Welding with the formation of an electric arc
International Welding Procedure Designations and Welding Terminology
General questions Argon arc welding is welding with the formation of an electric arc in an argon environment. One
Metal drills: which ones are better and by what criteria to choose?
Metal drills are indispensable tools that are used in production and at home for drilling.
Technical characteristics and areas of application of fiberglass reinforcement
Metal reinforcement is considered a reliable option for forming the “skeleton” of monolithic concrete. And today its importance
Aluminum smelting
Physical parameters of aluminum and melting point.
A metal such as aluminum is very common in the world. A considerable amount of it is found in the body
Cold welding for metal
Instructions for choosing and using cold welding for plastic
What is cold welding? This question is asked by many of those who are planning to take advantage of
Types of metal corrosion. Classification of processes. Mechanisms of corrosion.
Corrosion is the process of destruction of metals and metal structures under the influence of various environmental factors.
Elimination of TV-6. Lessons for the future The Supreme Arbitration Court has created an important precedent in the judicial and political practice of Russia
— What happened to TV-6? - It drowned! REPORT FROM THE SWITCH Svetlana Sorokina: Us
Depending on the ratio of oxygen and acetylene in the combustible mixture, the welding flame can be normal, oxidizing or carburizing
How much oxygen is consumed during welding? Oxygen allows you to bring the flame temperature to the desired temperature during
Iron: chemical properties and melting point
Metals melt, as a rule, at a very high temperature, which can reach more than 3 thousand.
What types of sheet metal processing are there?
Custom metalworking services Modern metalworking of parts is a popular and actively developing industry. Thanks to
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