor yourself may be the need to shave in the field. This is especially true when there are no specialized sharpeners or machines at hand.

Using jeans: sharpening from scrap material

For those who don’t know how to sharpen a razor and need to shave urgently, old jeans will help solve the problem. Processing with this material is simple and accessible to restore the sharpness of the device.

Such sharpening of shaving blades will require a little more time than when processing using special devices. However, the result will be at the same level. To work, you need a round piece of jeans and a dull blade.

Additionally, you need to use a foil sleeve, a ruler, or take another flat wooden object. The width of the latter should be less than the length of the cutting part of the razor. This condition must be observed, because The edges of the blade contain ridges that may interfere with sharpening the razor.

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The sharpening process is as follows:

  1. The denim material is placed wrong side up on any smooth surface.
  2. Place a block (cardboard or ruler) under the fabric. In this case, the scars on the tissue should be located diagonally.
  3. Next, apply the razor itself, run it along the fabric and in the opposite direction. This step will take up to 150 movements.
  4. When finishing sharpening, rinse the blade with water.

The “jeans” treatment process helps to increase the service life of the device by 2-3 times.

How to do it manually?

Regardless of whether you decide to master manual sharpening or use small-scale mechanization means, the right thing to do is start with a block of the coarsest grain size and move on to finer ones. It is advisable to hold the knife perpendicular to the block

The most important thing is to maintain the same angle of inclination of the blade to the surface at all times. Movements when sharpening should be uniform, monotonous

The sharpening stone and the surface on which it rests should not move. To do this, you can put a piece of sheet rubber on the table, or, failing that, a moistened sheet of paper.

Grinding the first third of the knife tip G. SakaiFoldingHunter" on a water stone 600 grit (before starting work, a block of natural stone is soaked in water for 15 minutes, and then its surface is lubricated with soapy water)

Don’t forget to periodically check how much metal is being removed from the handle, and don’t press the knife too hard - the pressing force against the block should be small but constant. Moving the knife away from you or towards you is a matter of taste; to save time, I do it in both directions. To begin with, you should practice using a regular board instead of a sharpening stone, and, say, a short ruler instead of a knife. Hands will remember.

Many consider the sharpening process to be a kind of movement meditation; in principle, that’s how it is. The need for constant control and concentration on the task at hand forces you to disconnect from external factors. It turns out to be a kind of zen.

Sharpening a cassette in a pyramid

If you are wondering how to sharpen a razor and don’t want to buy any equipment, you can build a special pyramid for this purpose.

This device is useful for repeated use. Sharpening your razor is simple and convenient. When manufacturing, you should proceed from the dimensions of the machine. The device itself can be constructed from wooden slats and any available material that is used to cover the sides of the figure. Using machines with this device is very profitable.

The razor is placed in the inner part of the pyramid with the blade directed north. The device itself is also positioned taking into account the cardinal directions.

Why razor blades become sharp is still an open question for debate. Judging by the reviews of those who tried to build a special pyramid, we can conclude that the method really works.

One razor must be processed in a pyramid for 1.5-4 years. Therefore, the device is considered effective and reliable, despite its secret technique of influence.

Effective ways

Sharpening electric razor blades at home is a fairly simple task. If you follow the rules for using shaving machines and properly sharpen such a tool can last for many years.


One of the effective and simple solutions to return blades to their factory specifications is to sharpen them with sandpaper. If the blades become dull, you need to act according to a certain algorithm.

  • First, the blades are completely removed from the device body.
  • The knives are inserted into the shaft or cardan, after which the device should operate for 10 to 15 seconds. The knives are installed downwards on the sanding paper. The blades must be pressed against the surface of the paper.
  • Next, sandpaper with a larger grit is taken and the steps are repeated.

At the final stage, take a dry brush and shake off all the dust. The blades can be inserted back into the device.

To effectively sharpen men's razors at home with your own hands, it is also recommended to use GOI paste. The fine-grained powder helps to perfectly restore the structure of the blades. The procedure is performed sequentially.

  • At the first stage, a flat-bottomed dish is selected, into which a small amount of paste is placed.
  • To soften the mixture, you can use regular vegetable oil.
  • Then a little solvent is added. It must be remembered that the substance must be mixed thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. It is recommended to stir using a wooden spatula.
  • The result is jelly. Ideally it should cover a few centimeters at the bottom of the pan.
  • Next, the razor blades are completely immersed in the prepared mass.
  • The device should be turned on for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • At the final stage, a flannel napkin is taken and the excess mass is removed.

It is worth remembering that it is best to sharpen and polish metal using paste No. 3.


Denim is also suitable for restoring the sharpness of razor blades. This is one of the most budget-friendly methods. The instructions advise you to follow several steps.

  • Turn out the denim.
  • The fabric must be placed on a durable object. A table or wooden beam may be suitable for these purposes.
  • The material is held diagonally or evenly depending on the tailoring of the product.
  • The razor blades move in the opposite direction to the one used for shaving.

Although this is a very cheap option, it may not always be effective. This is most often due to poor quality denim or the material reaching its end of life.

Sharpening accessories

When demand arises, supply always appears. Recently, on the windows of some stores you can find special devices that make it easy to sharpen a razor at home. The device itself resembles a special pen, which is equipped with a small plastic strip. On the outer part of which a composition (abrasive) is applied, which sharpens disposable and reusable machines. With this device, the service life is extended several times.

Such devices are easy to use and allow you to achieve good results. To process a razor using such a device, the following steps are taken:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid soap, gel or shaving foam to the top of the device.
  2. The razor is taken and passed along the abrasive in the direction opposite to the movement during the operation of the blade
  3. To achieve the result, you need to do about 30 movements. And this is enough, the blade of dreams will become sharp.

These are all the methods that solve the question of how to sharpen a razor. Using these simple devices you can save money and extend the life of your blades by several months.

Dangerous design

“Opaska” is also considered a tool that technologically consists of parts. These parts must be used correctly. Like any tool or product, it has a design and technological map. Before you sharpen a straight razor, you need to study its design.

In its structure it has many details:

  • double base;
  • blade;
  • head;
  • back;
  • brand;
  • tail;
  • heel;
  • lever.

The “guard” consists of two main parts – a handle and a metal blade (blade). Technologically, as a safety feature, a hole was designed in the handle into which the blade “hides” so as not to injure anyone. The dangerous blade itself rotates freely along its axis during operation, but is strictly fixed between the handle mounts. The handle has ridges and gaps (erlem) that provide a rigid grip between the hand and the tool. The main thing is to sharpen a straight razor correctly.

The blade angle is 12 degrees for maximum grip on the cutting material. The device works as cleanly as possible, unlike modern machines and electric shavers. But not everyone can use it; it requires a lot of skills and training.

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