15 tips from professionals - rules for working on a sheet bending machine


The first thing any craftsman needs to understand, whether a novice or an experienced specialist, is that any device has its pitfalls. Any sheet bending tool needs constant monitoring and checking for technical faults.

Regardless of the type of activity for which the sheet bending machine is used - making trims, cutting copper or steel sheets, manufacturing medical furniture - you must be able to work on it correctly.

It is important and mandatory to conduct safety training, train machine operators, and take care not only of your sheet bending devices, but also of the health of workers.

This article was prepared for those who have only recently started working on sheet bending machines or for those who are just planning to buy a bending machine and are not confident in their abilities and skills.

We decided to share with you the knowledge that will help any craftsman obtain high-quality products using his equipment.

General labor protection requirements

Metalwork assemblers who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone special training and knowledge testing in the prescribed manner, who have qualification group I in electrical safety, who have undergone introductory and initial training at the workplace with training in safe methods and techniques are allowed to work independently on sheet-bending and edge-bending equipment. work and providing first aid to victims of accidents, internships and received permission to work independently. Repeated training on labor protection is carried out at least once every 3 months. Repeated testing of knowledge on occupational safety and repeated instructions on electrical safety are carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.2. Comply with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise on the territory of the plant. Be attentive to moving vehicles and operating lifting machines.

1.3. Do not turn on or stop machines, machines and mechanisms that you are not authorized to use by the administration (except in emergency cases).

1.4. Comply with the work and rest schedule established at the enterprise. Normal working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. Lunch break 30 min. The total time for rest and natural needs during the shift is 48 minutes.

1.5. When working on sheet-bending and edge-bending equipment, dangerous and harmful production factors operating during the work process are:

moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of equipment, devices and tools that can lead to injury;

processed material, workpieces, if handled incorrectly and carelessly, as well as if accidentally dropped, can lead to injury;

insufficient illumination of the work area can lead to deterioration of vision;

Increased noise levels in the workplace can lead to hearing damage;

a dangerous level of voltage in an electrical circuit can lead to electrical injury;

1.6. To work safely on edge bending equipment, personal protective equipment must be used.

Individual means


GOST or TU Wearing period


Cotton suit GOST 27575-87 12
Leather boots GOST 12.4. 187-97 12
Combined mittens GOST 12.4. 10-75 1
Safety glasses GOST 12.4. 13-85 before wear

Each worker must know and follow the operating instructions for the equipment.

In case of any interruption in the supply of electricity, compressed air, or a drop in pressure in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, it is necessary to turn off the equipment.

If electric current is detected on the metal parts of the equipment, abnormal operation of the electric motor (increased noise and vibration), or a break in the ground wire, it is necessary to turn off the equipment and

. report any malfunctions to the technician. Self-repair of faulty electrical equipment is prohibited.

Each employee must receive fire safety training and be able to use available fire extinguishing equipment. In the event of a fire or if signs of combustion are detected, immediately notify the plant fire brigade by phone. ..., report to the foreman or other person in the workshop administration and begin fire extinguishing using available means (fire extinguisher, sand, and other fire equipment).

Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about any accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health. Provide first aid to victims of injury or sudden illness.

If you find any deficiencies in the workplace or malfunctions of equipment, lifting machines, tools, devices, inform the foreman or work manager. It is prohibited to independently repair any malfunctions if such work is not within the scope of your responsibilities.

Observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap before eating, do not eat in the workplace, but use a special room for this purpose. Wear serviceable, clean, oil-free clothing and shoes at work.

Each worker is obliged to know well and strictly comply with all the requirements set out in these instructions.

Persons who violate these instructions are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Conveniently organize tool storage.

Most often, workshops group tools either by material thickness or by the nature of the task. Experts recommend choosing one of the approaches and using it. They also believe that it is advisable to have a separate set of tools for each of the presses.

Many people think that using one set of tools on several presses will help them save money. Yes, but these savings are short-lived. Over a long period, this is rather a disadvantage - unless we are talking about a special tool with special radii and lengths.

Stage bending is a process that can be the best method to speed up production and maintain quality work. It has two advantages. First of all, the preparation time for the part is reduced and the possibility of operator error is reduced. Secondly, it often happens that for some parts the size of the workpiece is not entirely accurate. This means that corner access has to be changed to make a part fit as expected or fit into another. If the part is not bent in stages, then this cannot be achieved.

Experienced operators working with relatively simple parts will suggest a setup where they can bend multiple parts at once, and most operators will follow their recommendation. However, this method does not always guarantee correct planning. Today, it is increasingly common practice for 1-2 experienced operators to prepare press settings for the entire workshop. But this is not always the best idea: the rest of the operators may stand nearby and wait their turn to configure. That's why many manufacturers are planning to invest in more sophisticated technologies: they typically make setup easier and don't necessarily require an experienced operator.

Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Wear clean, serviceable, regulated personal protective equipment (PPE).

Safety glasses must be the right size, the glass must not fall out, have no cracks, chips, scratches, be clean, and provide good visibility. By tensioning the headband, ensure that the glasses fit snugly to your face.

2.2. Check the condition of the workplace: there should be no scraps of material or other foreign objects on the floor. Remove everything that could interfere with work; the floor must be in good condition and not slippery.

By external inspection, check the serviceability of the protective grounding and lubrication of rubbing parts.

Adjust local lighting so that the work area is sufficiently illuminated and the light does not blind the eyes.

Before starting (switching on) the equipment, make sure that there are no unauthorized persons, as well as foreign objects in the working area or on rotating parts.

When starting to work on edge bending machines, you need to check:

the presence and serviceability of the counterweight fencing, and the reliability of securing the load on it;

actions of the counterweight movement limiter;

actions of governing bodies;

equipment operation at idle speed.

2.7. Before starting work on sheet bending machines, you need to check:

oil level according to the oil indicator; if required, add oil to the hydraulic unit tank (industrial oil 30 GOST 28799-88);

lubrication of the machine and if necessary;

activation of the emergency “General Stop” button.

It is prohibited to turn on electric motors when the oil level in the tank is less than the lower level of the oil indicator.

Receive the equipment and workplace from the shift worker (foreman) in a clean condition, become familiar with the existing problems with the equipment in the previous shift and with the measures taken to eliminate them.

Report any malfunctions in the operation of the sheet bending and edge bending machine to the foreman and do not start work without his instructions. It is prohibited to troubleshoot problems yourself.

Operating the machine: gaining experience

From practical experience it is known that manual sheet benders are most often purchased by non-professionals. Their operation and sheet processing technology does not create any particular difficulties.

To carry out work on a sheet bending machine, you must follow the recommendations of experienced specialists and purchase a machine, a workpiece and a measuring tool. Next you need:

  • prepare the workplace;
  • take measurements of the sheet, marking the bending and cutting lines;
  • clamp the workpiece, according to the markings, raise the lever to the required level and lower it;
  • take out the resulting workpiece and check the quality of the bend.


For convenience and safety, large sheets should be processed by two people or by using roller supports.

Attentive attention to safety precautions and compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions will allow you to obtain a product of decent quality and the required size.

Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Be attentive, do not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and do not distract others.

3.2. Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace, do not block aisles and passages, and do not allow workpieces and scraps to accumulate near the equipment.

Work only on technically sound equipment. Working on faulty equipment is prohibited.

Work only on the equipment to which you are authorized and perform the work assigned by the administration.

Do not allow persons unrelated to this work to enter your workplace. Do not trust operating equipment to another worker without the foreman’s permission.

During operation, do not lean on the equipment or allow others to do so.

When bending metal (workpieces) with rust or scale on the surface on bending equipment, it is necessary to work in safety glasses.

Lifting limits must be observed. For men constantly - 15 kg, up to 2 times an hour - 30 kg. For women, constantly - 7 kg, up to 2 times an hour - 10 kg. Install heavier parts with a partner, and be sure to coordinate your actions with him.

The start-up of bending machines must be carried out under the condition of carefully checking the absence of unauthorized persons and foreign objects on the workpieces being processed in the counterweight zone (dangerous zone).

While working on bending machines, it is prohibited:

insert your hands into the area between the (slider) pressure beam and the bending knife;

reinstall the sheet;

reconfigure the stroke of the pressing and bending beams and knife;

bend metal if its thickness is greater than indicated in the machine passport;

3.11.5. bend profiles from narrow strips without using appropriate positioning devices to hold the strips in the working area;

3.11.6. adjust the stops, clean, lubricate the components and mechanisms of the machine.

It is not allowed to work on bending machines with one end advancing or uneven (jerky) movement of the slider (pressure beam).

When operating the edge bending machine, you must stand to the side of the rotary beam.

3.14. Turn off the main switch and lock it when; 3.14.1 detection of malfunctions in the operation of components and mechanisms;

activation of safety and blocking devices;

temporary interruption of the supply of electricity, compressed air;

temporary and complete cessation of work;

leaving the car even for a short time;

wiping, cleaning and lubricating components and mechanisms;

tightening bolts, nuts and other fasteners;

detection of defects in products and disruption of the technological process.

Specifics of work on sheet bending equipment

Bending operations require skills and training. The quality of the resulting parts depends on the professionalism and qualifications of the worker operating the sheet bending machine. In this case, the employee is responsible for the condition of the equipment, which may fail if operated incorrectly. It is necessary to remember that the employee observes safety rules, which, if violated, may cause harm to his health.

To ensure operator protection, manufacturers are developing and implementing devices and devices. The latest models of the sheet bending line are equipped with sensors with laser beams. If the operator’s hand or a foreign object gets into the operating area of ​​the cutting tool, the laser beam is interrupted and the operation of the machine stops.

The constant development and improvement of high technologies makes it possible to reduce human intervention in the work of the sheet bender. The operator is not involved in feeding sheets, he monitors compliance with the established dimensions and the machine performs all required functions.

Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1 If equipment malfunctions occur (failure to operate, extraneous noise and knocking, breakdowns that threaten an accident, power outages, foreign odors), it is necessary to stop using the equipment and turn it off. It is necessary to notify surrounding people and the immediate supervisor of the work about the danger.

4.2. If there is a fire or signs of burning are detected, immediately notify the fire brigade by phone...., inform the foreman or superior and begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means. If necessary, call the city fire department by calling 112 and arrange a meeting of the fire brigade.

4.3. In the event of an accident with you or another employee, stop work, notify the foreman, provide first aid to the victims and go to the health center in person or call.....

Ensure the safety of the situation of an accident or incident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people and does not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation. If necessary, call emergency medical assistance by calling 112.

4.4 In case of failure of water supply, heating systems, etc. interfering with the performance of technological operations, stop work until the accident and its consequences are eliminated.

Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Set the slider (pressure beam) to the lower position. Turn off the input switch of the equipment to the power supply network and lock it in the off position, hand over the key to the foreman.

Put the workplace in order: put the tools and devices in the designated place, remove production waste (rags, metal, sawdust) into the designated containers, according to the markings, and hand them over to a replacement or foreman.

Inform the foreman and your shift worker about all comments made during work and any deficiencies eliminated at this workplace and in the equipment.

Place protective clothing in a specially designated place. Wash your hands and face with soap or take a shower.

Measure how long it takes you to set up and how long the average bending time is.

The simplest thing is to at least know exactly what takes the most time when setting up, and how long bending takes.

For those who say that it takes 45 minutes to set up an abs, I would recommend figuring out where exactly that time is going. Maybe the operators are looking for a tool, or programming a press, or making test bends? There are answers to each of these questions, so it is very important to understand where the most problematic areas are on the shop floor. Only after this can a solution be found.

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