Hydraulic jacks of bottle and rolling type: device, principle of operation, diagrams

Currently, jacks are devices that are used to lift a load to a certain height. Their device can be varied. Most often, this technique is used by motorists during repair work. The rolling hydraulic jack stands out among the variety of similar devices. This device is considered indispensable when carrying out repairs in large car repair shops.

Diagram of the device of a rolling jack.

Some people use it for their private home purposes. Let's consider the device of a rolling hydraulic jack.

Using a jack

Many car owners want to assemble a jack with their own hands. This greatly simplifies the processes of repair and preventative maintenance of the car, eliminating the need to visit HUNDREDS and spend money on purchasing factory lifts.

The lift itself is a device designed to lift a load to the required height. Such devices are widely used in households and industries and vary in size and performance.

The load lifting device is used for:

  • Repair;
  • Bypass;
  • Lifting heavy objects;
  • In construction;
  • When disassembling a car, replacing wheels, etc.

The main distinguishing feature is the carrying capacity. Some models are designed to lift several tons, while others can lift hundreds of tons.

Where else can it be used?

Such automotive units are actively used in various fields of industry, due to their unique ability to lift and carry enormous mass. Repairing complex units and machines at an enterprise will be much easier if you use this tool. After all, it can lift from two to several hundred tons.

Thanks to good fixation of the load at any stage of lifting, you can safely carry out any work in hard-to-reach places. All this happens thanks to the presence of a special shut-off valve in the design of the unit. Such features help to achieve a high efficiency in using the unit. The device itself is quickly activated and has good stability, which is achieved by a special support platform.

Hydraulic jack device

In order to calculate a hydraulic jack for its purchase or self-assembly, it is recommended to find out what the circuit, structure and design features of this device are.

The lifting device consists of three main components:

  • Movable piston;
  • Frame. It is made of high-strength metal and has a cylindrical shape. In addition to serving as a housing, it also serves as an oil reservoir;
  • Liquid medium. Machine oil acts as a liquid medium;
  • Levers;
  • Valves;
  • Sinker.
  • Force is applied to the lever, and the use of valves allows you to increase it by several tens.
  • The piston allows the piston device to move, pumping the working fluid, which is oil, into a reservoir located under the piston.
  • Thanks to the valve, oil does not flow back into the housing.
  • Gradually the piston moves more oil under the piston, which helps the oil rise.
  • To reduce weight, the oil must return to the device body. This requires opening the valve slightly.

The same operating principle applies to all hydraulic jacks. Therefore, the diagram, drawings, and video instructions for assembling and operating these devices are approximately the same.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding to assemble a bottle-type lifting device, thus creating a hydraulic jack, or to purchase factory equipment, you first need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the device.

Let's start with the advantages, which include:

  • High rated power;
  • Ease of use;
  • High efficiency, up to 80 percent;
  • The device works well when moving loads weighing up to 200 tons. So, a hydraulic jack lifts a fair amount of weight.

But this type of jacks has its drawbacks. You should know them before you start working on it.

  • The device cannot lift loads from low heights.
  • The wear level of the part cannot be determined.
  • This type of device requires special attention and periodic maintenance. The service program includes the need to add oil, replace gaskets and seals.
  • The hydraulic jack may only be transported and stored in a vertical position. Otherwise, the oil will leak and must be topped up for it to work properly. Refilling the device is not difficult, but no one wants to do it all the time.
  • The operating principle of the device does not allow it to quickly perform the functions of raising and lowering.
  • The rise occurs cyclically.
  • This type of device is quite expensive. Breakdowns of hydraulic jacks are not uncommon, and their maintenance is quite expensive.
  • Whether you choose a factory elevator or build one yourself is up to you. There are various types of hydraulic jacks available in the market. Each of them has its own characteristics that you should be aware of before purchasing a device.

Repair of valves in hydraulic jack designs

Operating principle of a hydraulic rolling jack.

When carrying out repair work to restore the functionality of the valve that allows oil to pass through, you should unscrew the valve and check it for accumulated contaminants. In addition, when inspecting the valve structure, you should check for the presence or absence of deformation. If mechanical deformation of the device is detected, it should be replaced. If contamination is detected in the valve, the oil will leak during operation due to the fact that the ball does not fit tightly to the seat. To remove contaminants, the device is washed; before washing, the old liquid is drained into a specially prepared container. During the draining process, the system should be pumped using the operating lever by raising and lowering.

After pumping and disassembling the device, all parts are washed to remove dirt and residual old working fluid. During the repair process, all seals and gaskets should be replaced. If contaminants enter the working cavity, it is necessary to unscrew the housing head to carry out cleaning.

A special flushing liquid or kerosene is poured into the tank and pumped. The locking needle must be removed during this procedure. After the procedure, kerosene or special flushing fluid is drained, and the working cavity is filled with clean working fluid.

Types of hydraulic jacks

Bottle type device. The most common and at the same time the simplest type of hydraulic jack. Bottle lifts can lift up to 100 tons, have an impressive supporting surface and a compact body. They are widely used for work in auto repair shops. The bottle lift is available in two versions - single-beam and double-beam. The first of them are simple in design and are used in construction, repair of railway cars, production of bending and cutting devices. The two-link mechanism can operate in vertical and horizontal positions.

  • Winding. The trolley-like device on the outside resembles a cart that moves under the lifted load. It is operated by a hand lever and adjustment is made by oil valves. Ideal for one-way lifting, suitable for use when changing wheels on a car. However, this requires a hard, level surface. It can be homemade.
  • Hybrid. It combines a bottle jack and a mobile hydraulic jack, widely used in auto repair shops. Control is carried out using levers and foot pedals.
  • Rhombus. Indispensable for auto repair shops. Its supporting structures are connected by loops and form a diamond shape, which influenced the name of the device. Compact, relatively lightweight, easy to transport.
  • On hook. They are used where it is necessary to lift loads from a small height. The bottle diagram is used to work with it. It can be homemade.
  • Assembling a homemade unit with your own hands or buying a factory-made hydraulic balloon lift is your personal decision.

The principle of operation is clear. All that remains is to figure out how to repair and upgrade the device. Consult the manufacturer's instructions to determine what type of oil to add when changing or topping up.

Maintenance and care

Rolling jacks are reliable and durable, but they also fail sooner or later. Most often, owners encounter problems such as:

  • The rod will not rise.
  • The jack does not support the load.
  • Oil smudges appeared on the body.

In some cases, malfunctions can be eliminated by lubricating the moving elements or adding oil to the system. By the way, to improve the performance of the device, manufacturers recommend periodically changing the oil. The intervals between changing the working fluid depend on the intensity of use of the jack.

If the oil has not been changed for several years, after draining it, it is recommended to flush the system. It is performed as follows:

  • A specialized flushing fluid for jacks is poured into the oil filling hole. You can purchase it at construction stores or auto parts stores.
  • To distribute the liquid throughout the system, a lever is activated.
  • Then add fluid again and move the lever. The procedure is repeated until the rod reaches the top position.
  • Turn the exhaust valve and return the piston to its original position. Then the cleaning liquid is drained.
  • If there are traces of contaminants in the liquid, the system is filled with liquid again and flushed again.

After the final flushing of the system, the flushing liquid is completely drained and the structure is assembled. Then you can start “pumping the hydraulics” - filling in the working oil. The unit is filled with oil according to the scheme described above: oil is added to the filling hole (it remains open to allow air to escape), and the rod is lifted up using a lever. When the stop is extended to the maximum, open the exhaust valve and lower it to its original position. Excess liquid is poured out. The filling hole is clogged, and excess oil is wiped off the jack body. After this, the device is ready for use.

For more serious malfunctions, checking the functionality of parts and repairing them is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Oil is drained from the apparatus through the filling holes into the prepared container, and the structure is disassembled.
  • After disassembly, you need to inspect the pistons. If there is plaque or rust, clean the parts with a rag soaked in gasoline, diesel fuel or white spirit.
  • The next step is to check the valves. Clogging indicates the need to clean or replace the part.

To extend the service life of the jack, you must:

  • Change sealing elements in a timely manner. Their wear is indicated by fluid leaks on the body.
  • Monitor the oil level in the system.
  • Check the rod and guides for corrosion processes.
  • Lubricate all moving parts with grease.
  • Ensure compliance with load capacity standards.
  • Keep the device clean by wiping it with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use the jack as a support mechanism. Any model of jack is designed to lift, not hold, a load.
  • The device should be stored in a dry place with the heel down and the stem retracted.

The correct choice of device will help facilitate the operation process. First of all, it is necessary to select models whose load capacity corresponds to the operating weight. Also important parameters are the minimum ride height and maximum lift height.

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Repair and pumping

The most common failures of hydraulic lifts:

No oil;

  • Excess air inside;
  • Formation of rust and dirt;
  • Deformed rod.
  • In this case, it will be necessary to repair and bleed the hydraulic cylinder.

When used, oil will leak out of the hydraulic jack, which requires periodic refilling of the hydraulic fluid. Refueling is done using a repair kit.

  • Before starting maintenance, prepare a container to drain the old oil and prepare fresh fluid for refilling.
  • Using wrenches, unscrew the bolts, remove the drain valve and lifting piston.
  • Clean the pistons, remove dirt, rust, check integrity.
  • Partially inspect the drain valve from the outside in. The presence of defects on it indicates the need for replacement.
  • Be careful not to lose the metal ball when checking the valve. If it is not tightened, the jack will not work properly.
  • Drain the old oil by pumping it out. To do this, move the lever up and down until all the oil flows into the master cylinder.
  • After draining the oil, clean all parts, replace seals and gaskets.
  • It is best to rinse with kerosene. Pour into the jack and inflate, after removing the fixing needle. Pump out the kerosene and fill the tank with new oil.
  • If an air lock has formed in the jack, remove the oil reservoir cap, open the valve and pump several times. Then open the drain valve and install the plug.
  • The pumping principle and maintenance are not a problem, so any user can repair the hydraulic jack with their own hands.

At first glance, lifting a car or other load may seem like a simple task. The process of lifting a car includes appropriate approaches, as well as stocking up on specialized equipment. Experienced experts recommend giving preference to hydraulic jacks with a large load capacity and an excellent level of safety. A hydraulic jack is a simple design that can be easily made even with your own hands at home.

Nowadays, almost every car repair shop has a hydraulic jack because with the help of an old 5-ton jack, a car can be raised to a certain height for repairs. Bottle lifts are popular due to their high lifting capacity and ease of use.

Design features

A rolling car jack is a hydraulic lifting device mounted on four steel wheels. This makes it possible to roll it under the car, which is how it got its name.

Not a single car service or service station can do without using a lift. Large load capacity, convenience and ease of use play a significant role in the work of not only professional car mechanics, but also ordinary car enthusiasts.

The lifting mechanism consists of several elements:

  • metal frame capable of withstanding heavy loads for a long time;
  • four metal wheels: the two front ones are load-bearing and play a supporting role;
  • the two rear ones are movable, ensuring the maneuverability of the unit;
  • a hydraulic piston raised or lowered into the housing;
  • the platform is the part on which the machine rests;
  • a handle designed to force oil into the piston, which powers the mechanism.
  • To use such a device, you need a flat and hard floor. If using a 3 ton or larger rolling jack, the surface must be concrete. The steel wheels are coated with polyurethane, which allows the mechanism to be used on any floor covering without the risk of causing damage.

    The hydraulic lift is designed for long-term operation under load without the use of additional means or mechanisms. No more cranes, chains or winches are needed. The service life of such devices is long and does not require frequent intervention.

    In order to protect the paintwork of the body, it is recommended to equip the lifting platform with a thick rubber lining. Additionally, they ensure safety during operation by placing stoppers or stops under the wheels on the opposite side of the machine.

    The lifting device has important advantages:

    1. High efficiency and complete autonomy.
    2. Safety of carrying out any work under the machine.
    3. Storage of the mechanism does not require special conditions or additional free space.

    Bottle jack device

    Hydraulic bottle lift

    Fifty years ago, it was possible to lift a car or other load only with the help of a mechanical device, but over time, experts established the fact that the capabilities of such a device are limited. Mechanical jacks were unable to generate sufficient pressure even when using the jack optimally. As a result of these tests, a modern lifting mechanism was invented, which requires oil to operate. The working fluid helps create the necessary pressure, and the lift gradually raises the load to the required height.

    It is worth noting that hydraulic lifts are used not only by gas station workers, but also at large oil refineries. These designs are indispensable in hydroelectric power plants, and over the past 10 years they have become the preferred choice of most car owners, both experienced and new. For optimal functioning of the device, both vertical and horizontal planes are suitable, which makes them popular even in the construction industry.

    Today, the automotive parts and components market is characterized by a variety of hydraulic jacks. Popular device types include the following:

    Types, properties and characteristics of hydraulic jack

    Cylinder lift and chassis lift;

    • hook;
    • diamond-shaped;
    • hybrid.
    • They are used to lift loads ranging from 2 to 100 tons, and most cylinder models operate in a vertical plane. To start the mechanism, it is necessary to prepare a supporting platform with a large plane, and the lifting height is regulated by a double-beam structure.

    Rack and pinion jacks, which operate in a horizontal plane, have a wheeled trolley that must be placed under the object being lifted. By gradually moving the lever, it is necessary to increase the pressure at the output of the handle, which causes the switch to operate. In order to lower the load, you need to unscrew the lever back, but it is strictly forbidden to rush, as the machine may fall sharply.

    Diamond-shaped lifts consist of four frame elements connected to each other by hinges. The process of lifting a vehicle occurs due to the fact that the angles between the frame elements change.

    Hybrid lifts are so named because they combine a bottle lift and a jack lift in their design. Lifts with two lifting platforms are used in car repair shops, where they service cars of various brands, classes and modifications.

    The operating principle of a hydraulic jack can be considered using the example of a popular production device. The operation of this lifting structure is based on the principle of communicating vessels, but first the elevator should be installed in a room with a hard and level surface. Then press down on the bobbin case, making sure the cylinder base and valve are closed. Before using the device, carefully read the operating instructions for the ShAZ 5t hydraulic jack.

    A rolling car jack – where does it get such strength?

    A jack is a special device whose functions include lifting and briefly holding a car, as well as other loads, at a certain height. There are an incredible number of ways to implement this, and accordingly, different types of jacks do this job, so they are divided into mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and air.

    The principle of operation of hydraulic jacks is to move the piston; this occurs due to the working fluid supplied under pressure ; accordingly, a pump is needed to create pressure. As soon as the liquid is pumped into the pump reservoir, the piston is lowered. The word “rollable” already indicates the presence of wheels on this type of device, which means that it does not need to be moved from place to place, but can simply be rolled.

    Working principle of a hydraulic jack

    Hydraulic jack design

    As soon as the lift with a vehicle or other load reaches the required height, the lifting process must be stopped immediately. If the system needs to be lowered, the lift switch should be turned slowly in the opposite direction to the movement. clockwise. The main working element of the lifting structure is a special lever with which the working fluid is pumped. During pumping, the oil acts on the piston, causing the load to rise. The return of the sprayed liquid is completely excluded, since this is prevented by elements represented by the suction and drain valves.

    The supporting structure of a bottle jack is a body, which is usually made of solid steel, cast iron or other metals. In addition to the load being lifted, the housing also serves as a guide for the piston rod and as a container for the sprayed liquid. The design of the jack is as follows:

    Bottle-type hydraulic jack design: diagram

    the oil that is poured into the cylinder is the working fluid;

    • the working fluid puts pressure on the piston and the piston begins to rise
    • The starting force is generated by a manually operated plunger pump;
    • the piston is moved by moving the lever.
    • This design is used in all types of hydraulic jacks. A schematic representation of a hydraulic lifting structure can be found in any reference book, one way or another related to plumbing or water supply.

    Bottle lift diagram

    Bottle jacks can be repaired at home yourself. The machine can be operated manually, but to do this, you must become familiar with all possible faults and troubleshooting rules. Prepare new parts in advance to replace worn parts.

    Possible breakdowns and how to repair them yourself

    Over time, any equipment begins to fail and require special maintenance. The first thing you need for a hydraulic jack is periodic inspection of the mechanism and topping up the oil. Also, after a certain interval it will be necessary to wash it and completely change the oil.

    The most common cause of failure of such a device is failure of oil seals and gaskets. This leads to oil leakage from the working tank. The rod may also get stuck on the reverse stroke. It can be prevented if the problem is corrected the first time an oil leak is detected. To do this, you need to drain the oil, disassemble the mechanism and replace the seals with oil seals and refill with fresh oil. When everything is ready, liquid is pumped through the assembled device.

    Sometimes the rod can simply jam due to accumulated dirt or corrosion, which is why disassembling and washing the device, as well as a special anti-corrosion treatment, helps.

    Repair kit for jack

    Other breakdowns occur if the device was operated incorrectly, then the following may occur:

    • The piston moves jerkily or slowly. This indicates that air has entered the working compartment and you need to add oil and pump it.
    • Reduced pressure on the piston. Most often, the problem lies in the intake valve, which may require repair or replacement.
    • Stopping the lifting piston. This phenomenon with a rolling jack is associated with a clogged filter or the fact that the oil has run out.
    • The piston stops rising completely. Often the problem is the lack of liquid in the reserve tank.

    Most of the damage that occurs to the jack can be repaired after disassembly. However, if the problem arose due to mechanical damage to the piston or something happened to the outer casing, then replacing the device is recommended.


    If the jack breaks, you need to read the instructions, which must be included with each device. It contains a diagram, necessary information about operation and maintenance periods.

    It is necessary to ensure that the device is not constantly in overload mode, that is, when selecting a jack for working with a machine, it is necessary to select one that has a load capacity of several tons. If the jack is subjected to extreme loads and is not inspected from time to time for lack of oil, then a whole series of breakdowns will not be long in coming.

    Advantages of rolling jacks for cars:

    • Compared to other types of jacks, there are models with very high load capacities.
    • As a rule, such devices are equipped with reliable fixation and there is no fear of failure.
    • The design is very stable and comfortable.
    • A person spends little effort.

    However, it should be noted that such a device has two drawbacks: the need for a flat surface, which does not always happen when there is a breakdown on the road, and oil freezing when operating at low temperatures.

    In all other respects, rolling jacks are very practical. They save the effort of drivers and craftsmen. In addition, a wide variety of models allows you to choose exactly the device that is most suitable for working with a particular car or for service in a service station.

    Reasons why a hydraulic jack may fail

    Using wrenches, remove all the bolts and bushings that are on the top of the master cylinder. After removing all retaining rings and removing the tank, ensure that the lift is not damaged. Replacement bolts should be selected to closely match the dimensions of the standard parts, and the bushings should always be round.

    In the event that the upper ring comes off, it is necessary to disconnect the upper washer under the jack and carefully inspect it. Use wrenches to loosen the bolts and install the new rod. To improve fixation, it is recommended to use sealing sheets. With the lower ring removed, the lower frame is removed and the integrity of the hydraulic cylinder is checked. The piston should move smoothly, without jamming.

    To unscrew the frame, turn the lift over and securely fasten it. The sealing ring is carefully checked and only then the cover is removed. We disassemble the extended extension with a Phillips screwdriver and also check the plate for damage.

    Jack repair at home

    Another common cause of malfunction is a broken traction arm. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble not only the short cylinder, but also the connecting device. If any damage or scratches are found on the cylinder or moving plate, these parts must be replaced. The traction device to which the lever is connected is located on the underside of the plate, and to remove it the drawbar must be released. After repair work, the bobbin case is secured to the lifting device with an elastic band on the lifting device.

    To avoid premature failure of the cylinder hydraulic cylinder, it is recommended to periodically lubricate all its parts. It is strictly forbidden to accumulate debris in the socket holder, as this may cause the device to jam. Only with proper storage will the structure last a long time.

    Currently, lifts are devices that are used to lift loads to a certain height. They may have different devices. Most often, this technique is used by drivers during repair work. A special feature among all the variety of this type of equipment is the hydraulic jack. This device is indispensable for repairs in large auto repair shops.

    Jack design diagram.

    Some people use it at home. Let's consider the design of a walking hydraulic lift.

    The jack is designed to resemble a wheelchair that can easily be driven under almost any vehicle. Most often, such devices are used for repairs by large auto repair shops. Here the design is not much different from the stationary one. Jacks of this type have a hydraulic cylinder and a piston pump operating on the principle of a manual lever drive.

    Device and principle of operation

    The choice of a particular device directly depends on the conditions in which it will be used. This can be not only a large car service center, but also a small private garage. Many car enthusiasts have already appreciated the benefits of a convenient design. Such models can be installed anywhere, that is, even in areas adjacent to the service station. They are capable of lifting a fairly large mass to a decent height. Some models have additional attachments that significantly expand their functionality.

    Thus, it was previously established that one of the main components of a hydraulic jack is the cylinder. The required force is obtained due to the pressure difference in the main cylinder and the actuator cylinder. It is worth paying attention to a certain design feature of such devices. The fact is that the hydraulic cylinder is not vertical, but horizontal. Of course, this does not in any way affect the principle of operation of the mechanism. There are several other design features of such devices.

    Their rod does not rest directly on the car body. It rests on a lever that rests on the surface of the car. Why use such a complex mechanism when you can control the position of the cylinder with a simple vertical jack?

    The answer to this question is actually quite simple. This device is easier to roll under the car than its vertical counterpart. This is due to the same design features of models of this type. If you have a car with a low chassis, you need to use this device to raise it to a certain height.

    It is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the topic of a walking hydraulic lift. Thus, it is a four-wheeled stroller that can easily pass under almost any car. These wheels are rigidly fixed to the frame. The hydraulic drive is located on the frame. In a horizontal position, the piston rod is supported by a special vertical mechanism, which is attached to a lifting platform. Vehicle lifting is provided.

    The mechanism for converting horizontal movement into vertical movement can be different. Most often this is a rotary gear. But this is not the only way of transformation. Much more complex mechanisms can be used here.

    The entire operation of the mechanism is based on the movement of a special handle. The hydraulic jack itself slides under the car. Then the working mechanism starts. The drive creates a certain pressure in the cylinder, with which the car rises. The main work is done by the actuator and direct valve. If the pressure in the system needs to be reduced slightly, the knob can be turned. As a result, the check valve opens, releasing air from the system.

    A jacked vehicle or other device is lowered. There are also alternative models of mechanisms. They have an air release check valve right next to the handle. To relieve excess pressure, just install the handle on it, having first removed it from its place. This is how a hydraulic car jack works. Its design is simple and original. It is for this reason that such mechanisms are chosen.

    Jack characteristics table.

    What to look for when choosing

    The choice of a particular automobile rolling jack is based on several aspects, including:

    Maximum height value

    • Maximum lift height . This is especially true for SUVs and crossovers. This value in this case should be from 450 mm and above.
    • Minimum height . It provides the opportunity to “crawl” under the bottom of the car. This parameter must be selected based on the technical data of your car, in particular, the ground clearance height.
    • Lifting speed . Some models of rolling jacks have an additional pedal that allows you to increase the lifting speed.
    • Load capacity . This parameter is often the key. For most passenger cars, a jack with a lifting capacity of up to 2 tons is suitable, but owners of SUVs and crossovers are better off buying a jack capable of lifting a load of 3 tons. In any case, when choosing a particular model, ask the technical documentation how much your car weighs, and buy a jack that can lift more weight (that is, with some margin so that the mechanism does not work in critical conditions).

    Minimum working height

    The following additions will be useful:

    Protective caps on plungers

    • rotating handle for safely lowering the car;
    • safety valve, whose task is to protect the mechanism from overload;
    • composite coating on the drive handle, which ensures comfortable operation;
    • built-in tray for storing small parts;
    • polyurethane coating on metal jack rollers;
    • caps on the plunger (or plungers, depending on the model), which protect the mechanism from dust, dirt, and corrosion;
    • additional oilers on heavily loaded areas;
    • a latch that ensures safety when performing work.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    There are many different positive qualities in such a system. The main advantage is that the hydraulic jack is located quite low. This makes it possible to work even with low-slung vehicles. Therefore, they are most often used in auto repair shops, where different customers may be present.

    It is rational to use it in places where it constantly works. There is a tire service. Assembling such a lift under the car will take much less time than installing a standing model. It moves on wheels, making the lifting process even easier. This applies in particular to large tire currencies that employ a large number of people as well as a continuous flow of customers.

    The workshop worker no longer has to bend down to cool the lift under the machine or pull it out. All these manipulations are performed using a comfortable and long handle.

    The design stays back because it is mounted on wheels.

    The structure remains returnable because it is built on wheels.

    Of course, there are also disadvantages to such devices. The specificity of working with them is that to increase loads, only flat and equal surfaces should be used. Not in every situation you can find such a surface on the road. They are suitable for use on a flat concrete floor at a gas station or garage, but you cannot transport them in a trunk. This may be why many drivers prefer them over vertical structures that can be easily installed anywhere. Don't forget about the size of this equipment.

    This can only be placed in a sufficiently capacious barrel. A small car has not been created. Lifts of this type are again created mainly for professional automotive workshops and tire assemblies. Only here you can take all the advantages.

    Any person who has decided to purchase a hydraulic aerial lift should definitely consider which construction parameters are important to them. This applies to its design and technical characteristics.

    Tips for use

    Most often, jacks are used for domestic purposes by car enthusiasts. Therefore, as a separate item, you need to consider the question of how to install a rolling jack under the car. The installation rules in this case are no different from classical recommendations. However, some points deserve special attention:

    • Before jacking up the car, it must be put on the handbrake.
    • The car should not stand on an inclined plane while using the jack.
    • The nuts on the wheels should be “torn off” before lifting on the jack. Otherwise, the jerk may cause the machine to jump off the supporting device.

    Also, when working independently, do not forget that a thick cushion (adapter) made of thick rubber should be placed under the lift stop. This will protect the machine body from damage and premature corrosion. It is recommended to place studs, iron shoes or other objects under the wheels of the car.

    Main design parameters

    The main feature of the device is its carrying capacity. Most often it starts with 2 tons, but you can find models that have the ability to handle 750 kg. They are specially designed for small vehicles, namely motorcycles and ATVs. Standards for conventional vehicles are considered to be 3, 5 and 10 ton models.

    For ordinary passenger cars, 2 tons is enough. You can easily store it in the garage and, if necessary, take it on a trip.

    SUV fans should consider models that have a more rugged load capacity. This should start at 3 tons, of course, as long as this value does not exceed the weight of the device itself.

    Not only lifting power is an important feature of such devices. Each model has its own lift range. It usually varies from minimum values ​​of about 100 mm to maximum values, which can reach about 500 mm. You should definitely consider the design of your car. It is worth considering not only the distance from the body to the substrate, but also from the heel of the body.

    The PIN, which is installed in a special slot, significantly reduces the likelihood of dangerous situations when the load is in an elevated position. Please note that security technology applies when operating such hardware. You should always consider. An additional limiter is always required. If there is a special PIN code, there will be no problem in pulling the car away from the elevator, even if the latter is damaged. Keep these recommendations in mind when operating the device.

    How to use?

    Before using the jack, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and take all further actions in strict accordance with them. The recommendations given here have, of course, a very general meaning.

    • We place the car on a flat surface (without obvious slopes) with a hard surface (concrete, asphalt, wooden floor). If there is no covering, then we lay a metal sheet or strong boards.
    • We roll the jack under the car so that the stop rests on a solid part of the structure (stiffening rib, spring bracket, cross member of the power unit).
    • Make sure that the bypass valve on the jack is closed. For this purpose, there is a special groove at the end of the jacking lever. We test the valve for tightness and, if necessary, tighten it until it stops.
    • We insert the lever into the groove of the hydraulic pump, secure it and begin pumping. The working part of the jack rises at an angle, and the jack itself, moving on wheels, takes the optimal position under the load point.
    • Having raised the car to the required height, we place a safety stand (a rolling jack can hold the lifted load for a very long time, but safety comes first) and carry out the necessary work.
    • Having finished the work, having installed all the removed parts in place, we lower the car. You can lower it by opening the bypass valve on the jack. We release the lever, put it on the valve head and unscrew it (¼ turn is enough). The car will lower.

    The rolling jack requires care and maintenance. Every time you work with a jack, you need to inspect it for possible oil leaks, monitor the cleanliness of the rod, and evaluate how the jack reacts to swinging the lever. At the same time, do not forget to periodically check the oil level and add it if necessary. The instructions usually clearly explain how to fill the jack with oil.

    If there are leaks, contamination of the rod, or the jack “does not obey” the lever, then it’s time to replace the rubber seals. Some (not all) jacks are equipped with a repair kit: a set of rubber rings that must be replaced during maintenance. Replacing them takes some work, but nothing too difficult.

    The jack should be stored and transported in a vertical position (in the same position as when we place it under the car). This is necessary to prevent oil from leaking out. In this sense, it is very good when the jack comes with a case. The location of the jack in it is already correct from the very beginning.

    And one last point. Hydraulic jacks are afraid of frost. At temperatures below -10 degrees, the oil noticeably thickens and is difficult to pump.

    Additional points

    The lift lever can be long or short. The choice should always be compatible with the requirements of the individual as well as his needs. This is a very important parameter that determines the ease of working with this device model.

    If someone intends to buy a lift lift of 3.5 tons or more, he should pay attention to the long handle and round handle devices. Only in this way can it be easily raised to a certain height.

    The short handle is recommended for passenger cars. Universal models are available on the market. In these, the length of the handle can be adjusted depending on the type of car you need to pick up. It is best to buy such models so that then there are no problems, when working with the equipment it becomes inconvenient.

    There are a huge number of such lifts on the market. Each model has its own weight. The lightest pieces weigh from 5 kg. The next group starts with a weight of 12 kg. The load capacity and weight of the device are in no way related.

    For example, you need to lift a 3-ton weight to a certain height. This can be done with both a 10 kg device and a 50 kg model. Among the large number of such devices, the best lifts are Western European. It is also possible to purchase household lifts. There are also cheap Chinese models. However, they do not deserve attention because they do not comply with all safety rules and regulations.

    Model rating

    Among rolling jacks for passenger cars with a lifting capacity of no more than 2 tons, the sympathies of buyers are distributed approximately as follows.

    Kraft KT 820000

    This is an old German brand of tools and auxiliary mechanisms. Made in China. It is considered one of the best in the household segment (for rare minor repairs of passenger cars). Pickup height (start of lifting) – 135 mm, lifting height – 320 mm. Price on average from 2000 rubles. Supplied in a plastic case.

    "Zubr 43053-2-K"

    The most common rolling jack made in Russia. Reinforced design. Durable and reliable. Raises a passenger car to a height of 330 mm. This is enough to replace wheels of most diameters. Price – from 2300 rubles.

    "Belavtokomplekt BAK. 00053"

    This brand has been known since Soviet times. Price – from 1600 rubles. Lifting height – 320 mm. The price is tempting, but the quality, according to reviews, is sometimes “lame”.

    Autoprofi DP-20K

    Russian brand, a brand that is rapidly gaining popularity. These jacks are reliable and durable. Lifting height 330 mm. Suitable for most passenger cars. Price – from 2200 rubles.

    Comes with a case.

    Matrix Master 51020

    The brand’s homeland is Germany, but the equipment is made in China. Lifting height 355 mm. Consumers note the convenience, compactness and reliability, ease of working with it. Price – from 2300 rubles. Supplied in a case.

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