GOST 23518-79 Arc welding in shielding gases. Welded connections at acute and obtuse angles. Main types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 23518-79 Arc welding in shielding gases. Welded connections at acute and obtuse angles

GOST 23518 - 79


Moscow Standardinform 2011


ARC WELDING IN PROTECTIVE GASES. WELDED JOINTS AT ACUTE AND OBTUDE ANGLES Main types, structural elements and dimensions Cas - shielded arc welding. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions GOST 23518 - 79

Reissue. February 2011

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 03/11/79 No. 870, the introduction date was set to 01/01/80 . The validity period was removed according to Protocol No. 4 - 93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4 - 94) 1. This standard establishes the main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints made of steels, as well as alloys on iron-nickel and nickel bases, performed by arc welding in shielding gases. 2. The following designations for welding methods are accepted: IN - in inert gases with a non-consumable electrode without filler metal; INp - in inert gases with a non-consumable electrode with filler metal; IP - in inert gases and their mixtures with carbon dioxide and oxygen with a consumable electrode; UP - in carbon dioxide and its mixture with oxygen with a consumable electrode. 3. The main types of welded joints must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1. 4. Structural elements of welded joints, their dimensions and maximum deviations for them must correspond to those indicated in table. 2 - 20.

Table 1

Connection type Shape of prepared edges The nature of the seam made Cross-sectional shape of prepared edges and completed seam Thickness of welded parts, mm, for welding methods Connection angle of parts b, degrees Connection symbol
Angular No beveled edges Single-sided with removable or steel remaining lining 0,5 — 3,0 0,8 — 3,0 0,8 — 4,0 0,8 — 8,0 179 — 91 U2
Unilateral 0,5 — 4,0 0,8 — 6,0 0,8 — 6,0 0,8 — 6,0 179 — 91; 89 — 5 U1
6,0 — 30,0 6,0 — 30,0 135 — 91; 89 — 5
Bilateral 3 — 6 3 — 6 3 — 6 3 — 12 179 — 136 U3
3 — 10 3 — 30 3 — 30 135 — 91; 89 — 45
3 — 60 135 — 91
With one edge beveled Unilateral 3 — 10 3 — 10 5 — 40 179 — 136; 89 — 46 U4
Single-sided with removable or remaining lining 3 — 10 3 — 10 5 — 40 179 — 136 U7
Bilateral 3 — 10 3 — 10 5 — 40 179 — 136; 89 — 46 U5
With two bevels on one edge Bilateral 6 — 20 6 — 20 6 — 100 179 — 165; 80 — 75 U6
With two bevels on one edge and one bevel on the second edge 6 — 20 6 — 20 6 — 120 179 — 36 U8
With two beveled edges Unilateral 3 — 10 3 — 10 3 — 20 179 — 122 89 — 61 U9
3 — 20 3 — 60 179 — 142; 89 — 71
Bilateral 3 — 10 3 — 20 3 — 10 3 — 20 179 — 122 89 — 61 U10
3 — 60 179 — 142; 89 — 71
Tavrovoe No beveled edges Unilateral 0,8 — 10,0 0,8 — 40,0 0,8 — 40,0 91 — 175 T1
Bilateral 0,8 — 10,0 0,8 — 40,0 0,8 — 40,0 91 — 135; 89 — 45 T2
With one edge beveled Unilateral 0,8 — 10,0 0,8 — 40,0 0,8 — 40,0 89 — 45; 91 — 135 T5
Bilateral 0,8 — 10,0 0,8 — 40,0 0,8 — 40,0 89 — 46; 91 — 135 T6
Unilateral 4,0 — 10,0 4,0 — 10,0 4,0 — 40,0 91 — 134 T3
Bilateral 4,0 — 10,0 4,0 — 10,0 4,0 — 40,0 91 — 134 T4
With two bevels on one edge Bilateral 6 — 20 6 — 60 6 — 20 91 — 100; 89 — 80 T7
With two asymmetrical bevels on one edge 12 — 100 12 — 100 101 — 110; 79 — 70 T8
With two curved bevels on one edge 18 — 100 18 — 100 91 — 105; 89 — 75 T9

Table 2 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more b g h, no less
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
179 — 160 159 — 136 135 — 91
U2 IN From 0.5 to 3.0 S+5 S+6 0 +0,5 0 ±0,5 S
INp From 0.8 to 1.0 S+6 0,5
St. 1.0 to 2.0 +1,0
St. 2.0 to 3.0 1 ±1,0 1,0
IP From 0.8 to 1.0 S+6 0 0,5
St. 1.0 to 2.0 +1,5 1,0
St. 2.0 to 4.0 1 +1,0 1,5 3
UP From 0.8 to 1.0 1,0
St. 1.0 to 3.0
St. 3.0 to 4.0 1,5
St. 4.0 to 6.0 2 ±1,0 2,0 ±1,0
St. 6.0 to 8.0

Table 3 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e, no more b g
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg
179 — 160 159 — 136 135 — 81 89 — 61 60 — 46 45 — 5 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
U1 IN From 0.5 to 1.0 S+5 S+6 S+6 S+4 1.75S+b 2S+b 0 +0,5 0,5 +0,5
St. 1.0 to 2.0 +1,0 1,5
St. 2.0 to 4.0 +1,5
INP IP UP From 0.8 to 2.0 S+5 +0,5 1,0
St. 2.0 to 4.0 1,5
St. 4.0 to 6.0 +1,0
UP IP St. 6.0 to 30.0 2 +2,0 — 1,0 2,0 +1,0 — 2,0

Table 4 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more e1 b g
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
179 — 160 159 — 136 135 — 91 89 — 61 60 — 45 179 — 91 89 — 45
U3 IN From 3 to 4 S+5 S+6 No more than 8 3 (informative) 0 +0,5 0 +0,5
St. 4 to 6 +1,0
INP IP From 3 to 4 S+8 S+b 1.75S+b 1 ±1,0
St. 4 to 6
St. 6 to 10 2 +2,0 — 1,0
IP St. 10 to 30
UP From 3 to 4 S+5 S+5 (S?4)+b
St. 4 to 6 S+7
St. 6 to 12 S+8 2
St. 12 to 14 S+10
St. 14 to 18
St. 18 to 30
St. 30 to 60 S+12 No more than 10

Table 5 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e, no more a1, deg b=c g a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
179 — 136 89 — 46 St. 90 Up to 90
U4 INP IP From 3 to 6 1.4S+4 1.5S+4 a - (180 - b) a - (90 - b) 1 ±1,0 1 ±1,0 50
St. 6 to 10 1.4S+4
UP From 5 to 8 1.1S+4 2 45
St. 8 to 10 S+3
St. 10 to 30 S+3 0.9S+4 2 +1,0 — 2,0
St. 30 to 40

Table 6 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more a1, deg b c g a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
179 — 136
U7 INP IP From 3 to 6 1.4S+4 a - (180 - b) 0 +3 1,0 +1,0 1 +0.5 — 1,0 50
St. 6 to 10 1.4S+6 1,5 ±1,0
UP From 5 to 8 1.1S+4 2 ±1 0 +3,0 45
St. 8 to 10 S+3
St. 10 to 30 3 ±2 2 +1,0 — 2,0
St. 30 to 40 4

Table 7 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more e1 a1, deg With g = g1 a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
Prepared edges of parts to be welded weld b, deg
179 — 136 89 — 46 St. 90 Up to 90 St. 90 Up to 90 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
U5 INP IP From 3 to 6 1.4S+4 1.5S+4 No more than 6 3 (informative) a - (180 - b) a - (90 - b) 1,0 +1,0 1,0 +0,5 — 1,0 50
St. 6 to 10 1.4S+6 No more than 8 1,5 ±1,0
UP From 5 to 8 1.1S+4 2,0 +1,0 — 2,0 45
St. 8 to 10 S+3
St. 10 to 30 S+3 0.9S+4 2,0 +1,0 — 2,0
St. 30 to 40

Table 8 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S h e = e1 e e1 a1 a2 a1 a2 b g = g1 g a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°) With
no more hail
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off St. 90 up to 90 Nom. Prev. off
179 — 175 89 — 85 174 — 170 84 — 80 169 — 165 79 — 75 174 — 170 84 — 80 169 — 165 79 — 75 St. 90 up to 90 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
U6 INP IP From 6 to 20 S+2 0.8S+1 0.8S+5 0.7S+5 0.9S+10 1.2S+8 a - (180 - b) a+(180 - b) a - (90 - b) a+(90 - b) 1 ±1 1 ±1 1 ±1 50 1 ±1
UP From 6 to 20 0.8S 2 +1 — 2 45
St.20 to 30 0.7S 2 +1 — 2 2 +1 — 2
From 30 to 70 0.6S
St. 70 to 100 0.5S

Table 9 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S h = h1 e = e1 no more a1, deg a2 = a3, deg b g = g1 c a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nomin Prev. off Nomin Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
179 — 136
U8 INP IP From 6 to 20 0.8S+3 1 ±1 1 ±1 1 ±1 60
UP From 6 to 20 2 +1 — 2 45
St. 20 to 40 2 +1 — 2
From 40 to 80 0.7S+2 2 +1 — 2
St. 80 to 120 0.6S+4

Table 10 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more a1 = a2 b c g a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
b, deg
prepared edges of welded parts weld 179 — 142 141 — 122 89 — 71 70 — 61 St. 90 Up to 90 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
U9 INP IP From 3 to 10 0.8S+3 S+5 1 ±1 1 ±1 1 ±1 30
St. 10 to 20
UP From 3 to 8 0.8S+3 0.8S+3 20
St. 8 to 22 2 +1 — 2 2 +1 — 2
St. 22 to 60 0.7S+2 2 +1 — 2

Table 11 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more a1 = a2 e1, (limit deviation ±2°) b c g a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
b, deg
prepared edges of welded parts weld 179 — 142 141 — 142 89 — 71 70 — 61 St. 90 Up to 90 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
U10 INP IP From 3 to 10 0.8S+3 S+5 6 1 ±1 1 ±1 1 ±1 30
St. 10 to 20 8
UP From 3 to 8 0.8S+3 0.8S+3 6 20
St. 8 to 22 8 2 +1 — 2 2 +1 — 2
St. 22 to 60 0.7S+2 10 2 +1 2

Table 12 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more g, no less b
b, deg
prepared edges of welded parts weld 91 — 100 101 — 110 111 — 120 121 — 135 136 — 175 175 — 136 135 — 91 Nom. Prev. off
T1 INP IP UP From 0.8 to 2.5 4 5 l.5±1.0 3 0 +1,0
See 2.5 to 4.5 7
St. 4.5 to 6.0 5 8
St. 6.0 to 10.0 6 0.4S+5 0.6S+5 0.9S+5 1.1S+5
IP UP St. 10.0 to 16.0 8 +1,5
St. 16.0 to 20.0 9 5
St. 20.0 to 4i0.0 0.5S 0.3S

Table 13 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e, no more e1, no less b g
b, deg
prepared edges of welded parts weld 90 — 100 89 — 80 101 — 110 79 — 70 111 — 120 69 — 60 121 — 134 59 — 46 135 45 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
T2 INP IP UP From 0.8 to 2.5 4 0.4S+5 0.6S+5 0.9S+5 1.1S+5 4 0 +0,5 3 ±2
St. 2.5 to 6.0 5 5 +1,0 4
St. 6.0 to 10.0
IP UP St. 10.0 to 16.0 6 6 +2,0 5
St. 16.0. up to 20.0 8 8 6
St. 20.0 to 24.0 0.5S 10 7
St. 24.0 to 30.0. 8
St. 30.0 to 40.0 9

Table 14

Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e = g a1, deg b
Nom. prev off
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off
89 — 45 91 — 135 89 — 45 91 — 135 St. 90 Up to 90
T5 INP IP UP From 0.8 to 2.5 2 3 +1 b - 90 90 - b 0 +0,5
St. 2.5 to 4.0 3 4 +2 +1,0
St. 4.0 to 6.0 4 6 +2 — 1
St. 6.0 to 10.0 5 7
IP UP St. 10.0 to 15.0 6 8 ±2 +1,5
St. 15.0 to 21.0. 7 9 +2,0
St. 21.0 to 30.0 8 10
St. 30.0 to 40.0 9 12

Table 15 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e = g a1, deg. b
Nom. Prev. off
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off
89 — 45 91 — 135 89 — 45 91 — 135 St. 90 Up to 90
T6 INP IP UP From 0.8 to 2.5 2 3 +1 b - 90 90 - b 0 +0,5
St. 2.5 to 4.0 3 4 +2 +1,0
St. 4.0 to 6.0 4 5 +2 — 1
St. 6.0 to 10.0 5 6 +1,5
IP UP St. 10.0 to 15.0 6 7
St. 15.0 to 21.0 7 9 +2 +2,0
St. 21.0 to 30.0 8 10
St. 30.0 to 40.0 12 15

Table 16 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more b c g a1, deg a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
91 — 134
T3 INP IP From 4 to 6 1.4S+2 0 +1 1,5 +1,0 0.15S - 0.5S a - (b - 90) 55
St. 6 to 10 1.3S+5 +2
UP From 4 to 6 1.4S+4 45
St. 6 to 10 1.3S+2 2,0 +1,0 — 2,0
St. 10 to 14
St. 14 to 18
St. 18 to 22
St. 22 to 40 1.2S+2

Table 17 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S yeah, no more a1, deg e1 b g c a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
91 — 134
T4 INP IP From 4 to 6 1.4S+2 a - (b - 90) 3 (informative) 1 +1 0.15S - 0.5S 1,5 +1,0 55
St. 6 to 10 1.3S+5
UP From 4 to 6 1.4S+2 3 +2 — 1 45
St. 6 to 10 1.3S+2 2,0 +1,0 — 1,0
St. 10 to 14
St. 14 to 18
St. 18 to 22
St. 22 to 40 1.2S+2

Table 18 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Assembly method S h e = e1 e e1 a1 a2 a1 a2 b g = g1 a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
No more hail
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg Nom. Prev. off
91 — 95 89 — 85 96 — 100 84 — 80 96 — 100 84 — 80 St. 90 Up to 90
T7 INP IP From 6 to 8 0.7S+2 0.7S+4 S+6 a - (b - 90) a + (b - 90) a - (90 - b) a + (90 - b) 3 +2 — 1 0.08S - 0.25S 55
St. 8 to 12 0.7S+4
St. 12 to 20
UP From 6 to 8 0.8S+4 0.8S+6 S+8 45
St. 8 to 12
St. 12 to 18 0.7S+2 0.7S+5 S+4
St. 18 to 24
St. 24 to 30 0.6S+3
St. 30 to 48
St. 48 to 60 0.6S

Table 19 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S h e e1 a1 a2 a1 a2 b g = g1 a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
no more hail
prepared edges of welded parts weld b, deg
101 — 105 79 — 75 106 — 110 74 — 70 101 — 105 79 — 75 106 — 110 74 — 70 St. 90 Up to 90 Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
T8 IP UP From 12 to 22 0.8S+5 0.6S+6 S+8 1.2S+5 a - (b - 90) a + (b - 90) a - (90 - b) a + (90 - b) 2 ±2 4 ±2 45
St. 22 to 34 1.3S+6 6
St. 34 to 46 8
St. 46 to 58 10
St. 58 to 76 12
St. 76 to 100 14

Table 20 Dimensions, mm

Connection designation Structural elements Welding method S e = e1 (limit deviation ±2) a1 a2 a1 a2 b g = g1 a, deg, (limit deviation ±2°)
prepared edges of welded parts weld hail
b, deg Nom. Prev. off Nom. Prev. off
91 — 105 89 — 75 St. 90 Up to 90
T9 IP UP From 18 to 40 0.7S (20 ± 2) - (b - 90) (20 ± 2) + (b - 90) (20 ± 2) - (90 - b) (20 ± 2) + (90 - b) 0 +1 6 2 45
Over 40 to 50 0.6S 7
St. 50 to 100 8

5. For welded joints U7, U5, U6, U8, T7, T8, T9, performed by welding in carbon dioxide, a bluntness of C = 5 ± 2 mm is allowed. 6. Welding parts of unequal thickness if the difference in thickness does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in the table. 21, should be made in the same way as for parts of the same thickness; the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected according to their greater thickness.

Table 21 mm

Thickness of thin part Part thickness difference
2 — 3 1
4 — 30 2
32 — 40 4
Over 40 6

If the difference in the thickness of the parts being welded exceeds the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 21 on a part with a large thickness S1, a bevel should be made on one or both sides to the thickness of the thin part at an angle of 15°, as indicated in Fig. 1 and 2.

Crap. 1

Crap. 2

7. The dimensions of the seams made in the overlap area for closed connections, as well as in places corrected by welding, may differ from those established by this standard. In this case, they must comply with regulatory and technical documentation. 8. With a variable mating angle b of the parts, the seam is divided into sections. Each section of mating elements is made in accordance with the requirements of this standard. 9. When welding in carbon dioxide with wire with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.4 mm, it is allowed to use the main types of welded joints and their structural elements in accordance with GOST 11534 - 75.

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