Consumption of Drills for Concrete per 100 Holes - quickly and easily

Drilling recommendations

Mid-priced pobedite drills provide fairly accurate drilling, but have a limited service life

Among concrete drills from domestic manufacturers and companies from the CIS countries and China, we should highlight products manufactured under the following brands:

Particularly noteworthy is the tool from Bosch, which is distinguished by its four-spiral design, which allows it to easily remove processing waste from the hole being formed.

In the list of foreign companies that offer consumers high-quality concrete drills, the following manufacturers should be highlighted:

. material " drill"

“, that is, I need to take, in addition to the price, the material from the price tag -

diamond annular
drill » The drill
is not taken into account in the price; its
must be taken according to the design data.
Yes, diamond core drills
are not very cheap.

. drilling holes in steel profile pipes, since there are more than 2000 of them (holes). Drilling in the workshop with a hand drill. And will this price include expenses?

on materials (
). Holes with a diameter of up to 10 mm. Thank you.

. annular diamond drills

according to NPRM 46. Moreover, in reinforced concrete you can get to the reinforcement.
If the reinforced concrete reinforcement is thick (FER46-03-002-19), then drill
consumption are taken into account in the prices. Look.

Author: MMR. of drills separately to the price of Fer46-03-014-03?

, Boers?
Because are they not included in the price or are they included in the invoice size? expenses

. take in addition to the price, the material from the price tag - drill

diamond ring?
The cost is simply high for my diameter " Consumption
of diamond annular
drills consumption
(NPRM) Collection 46 "Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures."



Category : Planning, analysis and organization of production
Replies: 5

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Roman Russian Federation, Vologda
Wrote 5 messages Write a private message Reputation:
If anyone knows how to calculate the cost norms for tools per part, please tell me. They began to do it based on factual data... how many arrived at the tool warehouse/number of parts. For the same period.
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Lydia Russian Federation

Wrote 98 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#2[4827] September 15, 2009, 16:44
I join those interested in this issue. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Divlinka [email hidden] Russian Federation

Wrote 85 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#3[4832] September 16, 2009, 7:48
A year ago, our boss also got excited about this idea. A lot of work has been done, but I can’t boast about the results; I can only share my conclusions - if you have a small range of manufactured products (ours is about 500), then this can be done, but over a fairly long period of time. Tools are given for work with color markings, saying this cutter is only for this bushing and everything else. When the cutter has become unusable, we count how many bushings were made during this period, and so we get the cost norms. It didn’t work out for us because of the large range, so we took 1 piece of the most consumable tools, stupidly calculated wear hours on the machine through constant work, then from the technological map of each product we took the standard hours for each operation using these tools and so thus determined the approximate cost rate. The main disadvantage of this method is that we do not have standards for an expensive and rarely used instrument. Maybe I explained it a little chaotically, if anything is unclear, ask. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Lydia Russian Federation

Wrote 98 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#4[4835] September 16, 2009, 12:42
If I understood you correctly, Divlinka, then did you calculate the consumption of the most used tools for the entire range in this way? (500 units) I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Divlinka [email hidden] Russian Federation

Wrote 85 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#5[4837] September 16, 2009, 15:05
No, it didn’t work out for everyone, I wrote that the results of the work done did not satisfy us. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because:

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Roman Russian Federation, Vologda

Wrote 5 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#6[4997] September 29, 2009, 11:06
The path we took also doesn’t work out, or rather is far from reality. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because:

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What tool is needed to do the work?

So, we have figured out the factors influencing the resource, now let's figure out how many drills we will need to make 10,000 holes in 20 mm thick granite.

Not all granites are drilled the same way; they may differ in hardness, abrasiveness and viscosity, therefore the life of a diamond drill may differ for different granites.

Micro-impacts also affect the life of the drill - when the drill just enters the surface of the material. Therefore, use template suction cups while working. If such a template is not at hand, you can make it from improvised materials. For example, you can use the same material for a template, having previously drilled a hole in it, and you can secure such a template using clamps, placing a piece of wood between the jaws so as not to damage the polished surface of the granite.

For the operation of sintered diamond drills, an abundant supply of water is required; if there is no water or there is not enough water, the cutting part of the drill begins to overheat and, as a result, collapse. Often they bring us drills, which on average should go through about 80-100 holes, and they say that the drill went through only 10 holes, and in 90% of cases, it turns out that they drilled without water.


A drill for concrete, according to the materials used for manufacturing, consists of:

The main purpose of a cutting tool in domestic conditions is to create holes with a diameter of up to 6 mm and a depth of up to 100 mm in a concrete or brick structure. The latter material is inferior in strength to concrete, and is also more fragile. Therefore it is easier to process.

Another feature is the frequency of impacts. A hammer drill applies an order of magnitude less force, but an order of magnitude stronger. The noise from the sound of a drill can be roughly compared to the loud itching of a mosquito. Another feature is that the younger brother operates at high speeds, which contributes to the rapid failure of the drill and the tool itself.

GOST 22735-77, developed in Soviet times, regulates the size of hard-tipped drills in the range:

Correct development of laminate flooring installation.

Drills (drills) for hammer drills

As for the properties of drills, crowns and prices: cheap manufacturing companies - “Stayer”, “Fit”, “Anchor”. The price of such drills and crowns is quite low. For example, 6-8mm (the most commonly used) costs about 35-50 rubles. A crown for a socket costs about 300-350 rubles. Expensive branded drills, for example, “Bosch”, cost a couple of times more. And their service life is noticeably longer. Cheap options are completely suitable for the home because they are used occasionally.

Necessary information about drilling tiles.

Kornka for brick, concrete, tile

Crowns for concrete and brick

Areas of use

Holes in concrete are made for utilities, ventilation, installation of gas supply risers, heating, etc.

Diamond tools are used when drilling holes in concrete for:

  • laying utility lines;
  • installation of anchors;
  • installation of heating risers, sewerage, gas pipelines, water supply;
  • waste chute devices;
  • ventilation arrangement;
  • installation of air conditioners;
  • installation of railings on landings and flights;
  • drilling test cores into structures;
  • making niches in concrete and brick walls.


It is worth noting that the price of a Pobedit drill depends not only on the specified parameters, but also on the manufacturer. Our website presents a wide range of necessary equipment. You can buy equipment from trusted brands such as Bosch, Dewalt, Metabo, Makita, STAYER, etc.

Purchasing sets of drills allows you to save time searching for bits of the required diameter. The set can include from 3 to 220 items. For simple household work, a small set of 5-6 tools is quite suitable. A larger number of them is needed by professional builders - for any occasion.

Drilling hard materials such as concrete, brick, granite with a drill requires the use of special equipment, namely concrete drills. They are particularly durable and wear-resistant, as well as small in size. Using them, you can quickly get a neat hole.

Drilling tools

The main tools for diamond drilling (drilling) of brick and concrete are electric and hydraulic drilling (boring) rigs, rotary hammers, impact and conventional drills. Drilling and drilling is done with drills and drill bits.

For drilling (drilling) special drives are used. They are a machine with an electric motor. There are also manual versions of drilling machines. All of them support the optimal rotation speed and feed of the drill or bit. To maintain the accuracy of the drill angle, the drives are equipped with a support flange. Guide rods are attached to it. The mechanism moves along the rods at a given angle to the surface. If you are a builder and are looking for a gift for your woman, look here.

The water that cools the diamond tool is supplied to the working area and removed from it through special devices. It also removes the cuttings generated during the drilling process from the hole.

Drill device.

Electric drilling machines are produced by industry in several types. Pistol-type devices are used for drilling holes with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Externally, they do not differ from a drill. Machines with a handle are designed for drilling blind and through holes with a diameter of up to 15 mm. For drilling holes of larger diameter, machines with two handles are used.

An electric magnetic drill, unlike a drill, is equipped with two motors. The first carries out more than 3 thousand blows per minute. The second motor rotates the drill. The rotation speed of the diamond drill is adjusted by the operator. Working with the installation is not simple; it is better to entrust it to specialists.

There are kits for diamond drilling and drilling. For example, TYROLIT DRS 160. With its help, holes with a diameter of 30 to 160 mm are drilled. Quality control of diamond drilling is carried out by indicators on the control panel. The engine power of the installation that rotates the drill is 2.2 kW.

The TYROLIT DRU 250 system is characterized by high performance and reliability. The tool installed in it can have a working part diameter from 40 to 250 mm. Engine power – 2.4 kW.

Easy, clean and accurate drilling of holes with a diameter from 102 to 500 mm is ensured by the professional TYROLIT DRA 500.

The electromagnetic drill is equipped with two motors, the first drills, the second rotates the drill.

Special drills for diamond drilling (electric drills) have three-stage speed control. This system of changing the rotation speed is more reliable than an electronic one. The recommended drilling diameters for each stage of the speed switch are indicated on the body of the electric motor.

When drilling holes of large diameters, a special bed is used. A motor with a chuck in which the drill is installed is attached to it. The bed allows you to drill holes at an angle of up to 45 degrees to the wall.

To securely fasten the frame to the surface of the floor or wall, use a 16M12 anchor dowel or a spacer fastening device. The method of its use is extremely simple and intuitive.

Some beds have a special vacuum mounting plate for fixing it to the surface being processed. The plate is equipped with a fitting for connecting to a vacuum pump. There is a vacuum release valve. Fixing the bed with a vacuum plate requires a smooth and level surface.

After assembling and installing diamond drilling equipment, you need to carefully check all its parts for the absence of the slightest play. If detected, you should:

  • tighten the dowel fastening;
  • adjust the carriage and guides;
  • tighten the drill on the spindle;
  • Spindle play requires preventative maintenance with an electric motor.
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