Weaving rope bracelets from threads with your own hands

How to make a rope yourself?

Sometimes you need thick or decorative rope, which is not so easy to find in stores. It can be used for decoration, in construction, for clothing, bags and so on. You can knit this lace yourself. Depending on the length needed, the amount of materials is selected. The choice of yarn for this purpose is also up to you. For example, for decorative rope, yarn made from materials such as:

  • mohair;
  • wool;
  • wool mixture;
  • merino;
  • acrylic;
  • cotton.

It will take little time to make a clothes rope, because its length usually does not exceed two meters. This accessory is used as a belt or as aran patterns on clothes. Separately, you can tie original knots and then decorate a sweater or cardigan with them. Such creative clothing items will be appreciated by handmade lovers. In addition, the demand for handmade items is very high abroad and you can make it to order, the main thing is to find a sales channel on the Internet.

If you are interested in unusual jewelry, then pay attention to thick knitted yarn. It is from this that non-standard neck jewelry is obtained. They can be made either according to standard patterns, or you can come up with patterns yourself, because this will only benefit the product. Spaghetti knitted yarn resembles a T-shirt cut into ribbons, but looks much neater. The thickness of the knitwear is the same along the entire length, so the accessories made from it have a dense, uniform structure.

Such ropes are easy to make at home. As a rule, they are knitted very quickly and require a minimum of additional fasteners to give the product a finished look. Necklaces are in greatest demand. Despite their massiveness, they look very gentle and original, and fit almost any style. By adding beads to such a necklace, you will get an expensive-looking and stylish decoration.

Cord characteristics

Paracord is a heavy-duty nylon or polymer rope that can withstand loads of up to 250 kg or more. This characteristic is due to the internal structure of the cord. Lately, it’s not easy to find high-quality material on sale.

What to look for when choosing:

  • A good paracord should be soft and elastic.
  • If the cord is set on fire, the braid burns much faster than the core.
  • When burning, a strong smell of plastic appears and a lot of black smoke is released.

The paracord cord should be light and elastic.
Chinese analogues are much more accessible and cheaper, but are characterized by low strength and can withstand a load of no more than 100 kg. It is better to weave a hiking bracelet from real paracord.

How to make a rope from plastic bottles with your own hands?

In order to weave a strong thread, it is not at all necessary to choose expensive yarn. Sometimes scrap materials that can be found in every home are quite enough. Even seemingly useless items such as plastic bottles are quite suitable for this purpose. Weaving a rope from a bottle is quite simple. First you need to cut it into thin long strips and gradually weave it together. Plastic weaving is done manually or using ordinary cosmetic tweezers.

To make a rope from plastic bottles, for convenience it is better to make your own machine. This is a simple design that anyone can do.

We will need:

  • wooden block of any size;
  • blade;
  • 2 nails.

Manufacturing of the machine

So, take a wooden block and drive 2 nails into it (5-6 cm from the edge), not too deep. Cut off the heads of the nails and bend the nails to the sides.

After this, carefully saw the block at a distance of 4-5 cm from the edge, but not all the way. We process the cut with sandpaper. Then we make another cut - across the first cut. It should be as deep as the width of the blade.

We insert the blade into the cut and clamp it with nails.

How to use this machine? We insert the bottle into the through cut, do not forget to cut off the bottom first. We rotate the bottle around its axis. As you can see, the bottle is cut into a thin strip.

Once you have cut your plastic bottle tape, you can make it more durable. To do this, you need to hold it over a hairdryer or gas burner, twisting it a little. After this treatment, the tape will become shorter, narrower, but several times stronger!

In childhood, weaving laces and wreaths from grass was common. For this purpose, plants of a special variety were chosen: hard and sharp, they could very easily cut you. Blades of grass woven into flagella also made a fairly strong rope. Typically these are used in the construction of small rafts or boats. This fun is probably familiar to everyone from childhood. In the modern world, grass fibers have been replaced by cotton fibers and are successfully used to make natural products. Particularly strong threads were obtained from nettles. This procedure had to be carried out wearing protective gloves, otherwise the fingers would quickly turn red and begin to itch. However, the result was worth it, and the rope came out strong. After drying it in the sun, it was possible to weave a small string bag. Nettle ropes are widely used in authentic style. They are completely environmentally friendly and even have some healing properties.

Of course, the most common are thread ropes. In terms of strength, nothing can compare with them. It's all about the number of individual threads, because the more there are, the stronger the product will be. Often, for this purpose, floss threads are used, immediately divided into fibers. There are many techniques for creating round or flat ropes from embroidery thread.

As for purely decorative items, paper ropes can be used for this purpose. First, the material is prepared, namely, the creation of paper tubes. Take a regular sheet of newspaper, roll it into a thin tube and carefully seal it so that it does not unfold. The workpieces must dry for some time, after which they are completely ready for work. By making a long rope, you can use it to knit baskets or organizers for small items.

There is a whole manual on how to weave a reliable rope from twine. Three-strand weaving from such a dense material will help make a strong rope. after all, in appearance it resembles an ordinary woman’s braid. To prevent the twine rope from unraveling, it is advisable to singe the ends before starting work. They will be securely fixed, and you can safely get down to business. Weaving a rope is a very exciting process that develops fine motor skills, attention and concentration.

Production of steel ropes (cables)

Steel ropes or cables are designed for lifting and moving loads, for use in block-transfer devices or for earth-moving mechanisms. Galvanized materials are used to protect against moisture and corrosion. There is a classification of metal ropes.

By type of fiber lay:

  • Spiral - consist of one strand containing several strands of wire.
  • Double - twisted from several strands, usually up to six.
  • Triple ones are the most durable, as they are made from several double ropes.

According to the method of lay placement and direction:

  • Combined;
  • Spot;
  • Strip;
  • Linear.

The production of cables begins with steel wire with a diameter of 0.6 to 8 millimeters. The first step is to curl several threads together to form a strand. All cables have different purposes and characteristics of elasticity, stretching and strength, so the number of threads varies.

The wire is wound onto a wheel and then sent to the twisting machine. A strand can contain up to 60 wires, but the standard twist is from 19 to 30.

Next, the threads enter the drawing ring, which sets the diameter of the strand and is responsible for uniform winding. A lot of lubricant is used at this stage. It is necessary for twisting and mobility of the wire inside the bundle - this allows you to increase the elasticity and service life of the cable. After twisting, the grease is removed with a round rubber spatula.

The next stage is rolling between large rollers. This allows you to remove internal tension, align the cable horizontally and avoid unwinding of the bundle. After all the work, the finished product is wound onto a round blank. To get a very strong cable, for example, for construction equipment, you need to twist several strands together. For this purpose, a rope-twisting machine is used. She gives the bundles a spiral shape and directs them into a nest, where they are wound onto exactly the same bundle - a core, which adds strength. To avoid errors in diameter, the cable is calibrated on horizontal and vertical rollers. After this, the cable is wound onto a steel reel and it is ready for shipment.

To ensure quality, the laboratory conducts random testing. Using a machine, the cable is stretched until it breaks and its breaking force and maximum load are measured. Mining operations require cables that are protected from corrosion. To do this, they are coated with plastic in two layers, heating the plastic in an extruder and squeezing it onto the cable through a pulling device, and then cooled in water. This coating additionally avoids friction of the wires against each other and extends the service life by 1.5 times.

How to make a rope weaving machine with your own hands?

Making ropes is an activity that seems simple at first glance. Often, having started a task, many are faced with the fact that the work is progressing too slowly and the result does not live up to expectations. To make things go faster, you can make your own machine for twisting threads. The creators of Lego sets managed to modernize even such a thing, and now you can already find a real machine that twists ropes.

For twisting, five coils are taken at once. The threads are connected together, secured, and the machine begins its work. Moreover, it is electronic, which helps save a lot of time and effort. The creators note that you can make such a unit yourself from Lego parts that you have at home. It takes up little space and can twist ropes of completely different diameters and densities. The developers offer to modify it according to your wishes and diversify the functionality of the actions. In this case, rope weaving turns into a real exciting process, interesting not only for adults, but also for school-age children.

It's all just a simple split! 10 original ideas for creativity

Twine is an affordable material for creativity. Using it, you can weave, knit, make adhesive-based decor, and make designer practical things. Products made from it always look original and noble. Vases, candy bowls, various boxes and baskets are stylish and functional decorative elements that are easy to make yourself if you wish.

Twine baskets made using different techniques

Whatever the chosen technique, the result is always excellent.

Using a container as a base for a basket

With a supply of twine, scissors and a deep bowl, it’s easy to weave a basket yourself.

We prepare 12 pieces of twine, each 65 cm long, and place them crosswise. We tie one of the ropes in the middle. As a result, we get the basis for the frame.

Having reached the desired height, we fasten the main thread and the carcass threads. We begin to do this 2 rows before the end of weaving. It is important to tuck the threads inside the basket.

  1. Our basket is ready to be filled!

Weaving a basket using a template

A less labor-intensive method involves using a stencil. Transferring the template of the required size onto cardboard or plastic is a matter of technique.

  • Then all that remains is to braid it with twine.
  • At the end of the work, we add jumpers to the basket to hide the joints, a handle and secure the thread.
  • Our basket is ready!

Glue was also used here. With its help, an ordinary jar was transformed into a stylish, functional little thing.

Source: https://cpykami.ru/idei-izdelij-iz-shpagata/

How to make a clothesline on rollers?

Weaving rope at home, of course, should have a practical side. Typically, such products are successfully used as clotheslines on the balcony for drying. When you have ready-made rope at hand, it is very easy to replace it in time, so it is better to prepare it in advance. Despite the enormous popularity of metal indoor dryers, most housewives prefer to dry clothes outdoors. This way it dries faster and has a natural, pleasant aroma of freshness.

It is best to dry clothes under a canopy. To make it convenient to remove and move, they came up with clotheslines on rollers. The mechanism is very simple: rollers are installed on the supports, and the rope is pulled over them in a closed ring. Thus, an elongated circle is obtained. The rollers rotate, and at this moment the laundry moves along with the rope. A similar design is installed not only under a canopy, but also on open balconies of multi-story buildings.

A clothesline on rollers is a universal tool that is suitable for drying clothes on a balcony, loggia, street, or under a canopy.

This is especially true for structures installed behind the railing of a balcony or window. This can often be seen in hostels. This is a universal system that makes life much easier for housewives. At the same time, the laundry looks smooth and fresh, and it can be dried in much larger volumes due to the double rope.

Manufacturing process

You can make the rope yourself using your own resources. To do this, you need to purchase flax, jute or cotton fibers, a vice for metalwork, large nails, and a mechanical drill.

Description of actions:

  • Take one nail and insert it into the vice.
  • Tie one edge of the fibers to it, attach the free edge to the second nail, which needs to be fixed in the drill.
  • Using the forward movement of the drill handle, twist the threads in the right direction.
  • You need to twist the drill without jerking to make a high quality product.
  • Secure the prepared strand of fibers with pieces of thread and put it aside. Make a few more pieces in a similar way.
  • Fix all the resulting strands on a nail in a vice. And attach the other end of the bundle to a nail, which is inserted into a drill.
  • Make a rotation with the drill handle so that the product twists to the left, to ensure reliable fixation of the product.

Ropes can withstand heavy weight, as well as the effects of ultraviolet rays and temperature fluctuations, so they are used in fishing, in decorating premises, and in construction work.

How to make a twisted rope?

The strongest strands are those twisted several times and consisting of many thin threads. The more such threads there are, the better. A twisted, strong rope is best made from twine. Only then will it last a long time and perform its function 100%.

For added strength, braid several braids and then join them into a single rope. This rope can be used in construction, repairs or other household issues.

Composition of paracord

A strong cable consists of an inner core and an outer braid. Inside there are several thin and very durable laces, each of which is woven from 3-4 even thinner ones.

The outer part of the paracord is woven from a large number of very thin nylon threads and is a solid, tube-shaped fabric. The main load always falls on the braid, because even if the core is pulled out, the hollow rope can support the weight of two people.

Inside the cord there are several dense threads, on top of which a thin colored braid is applied. The load capacity largely depends on the thickness of the rope, the number of internal laces and the material from which they are made. So, if a skein of paracord weighs on average 100 g, then it can withstand a load of more than 260 kg.


Its other name is bow. Consists of two intertwined loops and is usually part of a pattern.

  1. Take the bracelet cord and cut it in half. From the first fragment, make a loop with the running end thrown over, and place the second fragment on top of it.
  2. Pass the end of the second segment under the root end of the first and over its running end.
  3. Bring the running end of the second under the loop of the first fragment, and it should pass over the second fragment.
  4. Pull the loops and straighten the knot.

Patterns for weaving a paracord bracelet

Before you start, you should practice weaving on regular shoelaces or clothesline. You can weave a bracelet yourself in different ways, but the most popular are “regular” and “king cobra”, “classic” and “fishtail”. These are the basic patterns for simple weaving of paracord bracelets, which you can easily master on your own.

Traditional paracord bracelet

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • 2 meters of paracord;
  • plastic carabiner;
  • scissors;
  • lighter (matches).

Step-by-step instructions for weaving a traditional paracord bracelet
Fold the rope in half, insert it into the hole of the carabiner, and into the resulting loop, pass the ends and tie a knot. This is how cow knots are knitted, which are widely used in mountaineering.

The free ends of the cable are attached to the second part of the carabiner clasp. The future product is measured according to the width of the wrist in order to calculate in advance the number of loops and the density of knitting.

Next, the weaving process itself occurs, in which each end of the cable is looped through two segments fixed in the middle. In this case, one edge of the cord is wound from top to bottom, and the other from bottom to top.

In a similar way, the bracelet is tied to the required length, the ends of the rope are passed through the carabiner mount a second time. All excess must be cut off and burned with a lighter.

This is the easiest way to weave a bracelet yourself, without any experience in needlework.

Weaving a paracord bracelet “regular cobra”

In this case, you will need paracord a little more than 3 m long. As in the first option, you need to fold it in half, thread it into a carabiner and tie a cow knot.

Place the second part of the clasp on the free ends of the cord and measure the required length of the bracelet with a small margin. After that, throw the ends of the cable over the carabiner, and its central parts will become the basis of the future product.

Weaving pattern for the “Ordinary Cobra” bracelet

Place the left side of the rope on the base at a right angle, resulting in a loop on the left. Go around the left end of the cord with the right end and draw it from above into the resulting loop. In this case, the working tips will be directed in different directions. They need to be slightly tightened and weaving continues in the reverse order.

The knitting process will continue until the entire internal space is filled. If there is a sufficient amount of free cord left, the bracelet is turned over and weaving continues until the working thread runs out . In this way, a product can be made from several layers.

King Cobra weaving pattern

In this case, the main weave used for the bracelet is the usual “cobra”. When the decoration is completely ready, you need to take another 1.5 m of contrasting cord, which will be woven into the product.

The cable is folded in half and threaded under the bracelet so that there is a loop on the left and rope ends on the right. Bring one end forward, insert it into the loop and tighten. Repeat the same pattern on the right side, then again on the left, and so on.

Paracord bracelet according to the “King Cobra” pattern

Cut off the excess ends, melt them with a lighter and secure them with a clasp.

A bracelet woven in this way will not only become an original accessory, but will also allow you to use two strong cables at once.

Weaving a fishtail paracord bracelet

Here you don’t have to use clasps and carabiners, because the bracelet is quite comfortable to wear thanks to a special weaving method:

  1. You need to prepare two long cords of different colors. One of them is placed horizontally, and the second is folded in half and secured in the middle with a cow knot.
  2. The loop from the horizontal cord needs to be pulled up a little to get part of the future fastener.
  3. Divide all four free ends of the rope into 2 parts so that on the right and left there is one end of a different color. The right side will be the basis of the decoration.
  4. One left lace needs to be passed under the right one (of the same color), thrown to the top, pointing the tip to the left, and then passed over a lace of a different color.
  5. Next, the process is repeated in a mirror way, but with a different color.

Weaving pattern for a fishtail paracord bracelet

In a similar way, a bracelet of the required length is knitted, and the ends are fastened with a diamond knot and cauterized.

Myths about paracord

Survival in extreme conditions is always difficult for a person. It is difficult to live even for a couple of days without the usual benefits of civilization and the most necessary items. But there are people who like to consciously test themselves for strength, strengthening their character and fortitude.

First of all, physical endurance, unpretentiousness, ingenuity help them survive, and only then - improvised means. Paracord, used to equip parachutes, became precisely such a means.

The first to figure out how to use it were American paratroopers. It was they who came up with the idea to weave stylish, functional jewelry from durable rope.

The idea of ​​​​making paracord bracelets belongs to American paratroopers.
The main feature of the accessory is that it is easy to tie and even easier to unravel if necessary. Soon, wearing such bracelets became completely justified.

Weaving such survival bracelets does not require special knowledge and skills. This useful decoration is easy to make yourself, with just a little practice. It can save lives in an unforeseen situation, and this does not necessarily mean survival in the forest. The bracelet will come in handy both when hiking, fishing, hunting, and in everyday life.

Have you ever made paracord bracelets? For what purpose? Share your experience in the comments.

Why do you need a paracord bracelet?

When going on a hike, experienced tourists always take with them a coil of strong rope. But a special bracelet will take up much less space, which will help out in any unusual situation. It is light, stylish and beautiful, its wearing does not cause any problems, unlike a skein of rope, which no one carries with them in everyday life.

Here's another thing why a paracord bracelet is needed - it can easily be unraveled and turned into a first aid tool for injuries. You can save yourself with it by climbing out of a window during a fire, and in the forest or in the mountains you cannot do without it.

If necessary, the bracelet unravels, turning into several meters of the strongest rope

Additional functionality of a paracord bracelet

As mentioned above, special additional accessories turn paracord bracelets into multifunctional jewelry. Inside, when weaving, various things necessary for the hike are placed. Both simple plastic carbines and flint and piercing and cutting objects can be used as a fastener.

Military tactical bracelets can often contain up to 10 different attachments.

Among them are:

  • wrench;
  • screwdriver;
  • compass;
  • can-opener;
  • whistle;
  • multitool;
  • watch;
  • thermometer.

Inside the bracelet there may be additional elements for survival in the wild.
In extreme conditions, it is important that the bracelet quickly unravels. When weaving correctly, only 10 seconds are enough to completely unwind the cord.

If you want to combine practicality in use with beauty and style, then you can use decorative elements in the form of a skull, anchor, or hammer as a clasp.

Tools you will need for the job

In addition to the paracord itself and the weaving pattern, you need to stock up on sharp scissors, matches or a lighter for burning the ends of the rope, a carabiner, an anchor or a fastex fastener.

Tools and materials needed for knitting an accessory

You will also need tweezers or a special needle for leather cords. It is a metal knitting needle with a sharp tip, and instead of the usual eye of a needle, there is a groove with a thread on it.

The end of the paracord needs to be slightly melted and inserted into the thread, and when it cools, it will be tightly fixed inside. After finishing the work, the needle can be easily removed without damaging the product.

Typically, bracelets are woven by hand, without the use of various devices. However, advanced craftsmen have come up with a special weaving machine that makes the work much easier.

Machine for weaving paracord bracelets

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You can buy it at any craft store or make it yourself. The paracord is tightly attached to the loom, and the built-in ruler allows you to weave a product of the required size without additional measurements.

Colors and decor

If the bracelet is used only as a beautiful accessory, then it can be woven from 4-5 ropes of different colors. It will no longer be possible to unravel it, and the length of the laces will be short. A functional survival bracelet is woven from one, maximum two cables.

Everyone chooses color combinations to their own taste, but the most popular are blue-white or red-green contrasting shades. These bracelets look very beautiful and can be easily unwoven if necessary.

The most popular two-color bracelet options

Young people prefer complex weaving with decorative elements and bright colors. Making such a bracelet yourself is not at all easy; you need certain skills and experience. It’s easier to buy ready-made jewelry in a store, since the choice of such accessories is quite wide.


There are several types of weaving with the addition of functional fittings and other accessories. The classic snake is the simplest, most basic weaving, suitable for beginners. A more complex version is called cobra. A bracelet made using this technique will be wider and more voluminous.

Options for paracord bracelets

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As a rule, the length of the bracelet depends on the circumference of the wrist, taking into account the clasp. The decoration looks great with an anchor-shaped clasp, at the end of which there are 2 holes for the main loops. This bracelet quickly unravels and is used for its intended purpose.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the multifunctional tactical bracelets with voluminous double weave. You can hide bolts, carabiners, rings, knives, watches, wrenches inside. The product turns out to be quite wide and requires more material consumption.

There are also women's options, which are much inferior in functionality to real hiking bracelets. Such accessories are woven from bright thin cords with the addition of beads, large beads or rings. Guys can replace the beads with nuts and get a brutal and fashionable decoration.

Women's bracelets are woven with beads, beads or rings

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Often there are methods of weaving without fasteners, in which the bracelet can stretch, changing the diameter. This option is more convenient to put on and take off without the risk of accidentally losing a valuable item.


It is also considered one of the basic techniques that allows you to weave complex and beautiful crafts from laces. There are three types.

Horizontal. Take four fragments and fix them. The leftmost one (base) must also be attached with a pin and turned to the right. Using the second thread from the left, wrap the base with two loops and carefully tighten. In the same way, alternately tie the third and fourth segments. You will get a series of horizontal (according to the position of the base) nodes.

The rest are done the same way, but the base is positioned vertically or diagonally.

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