Choosing electrodes from Arsenal and collecting reviews

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The choice of electrodes is huge; they are produced by many manufacturers. Some are more famous, others less.

Of those that are well-known, we can primarily note such as ESAB, LEZ, Kobelco, Spetselektrod.

However, there are still many quite worthy manufacturers who have not yet managed to become as popular. We would like to introduce you to one of these companies.

  • Information about the company
  • ANO-4
  • MR-Z
  • Finally

Information about the company

This one is called, it is located in the Belarusian city of Svetlogorsk, Gomel region.

The assortment is not strikingly diverse, but the range presented meets all international standards and at the same time has a low price.

The products of this company have already become known to a large number of consumers, and we can find mention of them in many reviews.

Electrodes of the Arsenal brand are noted as high quality and reliable. Positive reviews about welded rods MP-3 with a diameter of 3 mm are especially common.

They are noted as universal electrodes for home welding and are often recommended by experienced welders for beginners.

The products have long been known outside of Belarus. The main supplies go to Russia, but electrodes from this manufacturer are also supplied to other CIS countries and to Ukraine.

The company's model range is represented by only two names - MRZ ARS and ANO-4. Let's take a closer look at them.

Types of electrodes

The manufacturer produces several brands of electrodes in accordance with GOST 9466-75 for welding all types of low-carbon steels and surfacing work. They can be used for manual arc welding in any position, including vertical seams from top to bottom. Electrodes are used to make butt, corner and lap joints. They weld rolled metal, water pipes and gas pipelines operating at low pressure. Root sutures are applied during construction and installation work.

Arsenal brand consumables are successfully used in industry, construction, mining and utilities, and for household needs.

Figure 1 — Arsenal electrodes

Distinctive characteristics of the products:

  • easy initial and re-ignition;
  • stable arc;
  • low percentage of metal spattering;
  • uniform melting;
  • an even seam is formed;
  • slag is easily removed.

Can be welded in the presence of surface contamination, moisture and rust, even without preliminary preparation of the edges.

For external coating, Arsenal consumables use rutile, the main component of which is titanium dioxide. This type of coating provides resistance to the formation of cracks and pores during welding, and reduces susceptibility to corrosion.

The product range is varied.

"Arsenal" ANO-4

Popular universal electrodes ANO-4. Suitable for conventional and critical welded structures. They are used for parts with a wall thickness of 3–20 mm.

The seam is of high quality, without pores or lack of penetration. It is resistant to cracking.

Technical specifications:

  • For operation, direct current of direct and reverse polarity is used, as well as alternating current with an open circuit voltage of 50 V.
  • The consumption rate is 1.75 kg with a mass of deposited metal of 1 kg.
  • Deposition rate – 8.5–9.5 g/Ah.

At normal temperature and humidity conditions, pre-calcination is not required. Damp rods are dried for 45–60 minutes at t=140–160 °C.

Brand "Arsenal" MR-3 ARS

These electrodes have much in common with the ANO-4 brand. But there are still some peculiarities:

  • greenish color of the coating;
  • thorough filling of cracks of any size;
  • high detachability of slag crust;
  • simple welding process;
  • the arc re-ignites even if stopped;
  • smooth and high-quality seam;
  • in case of oxides on the surface, welding is performed with an extended arc;
  • deposition factor – 8–9 g/Ah;
  • it is possible to use an extended arc if the surface is of poor quality;
  • electrode consumption – 1.7 kg.

Figure 2 - Characteristics of electrodes

Basic parameters for chemical composition: Mn=0.4–0.7; From up to 0.1; Si=0.15–0.35.

Mechanical characteristics:

  • Tensile strength ≥450 N/mm².
  • Impact strength ≥78 J/cm².

Welding mode depending on diameter:

  • 2.5 mm – 50–90 A;
  • 3 mm – 70–110 A;
  • 3.2 mm – 80–120 A;
  • 4 mm – 110–170 A;
  • 5 mm – 150–220 A.

Structures with large and medium wall thicknesses are welded at maximum conditions with the rod tilted during welding. The arc used is medium or short.

When working with thick-walled parts, you will need to apply a reinforced weld and increase the welding current to ensure optimal conditions.


Designed for applying all types of welds. When working using the top-down method, support and an angular position of the electrode at an angle of 40–70 °C relative to the welding direction are required. Uncleaned and unprepared joints are welded with an extended arc.

Figure 3 — Arsenal electrodes

Technical parameters of Arsenal ANO-21 consumables:

  • Consumption rate – 1.65 kg.
  • Chemical composition of weld metal: Mn=0.5–0.8; C≤0.1; Si≤0.3.
  • For rods with a cross section of 3 mm, a current strength of 80–140 A is required, for a cross section of 4 mm – 140–180 A.
  • For welding, it is recommended to use direct current of reverse polarity or alternating current.
  • If wet, dry at 120°C for 40 minutes.

When using ANO-21 brand rods, a fine-scaled seam is obtained. The slag does not interfere with the welding process and is easily removed. The deposited metal is characterized by high resistance to negative temperatures and external loads.

Arsenal electrodes are produced with a diameter of 3 mm L=350 mm and 4 mm L=450 mm.


Electrodes of this brand are intended for manual arc welding. They are suitable for both experienced welders and beginners. They have proven themselves best in welding work with carbon steel. The diameter of this model is from 3 to 20 mm.

The main advantage of this brand is the coating. It consists of rutile, which ensures fast ignition and stable combustion of the welding arc. The quality of the connection will be high, especially if you have welding skills and experience.

Review of Arsenal brand welding electrodes

On our website you can buy welding electrodes in Saratov wholesale or retail at a favorable price. We have a large selection of electrodes and discounts for regular customers!

Arsenal brand welding electrodes are produced by the Svetlogorsk Welding Electrode Plant. The company is located in the Gomel region and is the leader of the Belarusian electrode market. Meanwhile, the plant’s products are also popular in other countries and are in demand among buyers from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Arsenal welding electrodes are of high quality and certified according to GOST R, StB and UkrSEPRO standards. Electrodes MR-3 ARS and ANO-4 ARS are produced under the Arsenal trademark.

Welding electrodes "Arsenal" MR-3 ARS

MR-3 ARS electrodes are manufactured according to TU BY 490419789.003–2018 and are intended for manual arc welding of structures made of carbon steel grades in accordance with DSTU 2651/GOST 380-2005 (St 0, St 1, St 2, St 3) of all degrees of deoxidation - “KP” ", "PS", "SP" and GOST 1050-88 (05kp, 08kp, 08ps, 08, 10kp, 10ps, 10, 15kp, 15ps, 15, 20kp, 20ps, 20).

Conditions of use

Deposition coefficient – ​​8.0-9.0 g/Ah. Electrode consumption per 1 kg of deposited metal is 1.7 kg.

Designed for welding corner, butt, and overlap joints of metal with a thickness of 3 to 20 mm. Electrodes with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 mm are suitable for welding in all spatial positions; with a diameter of 5 mm - for welding in the lower, horizontal on the vertical plane and vertical “bottom-up” positions.

Welding with MP-3 APC electrodes must be performed with direct current of any polarity or alternating current from a transformer with an open circuit voltage of at least 50 V.

Chemical composition of deposited metal, %

0,40-0,70no more

Mechanical properties of weld metal

Tensile strength, N/mm²Relative extension, %Impact strength, J/cm²

Special properties

  • provide easy bridging of gaps;
  • high level of welding and technological properties, ease of conducting the welding process, re-ignition of the arc when setting tacks;
  • high presentation of seams;
  • good separability of slag crust;
  • welding with an extended arc on an oxidized surface is allowed;
  • good sanitary and hygienic indicators.

Welding data

Welding current strength, AElectrode diameter, mm

Packaging details

Diameter, mm2,503,003,204,005,00
Length, mm350350350450450
Electrode weight, g17-1825-2630-3158-5991-92
Number of electrodes in a pack, pcs.55-58; 139-14738-40; 96-10032-33; 80-8342-43; 84-8627; 54
Pack weight, kg1; 2,51; 2,51; 2,52,5; 52,5; 5

Analogs from other manufacturers

ManufacturerElectrode brand
SpecialElectrodeMR-3S, ANO-4
ThyssenPhoenix SH Gelb R

Calcination before welding

Under normal storage conditions, no calcination is required before welding; in case of moistening, drying before welding: 150±10°C 40-60 minutes.

Welding electrodes "Arsenal" ANO-4 ARS

ANO-4 ARS electrodes are manufactured according to TU BY 490419789.003–2018 and are intended for manual arc welding of ordinary and critical structures made of carbon steel grades in accordance with DSTU 2651/GOST 380-2005 (St 0, St 1, St 2, St 3) of all degrees of deoxidation – “KP”, “PS”, “SP” and GOST 1050-88 (05kp, 08kp, 08ps, 08, 10kp, 10ps, 10, 15kp, 15ps, 15, 20kp, 20ps, 20).

Directions for use

Deposition rate – 8.5-9.5 g/Ah. Electrode consumption per 1 kg of deposited metal is 1.75 kg.

Designed for welding corner, butt, and overlap joints of metal with a thickness of 3 to 20 mm. Electrodes with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 mm are suitable for welding in all spatial positions; with a diameter of 5 mm - for welding in the lower, horizontal on the vertical plane and vertical “bottom-up” positions.

Welding of fixed pipeline joints. Allows welding of damp, rusty, poorly cleaned metal. Welding with ANO-4 ARS electrodes must be performed with direct current of any polarity or alternating current from a transformer with an open circuit voltage of at least 50 V.

Chemical composition of deposited metal, %

0,40-0,75no more

Mechanical properties of weld metal

Tensile strength, N/mm²Relative extension, %Impact strength, J/cm²

Special properties

  • ensure the production of a defect-free seam when welding at high conditions;
  • ensure good formation of the weld metal;
  • provide high resistance of the weld metal against the formation of porosity and hot cracks.

Welding data

Welding current strength, AElectrode diameter, mm

Packaging details

Diameter, mm2,503,003,204,005,00
Length, mm350350350450450
Electrode weight, g17-1825-2630-3158-5991-92
Number of electrodes in a pack, pcs.55-58; 139-14738-40; 96-10032-33; 80-8342-43; 84-8627; 54
Pack weight, kg1; 2,51; 2,51; 2,52,5; 52,5; 5

Analogs from other manufacturers

ManufacturerElectrode brand
Sychevsky Electrode PlantANO-4S

Calcination before welding

Under normal storage conditions, no calcination is required before welding; in case of moistening, drying before welding: 150±10°C 40-60 minutes.

On the official website you can select and buy Arsenal welding electrodes wholesale and retail at affordable prices. Pre-registration is not required to purchase electrodes on the website. The minimum order amount is 500 rubles. After completing your application, our manager will contact you to clarify the terms of payment and delivery of goods. For questions regarding the supply of electrodes, call (8452) 48-99-70 (wholesale) or (8452) 48-99-77 (retail).


The MR-Z brand is present in the assortment of many manufacturers. This brand is in many ways similar to ANO-4, we will not repeat the advantages, we will dwell on the characteristic differences of this brand from others.

One of the main features is that there is no need for a long time to remove slag from the surface of the weld. The slag crust separates on its own; all that remains is to remove it from the seam.

Another advantage of these welding rods is that they can be used to weld gaps of any size. This is convenient for beginners who sometimes find it difficult to use a short arc; with this brand you can weld on a long arc.

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