Technology and equipment for minting souvenir coins

With the right approach, making souvenir coins (minting) can become a permanent source of income and quite a profitable business. Such souvenirs are purchased with pleasure by tourists, collectors, and vacationers. The coins depict the name of the city, its attractions, historical and solemn events, names, meaningful and funny inscriptions. Some companies mint business cards and logos in this way, which is essentially nothing more than advertising. Modern coinage does not require large expenses for organizing such a mobile business, but requires only the correct organization and approach.

What is a stamp?

What is a stamp for minting an image on a coin? This term is used in numismatics. The word itself is of German origin. This is the name given to the tool used to make coins and medals. It consists of two elements, the surfaces of which contain “negative” images of the opposite sides of the manufactured products. High strength and hardness steel is used to create the stamp.

Stamp on a coin

The production of monetary units is strictly controlled by the state, since the appearance of counterfeit bills and coins can cause serious damage to the country's economy. The minting of metal money is carried out exclusively by state enterprises. Outdated and unusable coin stamps are destroyed to prevent them from falling into private hands and being used for illegal purposes.

Stages of tool manufacturing

Until the second half of the 19th century, the design on the upper and lower elements of the stamps was cut out by hand. The quality of the tool varied depending on the skill level of the carver. The development of technology for increasing the strength of steel products using chemicals contributed to the introduction of mother liquors—secondary stamps—into the production process.

A positive image carved on the surface of a part is used to mint a large number of stamps from metal blanks of lower hardness. Subsequent chemical treatment provides the steel with the strength necessary for long-term use. The invention of equipment that reduced the size of the design used for minting also helped speed up the coin production process.

The stages of making a stamp are as follows:

  1. Model development. First, it is created by a wax sculptor according to a sketch approved by the Central Bank. The size of the queen cell model exceeds the size of the future coin by four or more times. When issuing collection coins, the Bank of Russia selects the best sketch of the product from a variety of options developed by artists.
  2. Creation of a queen cell. The wax blank is used to make a plaster cast, which is then used to make a nickel plated copper plate. It is placed in a device equipped with a pantograph and ensures the creation of a steel queen cell of the required size with an exact copy of the reduced positive image. The matrix is ​​chemically hardened, giving the metal high strength.
  3. Making stamps. The mother liquor is placed in a special cone designed for punch production. The image on working stamps is applied in a mirror form. After hardening, polishing and drying, the instrument is ready for use.

Cliche for minting coins

If you have your own sketches, you can send a picture from the Internet or a drawing by hand, writing, for example:

1. Make the sea with a dolphin and the sun in the center, Anapa on top, the Black Sea coast below 2. Monument - a monument in the center, St. Petersburg on the bottom, and the Bronze Horseman on top

3. We make a temple with a tower (the main thing is that the temple and chapel are visible), we write ROSTOV-ON-DON on top, founded in 1749 on the bottom.

4. In the center is the logo, above it is Lukoil Trading House LLC, below it is 2012.

(the clearer the terms of reference, the faster we will draw and approve, on average 2 days for drawing + up to 7 days for production itself) Dear customers, there is no such thing as fast and high quality, our cliches go through several stages of hardening and other technical issues, in order for your cliches served you for more than one season, the coins did not get stuck, were easily minted, and the design on the coin was unrivaled in terms of relief, complexity and quality of execution!

We can help a little - from our experience and from the words of our customers, it seems that when you make a coin for tourists in terms of a city or attraction - the main name for people is the name of the city, we are more than sure - if you just write “I was here” and below write the name of the city, then this coin will be made with no less success than with a monument or other attractions)) The main thing is to take away a souvenir with the name of the city where the tourist made the coin with his own hand! Therefore, it is advisable to highlight the name of the city in a larger size. Check out the sample designs...

Ready-made sketches that we have tested over the years J

Standards for sketches with examples 3. About the cost of sketches of finished designs
The price list says that a design costs from 600-1000 rubles. In the section with our ready-made (proposed) designs, you are invited to choose cliche options/drawings that we have tested and on which we ourselves work. At one time, we spent enough money to come up with those designs that are in demand and on which you are guaranteed to be able to make money. The cost of 2600 rubles/cliche is relevant if, for example, you order one drawing in multiple quantities or you yourself sent a ready-made design in the format we need. We have done a tremendous amount of work in advance on drawing layouts and producing clichés, with a considerable investment of money and time, checking the work of the cliché's passability in places of street minting - all the conditions have now been created for you to quickly start a profitable business! You only pay RUB 600 once. for the design of your chosen ready-made cliche/drawing, if you order the same sketch in subsequent orders again, then the cost of the cliche will be 2600 rubles…. 4. About 32.6mm

Please pay attention to this, because... our competitors do not suggest such moments, they only sell equipment, and we work on it, we know all the nuances and are interested in long-term cooperation and OF COURSE, in your quick return on the invested money!!! We want you to start right away and make a profit, and then fully understanding that minting is profitable and quickly pays for itself - they expanded the range, both in cliche designs and in diameter. But, I repeat, it’s better to start with 25mm!))

We ourselves in Moscow organize coin minting events and are in first place in this service in terms of quality of execution, both the service and the quality of the coins, and of course we tried for ourselves (in order to expand the service) to make coins in 32.6mm: for events and in street minting places - in the end we left this idea alone, because This is NOT SUITABLE for events! It takes really a lot of force to make a quality coin on a minting press, especially from brass (the hardest metal compared to copper and aluminum).

The usual law of physics works here: the larger the area, the more force is needed to strike. 25mm coin. can be minted by a person of any age and gender (a child over 10 years old or a fragile girl), but a coin of 32.6 mm can only be minted by a very, very physically well-developed man. In this situation, there is no point in minting for anyone - 99% of people fall out, and, accordingly, profitability.

Our advice is that if you want to make money on coinage, as an exciting and fun interactive activity where everyone can make themselves a commemorative coin about an event or a place where they came to relax, come on a tour or on an excursion, you definitely need to make 25mm. And if you are going to deal with finished souvenir products and you find a workshop where our cliches will be inserted into a large production press (80-100 tons), then you can order any diameter of coins!!!


Regarding Delivery We perfectly understand your concerns about payment, so we never mind if the customer can come and pick it up personally, paying for everything after the fact (if the order was for our ready-made standard cliches), if you don’t arrive suddenly, we use them in other orders . Please also understand us - if you ordered, for example, a cliche with the coat of arms or monument of your city, we made it, but you didn’t come - we will lose money, because it is not relevant in Moscow. .Look at our website for the attraction - we are the first in the search engine, because the quality of service and coins is much higher than others - this is more than a confirmation of the guarantee of our stability and activity of minting, both at events and on the street))

Delivery is carried out through TK Energia, PEC or TK Russian Postal Service, payment is made by you after approval of the sketches (if, for example, they were not our ready-made ones, but yours) through Sberbank to the card. Or you can ask your friends who are passing through Moscow to pick up the order - we will deliver it and meet you without any problems, you just need to pay for the individual cliches first!)


We DO NOT WORK with cash on delivery or with Russian Post anymore - HORRIBLE service and quality of delivery, we will file a lawsuit - recently two customers have refused to accept parcels because... It took one 2 weeks, and the other was lost - they sent it to Krasnoyarsk instead of Krasnodar, which took almost a month and both received opened parcels - for us this is a loss of money on delivery, lost goods and unpleasant emotions - ours, and our dear customers!

About development You definitely need a website and business cards for it. Definitely, when street coinage takes place, people begin to wonder how they can order it for a private or corporate event - a business card for that)) The second stage is to call and visit holiday event agencies in your city - everyone who holds events!!! We even bypassed district administrations - now sometimes they order for district holidays or general city holidays. Our Show takes first place in Moscow in terms of quality of execution and demand for events

How to mount the machine

Important!!!! You only need a sledgehammer like the one in the photo, weighing 3 kg. You can place the machine on a stump without an anvil (so as not to spend money right away), fastening it well with bolts so that there is no shock absorption: on the machine on the bottom (damn) there are two holes for fastening directly to the stump , You need to buy two fasteners (half goes like a self-tapping screw, the other half like a bolt - drill holes on the hemp and screw in the fastener with the side with the self-tapping screw, the part of the fastener with the bolt will remain sticking out of the hemp - place the machine assembly on these two bolts and tighten with a washer - that's all!))

About hitting hard with a sledgehammer

The embossing is a very cheerful and memorable Welcome, so there are no problems - everyone is happy. We refuse even well-paid orders if they want to deliver somewhere in the middle! A drunk/inappropriate guest means a high risk of injury, once he hits someone and that’s it, problems! Before each blow, all our employees unobtrusively explain how to hold the sledgehammer and with what force to hit, saying: “You want to get a beautiful coin, I’ll now tell you how to do it correctly :) and WE will succeed, and the rest will be jealous: )” When a person, excuse me, “hits” with a sledgehammer, the rest of us get the impression that this is the only way to hit, that enormous strength and scope are required + you must not miss…. and people don't participate!!!!! Afraid!!!!! It's horrible!!!!! If such an uncontrollable person is still found, then everyone should immediately disperse far away, and after that the animator should calmly, take a sledgehammer himself, make a coin without a strong swing and tension, saying: “You don’t need to hit so hard :), the coin will turn out in any case everyone!!! You see... You came to relax, and not try to measure strength or injure!?:) We make magic!!!))))"

Where to pick up the order if self-pickup

Dear Customers, our production facilities are located in the Moscow region, from there, in the majority, orders go through transport companies. If you want to pick up, touch, look and make sure of the quality of our products, then we will be happy to show and demonstrate everything to you, having previously taken your order from production at the address in Moscow:

st. Guryanova house 2. Metro Pechatniki - From the metro (one exit) without going down, go straight through the glass doors and turn right, walk about 300-400 meters along the road (it turns slightly) and you will see a green fence with a large parking lot - the territory of the Kuryanovo trade fair complex (red complex) - landmark from the metro - yellow houses. 5 minutes from the metro. Call us an hour before arrival so we can meet you)


We refused the service of selling stationary machines operating on the gearbox principle, because... it takes up a lot of space, requires an electrical connection, there is no mobility, a small assortment of clichés is available, and most importantly, people most like to make a coin with their own hands))! Our machine for cold hand embossing is in active demand and interest - you can install it anywhere, because... 1 square meter is required, the clichés on it change in a matter of seconds, and the pleasure and emotions for a hand-made coin cannot be compared with any technical machine. The payback of such a machine is much faster and more efficient. The embossing machine can be used not only in places where tourists gather, but also at various city events, exhibitions, weddings, corporate events and other events. The machine costs 12,000 rubles.

production of cliches from RUB 3,600/piece.

The cost of an individual design is 600-1000 rubles. We are definitely interested in partnership cooperation, we have all the necessary information and answers to all questions that may arise. We will be happy to help and tell you how to make this business more profitable)) We have been working with the European Union for more than 4 years, supplying equipment to Bulgaria, Haratia, Italy, Spain, Greece.. We have been delivering to Israel, America, Thailand for about a year , Vietnam, Philippines.

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Working stamps are installed on high-speed presses with a computerized control system. Blanks of future coins are fixed with special plates and pass through equipment that controls the compliance of the dimensions of the parts. The number of issued monetary units is counted by a special device. The weight of the coins is checked and the absence of defects on them, with non-standard copies being rejected. Finished products are counted, placed in special packaging and sent to financial institutions.

The best selection of materials for the question: How to make a cliche for coins?

“Which cliché should I choose?” - this question is familiar to anyone who has decided to become a coinsmith. In fact, what is the difference between all these 25 mm and 32 mm, what is a universal cliche, and what is the vaunted 3D cliche for?

Let's try to figure it out together.

25 and 32 mm – this number in the name of the cliche means that with its help you will receive coins of exactly this diameter. This parameter must be specified when ordering - after all, for each cliche size you need special blanks of the same size. Otherwise nothing will work.

You can find out which diameter is right for you in one of our articles “Which diameter cliche is best to choose?”

If you cannot choose, and want to mint both medium-sized coins and impressive medals with a diameter of 32 mm, feel free to choose a universal cliche.

This invention is really very convenient and successful.

In 2007, in the vicinity of the Buryat ulus Ushon (Alarsky district), one of the Irkutsk treasure hunters, who wished not to reveal his identity, found with a metal detector an incomprehensible pile of metal circles, rusted from time to time, which turned out to be a real counterfeiter’s machine of the early 20th century. The kit included metal containers with white contents similar to lime or plaster, metal cliches, and a base with pins.

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