DIY wind tunnel - How to make a wind tunnel

DIY wind tunnel - How to make a wind tunnel

A wind tunnel is a modern sports and entertainment facility that simulates a free fall, like during a skydive. Despite the fact that this entertainment is quite budget-friendly, it is nevertheless capable of bringing a huge amount of positive emotions, seasoned with a certain amount of extreme sports. Much of this popularity is due to the minimum of contraindications, as well as a large number of positive properties, including a beneficial effect on human health - the wind tunnel works in such a way that the soaring body is subjected to physical activity, due to which after the flight muscle fatigue is noted and a large number of calories are burned .

How to fly in a wind tunnel correctly?

The airspace of a wind tunnel has its own laws. There are some rules of behavior in the flight zone. During the training, the instructor will familiarize the visitor with the optimal body position for flight and will help to quickly acquire the necessary skills.


1. Pre-flight preparation

2. Flights in a wind tunnel: proper coordination of movements

3. Benefits of visiting the FREEZONE center

Pre-flight preparation

Today, there are many technical means that allow a person to experience the unforgettable feeling of free flight. Many available methods involve a high risk to life and health. In addition, dreaming of soaring like a bird, people do not always manage to overcome their fear of heights. Not everyone will dare to jump with a parachute or take a step from a bridge into the abyss on a bungee jumping attraction. Extreme sports enthusiasts who care about their safety will enjoy such entertainment as an aerodynamic simulator. In a wind tunnel, a powerful flow of air is artificially injected, allowing you to overcome the force of gravity and experience the feeling of free fall. If certain rules are followed, flights are absolutely safe and at the same time evoke a lot of positive emotions. Before flying in a wind tunnel, the client must undergo an introductory briefing:

  • An experienced trainer introduces the visitor to safety precautions, tells how to behave correctly in the flight zone, and shows optimal postures and movements during flight. The beginner will also have to learn simple gestures to communicate with the instructor while in the aerodynamic simulator.
  • After theory, training begins, during which the client practices the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • It is impossible to fly comfortably in a simulator without a special uniform. The visitor is given an airtight overall, goggles, earplugs and a helmet.

During wind tunnel flights, the instructor is always nearby. The specialist gives tips, monitors the duration of the session, and controls the speed of the air flow. The aerodynamic simulator puts a significant strain on the muscles, so the first flights last only 1-3 minutes. After resting, you can again conquer the air space of the pipe.

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Flying in a wind tunnel: proper coordination of movements

When entering weightlessness, at first a person feels weak and helpless. He cannot coordinate his movements correctly. Before soaring in a wind tunnel, listen carefully to the instructor's advice. While in the flow, you should relax as much as possible, do not make sudden movements, and do not try to hold onto the metal mesh of the fence. The trainer will give precise tips on how to manage your body as efficiently as possible. On average, a visitor will only need a few minutes to get comfortable with the space. Soon many people begin to master simple tricks. Flying in a tube will become much easier if you know some subtleties:

  • While in the air, bend at the pelvis, focusing on your stomach.
  • The arms must be in the same plane as the body; the horizontal line must not be broken. To avoid losing air flow, avoid movements that reduce body area - do not group yourself or stick out an arm or leg.
  • It is better to keep your head elevated. It is better to bend your legs at the knees and spread them wider than your shoulders.

The right choice of clothing is of great importance when visiting a wind tunnel. It should not restrict or hinder movement - this complicates the training and the flight itself. Choose comfortable, loose, warm enough clothes. Remember, you will have to fly in traffic at a speed of about 200 km per hour. Even in a short period of time, your skin may develop goosebumps or chills.

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Benefits of visiting the FREEZONE center

Today, many entertainment complexes invite customers to fly in wind tunnels. When choosing an establishment, it is important to pay attention to the professionalism of the staff, pricing policy and the quality of the installed equipment. The FREEZONE center is equipped with wind tunnels from a famous American brand that meet high standards of reliability and safety. The design of the simulators includes large flight zones where up to 8 people can be present at the same time. Adults and children can fly in zero gravity! Our team consists of experienced instructors who are ready to help the visitor at any time, give competent recommendations and instructions on how to behave in a wind tunnel.

The FREEZONE complex is the best place for holding festive events. In addition to exciting leisure time - flights in a simulator - we will organize a worthy banquet, an unforgettable children's event, and offer conference rooms.

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How to make a wind tunnel

Translated by SaorY for

Greetings to all brainiacs ! Today we will touch upon the entertaining world of physics, that is, we will create with our own hands to visualize the processes of flow physics.

This “airy” homemade product reveals the magic of aerodynamics, that is, everything that falls, flies, spins, etc. and can be an excellent visual aid for children in physics lessons. The design of the pipe is quite strong, so it can be used not only in a vertical position, but also in a horizontal one.

So, Goal: Wind tunnel Processes: aerodynamics, physics, air pressure, fall Manufacturing time: approximately 1.5 hours

Materials: fan • plywood 60x50x2cm • wooden beam 5x7.5cm - approximately 1.8m • self-tapping screws • corners - 6 pcs • plastic sheet (for forming a pipe)

• embroidery hoop with a diameter of 35 cm – 2 pcs • tie clamps • transparent and regular tape • mesh

Materials for hovering: • balloons • bags • markers • ribbons • popsicle sticks • paper • gloves • cups

Tools: • drill • jigsaw

Step 1: More about materials

The main part of our brain craft is a fan, from workshop supplies or a cheap option from a store, preferably, of course, more powerful.

The dimensions of the plastic sheet must be correlated with the required height of the pipe and fan diameter, and of course with the diameter of the hoop. So a hoop with a diameter of 35cm has a circumference of about 114cm, the required pipe height is about 120cm, therefore the dimensions of the plastic sheet are at least 120x115cm.

To make it easier to move the pipe the homemade product uses rollers; this attribute is not mandatory, but useful.

Step 2: Plywood Hoop

The main part of the base of the craft is a plywood “donut”, the internal diameter is close to the diameters of the hoop and the fan. To make it, we apply a hoop to a plywood sheet, mark its inner diameter (35cm), and then use a simple design of a pencil, a block and a self-tapping screw to mark the outer diameter of the hoop (48cm).

Using a jigsaw, we cut out the hoop along the outer contour, then we drill a hole inside the brainhoop and cut out the inner contour. The donut is ready!

Step 3: Places for supports

According to the inner diameter of the “donut” we mark the installation locations for the supports of the craft : at a distance of 120 degrees from each other, we apply support bars, mark them, and then remove excess material with a jigsaw. At the same time, do not forget to try on the fan


Wind tunnel as a modern business idea

An aerodynamic machine has long ceased to be just a production tool and a simulator for parachutists. Today this device can be found in the entertainment and attractions industry. A wind tunnel has a very simple design that provides a strong flow of air that holds an object or person. This feature allows it to be widely used in various areas of business and production. For example, the wind tunnel is very popular among fans of outlandish entertainment, which makes this type of business one of the most profitable. It is interesting that despite the popularity of the car, even in big cities there are few companies that are ready to offer the services of such an attraction, which means that there is little competition. Being one of the new American business ideas, it will bring you good income if you work hard at it.

How else is aerodynamic installation used?

Today there is such a simulator called the “Vertical Wind Tunnel”. It is used to train novice skydivers and as a safe and convenient attraction for fans of extreme sports. As for technical training, this process is designed to consciously change the behavior of the athlete so that his actions correspond to the objectives of his activity.

It has been proven that athletes (and not only skydivers) increase the effectiveness of the training process several times thanks to the use of simulators.

The simulator in which it was possible to most accurately simulate the conditions of free fall is a sports facility for training parachutists - a vertical wind tunnel. In our country there are several such closed-type structures that are suitable for training parachutists of various levels of training.

How to make such a pipe at home

You need to strengthen the rocker arm on the axis so that one arm is short and the other is long. Nothing should interfere with the rotation of the axis on the bracket, neither friction nor anything else. The bracket must be welded or screwed to the shield with a marked scale, graduated in grams.

A vertical rod must be rigidly secured to the rocker arm, and various objects are also rigidly attached to its lower end. The short arm of the rocker arm is balanced by a heavier weight, which is intended to set the rocker arm to the zero position. The long arm is balanced by a smaller weight that moves freely along this part of the rocker. To create air flow, you can turn on a vacuum cleaner or fan.

To direct the flow, a pipe is used, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the body being tested in this experiment. Now you need to hang the object, set a small weight at the zero mark and start moving the large weight along the short arm, trying to get the arrow to reach the mark opposite the line. To simplify the process of adjusting the rocker arm, it is not forbidden to place a large weight on the thread.

After the system has balanced, you can begin to supply air. At the same time, the rocker will begin to deviate upward, and you need to use a small weight to return it back to the line. The division opposite the weight will show the amount with which the given body resists. Naturally, each item will have its own resistance value.

For the purity of the experiment, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions

: The air flow must act on the object with a constant force. The distance between the end of the pipe and the place where the body has the largest cross-section should also remain unchanged. The axis of the body and the axis of the pipe must also coincide.

Effect in industry and construction

The effect created by a wind tunnel plays a big role in aircraft manufacturing, rocket science and other areas of human activity. It helps to determine the forces during the movement of underwater vessels. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to find the optimal, stable and controllable shape of rockets, planes, spaceships, trains and cars. Special tubes are used to study heating and thermal protection of rockets, aircraft, etc.

All experiments with a wind tunnel are based on the principle of reversibility of motion, in which the movement of a body relative to an air or water medium can be replaced by the movement of an air flow impinging on a stationary object. As mentioned above, for this experiment it is necessary to create a constant flow, as well as a constant temperature and density. The main thing is to meet the conditions under which it will be possible to transfer the results obtained for the model in the laboratory to a natural object.

If the conditions are met correctly, the aerodynamic coefficients of the experimental model and the full-size object will be equal to each other, and this will make it possible to calculate the force that will act on a natural object (for example, a spaceship).

History of the free fall simulator

The first wind tunnel was created by K. E. Tsiolkovsky in 1897. Of course, this was just a prototype, in which the air flow was created by a centrifugal fan. The first pipe with an open circuit was created by the Englishman T. Stanton in 1903 and our compatriot N.E. Zhukovsky in 1906.

And already in 1909, an open circuit pipe appeared, as well as a model with a free jet in the working part. Subsequently, with the development of such industries as artillery, jet aircraft and rocketry, a supersonic wind tunnel appeared. The speed of the air mass flow in its working part was several times higher than the speed with which the sound wave propagates.

Wind tunnel, equipment price - open a business

Despite the fact that the business is considered small, the expenses for its owner are by no means small. And an hour of entertainment in such a design costs about 8 thousand rubles. Moreover, this price includes not so much the cost of the equipment as the cost of powering the machine.

Wind tunnel cost

Today on the aerodynamic installations market you can purchase not only huge units, but also mobile ones, which is very convenient. Yes, and they are cheaper. However, it should be noted that the cheapest mobile design costs about 3-10 million rubles, depending on additional options. The most expensive wind tunnels with all the functions and wear resistance cost about 20-30 million rubles. The dimensions of these installations are also significantly larger than previous options. The most expensive among professional machines cost approximately 100 million rubles. Such wind tunnels are distinguished not only by their wear resistance and a huge number of useful options, but also by their low noise level and low energy consumption. However, the purchase often justifies itself, because it pays off relatively quickly.

Cost of operation and maintenance of a wind tunnel

Not only the device itself can be considered expensive, but also its operation and maintenance. The fact is that any of the proposed installations requires a lot of energy, regardless of whether it runs on electricity or diesel fuel. Electricity consumption starts from 250 kW/hour and ends with a huge 2-3 megawatts. The average figure, in particular for mobile installations, is approximately 350-500 kW/hour. But you also need to take into account the fact that any such structures have two modes: standard and reinforced. It all depends on the weight of the person who will use the unit and the desired quality of air flow.

Diesel units also have, as a rule, two operating options: medium and enhanced. And fuel consumption here fluctuates around 30-50 liters per hour. Thus, an hour of operation of the device will cost 1200-3000 rubles.

Advice: if you are planning to become a large entrepreneur and buy large and expensive wind tunnel installations, you may want to consider building a power plant to go with it. But it is worth remembering that there are few such units not only because they are expensive, but also because if you make a lot of them, this can lead to an energy crisis.

Cost of installing equipment and starting a business

In addition to the fact that the installation itself costs from 3 to 100 million rubles, it is worth thinking about where to attach it. In addition to the fact that you will have to build a special room and a power plant, if necessary, you will also need the services of a crane, since securing the equipment is not so easy. Plus, to all this, you will need to constantly buy additional parts and make repairs. It is much easier to create a cleaning company from scratch or organize a mini-production in a garage.

In addition to the installation itself, you will need equipment, namely: various helmets, gloves, overalls and masks. The cost of 10 sets will cost you approximately 100 thousand rubles. Advertising, documentation and other expenses will cost you an additional 100 thousand rubles. Inventory, various safety and sound insulation equipment - plus another 200 thousand rubles.

Flights in a wind tunnel (January 2020) –

Considering new business ideas for 2022 that work successfully and bring profit to entrepreneurs, I would like to dwell on this type of entertainment, such as flying in a wind tunnel.

This is a relatively new business that is just beginning to gain popularity among the population. The wind tunnel is an alternative to skydiving. A person experiences similar emotions and stress on the body, but the cost of the attraction is much lower.

In addition, such flights are safe, even children can participate in them.

How to start a business with wind tunnel services?

At the beginning of your work, you need to take care of a good advertising campaign for your business idea. If the attraction is located in a holiday park, then customers will discover it themselves. But in order for there to be more people willing to fly, and people coming specifically for this, it is necessary to work on advertising products.

Since the ideas are mainly aimed at young people, bright flyers with an invitation and a small discount can be distributed near educational institutions. For regular visitors, you need to develop a system of discounts, for example, for every fifth flight.

Ideas to give unforgettable experiences to birthday people on their birthdays will attract not only the heroes of the occasion, but also their guests to the attraction.

What equipment should I choose for flying in a wind tunnel?

To bring this idea to life, first of all, you need to buy the wind tunnel itself. Technical experts claim that its design is simple and can be easily made with your own hands.

Stationary installations are produced in Voronezh and Belarus. A finished installation costs from 7 to 14 million rubles.

It’s difficult to call a new business with such amounts a small investment in 2022, but the benefits from the attraction in the future will be tangible.

The simplest equipment option is the Tornado installation. It is easy to install, and the cost of flights is low enough for Russians with average incomes to afford the attraction.

"Tornado" has another advantage over its Belarusian counterpart. It has a noise reduction system installed, and the fans have a closed design. The unit is capable of generating an air flow with a diameter of 2.5 m.

It is quite stable and evenly distributed throughout the pipe.

The Belarusian installation, according to experts, requires some modification, but is also quite suitable for a business idea, due to its low price. For example, the equipment is equipped with a gearbox of insufficient power and does not have a noise reduction system.

Therefore, it will have to be installed separately or the attraction will not be used near residential areas. As for the power of the gearbox, it allows people up to 80 kg to fly in a wind tunnel.

Increasing engine speed will require an additional cooling system.

In addition to purchasing the wind tunnel itself, you need to take care of consumables. You need to allocate at least 150 thousand rubles from your income for fuel, oil and other “consumables” in order for your business to operate at full capacity.

An example of a mobile simulator is the domestic model “MTA”. An area of ​​20x25 m is sufficient for its installation. The equipment operates from a diesel engine almost silently.

This is achieved due to the installed sound insulation system of the main units. “MTA” creates a high-quality air flow that is not inferior in strength to that produced by stationary units.

It should be noted that the designers have designed the installation to be as safe as possible. Despite its light weight, it is quite stable and reliable.

All wind tunnels are controlled using software. The computer is connected to the engine and allows you to regulate its speed. The system monitors the oil level, unit temperature, and fuel consumption. The operation of the equipment is constantly monitored, and the entrepreneur can monitor the parameters on a laptop or computer remotely.

This is what the wind tunnel itself looks like

How much money do you need to organize flights in a wind tunnel?

Here are some numbers you'll need to keep in mind when starting a new business in 2022.

ExpensesAmount, rubles
Purchase of the “Free Flight” installation, Belarus4 000 000
Additional equipment with a noise-reducing device and site arrangement700 000
Making suits for clients170 000
Staff room equipment250 000
Consumables (fuel) at maximum load200 000
Staff salaries200 000
Maintenance and repair150 000
Total5 670 000

A flight in a wind tunnel costs an average of 400 rubles per minute. With an average cost of an attraction of 250 rubles, the full payback of this idea can occur in 2 years.

You can use these numbers when planning new business ideas for 2017. Calculations were carried out with the condition that the installation operates for at least 300 minutes per day. Taking into account the fact that it is quite mobile and advertising will be handled by professionals, it is quite possible to ensure such a flow of clients.

With proper business organization, an entrepreneur working in a city with a population of 500 thousand or more can earn 5 thousand dollars or more per month from a wind tunnel. The cost of services in this sector of the economy reaches 8-12 dollars.

per minute, and the company’s monthly revenue is about 9 thousand dollars. But do not forget about fixed and variable costs: staff salaries, electricity, premises rental, advertising and taxes.

As a result, after fulfilling all financial obligations, the attraction organizer will earn, as already mentioned, about $5 thousand per month.

Which OKVED code must be indicated for a business organizing flights in a wind tunnel

Flights in a wind tunnel are classified as business in the leisure and entertainment class (after changes in 2016) with OKVED code 93.2.

What documents are needed to open a company?

You do not have the right to conduct attractions using aerial tubes without completing the following documents:

  • Papers on registration of a business entity (IP or LLC).
  • Taxpayer documents.
  • Permits from local authorities, SES, fire inspection and government agencies responsible for safety in this industry.
  • Documents and certificates for the equipment used.
  • Labor contracts with personnel.

As a rule, representatives of regulatory authorities check (in addition to the above documents) certificates for scales, as well as the presence of first aid kits with appropriate instructions that can be used by employees without special medical education.

Which tax system to choose

From an economic point of view, as well as from the point of view of preparing reporting documentation for representatives of the Federal Tax Service, the most ideal tax regime for entrepreneurs involved in organizing attractions on air tubes is the simplified tax system.

Moreover, if you have expense documents confirming that the company’s costs exceeded 60% of its total revenue for the reporting period, then it is better to pay 15% of operating profit to the budget.

If the amount of expenses does not exceed 60%, then it is more profitable to give the state 6% of the total revenue.

Do I need permission?

To work in the presented segment, you do not need to obtain any special permits or licenses. Exceptions are papers of local authorities, fire services and Rospotrebnadzor. In order to eliminate the possibility of various troubles, be sure to ask your employees for a certificate of completion of a medical examination.

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Step-by-step instructions for starting a business

Business on a wind tunnel even before the opening of the attraction includes the following mandatory steps.

1.Search for premises. There are no special requirements for the location of the wind tunnel. The main thing is convenient access roads, parking and public transport stops.

You should immediately decide whether the wind tunnel will be installed in an open area or indoors. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Outdoor rentals are cheaper, but the operation of the attraction depends on weather conditions and the time of year.

In an enclosed space, you can offer the service all year round, but the cost of such rent will be higher.

When choosing a location for installing a wind tunnel, it is important to consider the following point. The equipment produces a lot of noise and vibration. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it in close proximity to residential buildings. Otherwise, additional noise insulation work will have to be carried out. And this will require additional financial costs.

Even if the attraction is located outdoors, electricity will be needed to operate the device. However, there are models that run on diesel fuel.

What size area is sufficient for installing a wind tunnel? 30 square meters is enough to accommodate the installation, operator’s cabin and changing room.

2. Purchase of equipment. This is the most important point in the implementation of the whole idea. It is important to choose a high-quality and reliable model, on which the profitability of the entire business depends.

Installations differ in power, height, diameter, ease of installation, type of fuel and other parameters.

Before purchasing, you should decide for what purposes you will use the wind tunnel. If used as a simulator for parachutists, you need to choose the most powerful model. If you only plan to use it as an attraction, you can buy cheaper equipment.

How much does a wind tunnel cost? Prices start from 1 million rubles and go up to 30 million. The lower the cost, the simpler the model itself. It is quite possible to buy used equipment. This will allow you to save a lot of money, but there is a risk of purchasing a defective or heavily worn model. And the fan motor wears out after 3 thousand operating hours.

The height of the pipe is 4-5 meters, the diameter is about 3 meters. Additionally, you will need a protective mesh for the pipe and mats if a fall occurs.

The total cost of the turnkey kit is 3 million rubles. Plus delivery 200 thousand rubles.

What is a wind tunnel? An attraction that will help you take off » Blog Freezone

With the advent of the wind tunnel, extreme sports enthusiasts can enjoy free flight in the air without risk to health. The simulator has a safe, well-thought-out design, therefore it has practically no restrictions and can be tested by a wide audience of visitors.


1. A little history: the purposes of using a wind tunnel

2. Design and operating principle of a wind tunnel

3. Aerodynamic simulator: entertainment or sport?

4. Free flights: from young to old

A little history: the purposes of using a wind tunnel

From time immemorial, our ancestors dreamed of free flight and tried to create devices that would lift them to the skies. Over the years, a dozen scientific discoveries have been made and various technical means have become available to humanity to overcome earth's gravity. One such development is the vertical wind tunnel. The first wind tunnel was constructed in 1871 in Great Britain. The device was intended for scientific testing - it was used to monitor the behavior of solids in air flow. At the same time, a wind tunnel was built in Russia. The equipment was used for development and testing in military affairs. The invention of the wind tunnel was a major contribution to the aviation industry - it helped test parachutes, airplanes and other aircraft.

The wind tunnel began to be used for human flights only in 1964 in the USA. The installation helped astronauts and parachutists practice the necessary skills. Only in the 2000s did this invention begin to be used as an attraction. Free flights in the air evoke amazing and unforgettable emotions in people, which contributes to the popularization of such entertainment. The FREEZONE complex offers you to try jumping in a wind tunnel. Two huge aerodynamic simulators are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes who want to improve their parachute descent skills. Let's try to figure out what an aerodynamic simulator is?

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Design and operating principle of a wind tunnel

A wind tunnel is a specialized simulator that allows you to experience the sensations of free fall. Previously, such emotions could only be experienced by jumping with a parachute. However, few are willing to risk their lives by jumping off a plane. Such entertainment is dangerous; not everyone can overcome the fear of heights. The wind tunnel is quite safe as an attraction. After completing the instructions, the visitor can easily get comfortable in the airspace. The operating principle of the technical installation is based on air injection. The wind tunnel operates using one or more large fans, which create a powerful air flow at a speed of 190 to 260 km/h in a vertical pipe. The designs of modern simulators differ in several ways:

  • Fan location. It can be located at the top or bottom of the pipe.
  • The size of the flight zone. The equipment differs in height and diameter.
  • Air flow speed. The indicator depends on the power of the wind tunnel fan.
  • To protect the person inside the simulator from injury, the flight area is fenced with a special metal mesh. It will not allow the visitor to get into the blades of the wind tunnel fans. During the entire flight, the working area is monitored by an operator. It adjusts the flow rate depending on the client's physical fitness and skills. Before each session in the aerodynamic simulator, the visitor undergoes instructions. During the process, the trainer will tell you how the wind tunnel works, introduce you to safety precautions and inform you what to do while inside the simulator. The experienced staff of the FREEZONE center will help you quickly get used to the state of free fall, master your body and perform simple tricks in a few sessions. How a wind tunnel works and its principle of operation will become more clear in practice.

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    Aerodynamic simulator: fun or sport?

    Many experts still disagree on whether a wind tunnel is a sports simulator or extreme entertainment? Today, a technical device combines several functions. Skydivers train in wind tunnels to improve their skills and perfect their tricks. Experts say that aerodynamic flight is comparable to parachute jumping. It allows you to fully experience what a state of free fall is like. That’s why those who want to make a skydive initially try their hand at a wind tunnel. For children, the aerodynamic simulator serves as a kind of exciting attraction. For adults, a wind tunnel is a wonderful active holiday and an interesting way to spend leisure time.

    Due to the fact that the aerodynamic unit is designed like a simulator, in addition to pleasant emotions, you can expect:

    • While inside the wind tunnel, the visitor actively burns calories.
    • With such loads, the muscle corset works perfectly, and coordination of movements improves.
    • Other extreme entertainment is unlikely to give as many positive emotions as a wind tunnel. During training, the body synthesizes the hormone of happiness, which strengthens the nervous system and improves immunity.

    The wind tunnel is simple in design, but its application is quite wide. Often, trips to the aerodynamic complex turn into a hobby for people. Today, sports competitions in tube flying are often held, where participants compete in skill, perform complex tricks and even dance. Big achievements start small. Sign up for your first wind tunnel flight session at the FREEZONE complex at a convenient time. In addition, you can buy a gift certificate from us, which will please your family or friends.

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Income from the installation of a wind tunnel

Taking into account the fact that an hour of operation of a diesel or electric wind tunnel costs about 3 thousand rubles, and for clients 8-10 thousand rubles, there will not be a huge flow of people wanting to try interesting entertainment. However, it is worth considering the fact that even if you turn on the ADT for at least two hours a day, you will make a good profit. Plus, professional training skydivers spend huge amounts of money all the time, and if they make up the majority of your clients, you won't have to worry about income.

Tip: Investing in a wind tunnel is not a profitable investment without risk. Therefore, before you start working in this area, you need to economically calculate the demand and profitability in the area that you like to develop your business. The risk of not recouping the huge investment is too great, so do not skimp and ask for professional advice on this issue.

Where to buy a wind tunnel?

Since wind tunnel equipment is really expensive, it is necessary to analyze the market for such devices before purchasing. Where can you find competent suppliers? ADTs are produced not only abroad, but also in Russia. Be sure to look for reviews and advice from those who are involved in a similar business and understand its details.

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The wind tunnel business can hardly be called small due to the costs, although it is called as such. Those who plan to do this will have to invest a lot of money. Such a business is clearly not suitable for beginners, but experienced and wealthy entrepreneurs can invest in such a business. But they also need to be careful and carefully study the demand for such services.

Home wind tunnel

I got ready and took the risk to build a closed-type wind tunnel for blowing various kinds of elements for model airplanes and experiments around stall profiles, etc. with slaves. camera 50x50x50cm. We already have the first technical ideas. Since this topic developed in the wrong place and interfered with the main one (Will this profile fly?), it was recommended to include questions and proposals for this kind of development in this chapter. So far I have planned to equip the home pipe with a power plant that consists of the following components: 5 pieces of brushless motors for 8S LiPo and for 9x10 propellers. The planned blowing speed in this configuration will hopefully be 180 km/h (50.8 m/sec) The motor controllers will be controlled by a servo tester in parallel. The motors will be powered by conventional batteries. batteries from the car 12V/60A x 2 pcs. in a serial connection i.e. the ESC input will be >24 volts. I plan that the engines in a loaded state will develop 12,000 rpm (higher is possible, but we must understand many things at the beginning before developing such speeds, since as I understand the information from the forum, there are no such home-made pipes for many reasons. I think together with you we we will be able to go through all the pitfalls of this, I think, an interesting project for aircraft modellers, and not only for them, and you can also install an entire RC car in such a pipe and blow out its body to understand various problems and tasks. Through the discussion in the next topic, it seems that we found something from make frames that straighten the flow. It was proposed to make them from plastic “straws.” Little by little I will put my results and questions here.


  1. They are primarily classified according to a range of flow rates. Those. Aircraft can be subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic.
  2. The second classification takes into account the type and size of the working part. Those. A. t. can be open and closed.
  3. The third classification takes into account such a characteristic as compression. It is calculated by the ratio of such quantities as the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe nozzle and the prechamber.

In addition to this classification, three groups of A. are distinguished:

  1. High temperature. She studies the influence of high temperatures and the phenomena associated with it. This is the dissociation and ionization of gases.
  2. High-rise. It studies the flow of rarefied gas around models, i.e. flight at high altitude is simulated.
  3. Aeroacoustic. She studies the influence of acoustic fields on the stability of a structure, the operation of various mechanisms, etc.

To study the characteristics of ship hull parts, duplicated models are used, this makes it possible to eliminate the flow of media on the separation surface. As an alternative, a special screen that simulates the surface of water can be used.

Wind tunnel business: is the flight normal?

Even before the beginning of the “airplane” era, people dreamed of “flying like birds.” Today this is no longer so relevant. Everyone has the opportunity to “defeat gravity” in the increasingly popular wind tunnel attraction.

For many years, this device was intended to simulate the behavior of aircraft in air currents, but in 1981, engineer Gene Germain patented a vertical subsonic wind tunnel for training parachutists. Even then it was clear that this device could be used for commercial purposes, but it had a significant drawback - the prohibitive price.

By 2010, thanks to new technologies, it was possible to reduce the cost of the attraction to a level at which consumer demand appeared. As a result, many entrepreneurs have become interested in the new niche, especially since equipment manufacturers are convincing that the entertainment wind tunnel is a business that can make investors rich. But is this business idea really such a good idea?

Wind tunnel: a brief overview of the market

Due to the high cost of the wind tunnel, entrepreneurs are afraid to install attractions in small towns, giving preference to shopping and entertainment centers in regional megacities. But even here, rare entrepreneurs can boast of good traffic. On forums you can find posts in which users write about their disappointment.

When asked “would you like to visit a wind tunnel,” about 15% of young people aged 18 to 30 said “yes.” He said that they dream of “defeating gravity,” even if they have to pay 5 thousand rubles for 10 minutes of flight. In relation to Russia, we are talking about an audience of potential clients of 3.6 million people who are ready to spend a total of 1.5 billion rubles a year on this type of entertainment.

Wind tunnel - what is it used for?

The wind tunnel is a free fall simulator. For those who have never jumped from a parachute or want to learn the correct jumping technique, the wind tunnel is an excellent simulator. In terms of sensations, a wind tunnel is as close as possible to a real fall from a height - a powerful stream of air, pumped by large propellers, moves at a speed of 200 km/h and this is enough for a person to soar as if in the sky. Children are simply delighted with such entertainment.

The diameter of the wind tunnel is about 3 meters, the height is more than 10 meters. People aged from 5 to 75 years old, with a weight range of 25-120 kg, are allowed to participate in the attraction.

Wind tunnel: an unusual way to learn to fly

“Popular Mechanics” visited the wind tunnel and looked at how future skydivers are trained. However, I didn’t just look: we ourselves flew along with the professionals and felt all the horrors and joys of the oncoming air flow on our own bodies. So: is it worth flying in a wind tunnel at all? How cool and interesting is this?

A wind tunnel is a simulator thanks to which a person who has always dreamed of jumping with a parachute can fully experience all the sensations of free fall without risking his own life and without experiencing fear of heights. It consists of several large fans that force air into a long vertical pipe, thereby creating the effect of falling at high speed for all the bodies that are inside. The flight zone is demarcated by a metal mesh that prevents athletes from getting caught in the fan blades (I wonder if there is a horror movie where this happens?)

Vertical wind tunnels first appeared in the 60s in the United States as a training area to prepare airborne troops and officers for parachute jumps. Over time, such structures lost their exclusively military status and became a popular leisure activity for both professional parachutists and ordinary thrill-seekers.

“Popular Mechanics” visited the “Free Flight” sports and entertainment complex, where one of these simulators is located. We have already been to such an attraction and wrote an article about it, but believe me: every time it is a new sensation. Moreover, last time the material was prepared by a different editor. And there cannot be two identical perceptions of flight in a tube.

...allow everyone to watch the activities taking place inside the pipe

Most often, wind tunnels are built into existing structures, but here the pipe is made into a separate extension, and its design is monolithic, and no questions arise about the strength of the system. The inside is spacious: the pipe height is 7 meters and the diameter is 4 meters. It is currently one of the tallest vertical wind tunnels in the world, although increasingly taller structures are being built for this purpose every year. The average flow speed in the pipes ranges from 190 to 260 km/h, and the minimum flow speed for lifting off an adult in a “hoodie” is about 130 km/h. The operator monitoring the work area can timely increase and decrease the flow rate as needed (so, was there a horror movie on this topic?) Among other things, this is a closed-circuit pipe, so the ability to conduct training does not depend on weather conditions.

First person
The feeling of flying is very vivid, but it is quite difficult to convey it. At first, it’s hard to believe that an air flow can not only lift a person off the ground, but also hold him in this position. But all doubts instantly evaporate when a tight stream of air grabs and literally pulls you inside the flight chamber under the loud roar of giant fans. When I first got here, I felt like a dry leaf, tossed about by the merciless autumn drafts. If it weren’t for the help of the instructor, who guided my flight and did not allow the air flow to throw me from side to side, I would not have gotten out of there on my own.

No matter how scary it may be at first, once you get used to it, you will be overwhelmed with delight! The photo is from the official website, because our photographer blurred the last series of photos

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