Elimination of TV-6. Lessons for the future The Supreme Arbitration Court has created an important precedent in the judicial and political practice of Russia

— What happened to TV-6? - It drowned!

REPORT FROM THE SWITCH SWITCH Svetlana Sorokina: There is no need to feel sorry for us, because we didn’t feel sorry for anyone. In the central control room of the technical television center, the command to turn off TV-6 was received at midnight . The place where the TV-6 “switch” is located is called ATs-3 - the third central control room . It is here, in the technical television center on the street. Koroleva, 19, on the second floor, behind a steel door with a combination lock, on Tuesday night the TV-6 channel was turned off. Behind the door are monitors in several rows. Unlike the TV-6 hardware room, work is in full swing here. There are also huge iron boxes with multi-colored wires, like in a telephone exchange. You transfer wires from socket to socket, and a completely different TV company will appear on some channel. It turns out that everything is very simple. “Now the night shift has already worked, everyone has gone home,” says Viktor Ogurtsov, deputy head of the hardware department. - But I can tell you how it happened. A letter was received from Press Minister Lesin: turn off TV-6 at midnight. The shift manager gave a command to the employees, and they switched the signal. Not only for TV-6 this came as a complete surprise - even we did not expect such efficiency. — And your hand didn’t waver - to cut off an entire national channel? “I don’t know about the hand—I wasn’t there last night.” But the order must be carried out. And then think and discuss. “I was on duty that night,” one of the TV company employees I knew told me. — Suddenly the lights turned off. Monitors and phones went off. We switched to backup power. We turned on the TVs and were stunned: there was a grid on the screens. We went to the seventh floor, to the security officer on duty. Why, we ask, is this happening? And he just points his finger up. They say that the big bosses gave orders. Well, we think they’ll come to seal the offices now. We grab as many cameras as we can carry and head out. But the security won't let me in. They say that your passes for material assets have been invalid for almost an hour. They barely persuaded him. They saved the cameras, gathered in some office and drank without clinking glasses for the repose of the television company. It’s not just the night shift at TV-6 who are so pessimistic. “We don’t need to condole with you,” Svetlana Sorokina barely holds back her tears. “We didn’t feel sorry for anyone, and you shouldn’t feel sorry for us either.” What will happen next? Nothing. The television company is finished. But Viktor Shenderovich was among the optimists. - We will still remain - on Ekho Moskvy, on the Internet, we will go to cable television. Although we don’t yet know how to pay the team’s salary even for December,” the famous TV satirist cheerfully reported. And then his mobile phone rang: “Mom, why are you so upset?” Calm down. You always dreamed that I would have a lot of free time. Well, this moment has come... Alexander YEVTUSHENKO. HR DEPARTMENT What awaits journalists? According to rumors, some people have already begun to apply to NTV, but they are clearly not welcome there: in the near future the channel will begin its own staff reductions. Perhaps part of the TV-6 team will go on forced leave for the next two months. One thing is clear: sitting in de-energized control rooms is pointless, and “Echo of Moscow”, even with a strong desire, will not be able to employ all the exiles of the sixth button. This is what Svetlana Sorokina told us: “We’ve already been hanged twice.” And people's moods are different. Apparently, everyone will decide for themselves what to do and where to work next. As for Echo of Moscow... It has its own staff - the journalistic market is not as free as Lesin says. But today we are all employees of TV-6 and are still working. I don’t know what I’ll do next, apparently I’ll be unemployed... Ilya OGNEV. The channel’s staff spent the whole day discussing how to live next. Last year’s events on NTV gathered protesting viewers at Ostankino already on the first day of the “takeover” of the channel. The current expulsion of Kiselev’s team from the sixth button did not cause a stir. Not a single demonstrator with or without a poster was visible either near the television center itself or in its surroundings. The main passions were in full swing on the second floor, near the TV-6 broadcast studio, where most of the channel’s programs were filmed - from the show “Behind the Glass” to “Voice of the People.” Yesterday the TV-6 team discussed the situation here, trying to adopt a program of action for the coming days. It is estimated that about 150 employees gathered. Svetlana Sorokina, Vladimir Kara-Murza, Viktor Shenderovich, Boris Berman, Andrey Norkin, Irina Zaitseva, Mikhail Osokin... The start of the meeting was scheduled for twelve o'clock, they were waiting for TV-6 General Director Evgeny Kiselev. At 12.07, under the flashes of television cameras, Andrei Malakhov ran down the corridor, as if under fire, in an orange suit. He disappeared into the nearest door: filming of the airtastic program “The Big Wash” was beginning in the neighboring studio. At 12.18, Evgeniy Kiselev and his deputy Grigory Krichevsky entered the studio. About an hour later the reverse movement began. The sad employees of TV-6 came out of the studio. One of the last to leave was Evgeniy Kiselev. In summary, his speech boiled down to the following: “President Putin is responsible for what happened to TV-6.” — At the meeting, we informed the team about the latest events. “We will do everything to stay on the air.” — TV-6 journalists will begin broadcasting their programs on Ekho Moskvy from today. — We are going to participate in the competition, although there is no certainty that it will take place at all. After what happened last night, the illusions disappeared. Perhaps our company will not be allowed to participate in the competition at all. NTV-Plus, which broadcasts on the sixth button, belongs to us, and the equipment belongs to us. But their broadcasting was not agreed upon with us, and this is a direct violation of the law. Ilya OGNEV. January 21, 16.00 The executive director of the TV-6 channel, Pavel Korchagin, brought a letter to the Minister of Press, Mikhail Lesin, in which the management of the TV channel asked to cancel the refusal of the broadcasting license. January 21, 17.00 The television company received a decree from bailiff Andrei Fedorchenko, ordering the liquidation of MNVK CJSC within six months. (ZAO MNVK is a company that broadcast on the sixth meter band under the TV-6 brand.) January 21, evening In an interview with NTV, Press Minister Lesin said that a decision on suspending broadcasting would be made in the coming days. In addition, according to Lesin, the TV-6 journalistic team will have a chance to participate in the competition for broadcasting on this frequency. January 22, 0.00 Broadcasting of the TV-6 channel to Moscow and the Moscow region has been stopped. Instead of Vladimir Solovyov’s program “Nightingale’s Night”, TV viewers first saw a “sheet” - a program settings grid, and a little later the broadcast turned off altogether. Those who watched TV-6 on satellite channels saw the inscription: “We have been taken off the air.” At the same time, lights, telephones and Internet access were turned off in all TV-6 premises in Ostankino. January 22, 0.15 The TV-6 signal stopped reaching the regions after the emergency broadcast support system was turned off. This system operates in the event of a main transmitter failure. January 22, 7.00 The NTV-Plus sports channel began broadcasting on the sixth meter band. TV-6 press secretary Tatyana Blinova said in an interview with NTVRU that broadcasting was turned off not only to Moscow and the Moscow region, but also to the regions. Inter-TV broadcasting, which transmitted the TV-6 signal to Europe and the United States, was also turned off. On the air of Echo of Moscow, Kiselev said that the documents received from the bailiffs do not say anything about turning off the Internet, or about turning off electricity, or about turning off telephones in Ostankino, or about stopping the supply of the TV-6 signal to international satellite LMI. The journalists did not leave, everyone was in the editorial office and watched the news on other TV channels. January 22, 13.00 Evgeny Kiselev gathered the staff of the TV-6 channel. He explained that the management will do everything “to remain on the air, if not on television, then on radio.” According to him, starting from Tuesday, TV-6 newscasts will be broadcast on Echo of Moscow, and soon the channel hopes to “set up the release of its programs on the Internet. And, of course, the TV-6 team intends to participate in the competition for a broadcasting license.” (Although, in his opinion, this competition is unlikely to take place.) NEWS FROM THE SPOTS “Swan Lake” is on the screens again Instead of TV-6 programs, regional TV bosses are in a panic putting on what their imagination can handle St. Petersburg In the lack of a sense of “dark” humor St. Petersburg television crews cannot be denied: after learning about the closure of TV-6, they began broadcasting the ballet “Swan Lake” on its frequencies. Barnaul On Channel 6, instead of TV-6, viewers were promised to broadcast NTV-plus sports programs. But in the end, the information space was occupied by the Moscow TV Center. Tver On the daytime broadcast of the Tverskoy Prospekt TV channel (TV-6-Tver), it was stated that until the change of network partner, Tver viewers will watch archival recordings of the TV channel. The spontaneously created program was followed by a Mexican series, the programs “Our Garden” and “Fisherman”, as well as the documentary film “Avalanche”. Nizhny Novgorod During the day, there was simply “snowball” on channel TV-6 in Nizhny Novgorod. However, according to the general director of the television (regional partner of TV-6) Svetlana Kolchinskaya, broadcasting will soon be restored: “TV viewers should not suffer because of the personal ambitions of Berezovsky or anyone else.” Tyumen TV-6 broadcasting in Tyumen has been stopped. There are programs from a local TV channel, and instead of Moscow programs they show clips. The issue of changing the network partner is being resolved. Murmansk Contrary to the promise of Press Minister Lesin, a black square nevertheless appeared on TV-6 frequencies in Murmansk. As TV-6-Murmansk CJSC reported, they are waiting to see what Moscow decides: satellite communications. Moldova Now, instead of the TV-6 channel, they broadcast TNT, where Moldovan television periodically intervenes. Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan, TV-6 was present only in cable television packages. And a month ago NTV International appeared on the TV-6 frequency. About ten days ago, NTV-Int also went offline - “for reasons beyond the company’s control.” PROMISES The Ministry of Press advises to wait until March 27. The head of the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Lesin, promised yesterday that the “television product” will be presented to regional television companies associated with TV-6 by Tuesday evening and the programs will be broadcast in the regions. According to M. Lesin, the decision of the bailiffs to suspend the broadcasting of TV-6 is “absolutely unprofitable for anyone,” and it did not satisfy any of the conflicting parties - the channel’s shareholders. “Do you think LUKOIL is satisfied with this decision?” - asked the minister, assuring that he tried to resolve everything peacefully. At the same time, M. Lesin said that there are no formal conditions for the resumption of broadcasting by the TV-6 team. And the competition for the right to broadcast on Channel 6, according to him, will be held on March 27, and everyone can take part in it. Who is vying for the sixth button? Possible contenders for broadcasting on this broadcast frequency were also taken by surprise by our question about participation in the competition. The possibility of participation has not yet been discussed on the STS channel. “Muscovy” has also not yet decided whether it will fight for TV-6. The head of Ren TV, Irena Lesnevskaya, is vacationing abroad. When leaving, she instructed the press service to answer such questions: “No comment.” Only ATV CEO Anatoly Malkin is confident that ATV will participate in the competition: “Author’s Television has a hobby - participating in all competitions on all buttons.” Without ATV, a competition is not a competition... Vladimir POZNER: I am extremely upset. We called the famous TV presenter in Berlin, where he is on a business trip, asking for a comment. That's what he said. — Despite Minister Lesin’s rather definite statement that the black field would not be on the sixth button, it still appeared. True, not for long. Although what was filled in this black field, perhaps, does not change anything in essence. In general, the decisions and actions that shut down the broadcasting of TV-6 seem to me, firstly, stupidity on a national scale and, secondly, a manifestation of lawlessness on an allegedly legal basis. As for me personally, I am extremely upset, offended and, unfortunately, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just yesterday I had certain hopes that the situation with TV-6 would receive a positive resolution. Today there is no such hope. And it’s worth seriously thinking about how the relationship between journalists and the authorities will develop in the future. Olga KUCHKINA.

TV-6 and six

Andrey Razbash,
general producer
of the television: - Two years ago, your television company fought hard for the TVC frequency.
Will you be claiming the meter frequency this time? “I would like us to participate in the competition, and most likely it will be so.”
This will be correct if we take the history of the television, just taking into account the fact that we participated in the competition for the TVC frequency. But I assess the chances of “VID” as very low, like many other possible contenders. Since the decision-making system of the competition commission, it seems to me, will largely take into account aspects of information security. - What do you have in mind?
“The last two years have shown us that the position of government has changed a lot.
If earlier the so-called oligarchs managed to simultaneously advance in both business and politics, today the state correctly separates these two spheres. And if the TV-6 team manages to separate itself from the current owner, they will have the greatest chances. — Why will you participate in the competition if you think that only TV-6 will have a chance of winning?
— Because I think that our participation would be very productive.
Even as a PR campaign, this competition is useful to us. It seems to me that we did the right thing back then, that the concept that “VID” presented for the competition with TVC was then published as a separate brochure and distributed to the press and the entire television community. Perhaps we will do the same now: we have thoughts, we have experience. — Will there be investors?
— From my point of view, this is a political issue.
I think that there are now quite a lot of people who want to play national television as a business. Because today it has become a real business. The growth of the advertising market by 30% per year is a good indicator. By the way, TV-6 from a business point of view is a good, correct and promising business. Correctly orient it to the audience, manage it competently - and everything will be fine. Moreover, the experience of STS shows that network television in Russia can be profitable. — Do you even believe that the competition will take place?
- This is hardly a game.
Now the time has come when people in power are quite responsible. — Who else can take part in this competition?
— I believe that TV-6 will still have priority with an investor who would not contradict the understanding of the competition commission.
In addition, it seems to me that ATV will announce its participation. The same Irena Lesnevskaya (president of REN-TV - Kommersant
) probably understands how such a channel can be made, and perhaps her television company will also take part. Her experience is difficult, but successful. These are the main players, but now new ones are appearing - STS and even Daryal-TV. Maybe they will also think about participating in the competition. Both companies have foreign investors, and from a political point of view, the participation of foreign capital in such a competition is good PR for freedom of speech.

“I have a very affectionate attitude towards the TV-6 team”
Vladimir Zhelonkin,
general director
of the Moskovia TV channel: “Are you ready to participate in the competition for the meter frequency on which the TV-6 channel broadcast?”
- Honestly, no.
— Can any circumstances change your decision?
— We, as a television company, are not ready and do not want to.
But we have some shareholders. Now, if they want, then they will probably participate. Whether they will nominate us as a company or will participate with another team, I don’t know. — By shareholders, do you mean Sergei Pugachev and Mezhprombank?
- Including.
— Do you often communicate with him?
What could influence his desire to participate in the competition? - In fact, we don’t communicate with him very often, so if you want to hear my opinion, then it seems to me that Pugachev will not want to participate in this competition.
— So the meter frequency doesn’t appeal to you?
— And we are still on the meter frequency (“Moscovia” broadcasts for three hours every day on the frequency of the TVC channel. —
). This is a competition for a frequency beyond which there is nothing else. If shareholders asked me whether to participate or not, I would not recommend it. This is a huge investment, huge costs. And then I have a very affectionate attitude towards the TV-6 team and believe that such a team should exist on television as an antipode to the rest of television. I like it better when there is competition on television. I am for the TV-6 team to find an investor and, together with him, win the competition.

“The Federal Channel is a completely different story”
Valery Bakaev,
general producer
of the M1 TV channel: “Your main shareholder, LUKOIL, already announced before the announcement of the competition that he would take part in it.
Does your TV company have such a desire? “We haven’t discussed this possibility yet.”
I think that next week we will talk about this in more detail. — Didn’t LUKOIL offer you to participate?
— Not yet, but if they offer it, we will have a lot of questions for the shareholders.
- For example, which ones?
— The life of M1 in its urban format, when the channel is self-sufficient and lives within its means, is one thing.
But the federal channel is a completely different story and different means. — But wouldn’t you yourself like to get a larger audience, a regional network?
You yourself once worked at TV-6. — If you ask me personally, then I know how a new federal channel can be made.
There are ideas and understanding of how this should be done and what it should look like, and I know what kind of people this can be done with, what programs are needed. As for the rest, a question for shareholders. — But if LUKOIL makes you such an offer...
— It won’t be a shock for me.

“I believe that we have more chances than others”
Roman Petrenko,
general director
of the STS television company:
“Liquidation of a company due to negative net assets is nonsense from an economic point of view. We consider the situation with TV-6 a major mistake. However, my task as a TV channel manager is to use every opportunity to grow the company. Therefore, we plan to participate in the tender. I believe we have a better chance than all other possible candidates.

“We will not take part in behind-the-scenes games”
Anatoly Malkin,
of the television: - ATV is a “veteran” among other television companies that at various times participated in competitions for frequencies in Moscow.
What will the current competition look like for you? - We lost count.
In my opinion, this will be either our fourth or fifth competition. - Do you believe that it will take place?
- If it takes place, it means we all understood something - and the authorities first of all.
I believe that in the current situation the competition should take place. But I want to say that we will take part in the competition, but we will not take part in behind-the-scenes games. — What are the chances of the TV-6 team in this competition?
“I can’t assess their chances.”
I can only say that the TV-6 team is a professional team and has the right to take part in the competition. — What other television companies do you think will compete for the meter frequency?
— There are many television companies.
I am only responsible for myself. — How do you assess your own chances of winning?
- If everything is fair, it will be high.
We have a pretty good concept. If everything is serious, then it may be considered. In terms of money, we have reason to think that we will be able to meet the requirements of the competition commission. — So, you can pay $1 million for this frequency?
— I think that the issue of money is being resolved, investors can be found.
Participation in the competition by ATV and the TV-6 team is a guarantee that, if one of us wins, truly independent television stations will operate on the channel. It is important that the channel does not fall into the hands of those who are not. — You apparently mean your long-time competitor, the television?
But besides them, the STS channel announced its desire to participate in the competition. Don't you think that this is an independent television company? — I'm talking about myself and TV-6. I can’t evaluate anyone, everyone evaluates themselves.

“All my life I dreamed of creating my own TV channel”
Mikhail Ponomarev,
general director
of the VKT television company,
until April 2001 - editor-in-chief of the TV-6 information service:
- Talk about your desire to participate in the competition appeared almost immediately after the decision to liquidate MNVK.
They say that LUKOIL-Garant could be a possible investor in your concept. — To date, I have not conducted any negotiations with LUKOIL-Garant.
— Who can join the team to participate in the competition?
— Almost all former employees of the TV-6 information service and a large number of just journalist-friends who have known each other well and for a long time and also want to make television.
— Isn’t your desire to participate in the competition for the TV-6 frequency a desire to take revenge on Evgeniy Kiselev’s team, with whose arrival you had to leave TV-6?
- In no case.
If you look at all my interviews over ten years, in almost all of them the question “what is your main dream in life?” I answered that my main dream has always been to create my own TV channel. I never had such opportunities due to the fact that there was simply no free channel. Now such a channel is being put up for competition, and it would be stupid not to use this chance. And this has nothing to do with Kiselev. — How thoroughly thought out was your idea of ​​entering the competition?
— We decided to try.
Let's do it in order to prepare for it and see how real the situation is. Having a desire is not enough, you need a technical base, money and a concept. I have a concept, it has been developing over the years. - And money?
— I negotiate with a variety of structures and with different people.
Everything is not easy, I do not hide the fact that I do not have much experience in negotiating with possible investors. All my life I have tried to do good news, but now we are talking about a global project, and even in the conditions of fierce competition. Now we have to work hard. And if I understand that I am capable of being at the level of other applicants in this competition, I will go to the competition. I have no doubt that I am creatively capable of this, but I have doubts about the financial component. — And if you win, will you make any proposals to the current TV-6 team?
— 80% of TV-6 employees will continue to do their job.
Among other possible contenders for the TV-6 frequency, television market participants also name interstate television; they do not exclude the participation of the President of the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters (NAT) and the founder of TV-6 Eduard Sagalayev
It is not yet clear whether REN-TV . The general director of the TV channel, Dmitry Lesnevsky, refused to comment on this issue, but unofficially in the body. Little-known television companies may also appear among the competition participants. For example, when the ORT frequency was put up for competition in March 2000, the only competitor to the first channel was , which had not previously declared its ambitions for the meter frequency.

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