Brass LS59-1: characteristics and alloy composition, GOST

Brass LO70-1 Brass LMtsA57-3-1 Brass LMtsAZhKS70-7-5-2-2-1 Brass LMtsZh57-1.5-0.75 Brass LMtsKA58-2-1-1 Brass LMtsKNS58-3-1.5-1 ,5-1 Brass LMtsKNSA58-3-1.5-1.5-1 Brass LMtsSKa58-2-2-1-1 Brass LMsh68-0.05 Brass LN65-5 Brass LNKMts49-10-0.3-0.2 Brass LNKoMts49-9-0.2-0.2 Brass LNMts60-9-5 Brass LO60-1 Brass LO62-1 Brass LKS65-1.5-3 Brass LO90-1 Brass LOK59-1-0.3 Brass LOMNA49-0 ,5-10-0.4-0.4 Brass LOMsh70-1-0.04 Brass LOMsh70-1-0.05 Brass LS58-2 Brass LS58-3 Brass LS59-1 Brass LS59-1V Brass LS59-2 Brass LS60 -1 Brass LS63-3 Brass LS64-2 Brass LS74-3 Brass LA85-0.5 Brass L59 Brass L60 Brass L63 Brass L66 Brass L68 Brass L70 Brass L72 Brass L75mk Brass L80 Brass L85 Brass L90 Brass L96 Brass LA77-2 La Tun LA77 -2u Brass LMts58-2 Brass LAZ60-1-1 (LAZH60-1-1L) Brass LAZHMtsS52-2-1-1.5-1 Brass LAMsh77-2-0.04 Brass LAMsh77-2-0.05 Brass LAN59- 3-2 Brass LANKMts 75-2-2.5-0.5-0.5 (alloy 156) Brass LAF94-0.5-0.15 Brass LZhMts59-1-1 Brass LZhS58-1-1 Brass LK62-0 .5 Brass LK75V Brass LKAN80-1-1.9-5.8 Brass LKANMTs75-2-2.5-0.5-0.5 Brass LKBO62-0.2-0.04-0.5


RibbonsB54GOST 15527-2004, GOST 2208-2007
Non-ferrous metals, including rare ones, and their alloysB51GOST 28873-90
RodsB55GOST 6688-91, GOST 2060-2006
Sheets and stripsB53GOST 931-90
Pipes made of non-ferrous metals and alloysB64TU 48-0810-87-87


Multicomponent brasses are marked as follows: the first letter is L, meaning brass, followed by a series of letters that indicate the composition of alloying elements included in the alloy, except zinc. The numbers indicated with a hyphen indicate the following: the first number reflects the average copper content as a percentage, subsequent numbers indicate the content of each alloying element in the same sequence as in the letter part of the brand. The order of numbers and letters is established in accordance with the content of the element: the element whose share in the alloy is the largest comes first, and the remaining additives go in descending order. The zinc content is determined by the difference from 100%. For example: brand LAZHMts66−6-3−2 should be deciphered as follows: brass containing Cu - 66%, Al -6%, Fe -3% and Mn - 2%. The zinc content in brass is 100 - (66+6+3+2) = 23%. Brass that contains 5−20% Zn is called tombak (red). Yellow brass is called brass that contains 20−36% Zn. Brasses containing more than 45% Zn are extremely rarely used in practice. In brands of simple brass, only the copper content is indicated. Lb3 - contains 63% copper and -37% zinc; L96 - contains 96% copper and ~4% Zn (tompac).

Chemical composition

GOST 2208-2007≤0.01≤0.161-63Remainder0.7-1.1≤0.005≤0.1≤0.002

Cu is the base. According to GOST 15527-2004, GOST 2060-2006, GOST 2208-2007, the sum of other elements must be ≤ 0.30%. In brass, a mass fraction of nickel up to 0.50% is allowed due to the mass fraction of copper, which is not taken into account in the sum of other impurities.

The influence of alloying components in the composition of brass

In order to change the structure and properties of brass, additional alloying additives can be added:

  • tin - significantly increases strength and immunity to corrosion in sea water, due to which such alloys are called marine alloys and are used in shipbuilding;
  • manganese - also affects strength and anti-corrosion, often added in combination with iron, tin and aluminum;
  • nickel - neutralizes oxidative processes and improves the performance of metal products in salt water and alkaline environments, which is especially important in the chemical industry;
  • silicon - reduces the hardness and cost of the product, but increases anti-friction properties and weldability;
  • lead - reduces mechanical strength, elasticity and ductility, but makes it easier to cut the material on automatic machines, for which such brass is called automatic;
  • aluminum - provides a protective film coating on the surface of the alloy, which reduces volatility and inhibits oxidative processes.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mmσB, MPad10Brinell hardness, MPa
Hot-rolled sheets in delivery condition in accordance with GOST 931-90, sheets and strips in accordance with GOST 2208-2007 (samples)
Cold-rolled sheets and strips in delivery condition in accordance with GOST 931-90, sheets and strips in accordance with GOST 2208-2007 (samples)
Rods as delivered according to GOST 2060-2006 (longitudinal samples)
Pressed rods of rectangular cross-section in delivery condition according to GOST 6688-91 (longitudinal samples)

Brass L62

Foundry brass ingots are used in the production of castings from foundry alloys. Brass L62 is the most commonly used simple brass. L62 brass is intended for use in vacuum technology, in the production of many parts that are not exposed to heat during operation. An alloy grade such as L62 brass can be used in the production of vacuum tanks or pipelines that operate at temperatures from −253° to +250 °C and high vacuum. L62 brass is easy to machine and can be deep-drawn forged. Electric arc or gas welding is used to weld with an arc and solder with solders - hard or soft. To protect brass L62

from corrosion cracking, as a rule, it is annealed, and the temperature should be 250−270 ° C. Depending on the duration of the annealing temperature and the degree of deformation of the L62 brass alloy, its mechanical properties and the grain size of this brass depend.
Elemental composition of the material brass L62:

Element Mass%
Cu 61.3
Zn 37.94
Al 0.24
Si 0.19

From the alloy brass L62, especially hard hot-rolled sheets and cold-rolled sheets, strips in soft, semi-hard and especially hard states are made according to GOST 4442-48. Brass L62

contains a minimal amount of copper and has a two-phase structure in the annealed state. Using the deep stamping method, L62 brass alloy is used to replace copper. The composition of any brass must comply with GOST standards.

In terms of functional and chemical composition, brass is still the most popular material for the manufacture of rolled metal products. Brass ingots can be used in a huge number of industries (mechanical engineering, instrument making, construction) as semi-finished products, which will later be presented as various brass products. The volumetric range of properties, low cost and availability of processing have made brass a particularly popular copper alloy with a huge range of applications.

Our company offers you brass ingots at the lowest prices. You can get acquainted with the range of products and place your order right now on our website, and our managers will provide you with high-quality advice on any issue that arises. By working directly with us, you can always buy excellent quality brass from our warehouse or to order.

Other alloys from the category Pressure-processed brass

Alloy gradeGOSTChem. compound
CuZn36Pb2AsGOST R 52922 - 2008Cu61-63%Zn33.5-37.08%Pb1.7-2.8%As0.02-0.1%…
CuZn39Pb3GOST R 52922 - 2008Cu57-59%Zn36.65-40%Pb2.5-3.5%…
L60GOST 15527 - 2004Cu59-62%Zn37-41%…
L63GOST 15527 - 2004Cu62-65%Zn34.22-37%…
L68GOST 15527 - 2004Cu67-70%Zn29.7-33%…
L70GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn28.6-30%…
L75mkGOST 15527 - 2004 Cu70-76%Zn23.1-29.47%Si0.25-0.5%Ni0.1-0.25%Mn0.05-0.15%Fe0.03-0.06%P0.005-0.02%…
L80GOST 15527 - 2004Cu79-81%Zn18.7-21%…
L85GOST 15527 - 2004Cu84-86%Zn13.7-16%…
L90GOST 15527 - 2004Cu88-91%Zn8.8-12%…
L96GOST 15527 - 2004Cu95-97%Zn2.66-4.8%…
LA77-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn18.2-22%Al1.7-2.5%…
LA77-2uGOST 15527 - 2004 Cu76-79%Zn16.77-21.8%Al1.7-2.5%Ni0.3-1%Si0.03-0.2%Fe0.03-0.1%Mn0.03-0.1%P0.005-0.02%…
LA85-0.5TU 48-08-495 - 71Cu84-85.6%Zn14-15%Al0.4-0.7%…
LAZ60-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu58-61%Zn34.7-40%Fe0.75-1.5%Al0.7-1.5%Mn0.1-0.6%…
LAMsh77-2-0.04GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn17.98-21%Al1.7-2.5%As0.02-0.04%…
LAMsh77-2-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn18.14-22%Al1.7-2.5%As0.02-0.06%…
LAN59-3-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn32.6-68%Al2.5-3.5%Ni2-3%…
LZhMts59-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004 Cu57-60%Zn37.05-41%Fe0.6-1.2%Mn0.5-0.8%Sn0.3-0.7%Al0.1-0.4%…
LZhS58-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu56-58%Zn38.9-42%Fe0.7-1.3%Pb0.7-1.3%…
LK62-0.5GOST 15527 - 2004Cu60.5-63%Zn35.07-38%Si0.3-0.7%…
LK75VGOST 15527 - 2004Cu71-78%Zn19.98-27%Si0.25-0.5%…
LK80-3GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu79-81%Zn13.5-18%Si2.5-4%…
LKBO62-0.2-0.04-0.5GOST 15527 - 2004 Cu60.5-63.5%Zn34.62-38.57%Sn0.03-0.7%B0.03-0.1%Si0.01-0.3%…
LMts58-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn35.8-42%Mn1-2%…
LMtsA57-3-1GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu55-58.5%Zn35.2-42%Mn2.5-3.5%Al0.5-1.5%…
LMsh68-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu67-70%Zn29.64-32%As0.02-0.06%…
LN65-5GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu64-67%Zn26.2-31%Ni5-6.5%…
LO60-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu59-61%Zn36.5-40%Sn1-1.5%…
LO62-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu61-63%Zn35.6-38%Sn0.7-1.1%…
LO70-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn37.2-30%Sn1-1.5%…
LO90-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu88-91%Zn8-11.7%Sn0.2-0.7%…
LOK59-1-0.3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu58-60%Zn37.92-40%Sn0.7-1.1%Si0.2-0.4%…
LOMsh70-1-0.04GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn27.08-29.68%Sn1-1.5%As0.02-0.04%…
LOMsh70-1-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn27.14-29%Sn1-1.5%As0.02-0.06%…
LS58-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn34.39-41%Pb1-3%…
LS58-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-59%Zn36.3-40%Pb2.5-3.5%…
LS59-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn37.05-42%Pb0.8-1.9%…
LS59-1VGOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-61%Zn35.6-42%Pb0.8-1.9%…
LS59-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-59%Zn37.5-41.3%Pb1.5-2.5%…
LS60-1GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu59-61%Zn37.5-40%Pb0.6-1%…
LS63-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu62-65%Zn31.65-35%Pb2.4-3%…
LS64-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu63-66%Zn31.7-35%Pb1.5-2%…
LS74-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu72-75%Zn21.75-25%Pb2.4-3%…

Other alloys from the category Pressure-processed brass

Alloy gradeGOSTChem. compound
CuZn36Pb2AsGOST R 52922 - 2008Cu61-63%Zn33.5-37.08%Pb1.7-2.8%As0.02-0.1%…
CuZn39Pb3GOST R 52922 - 2008Cu57-59%Zn36.65-40%Pb2.5-3.5%…
L60GOST 15527 - 2004Cu59-62%Zn37-41%…
L63GOST 15527 - 2004Cu62-65%Zn34.22-37%…
L68GOST 15527 - 2004Cu67-70%Zn29.7-33%…
L70GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn28.6-30%…
L75mkGOST 15527 - 2004 Cu70-76%Zn23.1-29.47%Si0.25-0.5%Ni0.1-0.25%Mn0.05-0.15%Fe0.03-0.06%P0.005-0.02%…
L80GOST 15527 - 2004Cu79-81%Zn18.7-21%…
L85GOST 15527 - 2004Cu84-86%Zn13.7-16%…
L90GOST 15527 - 2004Cu88-91%Zn8.8-12%…
L96GOST 15527 - 2004Cu95-97%Zn2.66-4.8%…
LA77-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn18.2-22%Al1.7-2.5%…
LA77-2uGOST 15527 - 2004 Cu76-79%Zn16.77-21.8%Al1.7-2.5%Ni0.3-1%Si0.03-0.2%Fe0.03-0.1%Mn0.03-0.1%P0.005-0.02%…
LA85-0.5TU 48-08-495 - 71Cu84-85.6%Zn14-15%Al0.4-0.7%…
LAZ60-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu58-61%Zn34.7-40%Fe0.75-1.5%Al0.7-1.5%Mn0.1-0.6%…
LAMsh77-2-0.04GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn17.98-21%Al1.7-2.5%As0.02-0.04%…
LAMsh77-2-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu76-79%Zn18.14-22%Al1.7-2.5%As0.02-0.06%…
LAN59-3-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn32.6-68%Al2.5-3.5%Ni2-3%…
LZhMts59-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004 Cu57-60%Zn37.05-41%Fe0.6-1.2%Mn0.5-0.8%Sn0.3-0.7%Al0.1-0.4%…
LZhS58-1-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu56-58%Zn38.9-42%Fe0.7-1.3%Pb0.7-1.3%…
LK62-0.5GOST 15527 - 2004Cu60.5-63%Zn35.07-38%Si0.3-0.7%…
LK75VGOST 15527 - 2004Cu71-78%Zn19.98-27%Si0.25-0.5%…
LK80-3GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu79-81%Zn13.5-18%Si2.5-4%…
LKBO62-0.2-0.04-0.5GOST 15527 - 2004 Cu60.5-63.5%Zn34.62-38.57%Sn0.03-0.7%B0.03-0.1%Si0.01-0.3%…
LMts58-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn35.8-42%Mn1-2%…
LMtsA57-3-1GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu55-58.5%Zn35.2-42%Mn2.5-3.5%Al0.5-1.5%…
LMsh68-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu67-70%Zn29.64-32%As0.02-0.06%…
LN65-5GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu64-67%Zn26.2-31%Ni5-6.5%…
LO60-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu59-61%Zn36.5-40%Sn1-1.5%…
LO62-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu61-63%Zn35.6-38%Sn0.7-1.1%…
LO70-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn37.2-30%Sn1-1.5%…
LO90-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu88-91%Zn8-11.7%Sn0.2-0.7%…
LOK59-1-0.3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu58-60%Zn37.92-40%Sn0.7-1.1%Si0.2-0.4%…
LOMsh70-1-0.04GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn27.08-29.68%Sn1-1.5%As0.02-0.04%…
LOMsh70-1-0.05GOST 15527 - 2004Cu69-71%Zn27.14-29%Sn1-1.5%As0.02-0.06%…
LS58-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn34.39-41%Pb1-3%…
LS58-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-59%Zn36.3-40%Pb2.5-3.5%…
LS59-1GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-60%Zn37.05-42%Pb0.8-1.9%…
LS59-1VGOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-61%Zn35.6-42%Pb0.8-1.9%…
LS59-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu57-59%Zn37.5-41.3%Pb1.5-2.5%…
LS60-1GOST 15527 - 70, the latest version does not contain the materialCu59-61%Zn37.5-40%Pb0.6-1%…
LS63-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu62-65%Zn31.65-35%Pb2.4-3%…
LS64-2GOST 15527 - 2004Cu63-66%Zn31.7-35%Pb1.5-2%…
LS74-3GOST 15527 - 2004Cu72-75%Zn21.75-25%Pb2.4-3%…


Are you interested in brass markings? The marking of brass on the website of the supplier "Auremo" is covered most fully. We offer to buy rolled brass from specialized warehouses of the supplier “Auremo” with delivery to any city. Full compliance with GOST and international quality standards. For wholesale customers the price is preferential. Buy today.

Buy, favorable price

The warehouse of the supplier "Auremo" offers the widest selection of products. Rolled brass is always available, the price is determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. This is the optimal price from the supplier. Buy today. We are waiting for your orders. We have the best price-quality ratio for the entire range of products. Experienced managers are in touch and will quickly help you buy rolled brass wholesale or in installments. Regular customers can buy rolled brass at a discount; the price is the best in this rental segment. The supplier Auremo is a recognized expert in the non-ferrous metals market. Thanks to representative offices in Eastern Europe, we have the opportunity to quickly interact with trading partners.

Corrosion resistance of material LS59-1

After processing workpieces made of brass LS59-1 , the material does not experience strong stress, lead forms a separate phase, for this reason, it is more resistant to seasonal cracking, which manifests itself with increasing humidity and ambient temperature, in which it is superior to L68 and L63.

In general, our multi-component alloy is resistant to corrosion, under the same conditions as most brasses. It should not be used in contact with Fe, Al, Zn. He also shows himself poorly:

  • in air saturated with moist vapors, at high pressure,
  • in contact with fatty acids,
  • in hydrogen sulfide,
  • mine waters,
  • mineral acids,
  • as well as in oxidized solutions,
  • and with chlorides.

Resistance to corrosion is manifested by:

  • in air and maritime climates,
  • in dry vapors,
  • fresh waters,
  • freons, alcohols, antifreezes,
  • salty sea water in a sedentary state.

And the presence of excess oxygen, ammonia or carbon dioxide in vapor or water negatively affects the corrosion resistance of this material.


Characteristics and composition of wood alloy
The machinability of brasses by cutting depends on their phase composition. When cutting single-phase α-brasses, the chips turn out to be long, wind up on the cutter, and the quality of the machined surface deteriorates. Two-phase α+β-brasses have better machinability than single-phase brasses. Increasing the β'-phase content in the structure makes the brass chips more brittle and finer, and the surface quality of the workpiece is improved. A quantitative assessment of the machinability of brass is determined by comparison with brass LS63-3, the machinability of which is taken as 100%. So, for example, the machinability of single-phase α-brass L90 is 20%, two-phase L63 is 40%, compared to brass LS63-3.

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