Float for pump - connection diagram in 2 simple steps

Almost every pump is equipped with special devices that monitor correct operation and prevent malfunctions. One of the popular and effective means of control is a float switch. The main feature of the product is its functionality and practicality. It can work not as an actuator, but also as a water level sensor, and can be placed in any container. With such a product, the pump will always be protected from “dry running”, which will prevent rapid wear and tear. Additionally, if a person is filling a large tank, the switch is able to monitor the water level and prevent overflow. The equipment is sold in two versions: heavy and light. The first is recommended for installation in drainage or rainwater drains, and the second is suitable for standard work with clean water.

Photo: https://ksao.ru

Energy TSY-5

Photo: https://beru.ru

A high-quality option that is designed for automatic control of the water level in various containers. The model will also help to monitor the correct operation of the pumping device and turn it off if there is no liquid. The design is practically no different from the standard options. Maximum current – ​​16 A. Protection class – IP68. The approximate service life with proper use is 10 years.

Float switch TSY-5 cord 2 meters Energy


  • convenience
  • doesn't take up much space
  • efficiency
  • durability
  • no dirt accumulates


  • wire length 2 meters

Functioning of float switches in various systems

The scope of application of the device in question is extremely wide. It is effectively used in standard water supply systems, where it quickly controls the emptying/filling of the storage tank, prevents equipment from idling, thereby extending its service life.

Functioning of a float switch in water supply complexes

The device, placed in the tank, floats to the surface when the tank is filled with water to the permissible (set) limit, and at the same time turns off the working pump, thus preventing the liquid from overflowing. If the liquid level drops, the float drops again to the required level, at which the pump is turned on to fill the container with water. In both cases, having reached the upper or lower limits, the float signals this to the automatic water supply station. Depending on its device, this fact can be recorded in the memory of the operator panel or the signal will go directly to the central dispatch console.

The filling/emptying process itself looks something like this: when a certain mark is reached and the corresponding signal is sent from the float device, an automated servo drive is activated, which opens (for filling) or closes (for overflowing) the valve or gate valve responsible for supplying liquid.

Contact with sewer and drainage

For fecal, drainage and sewage pumps, only the heavy type of float switches must be used. This is necessary because liquids of higher density pass through these pumps than running water. In general, the same principle of operation of the device is observed as for water supply systems, with the exception that one switch can be connected to two pumps. With such a scheme, the pumps will work in turn, or they will each perform their own function - one will pump out the accumulated liquid when filling the tank, and the second will supply liquid to the tank from an external system.

However, today Rosvodokanal specialists try not to use this scheme and prefer to use its own float switch for each pump. This is due to the fact that sometimes there may be differences in the volume and rate of entry/emptying of the tank, which leads to a distortion of the correct operation of the device.


​Photo: https://beru.ru

A universal device that can be installed for any purpose. The device has a durable plastic case and a long cable. The maximum load is 4 kW, while the rated current is 4 A. The tightness is at the highest level, so neither dust particles nor water will penetrate inside the product, which ensures high durability and trouble-free operation.

Float switch WWQ FS


  • low cost
  • durability
  • robust housing
  • easy installation


  • not detected


​Photo: https://beru.ru

An excellent model that monitors the liquid level and allows you to turn off the pumping equipment in a timely manner. The weight of the structure is 100 grams, while the cable length is 3 meters, which is suitable for small tanks. Made from durable plastic that can withstand small mechanical loads. The outer part is completely smooth, which eliminates the possibility of accumulation of solid elements. The weights are included and are installed in the standard way: using a special clamp. The dimensions of the device allow it to be placed in any container. The insulation is of high quality, no cracks were detected.

Float switch 3 m KITLINE 11000


  • good strength
  • excellent cable length
  • smooth surface
  • easy to clean
  • excellent insulation


  • not detected

Design features of the device

The product is housed in a plastic case that is protected from water penetration. There is a lever and an electrical switch inside. Some designs are equipped with a steel ball. The main task of this element is to monitor and change position when the position of the device itself changes. The last element is a cable, which consists of three wires, where one is common (black), and the rest are connected to the contacts.

When the device is placed at the bottom of a container or reservoir, the connection is made through the black and blue wires. If the device is located at the top point, then the contacts will close brown and black. It is important to remember that all wires must have high-quality insulation; no cracks are allowed.

It is necessary to ensure that the supply cable has high moisture-proof properties; this is often indicated in the technical data sheet of the device. Tight sealing is achieved using a mechanical seal. The product is also equipped with a special element that prevents the occurrence of mechanical stress. To get rid of leaks, manufacturers add polymer resin; this does not make the sensor more expensive, but its safety increases significantly.

Cables made of thermoplastic rubber are able to withstand chemical and temperature exposure. For example, the device will function properly even in cases where it interacts with:

  • Alcohol;
  • Gasoline;
  • Organic acid;
  • Feces.

Due to the fact that the product does not have pores, no elements interfere with performance. Sand or paper does not remain on the surface, which has a positive effect on the buoyancy of the device.

The main characteristics of the float switch include the following parameters:

  • Current limit value;
  • Rated mains voltage;
  • Resistive load, these include starters, heating elements, light bulbs, etc. devices;
  • Reactive load. This takes into account the operation of the pump and compressor;
  • Minimum and maximum temperature values;
  • Protection class.


​Photo: https://beru.ru

A high-quality product from a German manufacturer that can function for ten years without requiring complex maintenance. Supplied in a plastic case that is well sealed and does not allow water and dust to pass through. The maximum operating temperature is 60 degrees. Thanks to the high-quality material, the product can be used even when pumping gasoline, without the outer layer being destroyed.

Watts Level float switch IGD 5m (set)


  • robust housing
  • durability
  • ease of use
  • efficiency


  • not detected

Repair and service

The float switch itself is a fairly simple and convenient device in design. It functions efficiently and efficiently even in aggressive environments and is not afraid of heavy loads. If you follow the operating rules that the manufacturer describes in the instructions for the device, even after exhausting the entire declared operational life, the device can continue to function successfully for a long time.

It is worth noting that if the module is used exclusively in drainage or water supply systems, then it does not even require preventive maintenance, because water is not considered an aggressive environment and has the most minimal negative impact on the device. Regular maintenance is required for modules operating in aggressive environments where the pumped liquids are full of foreign solids, such as in drainage or sewage systems.

Plumbing experts recommend hosing down the fixture at least once every thirty days to prevent the fixture itself from sticking to the pressure pipes or pump walls during everyday work. If you regularly rinse the device with clean water, it will remain operational much longer than the manufacturer claims.

The most common device breakdowns include the following cases:

  • Burnout of contacts in the electrical cable;
  • Violation of the insulating layer;
  • Damage to the sealed housing;
  • Water penetration into the housing.

In all the cases described above, damaged structural elements will have to be replaced with new ones, since they cannot be repaired. If the electronic filling itself is faulty, it should also be replaced as soon as possible - it will also not be repairable. At the same time, you should not buy the first float switch you come across (even if its price is very attractive), but it is better to contact either the manufacturer or an official dealer for a similar model. At the same time, downtime of the pumps will be much cheaper than working with an unsuitable but cheap module.

Marco AS2

​Photo: https://beru.ru

A good product made in Italy, which has a high service life and reliability. The main advantage of the device is the ability to control a small water level (from 20 to 50 mm). This is not found in every design, which makes the product unique. The body is smooth and has no irregularities, which allows it to be used in any system. The outer part is made of impact-resistant plastic, which is also a good solution. Operating current – ​​10 A.

Float switch Marco AS2


  • efficiency
  • durability
  • stylish appearance
  • wide range of applications


  • not detected

Control circuit (shutdown) of the pump for filling water by level

If you take a quick glance at our entire article, you will notice that I simply did not provide the second diagram in the article, except for the one above.

In fact, this is a self-evident fact, because what essentially distinguishes the pumping circuit from the pumping circuit, except that the reed switches are located oppositely. That is, if you rearrange the reed switches, or reconnect the contacts to them, then one circuit will turn into another.

Let me summarize that in order to convert the above diagram into a water pumping scheme, swap the reed switches. As a result, the pump will be turned on from the lower sensor - reed switch SV1, and turned off at the upper level from reed switch SV2.

Wilo WA 65

​Photo: https://beru.ru

A quality product with a 5 meter cable that is suitable for installation in a variety of tanks. The insulation is performed at a high level, which prevents accidental breakage and depressurization. The body is made of durable material that can function at 55-60 degrees. The kit includes a special weight.

Float switch WILO WA 65 (PSN-O) 5m


  • length of cable
  • universal application
  • convenience
  • easy to clean
  • efficiency


  • not detected

Grundfos GIFAS-FS-E

​Photo: https://beru.ru

An expensive and high-quality device that is suitable for sewer and water supply systems. The device is capable of operating simultaneously with two pumps. The case is made of durable material that can withstand temperature changes. Operating voltage is standard.

Float switch Grundfos GIFAS-FS-E (for filling) - cable length 3 m. with plug


  • strength
  • length of cable
  • versatility
  • easy to operate


  • not detected

Advantages of the equipment

One of the main advantages of this device is the ability to function as a standard water level sensor. The product performs this function regardless of its main purpose. Thanks to this solution, it is easier for a person to use an electric pump, in addition, the product simplifies the control of some water supply systems.

The second feature of the device is the ability to function as part of the main equipment when constructing sewer systems. Due to its simple design and high efficiency, the product is in high demand in areas where it is necessary to constantly monitor the liquid level. This not only prevents the electric pump from running dry, but also prevents the water level from rising.

Pedrollo T80/10

​Photo: https://beru.ru

A high-quality float switch that can function for a long period without deteriorating or becoming clogged. The design is standard, the product is a “frog float”. Electric switch. The body is connected to the sinker using a contact cable.

Float switch Pedrollo T80/10 (with PVC cable 10 m long)


  • durability
  • easy maintenance
  • convenient weight
  • versatility


  • not detected

Video description

Automatic float switch.
The connection method depends on the pump power. If this characteristic does not exceed 1.2 kilowatts, then a wire connection is used. For more powerful equipment, it is necessary to use special relays or similar switching devices for this purpose.

Pump with float Source nasosovnet.ru

Wilo MS 1

​Photo: https://beru.ru

An expensive product intended for professional use where precision is important. The body is made of polypropylene, which has good wear resistance and durability. The outer part is completely smooth, eliminating the chance of contamination. The insulating element is made of high quality.

Float switch WILO MS 1


  • efficiency
  • high service life
  • high quality insulation
  • cable length - 10 meters
  • universal design


  • not detected

GILEKS 9008 1 m

​Photo: https://beru.ru

Float switch - universal Gilex 9008 is used to adjust the operation of the pump, connect and disconnect the power line contacts. The switch allows you to control the water level in the water supply system. Using the device, you can prevent dry running in the absence of water necessary for stable operation of the pump, as well as to turn on the device when the required amount is present.

Float switch GILEKS 9008 1 m


  • efficiency
  • nice price
  • versatility


  • not detected

The float switch is one of the main elements, so special attention must be paid to its selection. Because the correct operation of pumping equipment depends on the quality of this product. Happy shopping!

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